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华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 大学生职业生涯规划 姓名: 刘宏兴 班级: 车辆五班 学号: 学院: 汽车工程学院 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 目录 1. 自我认知 3 1.1 职业兴趣 3 1.2 职业价值观 3 1.3 职业能力 3 1.4 性格特征 3 1.5 胜任能力 4 1.6 自我分析小结 4 2. 职业认知 4 2.1 外部环境分析 4 2.2 专业分析 6 2.3职业定位 6 2.4 SWOT分析 6 2.5 职业认知小结 7 3. 职业生涯规划设计 7 3.1 确定目标和路径 7 3.2 制定行动计划 7 3.3 动态分析调整 8 4. 备选规划方案 9 结束语 9 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 前 言 古人云:“志不立,天下无可成之事”。 的确,人生如在大海 里航行,没有明确的奋斗目标,就会失去航行的方向,也难以抵达胜利的彼岸。 我们的血液里,跳动着五千年文明史的精华,也积沉着长期停滞时的糟粕。跳动的要升华,积沉的要歇息。升华的要给予动力,歇息的要加以刺激。 这里写下了我的目标,写下了 我的职业规划。我自问:我有多想要?看看结果再自问:我能得到吗? 成功是需要付出代价的,成功的大小,取决于期望强度及行动有效性的大小。我承认,在我的面前“困难是确实存在的”。我又坚信:成功一定有方法。 正如同叔本华所言:事物的本身并不影响人,人们只受对事物看法的影响。 我是最棒的,我一定能成功! 作为一名步入新校大门的学生,生活充满了新鲜与乐趣,拥有更多自由的时间去规划自己的未来。人常说,大学就像是一个小的社会,是我们大学生走向社会的一个适应阶段,所以从现在开始我们就要正视自己的学习生活,重视规划未来,明确自己要走的道路。 在这样一个竞争日益激烈的社会,就业压力巨大,选择一个适合自己的职业,并从现在开始努力朝那个方向努力,这是一种提前意识和一种危机意识。 规划和设计自己的未来要求我们当代大学生正视自己,正视自己的能力和实力,该怎么样去发挥,端正态度。 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 规划是一种计划,是一种正确对生活的态度,一个人从出生的那一刻起就生活在各种各样的计划中,如果计划完成的好,将对我们的将来产生巨大的影响,反之亦然。 所以制定计划的正确性与合理性将会直接影响到最后的结果。 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 1. 自我认知 1.1 职业兴趣 以下是我职业兴趣的测评结果,此图的理论依据来源于美国职业指导专家霍兰德(John L. Holland) 。 我的职业兴趣类型顺序为: 类型名称 得分 类型解释 社会型 7 分 为人热情,擅长于与人沟通,人际关系佳 管理型 6 分 乐观主动,以便发表自己的意见,有管理才能 常规型 5 分 忠实可靠,情绪稳定,缺乏创造力,遵守秩序 艺术型 5 分 思维活跃,创造力丰富,感情丰富 研究型 3 分 思维缜密,擅长于分析,倾向于创新 实际型 2 分 做事塌实,为人安分,不擅长于社交 1.2 职业价值观 我希望我所从事的职业是收入稳定,有良好的社会地位,能独立掌握工作进度,具有挑战性,有较多学习成长机会的职业。我希望我的工作能得到社会和他人的肯定,对别人而言真的会有帮助,同时我又希望我的工作不受他人约束与限制,有连号的工作环境,工作多姿多彩富有变化,尝试不同的工作内容,能使自己不断进步,不断创新,不断超越自己。 1.3 职业能力 l 机械工程师必须掌握制图、计算、测试、文献检索和基本工艺操作等基本技能;具有本专业领域内某个专业方向所必需的专业知识,了解其学科前沿及发展趋势。 l 掌握一门外语,具有一定的听、说、读、写能力并能够在本专业学习中熟练地应用。 l 具有一定的计算机科学与技术的理论基础、基本知识,具有较强的计算机应用能力和一定的软件开发能力 1.4 性格特征 l 性格开朗 、直爽 ,善于交际, 待人热情 、乐于助人。 l 随和、平易近人、脾气很好、基本不生气 。生气就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。 l 勤奋 认真 上进 有责任心:所以追求成功的欲望很强,骨子里是好强的。