食品专业大学生职业生涯规划 (1)

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食品专业大学生职业生涯规划 (1)

食品专业大学生职业生涯规划 当我们每天面对洋溢着笑容的人们时,我们也会情不自禁的对自己微笑。随着科技的快速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,更多的人开始享受生活,努力地使自己的每一天过得充实而快乐。但我们同时也看到,很多人不注重食品的营养需求和合理搭配,肥胖症、糖尿病等营养类疾病的发病率不断增加,越来越多的人受到食品营养的困扰。作为一名食品专业的学生,我有责任为人们的健康、快乐而努力。‎ 民以食为天。当我看到人们在食物面前犹豫徘徊时,我懂得了食品营养与安全的重要性,我想通过学习和研究各类食品的营养价值,为人们制定合理的膳食指南和营养搭配,让人们吃得安全,吃得放心,使更少的人因食品而烦恼,快乐饮食,快乐生活。因此我的职业目标是成为一名公共营养师,为人们提供食品营养方面的咨询性服务,使人们的饮食更加科学,更加合理。‎ 我相信,当有一天每个人都能吃到安全且合理的食物时,我们都会仰起笑脸,从从容容,在喧闹的社会中,找到属于自己的一片天空。‎ 一、自我认知 人最难的,就是认识自己,人总是能把别人看的很透彻,却很难看清自己。当我静下心来一遍一遍地剖析自己时,我看到,一个真真正正的我在向自己走来。‎ 自我评估 优点 ‎1.生活态度乐观积极,充满自信 ‎2.知识面广,热爱读书,自学能力强 ‎3.注重人际关系建设 ‎4.有强的创新能力,喜欢挑战 ‎5.有较强的求知欲 ‎6.为人和善,亲切,乐于助人 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 缺点 1.容易忽略别人的感受 ‎2.做事半途而废,缺乏耐心 ‎3.太好强,爱比较 ‎4.注重别人的看法,有时人云亦云 通过以上评估,我对自己有了更加深刻的认识和了解。发现了在不同人眼中自己的优缺点,看到了自己的潜能。我的优点有利于我要从事的职业公共营养师,我也会尽力克服自身的缺点,扬长避短,使自己更快地实现目标。‎ 职业兴趣分析 ‎ 我的职业兴趣类型顺序为: 社会型  9 分  为人热情,擅长于与人沟通,人际关系佳 管理型  8 分  乐观主动,好发表意见,有管理才能 研究型  8 分  思维缜密,擅长于分析,倾向于创新 艺术型  6 分  思维活跃,创造力丰富,感情丰富 常规型  6 分  忠实可靠,情绪稳定,缺乏创造力,遵守秩序 实际型 5 分  做事踏实,为人安分,不擅长于社交 通过职业兴趣分析可以看出,我社会型得分较高,擅长与人沟通,而营养咨询工作需要和不同的人打交道,因此自己是适合的。同时我思维活跃,缜密,擅长分析,并有一定的管理才能,这些能使我把工作做得更好。但我的实际型得分较低,因为自己不喜欢与机器打交道。但即使是这样,我也会在课余和空闲时多做实验操作类练习,以增强自己的动手能力,我相信自己可以克服自身不足,更好的发挥特长。‎ 个人风格分析   助人:为人热情,乐于助人 易于合作:具有合作精神,人际关系较好 社交的:喜欢与人打交道,善于表达自己,擅长理解他人,社交能力强 有洞察力:对人际关系敏感,对人、对事、对周围环境的洞察力强 责任感强:较关心社会问题,对社会、对自己所从属的群体、对他人等均有责任心 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 重友谊:重视与朋友之间的感情,朋友在其生活中显得很重要,尽力与他们之间保持联络 有说服力:说服能力强,擅长于语言表达,逻辑清晰,具有感染力 从个性分析中可看出,我的个性特征是影响稳健服从型,我喜欢与人建立关系,做事满足自己的兴趣与嗜好,容易接纳他人,配合团队,能经由说服技巧或理性讨论达到目的。