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国旗下讲话稿之年轻教师的国旗下讲话 ‎ I am very glad to see you here.I represent the new teachers of our school and express our feelings.First of all,It’s my great honor to be a memember of HuTai Foreign Language Primary School.‎ HuTai Foreign Language Primary School is a famous one with good teachers and beautiful teaching environment. HuTai chose us,we don’t feel just lucky but more sense of responsibility. We will show our honest,enthusiastic and opening to all of our students,just like our leaders and teachers. We will teach well in order to give you a perfect life .‎ Standing here,we have seen the future and hopes of the school .We have a number of outstanding leadership and and teaching force ,have such batch of intelligent and lovely students. We are sure that we will be better tomorrow. Teachers and students ,let us get together and believe that tomorrow will be better !‎ 尊敬的各位领导、各位老师和在场的所有同学们大家上午好!‎ 很高兴在这里和大家相见,我谨代表全体新教师在这里表达我们的一些感受。首先,很荣幸能够成为沪太外国语小学的一份子。沪太是一所师资力量雄厚,教学环境优美的外国语学校。沪太选择了我们,我们感到的不仅仅是幸运,更多的是一份责任。我们会和校领导和老教师一样,热情、坦诚、真诚的面对每一位学子,教好书、育好人,对所有同学的终身发展负责。‎ 站在这里,我们看到了学校的希望和未来。我们有这样一批优秀的领导和教师队伍,有这样一批聪慧活泼的学子,我们有理由相信,我们的明天会更好!老师们、 同学们,让我们携起来努力开创美好的明天!‎ 谢谢大家!‎

