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张xx 求职意向: (86-)151-XXXX-4091 l.com 女·24岁·中共党员 北京市XX25号 中国xx研究生院新1楼(100088) 实践·活动 敬业 精神 诚信 可靠 沟通 能力 领导 能力 团队 精神 2012.3-2012.7 安联全球救援(中德xx团子公司) 法务合规部实习生 ●常规:公司合同管理、涉诉案件管理(自主设计表格梳理)、运营风险报告。 ●参与:—法律合同:起草合同模版(连续主动加班,提早两周起草完毕),审读、修改公司重要客户合同。 —法律文书:公司名称变更、董事变更、保险兼业代理资格证延期(准备报送、签章的上百份资料零失误)。 ●其他:法律检索、法律翻译,日常行政工作(文印、发票整理、电话接打等)。 2012.3-2012.9 中国劳动保障报社 网络部编辑(志愿者) ●“案件播报”栏目的新闻编辑工作,半年来始终如一,共采编新闻稿件一千三百余篇; ●致力于维护劳动者及企业的合法权益,策划邮递员劳动权益保障研讨会。 2010.9-2012.1 中国政法大学校史编委会 记者 ●适逢母校六十年校庆,负责校史系列丛书之六:法大精英(立法者),已出版; ●对法大参与立法的突出贡献者进行采访、编辑稿件。 2010.9-2012.6 中国政法大学法学院研究生会 干事—副主席 ●策划、组织“巅峰职场”毕业生系列就业促进活动、毕业生物品送新生等迎新活动、“庆两蛋、迎新年”院文艺晚会等。 2009.3-2009.11 第七届“贸仲杯”国际商事模拟仲裁辩论赛 队长兼主力队员 ●法学三大赛事之一,全英文,组织队员讨论案例、搜集资料、撰写申诉书及答辩状; 教育 背景 ●带队赴京参加比赛,参与全部共四场比赛,获“团队贡献奖”。 2010.09-2013.06 中国XX大学 法学硕士(免试推荐) 专业排名:前1% 奖项·技能 2006.09-2010.06 山东xx大学 法学学士 专业排名:前5% 积极 进取 学习 能力 ●研究生 一等奖学金(2次,45%);新生奖学金(25%);校级优秀团员(5%) 研究生模拟法庭大赛“单场最佳表现选手”;院级三好学生(4%) ●本科 国家奖学金(1次,3%);校一等奖学金(5次,10%);校三好学生(3次,10%) 全国大学生英语竞赛一等奖(2次,5‰);校优秀毕业论文 (2%) 山东省优秀毕业生(5%);第三届大学生科研立项 校一等奖(5%) ●专业 法律职业资格证书(2009年11月通过司法考试,424分) ●IT 计算机二级(vf);熟练使用word, excel, PowerPoint等软件 ●英语 雅思 7分;英语六级(610分);英语六级口语证书 剑桥商务英语(BEC)高级证书;法律英语(LEC)合格证书 举办英语角;在21st报发表文章一篇 ●其他 已获取驾照;普通话等级测试证书:二级甲等 在国家级核心期刊、省级优秀期刊发表专业学术论文共七篇 北京志愿者联合会注册志愿者,至今志愿服务一百余小时 Janexx (XXX female, 24) JOB OBJECTIVE: China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL) +86-15XXXX4091 EXPERIENCES No. 25 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District,Beijing (100088) 2012.3-2012.7 Allianz Global Assistance Legal&Compliance Dept. Intern ◆Routine work: ligiation log, contract management, operational risk report ◆Participated: contract draft, contract review, legal papers’ preparement ◆Other: legal research, legal translation, daily office work(copy, fax, etc.) Dedication Career Skills: National Judicial Examination certificate (2009-11, 424) Computer Skills: Second-level Certificate for National Computer, English: IETLS 7;CET 6 (610); BEC Higher Level; Legal English Certificate published an article in 21st century Others: Driver’s License; Published seven professional papers Certification of Mandarin: level 3; registered volunteer at BVF National Scholarship (once, 3%) The First Prize Scholarship (sixth, 10%) Freshman Scholarship (once, 25%) Merit Student (forth, 4%) Moot Court Competition of CUPL : Best Debater Outstanding Graduation Thesis (2%) Outstanding Graduates Awards (5%) Research Project Competition: First Prize (5%) National English Contest for College Students: First Prize (twice, 5‰) AWARDS AND SKILLS Diligence Learning Ability 2010.9-2013.6 China University of Political Science and Law Master of Law GPA:4.4/5 2006.9-2010.6 Shandong University Bachelor of Law GPA:4.5/5 Leadership 2010.9-2012.6 Postgraduate Association of CUPL Vice-Chairman ◆Planned and organized activities such as Series of Employment Promotion Activities for Graduates. Communication Responsibility 2012.3-2012.9 China Labor news Press Internet Dept. Volunteer ◆In charge of special column “case report”, examined and approved manuscripts, updated everyday, over 1300 articless during six months; dedicated to the rights of workers, planned seminar for postman labor rights protection. 2010.9-2012.1 Historical Committee of CUPL Journalist ◆By the time of 60th Anniversary Celebration of CUPL, interviewed professors who have made great contributions to the state legislation, arranged relevant manuscript, relevant book has already published. EDUCATION 2009.3-2009.11 Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Team Leader ◆Competition in English, organized and led team members to discuss and search cases, wrote memos for Claimant and Respondent, finished the competition in Beijing; Won the Prize for The Outstanding Contribution. Teamwork查看更多