我的能力优势就是人际沟通与管理能力,有自信扮演积极角色,有办法展现外向个性,理性并能根据现实准确的做出判断,为人友善。同时我平常的快乐与满足感和正面温暖的人际关系将激励我更加的努力。‎ 自我认知总结:‎ 通过以上几方面的分析,我看到了自身的优缺点,对自己有了更为深刻的认识和理解。我的优势将利于我的工作,因此我会全力以赴的追求自己的梦想。我相信天道酬勤,也相信努力就有收获。我会用自己的努力来实现我的目标,也会从现在开始,积累多方面的知识,发展优势,克服不足,了解不同的环境,为自己将来从事公共营养师做充足的准备。‎ 二、职业认知 选择一个职业,也许就决定了自己未来的所有生活,因此需要对自己的理想职业有个清醒的认识,使自己向梦想越走越近。‎ ‎1.外部环境分析 家庭环境分析 ‎ 我出生在一个普通的农民家庭,我的父母只是靠他们诚实的劳动获得一些收入来养活我们,供我们上学。从小父母就教导我要自立自强,要勇敢的面对生活中出现的挫折和不幸,想要的一切都要靠自己的努力去争取。‎ 他们使我懂得坚持,懂得永不放弃。我为出生在这样的家庭而庆幸,父母的教诲对我影响很深。他们不奢求我出人头地,光宗耀祖,只希望我生活快乐而幸福。他们非常尊重我的意见,公共营养师作为自己的目标职业,父母的支持是我前进的动力,激励我更加努力,更加执着。‎ 学校环境分析 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 我的学校郑州牧专是全国高等农林专科教育发展改革试点学校、河南普通高校综合改革试点单位和国家重点职业技术学院建设校。学校本着“改造专业、发展企业、服务行业”的指导思想,利用自身的人才优势和科技优势,积极发展校办产业,主动加强校企合作,探索出了一条产学结合、校企合作、服务行业、良性互动的办学新路子。我校毕业生遍布全国各地,1997年至今,学校的毕业生供求比已连续7年达到1:5以上,学校多次荣获“河南省大中专院校毕业生就业先进集体”光荣称号。‎ 就我所学专业而言,是我系于2006年因社会需求新增的专业,主要是强化食品检测及管理方面的基本技能以及学习食品加工、食品营养、食品法规等方面的基本知识,同时也为我们提供具体的食品方面的实习工作,为将来积累经验。并且,我校与一些公共营养师培训机构具有长期稳定的合作关系,为将来我参加此类培训提供了便利。 ‎ 虽然我所学的专业并不是我的目标行业,但都是与食品有关的内容,并且在大一的时候就学了食品营养与保健这门课程,对于自己将来从事这一行可以做铺垫和基石。我的任课老师都有丰富的教学经验和实践经验,教给我们的不只是所学专业,相关内容都会给予讲解,涉及食品工业的方方面面,为我打下了很好的专业基础,因此我深信我可以做好我的目标行业。‎ 社会环境分析 从今天我国现状来看,我国公共营养师、食品安全卫生管理员严重缺乏,全国现有公共营养师不到10000人,每13万人才拥有一名公共营养师,而在日本每300人就拥有一名营养师。由此可见,我国从社会到个人对营养学还没有足够的重视。随着公共消费意识的成熟,公共营养师、食品安全卫生管理员的需求会迅速增加。‎ 全国政协委员、福建省三明市人大常委会副主任丁瑜分析,膳食营养缺乏、营养失衡、营养过剩所造成的营养性疾病,在整个疾病谱中所占比重越来越大,并且各种营养性疾病的发病年龄都在提前;而且正在出现一种由高收入居民向中、低收入居民转移的发展趋势,以致成为目前影响我国城乡居民健康的主要危害因素。因此国家领导人建议成立国家营养工作委员会,统一管理、统一政策、完善法规。