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主持人英文自我介绍精选 ‎ ‎  主持人英文自我介绍 ‎  Distinguished judges teachers, you are good! I was ... of candidates ... from ....‎ ‎  First of all, thank you judge a teacher, gave me an opportunity and platform to display themselves, to achieve my ideal. I am a cheerful, broad-loving girl. Childhood I had a desire to grow up, the broadcast must do a good host, as the years go by, to blossom, and I grew up slowly, and this desire is even more strongly, as farmers with hoes who like even more of this work on the broadcast over the Chiai. 12 years in school, I learn the lesson of the same culture, but also keep the ocean from a wide range of knowledge to learn nutrition, to enrich themselves and enhance their abilities, enhance their awareness, to better grasp their own future, to realize their ideals. As singer with a marvelous voice to express their feelings, just as the dancers dance steps with a light to explain their beliefs, and I will use my voice to pass my love of broadcasting over the Chi.‎ ‎  I know that success on the road was not always smooth, though full of thorns, but I will: brave, courage, hold onto your dream and hold stubborn tarried, sincere look. I want to give me a chance, in the higher and more sacred halls of knowledge in studies, breaking the cocoon into a butterfly, butterfly into the dance, infinitely close to the broadcast over share of Guanghua and glory. As I learned, through my voice, to convey the enthusiasm of the Central Plains is open for the world to listen to the voice of the new century and voices!‎ ‎  翻译:‎ ‎  各位评委老师,你们好!我是…候选人…从…‎ ‎  首先,感谢评委老师,给我一个机会和平台来展示自己,实现我的理想。我是一个性格开朗、爱好广泛的女孩。小时候我有一个愿望,长大了,要做一个好的广播主持人,随着岁月的流逝,花开花落,我慢慢长大了,而这种愿望更加强烈,与锄头谁更喜欢这个工作在痴爱广播农民。12年在学校里,我学到了同样的文化课,同时也让海洋从广泛的知识中汲取营养,丰富自己,增强自己的能力,增强自己的意识,更好地把握自己的未来,实现自己的理想。作为一个有着奇妙声音的歌手表达他们的感受,就如舞者的舞步用光来解释他们的信仰,我会用我的声音把我的爱传给了我的爱。‎ ‎  我知道,在成功的道路上并不总是一帆风顺的,虽然充满荆棘,但我会勇敢,勇气,抓住你的梦想和坚持固执的守侯,真诚的期待。我想给我一个机会,在更高、更神圣的知识殿堂中的研究,打破了破茧成蝶,蝴蝶在舞蹈,无限接近在光华和荣耀共享广播。正如我所学到的,通过我的声音,传达中原的热情是开放的世界,聆听新世纪的声音!‎ ‎  主持人英文自我介绍 ‎  My honoreable teachers ,dear friends.‎ ‎  Top of the morning/afternoon,It's my great honor to apply for this job.Firstly, please allow me to introduce myself.My name is `` come from ``class grade.What I like most is painting swimming and hulusi.and today I'd like to take the selecting of the director of broadcasting station.‎ ‎  I like broadcasting very much,I also dreamed of being a broadcaster when I grow up.Now our school offered this opputunity to us,and help us to find a stage to show ourselves and to diliver everything new on our campus.I think it is really a good idea.‎ ‎  So I want to be a member of the broadcasting station. Cause I believe I could do my best to overcome any difficulties in front me and acheive anything I want.i know it is a hard work,but I insist that I chould. 3 factors ‎ of me could show you I'm a good guy to fit this job. 1, My mandarin is very standard. 2, I'm serious to everything,so It's good to prevent to make mistakes. 3,I'm active.and strong,this make me not scarce anything.‎ ‎  If I were lucky enough, I would like to de everying perfect,and make everybody pleased ,to make the students like our station.‎ ‎  At last I hope my teachers and friends you chould give me stage for my dream.‎ ‎  Thank u!‎ ‎  拓展阅读:中文主持自我介绍 ‎  尊敬的各位评委:上午好!(鞠躬)首先,谢谢你们能在年味还未消尽时,抽身来这里为我们点评,谢谢!(再次鞠躬)‎ ‎  又是一年冰水溶动的季节,它的柔情携带着我年少的希望,我的梦想就像葱翠小河里的冰水,终于要流动了。在这个孕育生命与活力的时节,我终于可以为自己的梦想奋斗了!‎ ‎  我叫XXX,出生在XX地的一条小河边,8X年(春:同样的也是这样一个满眼灿烂的季节;夏:满是阳光的季节;秋:承载着希望与收获的季节;冬:雪花飘飞,满目霏白的季节)随着一声婴啼我来到了这个世界。父母的笑声温暖了家,也寄托了我的希望。所以,在我心里我是给父母带来幸福和快乐的天使。‎ ‎  小的时候,我经常陪在父母身边收看电视节目,尤其是新闻类的,父亲尤其喜欢。那时,父亲常说,如果以后看见女儿能像主持人那样主持节目该多好呀。我也是渐渐的喜欢上了播音主持。后来,上了高中我离开故乡四处求学,学习播音主持专业。只希望有一天我可以圆自己的梦,让父母开心。因为,我一出生就注定是父母的天使!‎ ‎  就在今天,就在这个时刻,考验我的时候到了,圆梦的时刻到了。我必须奋斗,用我的嗓音去为自己的将来呼喊!希望评委们能给我一次机会!一次让我获得自身价值,圆我梦想的机会!!谢谢!!(鞠躬)‎

