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英语教师资格自我介绍 ‎ ‎  英语教师资格自我介绍 ‎  Good morning everyone ‎  First of all, please allow me to express my greatest appreciation for you give me this opportunity for an interview. And I hope I can make a good performance today I will do my best for this interview.‎ ‎  My name is××××××, 25 years, graduated from the Mudanjiang Normal College major in English and I have been got the eight professional certificate in English (test for English majors) and senior English teacher qualification certificate. Perhaps my situation on this place is pretty unlikely, after graduation because of personal interests I am gone to the Heilongjiang University graduate college major in history.‎ ‎  I'm outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. With them, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and younger. Therefore, I learned a lot from my one year working experience.‎ ‎  To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them, if I were a teacher I would build a close relation with my students helping them not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try my best and I am confident that I can be a good teacher ‎  If your county to give me this opportunity, I passed the interview, as many teachers team member, I will continue learning, work hard to contribute to education in their own strength, will never live up to the human soul engineer of this glorious title.‎ ‎  各位尊敬的考官,早上好:‎ ‎  今天能在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到十分的高兴,同时通过这次面试也可以把我自己展现给大家。希望你们能记住我,下面通过五分钟的求职自我介绍让您了解我的基本情况;‎ ‎  我叫×××,今年××岁,汉族,本科毕业于××××××英语教育专业并取得了英语专业八级证书以及高级英语教师资格证,硕士就读于×××××××学院历史专业。或许我的情况在这里比较特殊,本科毕业之后由于个人兴趣爱好的原因我考取了历史学的硕士,在读硕士期间我也是不断的学习进取,在省级刊物上发表了两篇论文。同时我也连续不断的从事英语教师的实习以及家教工作。通过实习以及家教经验加深了我对教师这个行业的热爱,当一名老师是我从小的愿望或许与家庭的影响有关我的父母都是教师,从小耳濡目染让我对教师这个行业充满了热爱。教师是个神圣而又伟大的职业,是培养一个民族和国家的栋梁和希望,那么教师承担着重大的历史使命。雷锋曾经说过,人的生命是有限的,可为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去,这就是我对教师这个职业最好的诠释。所以这个职业能让我充分实现我的社会理想和体现自我的价值。俗话说:航船不能没有方向,人生不能没有理想,而我愿成为在中国共产党领导下的一名优秀教师,认真践行三个代表,全心全意为人民服务,假如,贵县给我这个机会我通过了面试,成为众多教师队伍中的成员,我将不断的学习,努力工作为教育事业贡献出自己的力量,绝不辜负人类灵魂的工程师这个光荣的称号。‎ ‎  【拓展阅读】‎ ‎  英语面试中自我介绍后老师常问的75个问题 ‎  同学们都会认真准备英语面试中的自我介绍部分,却会忽略,或者说不知道如何准备老师的问答环节,下面为同学们总结出面试官常问的75个问题供大家参考学习,希望对同学们有所帮助。‎ ‎  传统面试问题(SampleTraditional Interview Questions)‎ ‎  1、"What can you tell me about yourself?"‎ ‎  2、 "What would you like to be doing five years aftergraduation?"‎ ‎  3. "What is yourgreatest strength"?"‎ ‎  4. "What is yourgreatest weakness?"‎ ‎  5. "How do youfeel about your progress to date?"‎ ‎  6.Why did you choosepeking university?‎ ‎  7.Why did you chooseMBA?‎ ‎  8.What would you liketo be doing five years after graduation?‎ ‎  9.What has been yourgreatest accomplishment?‎ ‎  10.Describe yourgreatest strengths and weaknesses.‎ ‎  11.What have youlearned from the jobs you have held?‎ ‎  行为面试问题(SampleBehavioral Interview Questions):‎ ‎  12.Describe thebest/worst team of which you have been a member.‎ ‎  13Tell me about a timewhen your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?‎ ‎  14.Give me a specificexample of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.‎ ‎  15.Tell me about a timewhen you were creative in solving a problem.‎ ‎  16.Describe a time whenyou got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.‎ ‎  17.Tell me about a timewhen you made a bad decision.‎ ‎  压力面试问题(SampleStress Interview Questions):‎ ‎  18.What kinds of peopledo you find it difficult to work with?‎ ‎  19.What are some of thethings you find difficult to do?‎ ‎  20.How would youevaluate me as an interviewer?‎ ‎  21.What interests youleast about MBA?‎ ‎  22.How do you handlerejection?‎ ‎  23.What is the worstthing you have heard about our school?‎ ‎  24.See this pen I'mholding. Sell it to me.