相信“有志者事竟成”。只要想得到,就不怕做不到! l 踏实稳重 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 、处事谨慎:所以少了份年轻人的闯劲。但是我更喜欢稳中求胜!做事谨慎小心。注重细节。 1.5 胜任能力 我觉得自己最大的优点就是善于学习,对于新事物有很强的接受能力,具有创新精神,以及很好的动手能力,因而,做一名机械工程师的话,我能很好的胜任自己的本职工作,我会用我的优势来展现我自己,自己的专业知识到目前来看还算扎实,相信自己一定能很好的做好各项工作。我个人的业余爱好广泛,除了正常的工作外,我想,自己广泛的业余爱好也一定能为自己的职业增添一份精彩。我对管理类的一些职业也很有兴趣,我想有机会,通过自己的学习,我也能很快胜任管理类职业的工作。至于自己的劣势,也可以说是缺点,就是做事情没有恒心,对一些拖拖拉拉需要很久才能办妥的事情容易失去信心。我想自己应该制定一些切实可行的小计划,每天按部就班的去执行,如果没有做到就惩罚一下自己,找自己亲密的朋友或者父母监督,改掉这个毛病。为了更具就业竞争力,一定要有真才实学。文凭固然重要,但是没有真才实学,只有一纸文凭,毫无意义。现在用人单位越来越轻学历,重能力。大学生只有掌握真才实,才能更好的服务社会。 1.6 自我分析小结 有理想,有追求,对待学习态度端正,对待工作兢兢业业,在自己人际交往的圈子中,我努力用真诚对待每一个人,因为我相信,爱出者爱返,福往者福来,我乐于交友,希望能从朋友身上学到自己所没有的优点。 缺乏社会实践经验,动手能力不强。做事有点毛躁,抗压能力不强,对某些事物过于敏感。 1. 职业认知 2.1 外部环境分析 l 家庭环境分析 u 祖上有工匠和医生等含技术职业,爷爷是一名清廉的官员。 u 家里的经济不是很好,但是家里人对我的教育很重视,不管是在什么情况下都非常支持我的学习,为我创造最好的学习环境。 u 家庭和睦,从未见过家人有什么争吵,使得我得以健康成长。 l 学校环境分析 华南理工大学广州汽车学院是一所教育部批准设立的以工科为主,经济、管理、文学、理学协调发展的多科性大学。学院位于广州市花都区学府路一号。东邻白云国际机场和空港物流中心,西靠广州花都汽车产业基地。地处国家重要经济中心区域珠三角地区,围绕《纲要》提出的“优先发展现代服务业”要求,学院着重建设和发展与金融、会展、物流、信息服务、科技服务、文化创意和旅游业等现代服务业相关的学科专业,为广东现代服务业的进一步发展提供人力和技术支撑。紧扣“加快发展先进制造业”战略,以及“重点发展现代装备、汽车、钢铁、石化、船舶制造等产业”的要求,建设好已有的车辆工程、机械制造及其自动化、电气工程等优势学科专业。围绕珠三角地区的传统优势产业,办好珠宝设计、皮具设计、制造和鉴定等专业。 学院凭借独特的行业优势、地域优势、名校优势、合作优势和机制优势,按照“依托华工、错位发展,高起点建设、高质量办学、凝练特色、创建品牌”的办学指导思想,规范办学,使学院健康快速发展。建校5年,就发展成一所“千亩校园、万名学子”的新型大学。 学院占地面积1723亩,已完成基建规模40 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 多万平方米,学院综合服务设施完善配套。设置各类课室座位2万多个; 建成基础实验实习场地6.1万平方米和设施齐全的汽车驾驶训练场; 建成400米标准体育场以及40多个室外体育场。图书馆建筑面积1.5万平方米,图书馆馆藏书目达到8万多种、30多万册,期刊合订本1.28万册。学院还投入7100多万元高起点、高标准建设了12个实验中心89个实验室; 建成150多间多媒体课室、语音室;有1600多台供学生使用的DELL品牌计算机,人均教学科研仪器设备价值在广东省所有高校中排名第五。 l 社会环境分析 当今的中国,经济增长模式的改变、人口的增长以及经济全球化和中国入世带来的压力使得就业成为日益严重的社会问题。就业压力会加重社会负担,不利于社会秩序稳定。 1. 受全球经济不景气影响,很多大企业在裁员,减少人力招募,各公司退出的人才掌握完全竞争优势;小企业的关闭导致一部分人从新就业,也影响2013届毕业生的就业率。 2. 十二五计划出台及十八大召开,都将促进国企深化改革,政府用人偏向年轻化,多少会影响用人单位需求将偏向年轻化及有创新意识人才,同时服务业就业机会将大大增加,引领潮流的企业品质要求将促进中国企业及个人向追求卓越方向发展。 3. 受自然环境因素影响,私家汽车在城市发展已经受到一定的限制,而且随着地铁线路的普及和化石能源日益紧张等问题的出现,人们在交通工具选择上会有更多的选择,而且在国际油价上涨的趋势下,汽车的竞争力开始下降。 