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五篇关于英语毕业演讲稿500词 ‎ ‎  篇一 ‎  Thank you. Thank you.‎ ‎  Good morning! Good morning, Class of 2020! You look fabulous!‎ ‎  Though many of you may…maybe you feel a little bit tired?‎ ‎  Last night, some of you were out to dinner with family. Some of you were up late packing. And some of you went out with classmates and friends.‎ ‎  And this is Penn, I have to ask: How many of you managed to do all three?‎ ‎  Okay, I thought so! But did anyone here last night find time to turn on the TV…maybe turn it on…to HBO?‎ ‎  Are you ready? Are you ready? It’s time for a special edition of Game of Thrones!‎ ‎  Graduates: All of you today sit on either side of a great divide.‎ ‎  To my right: Southern Alliance! Among you are several Great Houses.‎ ‎  Arrayed on the field are members of House Engineering! House Nursing! House Wharton! Houses…Houses Medicine to Dental; Law to…Law to Design; SP2 to Education; and Annenberg to Vet! All…all of you to my right form the Southern Alliance!‎ ‎  Now, to my left: The Northern Alliance! Your Great…your Great Houses may be fewer…your Great Houses may be fewer, but man, are they big?‎ ‎  篇二 ‎  Arrayed on the field, as you can see, are the members…many members of House College! And House Arts and Sciences! All of you…all of you to my left form the Northern Alliance.‎ ‎  We have two sides, and spoiler alert: we’re going to do battle. But instead of a battle with spears, this will be a Battle of Cheers.‎ ‎  Whoops! Who left a Starbucks cup here? Not supposed to be here! Oh well, oh well…. We’ll figure that out later.‎ ‎  I’m…I’m going to call on each of your Alliances in turn. When I do, you need to make…I hate to ask, I know how hard it is, but you need to make the most noise you can. The side that cheers the loudest wins! Okay? Ready?‎ ‎  Okay, let’s hear it from the Southern Alliance!‎ ‎  Impressive! Impressive! Okay, now let’s hear it from the Northern Alliance! Alright! Also …also impressive!‎ ‎  Both sides gave it your very best shot. Now it falls to me….‎ ‎  But I will not call a winner. Instead, instead, I ask you to consider this a window into the human heart.‎ ‎  Listen up. Here we are, proud members of the Penn community – this beloved community. Yet, when called upon, how readily we divide to do battle for our side.‎ ‎  Game of Thrones became a global phenomenon for many reasons. We obsess over the characters. We love the dragons and the drama. But its deepest attraction is allegorical.‎ ‎  篇三 ‎  In the walls of ice, in the thrones of iron, we see a mirror for our times.‎ ‎  We recognize our own world, where too many live for their tribe alone. Where too often, we listen only to those who think, look, and believe as we do.‎ ‎  Where the game seems rigged against open and free exploration. We hear too few dissenting voices, and we consider too few conflicting views. But remember: None of this is inevitable.‎ ‎  We can glorify our own tribe to the exclusion of others. We can build ‎ up our walls, and we can cast down those who are different.‎ ‎  Or we can better use the strength in our hearts and the power in our hands.‎ ‎  Our many identities and beliefs: We make these our threads. Our diverse backgrounds and goals: They become our loom.‎ ‎  From this world of differences, we can weave a tapestry of communities.‎ ‎  Weaving…yeah…weaving is hard work, especially when we interlace many into one. Our identities may clash. Our beliefs diverge. We disagree over where we want to go. We argue about the best way to get there.‎ ‎  But when – together – we embrace the challenge, the cloth of human understanding grows more resilient. We craft something stronger by far…by far than iron thrones and walls of ice.‎ ‎    篇四 ‎  I am for the robust and free exchange of ideas, as essential to the mission of a great university as it is to the health of our democracy.‎ ‎  I am for a world where we welcome the immigrant, the poor, and the forgotten; we did [do] not shut them out or silence them; a world where showing empathy and understanding is considered the true hallmark of success, of a life well-lived.‎ ‎  That is what I am for.‎ ‎  Yale’s mission says, in part, that we are “committed to improving the world today and for future generations.” That commitment does not end at graduation.‎ ‎  Soon you will leave Yale and, as Robert Penn Warren, who studied and taught at Yale, wrote, “You will go into the convulsion of the world, out of history and into history.”‎ ‎  Indeed, you’ll go into history and make history.‎ ‎  篇五 ‎  Looking around me today, I think of the generations of Yale graduates who have come before you. Individuals who have been for something.‎ ‎  There are many names we know and others that would be less familiar – presidents and world leaders, artists and business executives, scholars and scientists.‎ ‎  Like them, I know you will heed the call to leadership and service and leave your mark on every realm of human endeavor.‎ ‎  That is Yale’s mission – that is what Yale is for.‎ ‎  As members of the Yale community, what do we believe?‎ ‎  We believe that facts and expertise, applied with creativity and wisdom, can transform the world.‎ ‎  We believe that education and research save lives and make life more meaningful.‎ ‎  We believe that diversity of thought and diversity indeed are essential to human progress.‎ ‎  We believe, most of all, in the boundless potential of human ingenuity; that together, we can solve great challenges and bring light and truth to a world in great need of it.‎

