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气象科技英语 English For Meteorological Science and Technology 扩展大气科学类专业英语词汇量 熟悉专业术语及专业英语的特殊语法 掌握气象专业英语翻译技巧 顺利阅读外语文献资料和书籍 学习目的 Learn English , Go Abroad, To Watch the World! 课时安排 总学时 32 ,周学时 2 . 由于学时有限,实际的课堂教学以第一部分为主,第二三部分供课余学习。 第一部分学习 8 课,我们课堂详细阅读讲解。 Part One: Reading materials of English for meteorological science and technology 参考教材 寿绍文等, 《 气象科技英语教程 》 ,气象出版社, 2002 何三宁等, 《 气象科技英语翻译 》 ,气象出版社, 2010 C.Donald Ahrens , 《Meteorology Today》 , 2009 钱正安, 《 气象科技英语 900 句 》 ,气象出版社, 1999 盛芝义等, 《 科技英语 900 句 》 ,气象出版社, 1991 讲课方式 课前请同学们预习将要上的课程,课堂上以提问方式,讲解方式为主。并挑出其中的长句、难句重点分析。对于每一课挑选出的重要的专业词汇,要求同学们熟练掌握.课后总结复习。 考 试 闭卷 概述 ( 前言 ) 科技英语是描述科技用词中各种语言现象和特性的一种英语体系,它是用来进行国际科技交流的重要手段。全面的专业英语能力应包括读,写,译,听,说等五个主要方面.对于本科生来说,应基本具备这五方面的能力,尤其是 读 。 这对于今后阅读英文文献,掌握国际科研最新动态是必不可少的工具。 English for special purposes(ESP) English for science and technology(EST) English for meteorological science and technology 75% of the 30,000 journals are in English working language for most of international conferences is English 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 科技文体是一种信息语言体,是科技工作者借以传递科技信息的媒介。 科技信息的主要内容是客观真理、一般规律、具体事实和科学设想等,具有较强的客观性和科学性。因此,科技信息必然是可定义的、可比较的、可分类的、可计量的和可验证的。围绕以上信息,人们可进行论证、讨论,提出假说等,而这又要求有严格的逻辑推理过程和手段。 气象科技文体也不例外,从文体上讲较多使用议论或说明文体,追求归纳概括、列举演绎、证明、假设、推理等功能,语言要求做到概念清晰、数据准确、逻辑严谨、思路缜密。 气象科技英语文体在词汇、短语、句子、修辞和语篇 各个层面上都有其自身特点。 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 一、词汇特点 气象专业英语词汇大体包括五种类型 大气科学专用词汇 通用科技词汇 派生合成词汇 缩略语 普通词汇专业化 1. 大气科学专用词汇 Troposphere 对流层 stratosphere 平流层 ridge line 脊线 trough line 槽线 climatic feedback 气候反馈 meteorology 气象学 frontogenesis 锋生作用 active-monsoon periods 季风活跃期 synoptic model 天气学模式 radarsonde 雷达测风仪 这些词汇的词义精确而狭窄,专业性强 2. 通用科技词汇 通用科技词汇有多种含义,因此使用时一定要弄清它们在不同学科或领域中的确切意思,不能随意使用,以免造成误解。 同一词语语义的多专业化 3. 派生合成词汇 合成词: 指由两个或其以上的英语单词构成的词汇 Counter-circulation 反环流 Raindrop 雨滴 wind-finding 高空测风 Leap-day 闰日 派生词: 指通过词缀手段产生的词汇 anti-: anticyclone 反气旋 anti-icing 防积冰 sub-: subtropical 亚(副)热带 subpolar 副极地 再如:前缀 hydro-,hyper- 和 inter- 分别表示“液体”,“超过”,“交互”等意义。 ( hydrobiology 水生物学 , hyperactive 活动过度的) 是指通过合成、转化和派生构词手段而构成的词汇 4. 缩略词 EASM: East Asian summer monsoonEAWM: East Asian winter monsoon WMO: World Meteorological Organization AO: Arctic Oscillation ENSO: El Nino and Southern Oscillation 5. 普通词汇的专业化 ( 1 )气象科技英语中的普通词汇专业用途。 这类词汇在日常生活和在气象学科词义是一致的。 5. 普通词汇的专业化 ( 2 )气象科技英语中还有一部分词汇,从其基础意义来看,它们完全是普通词汇,但在气象学科中有专业化的词义,翻译时需要注意 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 二、句法特点 大量使用被动语态 这是科技英语的显著特征,因为被动句强调的是客观、真实,拒绝的是主观和臆断 被动语态的应用主要是突出这些主体,让其做主语,可以让读者重点注意到这些叙述中的客观事实、现象、实验和结果等 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 二、句法特点 大量使用被动语态 大量使用非谓语动词 在科技英语中使用非谓语动词结构可以更好、更准确地描述各个事物之间的关系,事物的位置和状态的变化,以及语气的加强和强调动作的概念等。 非谓语动词 是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括 不定式 、 动名词 和 分词 (现在分词和过去分词。 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 二、句法特点 大量使用被动语态 大量使用非谓语动词 大量使用名词化结构 用名词词组或短语(主要是用具有动作意义的名词 +of+ 修饰语)来表示一个句子的意思,就是名词化结构 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 二、句法特点 大量使用被动语态 大量使用非谓语动词 大量使用名词化结构 大量使用后置定语 后置定语具有简化结构、加强语气、强调动作概念、详解事实等目的 The stratosphere is the atmosphere layer above the troposphere . 平流层是 位于对流层上面 的大气层 后置定语包括介词短语、形容词及其短语、副词、分词及其短语、定语从句等 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 二、句法特点 大量使用被动语态 大量使用非谓语动词 大量使用名词化结构 大量使用后置定语 大量使用长句和复杂句 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 三、修辞特点 句子和时态的使用特点 大量使用陈述句型,谓语动词倾向于多用现在时,主要以一般时为主,如一般现在时、过去时和将来时。 2. 语气的使用 使用条件句较多,偶尔也会采用虚拟口气,使口吻变得委婉和圆滑。 气象科技英语的语言和文体特点 四、语篇特点 Unit One: The Structure And Composition Of The Atmosphere 第一课 大气的结构和组成 New words: gaseous 气体的 inhomogeneous 不均匀的 ;inhomogeneity Profile 廓线,分布 Altitude 高度 ;height; Meteorological 气象的 Aerological 大气学的 , 高空的 WMO ( World Meteorological Organization) 世界气象组织 temperature profile Terms 中文 廓线、剖面 廓线仪 风廓线 风廓线探测雷达 profile profiler wind profile wind profiling radar Troposphere 对流层 tropopause 对流层顶 Stratosphere 平流层 stratopause 平流层顶 Mesosphere 中间层 mesopause 中间层顶 Thermosphere 热成层 thermopause 热成层顶 Exosphere 外逸层 对流层 平流层 对流旺盛近地面, 纬度不同厚度变; 高度增来温度减, 只因热源是地面; 天气复杂且多变, 风云雨雪较常见 气温初稳后升热 只因层中臭氧多 水平流动天气好 高空飞行很适合 上冷下热 高空对流 电 离 层 高层大气 电离层能反射 无线电波,对 无线电通讯有 重要作用 中间层 热成层 lapse 递减 lapse rate 递减率 boundary 边界 Polar 极地的 tropics 热带 Latitude 纬度 atmospheric 大气的 Inversion 逆转,逆温 iso thermal 等温的 Ultraviolet (UV) 紫外线 ozone 臭氧 Interplanetary 星际的 interaction 相互作用 Inter- 相互之间 Friction 摩擦 Eddy-viscosity 涡度粘滞性 Instability 不稳定性 stability 稳定性; unstable adj. 