‎ ‎  案例面试问题(SampleCase Interview Questions)‎ ‎  25.A chain of grocerystores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. Each store dealsindependently with its suppliers. The president of the chain is wonderingwhether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. What are the keyconsiderations in making this decision?‎ ‎  A magazine publisher istrying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individualdistribution outlet in order to maximize profits. She has extensive historicalsales volume data for each of the outlets. How should she determine deliveryquantities?‎ ‎  非常规问题:‎ ‎  26.It is the 15thCentury. How do convince the Pope that the Earth is round?‎ ‎  27. If I gave you anelephant, where would you hide it?‎ ‎  28. Why are soda canstapered on the top and bottom?‎ ‎  29. How much RAM does aPC need to run Windows95?‎ ‎  30. You are in a boaton a fresh water lake. In your hand is a rock. You throw the rock into thelake. How is the lake's water level affected?‎ ‎  31. If it rained music,what would grow?‎ ‎  32. Describe your bestfriend and what he or she does for a living.‎ ‎  33. In what ways areyou similar or different from your best friend?‎ ‎  34.What are yourcareer's strengths and how do you capitalize on them?‎ ‎  35. Are you a happyperson?‎ ‎  36. According to JRM,Jr., a fast growing software company asked this question... You have a wealthyaunt who weighs 300 pounds. Tell me how you would redesign her toilet.‎ ‎  其他常见的面试问题:‎ ‎  37.Would you pleasemake a brief introduction about yourself?‎ ‎  38.Why did you take theMBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA programin China?‎ ‎  39.Why do you chooseRENMIN University to study MBA? Tell me a little about RENMIN University formyour understanding.‎ ‎  40.How do the peoplearound you review MBA?‎ ‎  41.What’s thedifference between MBA program at home and abroad?‎ ‎  42.If you failed thistime what will you do in the near future?‎ ‎  43.Why do you want tobe a part of MBA students?‎ ‎  44.Why do you think youare qualified for MBA program?‎ ‎  45.Do you have a careerplan in 5 years?‎ ‎  46.Do you have a studyplan if you were accepted as a MBA student?‎ ‎  47.What’s your opinionabout the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience?‎ ‎  48.How do you definemarketing or management?‎ ‎  49.Do you think Englishis quite important in MBA study? Why?‎ ‎  50.Do you think MBAtraining courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why?‎ ‎  51.What do you want todo after your MBA study?‎ ‎  52.What is the mostimportant qualification that a MBA student should have?‎ ‎  53.Say a little aboutteamwork.‎ ‎  54.Say a little aboutmanagement.‎ ‎  55.How communicationworks in organizations?‎ ‎  56.Tell me therelationship between the management and management theory.‎ ‎  57.What will you do ifyou can’t find a job?‎ ‎  58.Do you think thatthe economy will get better?‎ ‎  59.Who are youcurrently employed with?‎ ‎  60.What kinds ofopportunities are you looking for?‎ ‎  61.What is your biggestaccomplishment on the job?‎ ‎  62.What joy did youenjoy the most and why?‎ ‎  63.What would yourformer boss say about you?‎ ‎  64.Why did you leaveyour last job?‎ ‎  65.Please tell me alittle about your working history? What kind of fields?‎ ‎  66.Say a little aboutyour educational background.‎ ‎  67.What are yourstrengths and weakness?‎ ‎  68.What do you do inyour spare time?‎ ‎  69.What is yourimpression of Beijing?‎ ‎  70.What is CFO? If youwere a CFO, what would you do?‎ ‎  71.What is thedifference between sales and marketing?‎ ‎  72.What do you think isthe most important as a manager?‎ ‎  在面试快结束的时候,一般考官都会问,你有没有什么要问的。除非你是最后一个面试者,你明显感到所有的考官都急切的想离开,一般不适合说“I don’t have any question.”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题(Questionsyou should ask the recruiter):‎ ‎  73.What changes do youanticipate in our school? (你希望我们学校会有些什么样的变化)‎ ‎  74.Which is the bestcourse in our school? (什么课程是我们院最好的课程)‎ ‎  75.Does our schoolprovide some guidance of job to MBA?‎ ‎  最后可以说:Thankyou for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您)‎

