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创建人民满意司法所工作总结 创建人民满意司法所工作总结 **司法所在上级业务主管部门的精心指导下,在区委、区政府的正确领导下,以邓小平理论和“x”重要思想为指针,坚持科学发展观,紧紧围绕确保稳定,促进和谐的目标,以加强司法所制度建设为重点,以筑牢社会稳定第一道防线为要务,以强化基层队伍建设为根本,全面加强司法所组织建设、队伍建设、业务建设和基础设施建设,全面提高了司法行政基层工作水平,为维护全区社会稳定和经济发展,打造“平安宣州”做出了积极的贡献。 一、主要做法 积极争取支持,确保司法所建设顺利进行。 党委政府的重视和支持是加强基层司法所规范化建设的前提和保障。近几年来,为使党委政府及有关部门对司法行政基层建设给予重视和支持,一方面,司法所紧紧围绕党委政府的中心工作和政法工作重点,认真履行法制教育、法律保障、法律服务职能,切实解决了一些群体性矛盾纠纷。另一方面则主动汇报,做好宣传。多次深入基层开展调研,了解基层司法行政工作开展情况,就进一步加强司法所规范化建设,切实解决司法所人员、经费、场所等问题与党委政府主要负责人沟通、协商,并多次向局领导进行专题汇报。同时,通过广泛宣传,让各党政领导和相关部门了解、认识、重视司法行政各项工作。在党工委办事处和相关部门的大力支持下,新建司法所的建设用地、用水、用电等问题,都得到了及时的解决和处理。 强化基层基础建设,切实开展司法所规范化达标工作。 几年来,我们以加强基层司法所建设为重点,紧紧抓住司法所的制度、队伍、业务和设施建设等关键环节,强化指导考核,充实人员力量,全面提高了司法行政基层工作水平,充分发挥司法所的职能作用。 一是强化基础建设,加大创建力度。促使司法所的规范化建设取得了实质性的进展,办案程序,执业水平不断提高,完善了司法所的各项制度和工作流程。在办公装备、档案管理、业务工作等硬软件方面都下了很大力气,付出了许多精力,投入了不少经费。 二是规范业务标准,提升工作水平。以争创“作风第一、业务一流”为目标,逐一规范基层法制宣传、人民调解、安置帮教、法律援助等业务标准。加强司法所组织队伍建设和教育培训,提高司法所工作人员履行职责的能力和水平。以分级达标活动为载体,加强司法所规范化建设,确保司法所全面履行各项职能。 三是完善规章制度,规范内部管理。制定并建立健全了人民调解、安置帮教、法制宣传、法律援助等工作及对干警的政治学习、业务培训、监督管理等各项规章制度,从而保障了司法行政各项工作的有序高效运行,大力推进了司法所管理的规范化、法治化。 四是配齐办公用具,充实基础设施。司法所软件建设已经实现了“四统一”,即统一规范了司法所各类工作程序流程,规范了司法行政基层职能部门标志牌和印章,规范了学习、会议、信访等内部登记帐册,规范了各种业务档案管理。硬件建设上为司法所和干警配备了电脑、传真机、电话、摩托车、档案柜和办公桌椅及沙发等办公用具,为更好的发挥基层司法行政职能作用,创造了良好的条件。 五是加强队伍建设,提高人员素质。定期举办培训班。坚持每月干部集中学习培训制度,使参训人员的政治理论水平和业务工作能力得到了明显提升。促使干警熟练掌握各项业务知识,做到会干、会说、会写,从而提高服务中心、服务大局的能力。积极投入到全区经济建设和社会主义新农村的社会实践中。有效疏导、分流处理和化解矛盾纠纷,积极在农村开展法律援助工作。继续深入开展了社会主义法治理念教育和作风建设,教育干警始终在政治上、思想上、行动上同以x同志为总书记的党中央保持高度一致。以作风纪律建设为。 二、几点体会 只有领导重视关注,基层司法行政工作的壮大才能得到保障。我们工作的开展始终得到了办事处党工委、及办事处领导的高度重视和大力支持,这是我们做好司法行政工作的重要保证。 只有务实基层基础,司法行政工作才能得以长久发展。任何工作的开展,任何事业的发展,如果没有坚实的基础,最后都是不牢靠的。这几年,我们一直坚持工作重心下移,以抓基层司法所规范化建设为龙头带动其它基础建设,使基层基础建设得到了明显加强,为司法行政事业的长久发展打下了扎实基础。 只有服务中心工作,司法行政工作才能得到党委政府和人民群众的认可。服从服务于大局是司法行政工作的根本立足点和出发点,离开了中心和大局,司法行政工作就要偏离方向。这几年,我们始终坚持在维护社会稳定、保障经济秩序、营造法治环境中大力发挥职能作用,较好地提升了司法行政机关的形象,赢得了党委政府和人民群众的认可。 只有坚持开拓创新,司法行政工作才能充满生机活力。在新的历史条件下,如果因循守旧,不能推陈出新的话,那么工作就必然平庸而缺乏活力。这几年,我们坚持与时俱进,不断创新工作思路和方法,有效地激发了工作活力,推动了司法行政事业的长足发展。 只有抓好队伍建设,司法行政事业的发展才有根本保证。干部队伍是推动司法行政事业发展的组织保证,没有一支思想素质好、作风过得硬、业务精通的干部队伍,就难以担当起司法行政的重任。 三、存在的问题 1、是基层司法所助理员还不能做到专职专用,工作人员不能保持相对稳定,影响了基层工作的开展;2、是基层司法所的工作开展的良莠不齐,影响了司法行政整体工作水平的提高;3、我们在教育培养年轻干部队伍的综合素质还有待加强。 这些都需要在以后的工作实践中认真加以研究和解决。 work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the peoples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugitives concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, we must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be broken work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesnt happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted Falun Gong illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put Falun Gong illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large Falun Gong nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the Falun Gong diehards. Step, to increase the intensity of the trial. Keep up with the related measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence. To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation. Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures. Next departments at all levels should conscientiously of the Ministry of public security on the implementation of community and rural policing strategy decision , relying on community and work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the peoples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugitives concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, we must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be broken work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesnt happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted Falun Gong illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put Falun Gong illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large Falun Gong nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the Falun Gong diehards. Step, to increase the intensity of the trial. Keep up with the related measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence. To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation. Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures. Next departments at all levels should conscientiously of the Ministry of public security on the implementation of community and rural policing strategy decision , relying on community andx全新精品资料-全新公文x-全程指导写作 –独家原创 1 / 1 work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition le tter work. Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing ti me scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the peoples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of th e irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugitives concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, re solutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, we must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be broken work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact. Fo urth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sa botage activities of various kinds of information. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesnt happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted Falun Gong illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put Falun Gong illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large Falun Gong nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the Falun Gong diehards. Step, to increase the intensity of the trial. Keep up with the related measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence. To strengthen the construction of public security prevention an d control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation. Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures. Next departments at all levels should conscientiously of the Ministry of public security on the implementation of community and rural policing strategy decision , relying on community and 查看更多