不稳定的 in+… 否定 (构词法) inaccurate 不精确, invisible 不可见, incompressible 不可压缩 independent 独立; inhomogeneous 不均匀; informal 非正式 Parameter 参数 Superadiabatic 超绝热的 adiabatic 绝热的 Super+.. 超 (构词法) Supermarket 超市 superman 超人 supercell 超级单体 Aerosol 气溶胶 Photosynthetic 光合的 , photosynthesis 光合作用 Equatorial 赤道的 equator 赤道 Global 全球的 (regional 区域的) P1: Like a fish in the ocean, man is confined to a very shallow layer of atmosphere. The gaseous envelope of the Earth is physically inhomogeneous in both the vertical and horizontal directions, although the horizontal inhomogeneity is much less marked than the vertical inhomogeneity. P2: Various criteria have been devised for dividing the atmosphere into layers. This division can be based on the nature of the vertical temperature profile, on the gaseous composition of the air at different altitudes, and the effect of the atmosphere on aircraft at different altitudes, etc. The division based on the variation of the air temperature with altitude is used most commonly in the meteorological literature. How to divide the atmosphere into layers? Which criterion is most commonly used for layer’s division? P3: According to a publication of the aerological commission of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1961 , the Earth’s atmosphere, is divided into five main layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere and the exosphere. These layers are bounded by four thin transition regions: the tropopause, the stratopause, the mesopause, the thermopause . troposphere stratosphere, mesosphere thermosphere exosphere P4: The troposphere is the lower layer of the atmosphere between the Earth’s surface and the tropopause. The temperature drops with increasing height in the troposphere, at a mean rate of 6.5 ° C per kilometer (lapse rate). The upper boundary of the troposphere lies at a height of approximately 8 to 12 km in the polar and middle latitudes and 16 to 18 km in the tropics. In the polar and middle latitudes the troposphere contains about 75% of the total mass of atmospheric air, while in the tropics it contains about 90%. The tropopause is an intermediate layer in which either a temperature inversion or an isothermal temperature distribution is observed . polar Middle latitude tropics Earth’s surface 8km 12km 16-18km 75% 90% tropopause Temp . height P5: The stratosphere is the atmospheric layer above the troposphere . In the stratosphere the temperature either increases with height or remains nearly constant. In the lower part of the stratosphere (up to approximately 20 km above the Earth’s surface) the temperature is practically constant (about - 56 ° C). While further up the temperature increases with altitude at a rate of about 1 ° C/km at heights of 20 to 30 km and about 2.8 ° C/km at altitudes from 32 to 47 km. Under the standard conditions the temperature at the 47 km level is normally -2.5 ° C. P5: This increase in temperature with height is due to the absorption of UV solar radiation by ozone molecules. It should be noted that about 99% of the total mass of atmospheric air is concentrated in the troposphere and stratosphere, which extend up to an altitude of 30 or 35 km. The stratopause is an intermediate layer between the stratosphere and the mesosphere (in the altitude region from 47 to 52 km ), in which the temperature remains constant at about 0 ° C . -2.5℃ 0 ℃ 47-52km 32 to 47 km 20 to 30 km 20 km How the vertical lapse rate of temperature change with height? Why the temperature increase with height in stratosphere? Earth’s surface 1℃/km 2.8℃/km P6: The mesosphere is the atmospheric layer in which the temperature continuously decreases with height at a rate of about 2.8C/km up to about 71 km and at a rate of 2.0C/km from 71 to 85 km. At heights of 85 to 95 km the temperature ranges from -85 to -90 ° C. The mesopause is an intermediate layer between the mesosphere and the thermosphere (the base of the temperature-inversion region in the thermosphere). Normally the mesopause has an altitude of 85 to 95 km and