今后公共营养方面的工作也必将有法可依。‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 我曾在暑假期间到驻马店的汝南县进行食品营养与安全的宣传活动,从中自己学到了很多东西,也意识到了它们的重要性。因为缺乏相关的食品营养与安全知识,给当地群众的生活带来了很多不良的影响,他们迫切的希望了解食品营养的相关知识,希望得到此方面专业人士的指导和咨询性的帮助。这使我进一步的坚定了我的决心和信心。‎ 同时,我也曾到几家医院进行过考察和咨询,发现大多数医院所制定的食谱针对的是某种病,因为缺乏相关的专业知识和指导,他们并不能对某个人制定其健康、科学、合理的食谱。他们非常乐意了解食品的营养与安全知识,并希望得到相关的专业知识培训。这些将有利于他们更好的照顾病人,使病人尽快康复。‎ 我相信,吃什么和怎么吃决定着一个民族的命运,也影响着我们这一代甚至几代人的健康。在党的十七大报告中要求不断的解决民生问题,而民生中很重要的一点就是人们的饮食健康,但在我国营养问题(营养不良、营养过剩)已成为关系到人民健康的首要问题。随着人们健康意识的增强和各类营养性疾病的出现,公共营养师将越来越多地受到人们的青睐和欢迎。‎ 目标地域分析 我的目标地域为南方或沿海地区,这些地方普遍经济发达,与外界接触多,接受新信息能力强,人们追求高质量的生活,因此对于吃特别讲究,更乐于了解不同食物对人体的不同作用,以及各类食物对人体的营养价值。他们会更多地注重食品的营养搭配和合理安全性,因此有较大的发展空间。‎ 但同时我们也看到人们对食品营养不关注,往往等到发生问题后才意识到它的重要。大头娃娃事件层出不穷,高血压,冠心病发病率不断增加,提高全民的公众营养水平已是刻不容缓的事情。所以,当我的工作有一定的发展后,我会将我的目标设定在我国的中西部,在这些地方宣传营养保健知识,提高人们的健康意识,改善生活质量。‎ 目标行业发展状况分析 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 随着现代文明社会发展进程中人们健康意识的日益增强,对食品营养的要求不断提高,营养产业已经显示出广阔的市场发展前景和巨大的增长潜力,并在许多国家成为引人瞩目、竞相加快发展的重要的新兴产业和经济增长亮点。然而,我国的公众营养水平和营养产业发展状况,无论与目前的收入水平相比,还是与国际先进水平相比,都存在着明显的不适应和较大差距。我国公众营养水平相对低下(发达与贫困地区营养问题的类型各不相同)和营养产业发展相对滞后,不仅严重影响到全民健康水平和整体素质的提高,而且直接制约着扩大内需、实现经济可持续发展,以及全面建设小康社会目标的实现。尽快确立和大力发展我国营养产业,迅速改善公众营养状况,事关21世纪我国现代化进程的重大战略任务的完成。‎ 公共营养师发展前景广阔,目前国内这方面的人才稀缺,并且主要存在以下几个问题:‎ ‎1.公共营养师作为新兴职业,专业人才少;‎ ‎2.公众大多对食品营养重视不够,选择合适的发展地域难;  ‎ ‎3.没有系统介绍公共营养的书籍,大多过于专业化和具体化。  ‎ 我相信,每一个问题的背后都蕴藏着机遇。正因为专业人才少,当努力学好这方面知识时,就有很大的发展潜力,关键是要培养对食品的营养分析以及检测食品质量与安全的能力。 ‎ ‎2.目标职业分析 ‎(1)目标职位名称:公共营养师 ‎(2)岗位说明 公共营养师是国家劳动部颁布的第4批新职业之一,是指从事营养咨询,营养测评,营养宣教,营养管理以及营养教学与科研工作的特殊职业者。主要分为以下几类:‎ ‎1.在诊所从事营养工作 负责确诊病人的营养问题,列出保健计划,并监督饮食变化的有效性。通常在医院、社区健身中心或保健机构工作。