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英语论文之《背诵范文对提高高中生英语写作能力的作用》开题报告与实施方案 ‎ ‎  一、本选题国内外研究的现状 ‎  长期以来,在中国的英语教学中,教师往往要求学生背诵课文和熟记短语。背诵课文(learning text by heart),即反复诵读,直至一字不差地背出来或者默写出来。在西方,相当多的学者认为这一传统的语文学习方式无助于外语学习,对其不屑一顾。例如,Olson(1988) 指出了记忆文本的实践是由盲目崇拜书本知识引起的。但是,与此同时,也有人(如Cook 1994) 提出,记忆文本与崇拜书本两者没有必然的联系,另一些学者在研究了中国的语文教学后提出,“背书”在中国是行之有效的,它帮助学生“加深对文章的理解”(Pennycook 1996: 222) ,记住其优美的语言,以及创造性地运用文章中的词汇( Parry1998: 65) 。在我国,有学者曾针对背诵课文对英语学习的影响,对大学生做过一些测试。丁言仁,戚炎(2001)采用测试,回顾和周记的方法,探讨背诵课文在英语专业学生外语学习过程中的作用。董卫,付黎旭(2003)以非专业大学学生为对象做过类似实验,实验结果表明:背诵范文有助于学习者记忆词汇,学习短语和提高造句的能力,但对是否能提高学习者的写作能力只是做了预测。‎ ‎  二、本选题的意义,重点,难点及创新点 ‎  ——意义。过去,在国内中小学,背诵和朗诵课文是一种较为常见而且普遍被认为颇有成效的传统的语文和英语学习方法。由于交际法的盛行、考试指挥棒的效应以及新的教学模式的出现,目前,我国外语教学对语言输入重视不够,背诵式输入几乎无立足之地。国内众多的英语教材都没有提倡背诵和朗诵,老师们很少强调朗诵和背诵的语言输入,学生也对其不屑一顾,甚至对最经典的语言材料也会“免开尊口”。但是否该为这一传统语言输入方式(以下统称为背诵式语言输入) 保留一席之地,其科学理论依据以及是否值得广大英语教师借鉴,并在英语教学实践中推广,正是本选题的探讨对象。‎ ‎  ——重点。本选题旨在探讨范文背诵是否有利于提高中学生的写作能力。‎ ‎  ——难点。背诵范文是一种传统的语文学习方法,国外多数学者认为这种做法无助于外语学习,因而也从未对这种方法作过研究。‎ ‎  ——创新点。本选题重在研究我国传统的语文学习方法在高中外语写作学习中的积极作用。‎ ‎  三、论文结构 ‎  1. 引言 ‎  2. 研究背景 ‎  3. 背诵式语言输入的理论探索 ‎  3.1 语言的特征与背诵式语言输入 ‎  3 2 记忆的特征与背诵式语言输入 ‎  3.3 学习策略与背诵式语言输入 ‎  3.4 中学生的生理特点与背诵式语言输入 ‎  4. 实验目的与假设 ‎  5. 实验过程 ‎  5.1 实验对象 ‎  5.2 实验材料 ‎  5.3 实验过程 ‎  6. 实验结果与分析 ‎  6.1 实验班和对照班前测结果与分析 ‎  6.2 实验班和对照班后测结果与分析 ‎  6.3 后测作文的相关分析 ‎  7. 调查问卷与访谈 ‎  8. 结论 ‎  四、简要说明 ‎  论文拟分为八个部分。‎ ‎  第一部分,简要介绍写作教学在外语整体教学中的现状,提出如何提高中学生的写作水平是许多教师面临的难题。‎ ‎  第二部分,讨论背诵式语言输入界定,简要介绍国内外对该论题的研究情况及其研究意义。‎ ‎  第三部分,从语言学,心理学,学习策略等角度探索该论题的理论依据及理论基础,背诵式语言输入不仅有丰富的心理学,教育学和语言学基础,也是使学生提高其英语写作能力的一条行之有效的途径。‎ ‎  第四部分,简要介绍实验目的与假设。‎ ‎  第五部分,简要介绍实验过程。‎ ‎  第六部分,实验班和对照班的前测及后测结果对比分析。‎ ‎  第七部分,实验结束后采取问卷与访谈相结合的方式,对实验班的学生进行调查。‎ ‎  第八部分,结论部分,总结了全文,指出在高中英语写作教学中,背诵式语言输入的优势,同时也指出了背诵式语言输入的局限性,还需进一步的实验论证。‎ ‎  五、参考书目 ‎  Olson D R. Mind and media: The epistemic function of literacy [J ]. Journal of Communications,1988, (38)。‎ ‎  Cook G. Repetition and learning by heart: An aspect of intimate discourse , and its implications [J ]. EL T Journal, 1994, (48)。‎ ‎  Pennycook A. Borrowing othersp words: Text ,ownership , memory, and plagiarism [J ]. TESOL Quarterly, 1996, (30)。‎ ‎  Parry K. (Ed. ) . Culture , Literacy , and Learning English: Voices from the Chinese Classroom [M]. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann , 1998.‎ ‎  Lewis M. The Lexical Approach : The State of ELT and a Way Forward [M]. Hove, UK: Language Teaching Publications, 1993.‎ ‎  Nattinger J R. DeCarrico J S. Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching [M ]. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992.‎ ‎  Widdowson H. Knowledge of language and ability for use [J]. Applied Linguistics, 1989, (10)。 Bolinger D. Meaning and memory [J ]. Forum Linguisticum, 1976, (1)。‎ ‎  Pawley A Syder F. Two puzzles for linguistic theory: nativelike selection and nativelike fluency [A]. Richards J. Schmidt R. Language and Communication [C]. London: Longman, 1983.‎ ‎  Sinclair J M. Corpus, Concordance, Collocation [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.‎ ‎  Skehan P A. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning [M]. Oxford, U. K.: Oxford University Press, 1998.‎ ‎  Wong Fillmore L. The second time around: Cognitive and social strategies in second language acquisition Unpublished doctoral dissertation Stanford University, 1976.‎ ‎  Peters A. The Units of Language Acquisition [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 1983.‎ ‎  Peter A. Language segmentation: Operating principles for the perception and analysis of language. [A] Slobin D I. The Cross linguistic Study of Language Acquisition [C]. Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1985, (2)。‎ ‎  Foster P Skehan P. The influence of planning and task type on second language performance [J]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition ,1996, (18)。