it is characterized by a constant temperature of about -86.5 ° C. P7: The thermosphere is the atmospheric layer above the mesopause . The temperature in this layer increases with increasing altitude, reaching about 2000C at about 450km , the mean height of the upper boundary of the thermosphere. The temperature increase in this layer is mainly caused by the absorption of UV solar radiation by oxygen molecules, which dissociate as a result of this process. P8: The exosphere is the furthest out and the least studied part of the upper atmosphere. It is located above 450km altitude. The air density in the exosphere is so low that atoms and molecules can escape from it into interplanetary space. How high is the mesosphere located above the Earth’s surface? How the temperature changes with height in the mesosphere ? How high is the temperature at the altitude of mesosphere? P9: Finally, along with the above division of the atmosphere, we will also make use of a division based on the extent of atmosphere with the Earth’s surface. According to this principle, the atmosphere is usually divided into a so-called boundary layer (sometimes also called the friction layer) and the free atmosphere. The atmospheric boundary layer(up to 1 or 1.5 km) is influenced considerably by the Earth’s surface and by eddy-viscosity forces. At the same time, we can neglect, as a first approximation, the influence of eddy-viscosity forces in the free atmosphere. 除 … 以外(还) P10: Of all the above atmospheric layers, only the troposphere(especially its boundary layer) is characterized by a marked instability of the vertical distribution of the meteorological parameters. It is in this layer that both temperature inversions and superadiabatic temperature variations with height are observed. The Earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of gases and aerosols nitrogen, oxygen, argon, neon--- permanent atmospheric components water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone vary in quantity from place to place and from time to time (1)~(10) Division of the atmospheric layers (11)-(18) Composition of the atmosphere P11: The Earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of gases and aerosols, the latter being the name given to a system comprised of small liquid and solid particles distributed in the air. Air is not a specific gas :rather, it is a mixture of many gases. Some of them, such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon, neon, and so on, may be regarded as permanent atmospheric components that remain in fixed proportions to the total gas volume . Other constituents such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone vary in quantity from place to place and form time to time . 微量 氧 20.95% 氩 0.93% 氮 78.09% 变动气体 固定气体 二氧化碳 臭氧 水汽 气溶胶粒子 … ( 极微量 ) P12: The principal sources of nitrogen, the most abundant constituent of air , are decaying from agricultural debris, animal matter, and volcanic eruption. On the other side of the ledger , nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere by biological processes involving plants and sea life . To a lesser extent , lightning and high-temperature combustion processes convert nitrogen gas to nitrogen compounds that are washed out of the atmosphere by rain or snow . The destruction of nitrogen is in the atmospheres in balance with production. is? P13: Oxygen, a gas crucial to life on Earth, has an average residence time in the atmosphere of about 3000 years. It is produced by vegetation that, in the photosynthetic growth process, takes up carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. It is removed from the atmosphere by humans and animals, whose respiratory systems are just the reverse of those of the plant communities. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Oxygen dissolves in the lakes, rivers and oceans, where it serves to maintain marine organisms. It is also consumed in the process of decay of organic matter and in chemical reactions with many other substances. For example, the rusting of steel involves its oxidation. P14: From the human point of view, the scarce, highly variable gases are of great importance . The mass of water vapor, that is, H2O in a gaseous state, in the atmosphere is relatively small and is added to and removed from the atmosphere relatively fast. As a result ,the average residence time of water vapor is only 11 days. Water vapor is the source of rain and snow, without which we could not survive. From common experiences it is well known that the water vapor content of air varies a great deal. In a desert region the concentration of water vapor can be so low as to represent only a tiny fraction of the air volume. At the other extreme, in hot, moist air near sea level , say over an equatorial ocean, water vapor may account for as much as perhaps 5 percent of the air volume. P15: There are large variations of atmospheric water vapor from place to place and from time to time, but the total quantity over the entire Earth is virtually constant. The same can not be said about carbon dioxide (CO2).The concentration of this sparse but important gas has been increasing for the last hundred years or so. Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere by the decay of plant material and humus in the soil ,and by the burning of fossil fuels: coal, oil, and gas. The principal sinks of co2 are the oceans and plant life that uses co2 in photosynthesis . P15: In the middle 1980s,atmospheric chemists were still debating about the effects on atmospheric co2 of burning, harvesting ,and clearing of forests/The oceans take up large amounts of co2,about half the amount released by fossil fuel combustion. It is expected that this fraction will diminish with the passing decades whereas the total mass of co2 released will increase ,at least through the early part of the next century. During the 1980s atmospheric co2 was accumulating at a rate of about 1 part per million (ppm) of air per year, but it is expected to increase more rapidly in decades to come .In1983 it averaged about 340 ppm of air. P16: Ozone(O3),another important, highly variable gas, occurs mostly at upper altitudes ,bur it is also found in urban localities having a great deal of industry and automotive traffic and a generous supply of sunshine. In cities such as Los Angeles, ozone concentration may be more than 0.1ppm in extreme cases. Most atmospheric ozone concentration often exceed 1.0 ppm and may be as large as 10 ppm. P16: They vary greatly with latitude, season ,time of day, and weather patterns. The high-latitude ozone layer is maintained by photochemical reactions. The ozone layer is important because, by absorbing UV radiation in the upper atmosphere, it reduces the amount reaching the surface of the Earth . Exposure to increased doses of ultraviolet rays would cause more severe sunburns and increase the risk of skin cancers. Biologists indicate that a substantial increase in UV radiation could also affect other components of the biosphere. P17: Certain gages, if they exist in sufficiently high concentrations, can be toxic to people, animal and plant life. For example, when ozone occurs in high concentrations, it is toxic to biological organisms. This does not happen often, but in heavily polluted localities such as Los Angeles, ozone near the ground sometimes is sufficiently abundant to cause leaf damage to certain plant species. Very large quantities of potentially hazardous gases are introduced into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. Air pollutants are emitted from furnaces, factories, refineries, and engines, particularly automobile engines. P17: All there things and others like them burn fossil fuels: coal, oil, gasoline, and kerosene. In the process they emit gases and smoke particles that may spend a great deal of time in the atmosphere reacting with other substances and causing the formation of toxic compounds. P18: The most widespread and potentially hazardous gaseous pollutants are carbon monoxide ,sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons. The last of there compounds comes from vaporized gasoline and other petroleum products. Draw a temperature profile of the Earth’s atmosphere Make a table to list the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere sources destruction Residence time nitrogen oxygen H 2 O CO 2 大气的结构 ( 示意 图 )查看更多