在那里,为病人解决体重控制、饮食营养、疾病诊断以及儿童和老年人等的医疗保健需求问题。‎ ‎2.在餐饮服务业负责管理工作 公共营养师加盟到餐饮服务管理行业中,使得不管是一日三餐还是零食小店都能够安全、卫生、成本经济地预备和配送。他们掌管餐饮服务的地点是医院、保健机构、学校和商务场所。‎ ‎3.公共营养咨询师 ‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 为个人、机构、商务组织和媒体提供有关营养、食疗和餐饮服务等方面的专家建议,经营的是自己的私人咨询业务。 ‎ ‎4.在公共领域从事保健工作的公共营养师 ‎ 他们在公共保健领域工作,了解大众的营养需求,确认社区中的营养问题,并发展营养教育项目和健康促进战略。通过在社会公共保健领域和社会服务部门的工作,公共营养师们向其他公众部门、专家和公众提供讯息与咨询性服务。 ‎ ‎5.在社区健身中心提供服务的公共营养师 ‎ 这些营养师与社区、个人进行合作,目的在于提高其营养水平,抵御疾病,增进对饮食的关注以及提高个人对健康的控制能力。 ‎ ‎6.在教育领域工作的公共营养师 ‎ 在饮食学、护理学、食品生产和儿童保健等方面,他们对学生开设营养学、食品化学和餐饮服务管理学等课程。这些课程将普及到小学、中学、职业学校、高等院校和医院等。 ‎ ‎7.在商务领域工作的公共营养师 ‎ 在商务背景下,公共营养师协助各自的领导进行研究,帮助促进生产,对管理和市场提出专家性意见。在公共营养师的帮助下,食品和制药公司、市场协会和餐饮服务供应商得以生产出更好的食品和营养产品并投放市场。 ‎ ‎8.研究性公共营养师 ‎ 少数公共营养师可能向研究项目方面发展,这些项目能从根本上提高医疗护理水平,节约餐饮服务成本。同时,高等院校、保健机构和工业企业将对公共营养师作的研究给予支持。‎ ‎(3)工作内容 医院,学校,幼儿园,宾馆,饭店,食品企业,健身俱乐部,美容院,社区,营养咨询中心,体检中心,养老院等都对公共营养师有很大的需求。 具体工作内容由工作地点而定,无论在哪个地方工作都要求有丰富的工作经验和完善牢固的知识体系,在大学期间应努力学习专业知识,多参加社会实践,了解不同的工作环境要求,开阔眼界,增加阅历。‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit ‎(4)任职资格 学历要求:高中毕业(或同等学历);‎ 经历培训:二级营养师,高级营养师,管理方面的培训;‎ 经验要求:工作5~6年,从事与食品相关的工作(最好有从事食品营养方面的工作),并且有一定的管理经验;‎ 能力要求: 具有较强的语言表达能力以及理解、分析、归纳和判断的能力以及正常的色、味、嗅辨别能力;‎ 人格要求:为人稳重,做事果断,办事认真负责,待人真诚宽容,善良有爱心,恒心和耐心,有毅力,能坚持不懈,不畏挫折,勇于创新;‎ 人脉要求:有广泛的交际圈,能与不同性格、环境中的人沟通,有一些志同道合,共同为梦想努力的朋友,有几个知己,要乐观、开朗;‎ 工作场所:社区、医院、学校、幼儿园、宾馆、饭店、食品企业、健身俱乐部、社区、营养咨询中心、体检中心、养老院等;‎ 环境舒适程度:良好;‎ 危险性:无。‎ ‎(5)就业和发展前景 就我国经济、医疗卫生事业发展趋势来看,十分需要营养方面专业人才。随着社会的发展,传统的营养概念和原有的生活方式已不能满足人们的需要,例如饮食营养不平衡,脂肪摄入过多等,严重危害了人体的健康,人们开始注意饮食保健,要求增加营养保健知识,并需要专门人才进行指导和研究。例如区级医院、社区服务中心等都需要既懂临床又懂营养的专业医师。由此可见,此类专业毕业生将有非常广阔的就业前景。‎ ‎3.