‎ ‎  Robinson P. Attention, memory, and the “noticing” hypothesis [J]. Language Learning, 1995,(45)。‎ ‎  Schmidt R. The role of consciousness in second language learning [J]. Applied Linguistics, 1990, (11)。‎ ‎  Schmidt R. Awareness and second language acquisition [J]. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 1993, (13)。‎ ‎  Schmidt R Frota S. Developing basic conversational ability in a second language: A case study of an adult learner [A]. Day R. learn: Conversation in Second Language Acquisition [C]. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House , 1986.‎ ‎  Skehan P. A framework for the implementation of Task based ‎ instruction [J]. Applied Linguistics, 1996, (17)。‎ ‎  Halliday M A K Hasan R. Cohesion in English [M]. London: Longman, 1976.‎ ‎  Wong Fillmore L. Inpidual differences in second language acquisition [A]. Fillmore C J, Kempler D Wang W S Y. Inpidual Differences in Language Ability and Language Behavior [C]. New York: Academic Press, 1979.‎ ‎  曹怡鲁。1999.外语教学应借鉴中国传统语言教学经验。 [J] 外语界, (2): 17.‎ ‎  邓郦鸣。2001. 注重背诵输入克服写作中的负迁移。 [J] 外语教学, (4): 43-44.‎ ‎  丁言仁,戚炎。2001. 背诵课文在英语学习中的作用。 [J] 外语界, (5): 58-59.‎ ‎  董卫,付黎旭。2003. 背诵式语言输入在大学英语教学中的作用。 [J] 外语界,(4): 56-59.‎ ‎  The role of recitation language ‎  input in middle school English writing ‎  Recitation Language Input (Learning text by heart) is extensively practiced in China , but little research has been conducted on this traditional literacy practice. This research ‎ investigates the role of this practice in second language acquisition especially in English writing by theoretical research and examining the test performance, interviews, questionnaires by a group of senior high school students. The significance of the research lies in: Firstly, It can be helpful to improve students' writing. Secondly, It can support the view that the traditional literacy practice has its place in the second language classroom. Hence, with the application of modern teaching theory and teaching aid, the traditional language method should not be totally abandoned.‎ ‎  The thesis consists of eight parts. The first part brings up the question,that is, the high school students are not good at English composition. The second part is the introduction ,which gives the definition of Recitation Language Input and at the same time analyses the current research situation at home and abroad. The significance of Recitation Language Input is also raised. The third part, an important part, tries to explore the theory basis for Recitation Language Input from three different angles, namely, linguistics, psychology and learning strategies. The conclusion that success in English writing by means of Recitation Language ‎ Input is a desirable goal for psychological pedagogical and linguistic reasons is reached. The fourth part presents the purpose and theoretical hypothesis of promoting Recitation Language Input in English writing. The fifth part is the core part of the text, which focuses on the procedure of case study in English writing. Based on the theories discussed in the previous part and the hypothesis, the case study will be carried out on some English students in senior high school. The sixth part shows the result of the case study, which will be analyzed by means of SPSS so as to contrast the performance of students before and after the training. The seventh part carries out the further investigation into the subject by interviews, questionnaires and class observations. The eighth part concludes the whole dissertation by pointing out it is feasible to promote Recitation Language Input in senior school English writing. The advantages and limitations are summarized and some suggestions are given for further empirical study.‎

