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陈秋玲 通讯地址:广东省广州大学城广东外语xx大学生活xx宿舍(5xx06) 手机:+86-13XXXXX 固话:0754-86XXX 电子邮件: @.com 教育背景: 2009/09至今 广东外语外贸大学 财经学院 2013年毕业,经济学学士学位税务专业 主修课程:CPA税法、税收筹划、会计、财务管理、财务英语等 总体绩点3.45/4.0,专业课绩点3.54/4.0 语言技能:普通话、潮汕话、英语 (大学英语六级) 计算机技能:精通Office办公软件 社会实践: 2012/01-2012/02 普华xx有限公司深圳分所 审计实习生 接受普华永道审计培训,学习审计程序、软件,以及专业严谨合作的习惯和精神; 领导26名实习生校对并更新256份审计报告,优化工作流程,控制工作进度,并将信息分类汇报; 参与审计顺丰广西、江西共29家分公司,独立负责9份工作底稿(工作效率约是其他实习生的2倍)。 2011/11-2012/03 广东省地税局 宣传科实习生 撰写公文初稿、编写广东省地税简报、创作税收宣传广告文案、接待记者安排采访等。 2011/02至今 荒岛图书馆-岭南新世界 项目管理者 从无到有地建立起一个公益图书馆,推动10万住户社区的人文发展,曾被《城市画报》报道; 负责广外大学城校区的项目宣传与图书募集工作,共募集图书逾200本。 2010/11-2011/09 “左行右立”理念推广项目 公关负责人 微公益理念:乘坐手扶电梯时于右边站立、左边通行,曾被《新快报》报道; 联系合作企业(联想),获取项目营运资金2,400元,以支持快闪、派发雨伞等推广活动。 2010/10 第108届广东进出口商品交易会 展位翻译 以圣诞树与人造雪的视觉效果提高摊位吸引力;负责展位交易口译,交易额逾3,000,000美元。 学生工作: 2010/08至今 TEDxGDUFS-广外创享社 创始人/公关总监 与另四位创始人筹备并成立广外创享社,定位为校园公益团队,建立团队组织架构、公关部门制度; 领导10人公关团队,建立监督汇报、知识管理系统,培训公关、公益项目销售、企业社会责任等; 参加社交活动,如讲座、酒会、沙龙等,搭建公关网络(如南方都市报、城市画报、街旁网等); 180%完成赞助目标,个人:现金14,000元、实物3,500元;队员:现金实物共5,000元。 2009/09-2011/09 广外财经学院艺术团司仪队 队长 主持超过10场次;培训5名队员语音语调、难字读音、朗诵技巧、舞台礼仪等。 2009/09-2010/08 薪火成长计划 执行助理 广外优秀毕业生以讲座、工作坊等形式帮助在校生进行职业规划的志愿者组织; 负责策划“国企能见度”讲座,领导各职能部门工作,创新制作GIF宣传图、网络调研问卷。 培训经历: 2011/05至今 普华永道学生精英俱乐部(<10%) 未来职场精英 2011/05-2011/08 宝洁大学(<8.5%) 塑造个人品牌 荣誉奖励: 益暖中华-谷歌杯第三届中国大学生公益创意大赛胜出项目——TEDxYUE(2010.08); 广东外语外贸大学财经学院2010年“The Dreamer”英文戏剧大赛最佳女主角(2010.05); 广东外语外贸大学第七届全英辩论赛优胜奖(2011.04)。 Viving Chen Address: Residence Block C15, Guangdong Uni06 Mobile: +86-1345-04XXX Home: 0754-8xx E-Mail: Education: 2009/09-Present GuangdonXX Studies (GDUFS) School of Economics Candidate for Bachelor degree in Economics, Majored in Taxation, expected July, 2013; GPA: Overall GPA of 3.45/4.0, GPA on Specialized Courses of 3.54/4.0 Language: Native Mandarin, Excellent English (CET-6) Computer: Skilled user of Microsoft® office Social Experience: 2012/01-2012/02 PwC Zhong Tian CPAs Co.,Ltd Shen Zhen Branch Intern Auditor Received audit training, learned audit procedures, software, profession prudence cooperation habits and spirits. Participated in auditing 29 branches of S.F. Express in Guangxi, Jiangxi Provinces, independently responsible for 9 working papers in 2 weeks (Efficiency is about twice as many other interns). 2011/11-2012/03 Guangdong Bureau of Local Tax Intern of Publicity Section Responsible for written document draft, compiled brief report of Guangdong local tax, receive reporters , etc. 2011/02-Present Islibrary in New World of South China Project Manager Set up a public library from none, promote the community’s humanistic environment, reported by City Pictorial; Responsible for book donation in campus in HEMC, raised more than 200 books. 2010/11- 2011/09 “Stand Right-Walk Left” Idea Promotion Project PR Supervisor The public welfare idea: Stand on the right leaving the left to pass on escalators, reported by New Express; Contacting enterprises (Lenovo), got the project operating funds of 2,400yuan, to promote the idea.. 2010/10 The 108th Canton Fair Interpreter Creatively designed artificial snow and Christmas tree as visual identity to attract customers; Assisted the boss with interpretation, with a booth turnover for over 3,000,000 dollars. Student Experience: 2010/08-Present TEDxGDUFS - iDeal Co-organizer/ Director of Public Relations Established iDeal with the other 4 curators, established the regulations, PR framework; Leading team of 10, established check&report mechanism,KMS, trained for PR,sales and CSR,etc.; Building social network (Southern Metropolis Daily, Jiepang for instance) through events like speech, salon, etc. 180% achieved fundraising goals; Personal records: cash sponsorship for 14,000yuan and in-kind sponsorship amount to 3,500yuan; members’ records: cash and in-kind sponsorship amount to 5,000yuan. 2009/09-2011/09 MC Team of Arts Group Leader Have hosted for over 10 times,for instance Face to Face with Big 4 CPAs Co.,Ltd; Trained team of 5 on voice tone, standard pronunciation, profound recitation skills, decent stage manners,etc. 2009/09-2010/08 Share&Grow Program Executive Assistant in Lecture group A volunteer project in which outstanding graduates help students with the vocational planning; Responsible for the lecture " Visibility of State-owned Enterprises ", leading the functional departments’ work, creatively made GIF promotion figure, network investigation questionnaire. Training Experience: 2011/05-Present PwC LEAP (<10%) Future Professional 2011/05-2011/08 P&G University (<8.5%) Build Yourself as a Brand Honors&Awards: Winner of the "Caring for China - the Google China Social Innovation Cup " – TEDxYUE (2010.08); The Best Actress of the English Drama Competition "The Dreamer" (2010.05); The winning prize of the 7th English Debate Competition in GDUFS (2011.04). References: Keishi Jing Co-organizer of TEDxGDUFS, senior majored in French in GDUFS +86-15017550701 Anson An Former co-organizer of TEDxGDUFS, now working in P&G,ER Dept. +86-13632462793 Fresh Zheng Former leader of Share&Grow Program,now working in QiHan Technology +86-13537578754 Renee Jian Auditor in PwC Shen Zhen Branch +86-13632535527 Hobies: Ballroom Dance, Flower Arrangement, Debate, PPT Design, etc.查看更多