职业胜任力评估 ‎ SWOT分析结果 ‎ 优势 (Strength):‎ ‎1.对专业兴趣浓厚,学习努力,凡是专业课,没有下过90的;‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit ‎2.喜欢和不同的人交流,开朗乐观自信,有一定的亲和力;‎ ‎3.有多次实习工作经历,比较会与成年人打交道,语言表达能力优秀;‎ ‎4.性格随和,易接触;‎ ‎5.英语基础好,口语表达能力强;‎ ‎6.有一定的文学功底,能写不错的文章;‎ ‎7.参加社团活动,有更多的机会和不同的人交流沟通以及在众多人面前发表自己见解和看法的经历,结识了更多的朋友。 优势的使用:‎ ‎1.申请技术类工作时,由于有较好的专业技能,稍占优势;‎ ‎2.工作和面试时,自信心强,能更好地和新认识的人结成朋友;‎ ‎3.在交流沟通时更为自然,在面试中占有先机;‎ ‎4.有一定的文学功底,在写申请等书面材料时占优势;‎ ‎5.英语口语好,在同龄人中较为突出。‎ 劣势(Weakness): ‎ ‎1.一些实际操作性强的课程成绩一般;‎ ‎2.有时缺乏耐心,易半途而废;‎ ‎3.不太有主见,有时过于倔强不肯放弃;‎ ‎4.有时有点高傲,说话语气过重,较伤害别人;‎ ‎5.某些事太孩子气,太单纯。‎ 劣势的弥补:‎ ‎1.面试时强调专业技能并多参加操作类方面的锻炼和练习;‎ ‎2.尽量将心态放平和,有始有终,坚持到底;‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit ‎3.自己确定正确的就坚持,不可能或希望很小的就放弃;‎ 多和比自己大的人交流,更好的了解社会和适应社会,也使自己更成熟。.‎ 机遇(Opportunities)‎ ‎1.学校提供食品加工,食品检测等方面的实习;‎ ‎2.毕业前的各种招聘面试;‎ ‎3.有机会参加英语四级和公共营养师的学习考试及资格认定;‎ ‎4.假期的各种兼职工作;‎ ‎5.社团的每次交流机会和组织的大型活动。‎ 机遇的把握:‎ ‎1.立即申请,并在其后的工作中兢兢业业,认真负责,受到领导的表扬与欣赏;‎ ‎2.认真对待每一次面试和工作, 尽量多地抓住机会,得到很多不同的工作,工作结果令人满意;‎ ‎3.努力提高自己英语能力,争取考一次就考好一次,作为自己今后的信心源泉,不断地激励自己;‎ ‎4.周末和假期参加不同的兼职,增加锻炼的机会,积累不同的工作经验,拥有不同的工作经历;‎ ‎5.在社团中好好表现,尽量展示自己,增加多方面的能力。‎ 挑战(Threat):‎ ‎1.班里学习和技能好的同学很多,自己不是最突出的;‎ ‎2.成绩不是最优秀的,培训参加的不多,与老师接触的也不很多;‎ ‎3.面试和工作时的各种刁难与未知挑战;‎ ‎4.不同人际关系的处理要得当。‎ ‎ 挑战的应对:‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit ‎1.多参加不同类型的实践活动,休息时反省一天的得失,在评测和上岗前进行心理方面的鼓励,为自己加油;‎ ‎2.多看些专业方面的书籍,增加专业技能训练,同时多看书报,扩大知识面,开阔眼界,努力学习英语,注意英语口语的练习;同时不忘记每天锻炼,争取在较大工作量的情况下保持精力旺盛,不生病;‎ ‎3.和专业人士聊天,吸取经验,弥补自己的不足;在兼职过程中积累和职业人士及不同社会层次的人打交道的方法,拓宽眼界;对每一个面试公司做深入调查,分析需求与对招聘人员的要求,了解公司的特点;面试之前准备充分的材料和应变策略,面试之中发挥表达能力强、自信、亲和力强等优势。‎ ‎4.