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英语论文之英语作业中批语的心育作用 学生作业是巩固课堂教学效果,使知识转化为能力的一种手段,也是对教师教学信息的反馈途径。评定对错只是常规,而加上适量的批语是非常必要的,因为它有着不可低估的心理教育作用。主要表现在: 1. 情感交流的作用 英语作业和语文作业一样,是训练语言和表达真情实感的载体。批阅作业可看作是与学生进行情感交流的一种方式。实践中我们避免布置答案唯一的机械性练习,而是尽量发挥学生的创造性和个性,如造句、作文、改写、多样性补全翻译,还有绘画及其说明等。这样,每个学生完成作业后都渴望得到老师的肯定和帮助,有些还渴望获得赞赏和共鸣。批改作业时,屏弃固定的模式,避免简单的勾叉加上一个随意的分数的做法,而是认真批阅,巧用批语。这也是对学生人格的尊重。 例如:学完有关音乐的单元,我便要求学生记叙一位歌手或音乐家,很多学生查找资料,包括印刷资料(图片、广告、介绍)、网络资料、音像资料等,积极投入写作。有一位学生写的是John Denver. 是网络资料的改写,非常好。显然他是一个Denver迷,他的外语基础不算好,但写作时热情很高。于是我在有缺陷和错误的地方划上横线,文后写下批语:I also like John Denver very much. I've even collected 3 compact discs of his songs. Some songs are excellent. For example, Take Me Home, Country Roads, Sunshine on My Shoulders, Shanghai Breezes, Rocky Mountain High, Looking for Space, Let It Be. You're welcome to borrow some of them from me if you like. By the way, I'm sure you'll try to improve the underlined parts. Come to me for help if you have any problem. 结果该生靠自己的努力改正了三处简单错误,请教好朋友改正了两处,因为他花了很大工夫写的人物介绍,很乐意让人看,也很自豪。还有两处来找老师弄清楚。同时还借去一盘CD碟,乐不可支。从此,学英语的兴趣渐渐提高,最终成为英语骨干。 这种交流不仅仅局限在师生之间了,还可扩展到学生之间(用英语)。有些作业,在征得学生同意的前提下,也可由学生互相批阅,并要求用英语写下力所能及的批语,然后老师全面核查。教学难度高低的把握和学习效果的好坏有时会出现起伏。有一个单元之后,一些学生的作业中错误较多。我用批语向一个中下水平的学生征求意见:Do you think this is too difficult for you to learn this unit? What do you think is the most difficult point? Can you suggest how we learn the next unit? 学生用英汉夹杂的答语给予反馈,疏通了师生之间的情感渠道。 2. 激发兴趣的作用 部分学生时态经常出错,而以过去时为最甚。我建议他们翻翻著名童话寓言,因为这些作品往往以Long, long ago 或Once upon a time开头,即以过去时为背景。学生找不到英文版,便试着译成英文。我提醒他们:Pay special attention to the verbs. Most of them are not used in their original form. 经过特别提醒,学生们通过翻译、划线,既提高了使用英语的兴趣,又培养了细心的品质。又如:我们曾以 Draw a Picture of Your Favourite Animal And Write About It. 为作业,学生的图、文都很新颖。在其中一人的文后,我写上批语:It's really a lovely panda. Would you be so kind as to draw another one for me to collect?第二天,学生就交来了自己的杰作!并写了一篇更好的说明。这印证了一句话:兴趣是最好的老师。且英语就是要在使用中学。 3. 因材施教的作用 认真批阅作业,会加深对学生的了解,以便因材施教。而批语本身就能针对其个人情况,给予热情的鼓励,提出善意的忠告。可看作“书面的谈话”,且具有面谈所没有的恒常的影响力。 例如:一个学生总是在副词、形容词上出错,work hardly, look careful at the notice 之类的错误经常出现在他的笔端。集体讲评固不可少,但我还是先给他单独开点‘小灶’: Please read carefully the underlined parts in your writing. Would you mind correcting them? If you get confused, you'd better refer to the examples from pp.17-19 of English ABC (资料名)。 It's also a good idea to collect such words as careful(ly), hard(ly), quick(ly), hurried(ly) etc. and make a practical sentence with each of them. 学生反馈:No, I don't mind correcting my mistakes. And here are the extra examples:…他自觉地列举了类似例子。 利用批语因材施教的作用集中体现在培优补差的教学策略上。对于优秀学生,一般的鼓励已经司空见惯,教师在批语时顺便有意识地列出一些书名、报刊杂志的索引,具体实用的有声材料或阅读材料的网络地址,平行班的优生习作等,引导他们有效地自学,并用英语进行实际交际活动。 对于“有待进步的学生”,热情的批语常常会起到很大的作用。用词要简单,要切合当时教学的实际,巧妙地复现最近所学词语、句型,以利于学生巩固掌握。让他们看懂之后受到鼓舞和启发,从而提高兴趣,减少畏难情绪。例如:Spell the word once more and you'll have it. I'm sure you can do it better if you read the text on Page 34 of Book 3.Frankly speaking, today's translation work is really difficult, but to my surprise, you've done far better job than I thought. You're improving a lot, though there're several mistakes. Even the best student in your class makes the same mistake. Keep on and you'll make greater progress.针对个别学生抄袭作业的现象,我提 出: be honest, copying is a clever way of learning. But if you can make some changes, word order,for example, I'll be as happy as ever Since you're working so hard, why not ask that very student to give you some help? For example, write a sentence of your own, then ask him for some advice. You'll find it a little more difficult but more helpful. 4. 激励作用 批阅学生的英语作业,主要还是多看到学生的进步与用词的优点,不可只指出其缺点错误,对闪光点视而不见或肯定得不充分。因为毕竟是用外语表达,总是有一个错误由多到少、语言由别扭到地道的渐进过程。因此,我们的批语应尽量多鼓励,提出殷切的期望,以便产生“皮革马利翁”期待效应。 我们采用多种记号、多种表扬方式、多种鼓励辞令。 波浪线表示好句子,双波浪线表示有创意。(Please copy these sentences on the blackboard so that your friends may enjoy your creation, and share your pleasure.) 我们从因特网上下载了99种鼓励语供口头、笔头表扬之用。略举几例如下: 1. SUPER! Superb! TERRIFIC! You're improving. Congratulations! 2. I'm proud of the way you worked today. 3. You're doing that much better today. 4. You really make my job fun. 5. One more time and you'll have it. 6. I'm very proud of you. 7. I've never seen anyone do it better. 对于少数心里承受力强或适合于激将的学生,批语可采用激将法。 Thank you for your typical mistakes because some of them are quite common among Chinese students, and they will appear in the next materials (proof reading)。 Mind you, your name will be neglected, of course. Don't worry about your fame or dignity. 在鼓励的同时,必要的鞭策有是必要的。及时发现问题,明确指出症结,防止滑坡和两极分化。某学生因为英语落后于人,自暴自弃。我在他的作业中批语:Although your English is not very good now, it isn't your fault. Don't lose heart in learning English. I'm sure you will be better in the near future and I can help you. I'm expecting your progress. If necessary, you may come to my office for help anytime. Mind you, reading the texts aloud is a good way of improving your English. 此后,他经常来请教问题,积极上进,成绩逐步跟上班级。查看更多