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4s店客服年度总结1 下面对我这一段时间的工作情况做如下汇报: 一、 通过学习和积累对…和…所从事的事业认识加深 …进步越快、所做的事情越多,为国家、社会贡献的力量就越大。这是我的一些理解。我来自一个偏远的农村,深知我们服务对象——“农民工”的劳动环境的恶劣和生活的艰辛,而中国社会正缺乏组织尤其是企业为这个广大的群体提供帮助,为他们谋福利。通过在...的工作和学习,我深刻的认识到我们从事的是一个多么高尚的事业! 或许一开始直到现在我们都不能得到足够的认同和理解,我们取得的成绩也不足以让我们骄傲。然而,我们正欣喜地看到,越来越多的有志于为农民工服务的青年已经加入到我们的行列中来,我们做的许多事情也得到了政府的认可和越来越多机构——尤其是广大农民工的支持和理解,我为能从事这样一份事业而骄傲。 当然,…作为一个发展中的企业还有诸多的不完善;制度不健全,市场开拓能力和部门协调能力的不足仍旧困扰着我们,离目标团队的建设还有一定的距离。我们需要进行革新甚至革命来改善自身,这也许要付出很大的代价,需要勇气。 二、 认真学习岗位职能,工作能力进一步提高 在策划部和商务部期间,我主要从事了会议期间媒体接待、发卡、发海报和网站调整意见整理等工作,工作中一直保持了很高的热情,也得到很多伙伴的鼓励和帮助,取得了一定的成果,论坛后参会媒体竞相给予了报道;发卡过程中通过深入接触农民工,对我们所服务的对象有了更深刻的理解和认知,总结了一些方法并尽我所能的宣传了“…”品牌;在网站意见整理过程中,和很多同事进行了交流和探讨,对公司有了更深入的了解,提了一些不够成熟的建议,为现在的工作打下了一些基础,从中悟到了许多方法和道理。 当然我也认识到自身存在的许多不足;活动策划经验欠缺、计算机水平差、做一些事情考虑不周等,因此我业余时间正在阅读大量的书籍,听许多讲座,并不断的自我反省以求进步,工作方法有所改进,能力得到提高。路遥方知马力,岁寒可见后凋——相信通过不断的调整和学习,我能更加胜任未来的工作,得到足够的认可和理解;我也会努力改进,争取在适当的时候提出一些较为成熟的方案,为公司发展建设添砖加瓦。 xx年对于…和我个人都是十分关键的一年。我将努力克服自身的不足,提高综合素质,以更加饱满的热情投入到工作中来。我坚信“…”这面和谐的旗帜一定会高高飘扬于祖国的大江南北,期待着有所作为,期待着和…一起跃上潮头! 4s店客服年度总结2 从事客服工作已接近七年,在七个春秋冬夏的轮回交替中写了好多次总结了吧,感觉总结就象是一个驿站,可以静下心来梳理疲惫的心情,燃烧美好的希望,为下一段行程养精畜锐。不管客服工作是多么的平凡,但是总能不断地接受各种挑战,不断地去寻找工作的意义和价值,而且总在不断地告诫自己:做自己值得去做的事情,走自己的路,让别人去说吧。 以下是我的个人工作总结报告: 对于一个客服代表来说,做客服工作的感受就象是一个学会了吃辣椒的人,整个过程感受最多的只有一个字:辣。如果到有一天你已经习惯了这种味道,不再被这种味道呛得咳嗽或是摸鼻涕流眼泪的时候就说明你已经是一个非常有经验的老员工了。我是从一线员工上来的,所以深谙这种味道。作为一个班长,在接近两年的班长工作中,我就一直在不断地探索,企图能够找到另外一种味道,能够化解和消融前台因用户所产生的这种“辣”味,这就是话务员情绪管理。毕竟大多数的人需要对自己的情绪进行管理、控制和调节。 在每一个新员工上线之前,我会告诉她们,一个优秀的客服代表,仅有熟练的业务知识和高超的服务技巧还不够,要尝试着在以下两点的基础上不断地完善作为一个客服代表的职业心理素质,要学会把枯燥和单调的工作做得有声有色,学会把工作当成是一种享受。首先,对于用户要以诚相待,当成亲人或是朋 友,真心为用户提供切实有效地咨询和帮助,这是愉快工作的前提之一。然后,在为用户提供咨询时要认真倾听用户的问题而不是去关注用户的态度,这样才会保持冷静,细细为之分析引导,熄灭用户情绪上的怒火,防止因服务态度问题火上烧油引起用户更大的投诉。 另外,在平常的话务管理中,我一直在人性化管理与制度化管理这两种管理模式之间寻找一种平衡。为了防止员工因违反规章制度而受到处罚时情绪波动,影响服务态度,一种比较有效的处理方式是在处罚前找员工沟通,最好的方式是推己及人,感觉自己就是在错误中不断成长起来的,一个人只要用一定的心胸和气魄勇敢面对和承担自己因错误而带来的后果,就没有过不去的关。俗语云:知错能改,善莫大焉。所以没有必要为自己所范下的错误长久的消沉和逃避,“风物长宜放眼量”,于工作于生活,这都是最理性的选择,同时这也是处理与员工关系最好的一种润滑剂,唯有这样,才会消除与前台的隔阂,营造一种轻松的氛围,稳定员工情绪及保持良好的服务态度。 当然,在不断地将自己以上的经验和想法得以实施并取得一定成效的同时,我们在这个举足轻重的位置上,更象是一颗螺丝钉,同本部门的前台、后台、组长、质检及部门经理之间作着有效的配合,同时也与其它各组或各部门之间作着较为和谐的沟通和交流,将话务管理工作进行得有条不紊。在我尽自己最大的努力去做好份内事情的过程当中,对团队二字体会特别。 延伸阅读(英语版): In the face of my time in the work, do the following report: 1. By learning and accumulating pairs of... And... The career I was engaged in deepened ... The faster progress and the more things are done, the greater the contribution to the country and society. This is some of my understanding. I come from a remote countryside, knows our service object - "migrant workers" a bad working environment and the hardships of life, and society is the lack of organization, especially enterprises in China to help the vast group, seeks the welfare for them. Through the in... My work and study, I deeply realized what a