和同学沟通交流,学习不同的知识,了解不同的工作环境和要求,不断地适应社会,以便在不同的环境中都能发挥自己的优势;‎ ‎5.与人打交道时,心态平和,宽容友善,建立和谐的人际关系。‎ 职业认知总结:‎ ‎1.可能会在开始找工作和工作中遇到很多的压力和挑战,不同环境的变化要求不断的改变自己来适应以寻求发展;‎ ‎2.目标职业的实要求现在多看些专业书籍和好好学习,增强自己的专业技能和操作技能;‎ ‎3.要多接触不同的人群,了解社会,扩大人际关系,结识更多志同道合的朋友;‎ ‎4.培养自己的耐心和坚持到底的精神,只要认定就不言弃;‎ ‎5.发展自己的优势,克服自己的劣势,不断向符合社会需求的方向发展,在竞争中脱颖而出;‎ ‎6.进行专业培训和训练,发挥自己的沟通特长,积累社会经验和了解专业的具体情况。‎ 通过职业认知几个步骤的分析,我认为公共营养师在我国目前是一个亟待规范但又充满机会的职业,在一些沿海城市营养师需求大,并且这种需求必将在整个社会中加大,因此只要认真努力的钻研,就一定有好的前景。‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 公共营养师的工作内容符合我自己的兴趣,不管将来会在怎样的环境中工作,公司或者医院、学校,我都会努力去适应,以更好地实现自己的人生价值,我相信自己能够胜任。‎ 三、职业生涯规划的目标与路径 任何一个目标的实现,都是一场艰辛但却不断坚定自我的过程,也许其中不乏挫折和困难,但我不会轻易放弃。‎ 确定目标和路径 (1) 近期目标 (2) 在校期间,努力学好专业知识,牢固掌握专业技能,积极参加课外实践活动,多在公司和工厂中实习,在周末和假期参加不同的兼职工作;通过英语三级、四级考试,大二自考食品质量与安全本科,力争在大三或毕业后一年获得本科文凭,毕业后2~3年考取二级公共营养师证。‎ (3) ‎2)中期目标 深入研究本专业,努力工作,在所在公司有一定的发展,开始进入中层领导者行列,创作和发表学术性的文章,考取高级公共营养师证,积累工作经验,有一些志同道合的朋友,开始组建自己的合作团队。‎ ‎(3)长期目标 积累丰富的工作经验,人际关系更加和谐,在实践中不断成长,能准确地面对市场做出判断,更加稳重,最终成为营养方面的专家。有很好的人际关系和工作环境,工作快乐,有一个幸福的家,双方父母安度晚年。‎ ‎(4)职业发展路径 专科毕业后2~3年考取二级公共营养师,同时获得食品质量与安全本科文凭。毕业后到一些公司工作,积累实际工作经验,大约5~10年后考取高级公共营养师,成为营养方面的专业学者。当我积累一定的经验和人脉关系后,拥有自己的合作团队,继续努力学习和研究,增强自己的管理能力和对问题的分析判断能力,最终成为营养方面的专家。‎ 四、职业规划与实施计划 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 有目标更要有计划,它使目标更快的实现,也使做每件事时的目的性更强。因此我制定了我的未来计划,我相信:完善的计划是获得成功的关键。它使每一天过得充实而有意义。‎ 短期计划 大二上学期 为暑假假期。会在小姨所在医院实习,学习电脑的应用,接触医院的环境。开学伊始,了解各专业所学的基本内容,有针对性的看一些食品方面的书籍。国庆长假到森林公园实践,学会和不同的人打交道。准备社团的招新活动,设计版块,征集稿件,做好开学第一张报纸和第一轮面试工作。为社团挑选新一届的会员,临近英语三、四级考试,积极备考,认真复习。学期期末,准备各科考试,争取考出好成绩。‎ 大二下学期 ‎ 寒假期间,到思念或三全等食品厂打工,丰富实践经验并了解食品厂的工作情况及环境条件。准备自考食品质量与安全本科,各专业课的学习更为紧张,要多进行实验操作类练习。