4. 由于国家在前期对同类专业人才的大量培养,导致现今汽车人才市场接近饱和状态且相比前人,我们缺少经验,所以未来的求职之路必定残酷! l 目标地域分析 随着广州汽车产业的发展,广州汽车产业集群初步形成了三大组团:东部的广州开发区黄埔组团、北部的花都组团及南部的南沙组团。广州北部汽车产业基地以东日产乘用车为龙头,以花都汽车城为中心,形成了集整车生产、部件生产、汽车研发、汽车生产、汽车贸易等于一体的汽车产业集群。东部汽车产业基地以广州本田龙头,以广本第一、二工厂 (增城工厂)、本田 (中国)出口工厂、东风本田发动机厂为支撑,以广开发区、黄埔工业集聚区、增城业园区为载体,集整车生产、零件生产、汽车研发、汽车贸易等于一体的汽车产业集群已初步形成。南部汽车产业基地以广州丰田为龙头,以南沙国际汽车城为中心,集整车、零部件、汽车物流等于一体的汽车产业集群已形成。且花都作为广州市的卫星城,在广州城区已经开始限制私家车的情况下,必定有更多的汽车企业就近流入像花都这样未限制汽车上路的城市;然而,作为卫星城,和主城市一体化只是时间问题,况且在毕业之前,广东市区通往花都的地铁将会打通,大大缩短花都到广州的时间,届时在花都低房价低工资低消费和广州高工资高房价高消费的背景下,再加上广州限制外地车辆进城的政策,花都必定会涌现早晚往返型打工族,他们必定会选择地铁这种便利的工具作为主要的出行工具,所以我认为当今的汽车市场法则已近不再适用于那个时候,当规则改变之时,正是上天给我们这些新人的机会! 2.2 专业分析 l 车辆工程专业按照就业城市毕业生流向排序以及薪水情况 1. 广州 3620 2. 上海 3929 3. 武汉 2513 4. 合肥 1714 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 1. 北京 2838 l 车辆工程专业按照就业岗位进行毕业生流向排序以及薪水情况 1. 汽车个别部件技术员 2528 2. 机械工程师 2769 3. 全能的汽车机械技术员 2813 4. 机械工程技术员 2080 5. 工商业设计师 2656 2.3职业定位 职业目标:将来成为一名机械工程师或研究所研发员 2.4 SWOT分析 l 优势因素(S) 我的最大优势就是自己的学习能力,我比较容易接受新的知识,我想,这个优点会很大程度上促进我的发展,其次,个人性格上比较冷静、稳定、有耐心,这为我走会计这条路增加了很大的筹码。而且自己的专业技能掌握的也还好,这点也是极为重要的。 l 弱势因素(W) 就我自身,最大的缺点就是做事情没有恒心。自己应该制定一些切实可行的小计划,每天按部就班的去执行,如果没有做到就惩罚一下自己,找自己亲密的朋友或者父母监督,改掉这个毛病。当然,自己肯定还有很多不足的地方,需要在以后的学习与生活中不断的改正与提高。 l 机会因素(O) 应该来说,就目前的就业形势来说,纯粹的机会因素是很少的,正因为如此,我想我得更加珍惜每次的机会,尽力抓住每一次机遇,目前,我国中小企业林立,对于我来说,这无疑是多了份机会,因为这样的形式招聘很大程度上增加了招聘的公平性与合理性。除此之外,我也相信在我以后的工作生涯中,我同样会遇到许多许多的机会,比如说加薪机会,升职机会等等。 l 挑战因素(T) 没有任何一个职业不存在挑战因素,机械工程师同样如此,敢于迎接挑战,才能不断在挑战中让自己成长,首先是自己在企业工作的过程中,肯定会遇到许多具有挑战性的问题,这都会对自己构成极大的挑战,对自己工作能力的一种考验,所以,必须充分认识这些挑战因素。 2.5 职业认知小结 如今汽车市场正在面临一场风暴,在这场风暴之后,整个汽车格局将会被重新洗牌, 1. 职业生涯规划设计 3.1 确定目标和路径 职业发展策略:直接通过招聘程序进入企业或单位。 职业发展路径:努力工作,增加工作经验,一步一步走好。不断丰富自己的专业知识,在适当的时候能够成为企业的管理层人员。 3.2 制定行动计划 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 l 短期计划 千里之行始于足下,做好每一天我该做好的事,终有一天成功的大门会向我敞开,我现在要做的就是让每一天过得充实有意义。 (1)思想政治方面:提高思想认识,树立正确的职业观,适应社会的发展,提高个人素质,提高人际关系。 (2)拿到与学科相关的证书(车辆工程专业证书、驾驶证、英语四、六级证书、日语二级证书、计算机二级证书、CAD全国中、高级证书、全国初、中级程序员等)。 (3) 希望能找到一家工程机械制造企业、汽车及零部件生产企业、汽车电子企业、汽车运输与贸易企业、汽车检测与维修企业等单位工作实习并工作。大学时间利用暑假出去打工,为自己积累工作经验。 (4)个性发展方面:在五年内尽量把自己想干的事都干了,看自己想看的书,学自己想学的东西(学习两门语言)。尽量不留下遗憾。 (5)身体素质方面:每天保证充足的睡眠,不熬夜。经常参加体育锻炼,提高身素质 执行方案: A、继续坚持每天早上一小时的英语学习时间。 B、利用空余时间再次提前预习课本知识,争取能在课堂上尽量吸收老师所讲知识,并且对平时在大学所有学习的所有专业知识进行再深层次的学习,为求职打好专业理论知识基础。 C、通过根据自己的实际情况,结合学校就业中心老师的指导;相关如何提高求职技巧专业书籍和网上相关文章;专业培训人员讲座;以及自己在求职的过程中不断实践,不断提高自己的求职技巧。 老师指导 求职专业书 求职技巧 实践经验 培训人员讲座 经过多渠道学习过程,学会以下技巧: (1)简历的制作。 (2)如何写求职信。 (3)了解面试方式:一对一面试;面试官的小组面试;传统型面试;真实经历面试;开放性面试;结构性面试;电话面试。针对每一种面试,学会有应对措施。 (4)学会与企业评估中心过招,迎战心理测试:能力测试,性格测试;以及学会谈判技巧。 D 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 、通过多渠道了解就业信息,有针对性地选择就业机会。当前举行招聘形式和渠道方面,排在前三位的是专场招聘会、校园招聘会和网络招聘会;而消息来源分别有:学校就业网站、学院推荐、朋友及亲友、校外网络媒体等。开拓就业消息来源渠道有助于更好寻找就业机会。 l 中期规划 (1)通过实践学习,总结出适合自己的职业道路。 (2)为自己补充所需的知识和技能。包括参与社会团体活动、广泛阅读相关书籍、选修、旁听相关课程、报考技能资格证书等。 (3)能力目标:具备在机械制造领域工作的理论基础,通过实习具有一定的实践经验。 (4)进入一家比较好的上市机械或者汽车企业,处理好人际关系。十年以后积累了一定的经济财富和人际关系,为成立自己的团队打下软硬方面的基础。 l 长期规划 (1)职业条件:在大中型企业找一份对自身发展有益的工作,在有比较成熟的工作经验后再创业;或在一家有发展前景小型的企业担任核心人员,努力获得股权并把公司做大做强。 (2)活到老,学到老,人一辈子都处在学习中,我要努力奋斗,争取有所作为,同时要注意继续学习。 (3)在最后有一定的经济基础之后,再回家乡,实现自己的梦想,创建自己的人生天堂。 3.3 动态分析调整 评估、调整我的职业目标、职业路径与行动计划:社会在变化,人也在变化。作为职业生涯的规划,它也只能是一个动态的过程,所以我将根据不同时期我的实际情况,结合当时相关情况,参照相应的职业目标评估,调整职业途径和实施策略。故此,我将定期进行我的职业评估,当出现特殊情况时,将进行相应的、科学的调整,来进行我的职业规划。 1. 备选规划方案 所谓计划赶不上变化,有计划固然好,但最重要的是看成效。因此有必要对自己的先前计划做好充分的额外准备。如果在职业生涯中期不能完成我短期人生的目标,或许我会选择继续考研,在我职业生涯后期我的目标和工作就会发生改变,我将会以我的创业情况做出分析,后期再设计我的职业生涯后期的目标和任务。 结束语 任何目标,只说不做到头来都会是一场空。然而,现实是未知多变的,定出的目标计划随时都可能遭遇问题,要求有清醒的头脑。一个人,若要获得成功,必须拿出勇气,付出努力、拼搏、奋斗。成功,不相信眼泪;未来,要靠自己去打拼!实现目标的历程需要付出艰辛的汗水和不懈的追求,不要因为挫折而畏缩不前,不要因为失败而一蹶不振;要有屡败屡战的精神,要有越挫越勇的气魄;成功最终会属于你的,每天要对自己说:“我要成功,我要按照目标的规划行动,坚持直到胜利的那一天。” 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9 华南理工大学广州学院汽车工程学院 既然选择了认准了是正确的,就要一直走下去。 在这里,这份作业职业生涯规划已经落入尾声了,然而,我人生的职业生涯规划永远不会停止,我正带着自己的梦想一步一步地往前走,哪怕最后和现在一样和梦想背道而驰,但是依然要为之奋斗,不努力,永远不会有进步。 既然选择了远方, 便只顾风雨兼程! 日本发动了蓄谋已久的侵华战争.这场侵略战争给中国人民带来了空前的灾难和损失,也给后人留下了深刻的历史血鉴of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall9查看更多