noble cause we are engaged in! Maybe we can't get enough recognition and understanding right from the start, and we won't be able to make us proud. However, we are delighted to see that more and more interested in serving the migrant workers of youth has joined us, we do many things also got more and more recognition and government institutions, especially the support of the broad masses of migrant workers and understanding, I am proud to be involved in such a business. Of course,... As a developing enterprise there are many imperfections; The system is not perfect, the lack of market development ability and the coordination ability of the department still troubled us, and the construction of the target team is still a certain distance. We need innovation and even revolution to improve ourselves, which may cost a lot and require courage. 2. Conscientiously study post function and improve working ability During the planning department and the ministry of commerce, I mainly engaged in the media during the meeting reception, hairpin, posters and web site adjustment as comments, etc, has maintained a high enthusiasm in work, also got a lot of partners, encourage and help, has obtained certain achievements, BBS after competing media gave the report to attend; Through deep contact with migrant workers in the process of issuing the card, we have a deeper understanding and cognition of the objects we serve, and summarize some methods and publicize the "... "as far as I can. Brand; In the process of web site comments, and many colleagues has carried on the communication and discussion, the company have a deeper understanding, some not mature enough advice, for now some work laid the foundation, to wu arrived from many ways and truth. Of course I realize that there are many shortcomings of my own existence; Event planning experience, computer level difference, do something thoughtless, etc., so I was reading in my spare time a lot of books, listen to many lectures, and self-examination in order to progress ceaselessly, improve work methods, ability was improved. Lu yao fang knows the horse power, the year of the cold can be seen from the back - believe that through constant adjustment and study, I can be more competent in the future work, get enough recognition and understanding; I will also strive to improve and strive for more mature solutions at the appropriate time to contribute to the development of the company. Xx year for... It's been a very critical year for me. I will try to overcome my shortcomings, improve my comprehensive quality, and devote myself to my work with more enthusiasm. I firmly believe that "..." This harmonious flag must be flown in the north and south of the motherland, looking forward to something to be done, looking forward to... Join the tide! s查看更多