期末考试,认真备考,在课余时间看食品方面的书籍,参加自考。‎ 做实习前的准备工作,完善各类知识体系,增强专业技能。‎ 大三 毕业前 :到食品厂或公司实习,约10个月左右,回校后准备毕业论文及毕业答辩,考取食品检测中级技工,参加招聘会,找到适合自己发展的工作。‎ 中期计划 在这个阶段,我已不再是一名学生,将进入社会并努力使自己融入其中,为了使自己将来更好的发展,会尽力找一份适合自己的工作。‎ 找老师沟通或参加招聘会后找到一份与食品营养有关的工作。‎ 毕业~毕业后5年:‎ 在工作中积极认真,积累丰富的工作经验,掌握专业知识和技能,考取二级公共营养师。‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 毕业后5~10年:‎ 考取高级公共营养师,开始从事食品营养方面的工作和研究。积累丰富的工作经验以及建立完善的人际关系。在这几年中,进入企业中级领导层,并有一定的资金和一些志同道合的朋友,开始转入医院、学校、社区等,为人们设计日常的饮食以及营养的搭配方案等。 ‎ 长期计划 毕业后15年:‎ 工作:参加培训和知识讲座增强多方面的能力,进入企业高级领导层,在社会或行业中享有较高的知名度和美誉度,工作顺利;‎ 生活:有自己的家庭,婚姻幸福,双方父母安度晚年,生活态度乐观积极。‎ 人际:有一些很要好的朋友,会定期聚会,同时在工作中结识更多的人,不断扩大人际范围,了解不同环境情况。‎ 这段时间中,我也会尽力做一些慈善活动,努力帮助别人。在自己年轻的时候受到过社会的帮助,当自己有能力的时候,就应该回报他们。那些得营养性疾病的人需要的更多的是人们的关心和真诚的帮助,只要我们把眼光放的纯洁透明起来,我们就会发现,世界是如此美好!‎ 五、职业规划的调整与备选方案 ‎ ‎1. 职业目标、职业路径与行动计划的评估和调整 现实是很难预料的,职业生涯规划也不是一次就能完成的,它是一个不断循环的动态过程。在制作规划书的时候难免有一定的遗漏和疏忽,而且外部环境也一直在变化之中,各种未知的因素也是我无法预测的,需要根据现实情况适时进行评估和调整。我的评估调整周期为两年。‎ 我想成为一名公共营养师,但这也存在一些风险:由于竞争压力可能毕业后不能马上找到工作,我会继续学习,掌握应聘技巧,作好下次准备。工作繁忙不能考高级营养师,我会不断积累经验,忙里抽闲,争取早日考上。我也会 一直深入研究本专业的知识形成完善的知识体系,同时参加培训,提高自己多方面的能力。‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit ‎2. 备选方案 如果由于某些原因,我未能在成为公共营养师的道路上发展,那么我会首先选择成为一名食品检测高级技工。这本来就是我所学的专业,学校会要求在大三的时候考取中级食品检测技工,工作两年后即可考取高级食品检测技工。在校期间,我学习成绩优异,食品检测专业当初也是因为自己的兴趣而报的,因此,即使我不能成为一名公共营养师,我也要成为一名食品检测高级技工。它们都是与食品有关的工作,我会在注意锻炼实操技能的同时积累多方面的知识,更多的找时间阅读食品专业类书籍,以便更好地实现我的目标。并且它们都符合我的人生理想,为人们的科学、健康饮食服务。无论将来从事两种职业中的哪一种,我都会从现在开始培养自己这些方面的能力,使自己将来可以完全胜任它们,为实现自己的梦想而不断努力。‎ 培养学生独立工作能力的重要步骤,是实现培养目标要求的重要阶段,是对学生综合素质与工程实践能力培养效果的全面检验,是学生毕业资格认定的重要依据。to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit

