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1 日期的四种写法: 2014 年 3 月 23 日 Mar. 23, 2014 Mar. 23rd, 2014 23 March, 2014 23rd March, 2014 2 5/6/2014 May 6, 2014 ( 美式 ) June 5, 2014 ( 英式 ) 3 Unit 2 Invitations Replies 4 2.1 Basic contents, formats and frequently used expressions of Invitations and Replies , including Unit 2 5 Invitation to Formal Dinner Invitation to Dance Invitation to Attending the Academic Activities etc. 6 What is an invitation? What are the purposes of an invitation? a banquet a report a reception a party Introduction of Invitations and Replies 7 How many forms can invitations be divided? two forms invitation cards (on formal occasions) invitation letters (on informal occasions) 8 What are the main elements for a complete invitation cards? activity date exact time place 9 in the bottom right-hand corner ① “white tie” a very formal occasion the participants’ dress men white tie and evening suit ladies elegant woman’s dress 10 ② “Black tie” a less formal occasion men black tie and dinner clothes ladies woman’s dress 11 ③ “Dress Optional” an informal occasion ④ R.S.V.P., followed by the host’s telephone number ⑤ “For Regrets Only” 12 Invitation Letter Letter of Acceptance Letter of Regret 13 the form should be correct the content should be gracious and pleasing. 14 Example 1 Invitation to a costume dance 为欢迎菲尔廷( Fielding )小姐,邓肯 F. 琼斯夫人( Duncan F. Jones )和琉西尔 . 琼斯小姐( Lucille Jones )谨订十一月五日(星期五)下午七时在天津大饭店十三层楼举行化妆舞会,敬请光临。 请复函 电话: 78966435 2.12 Try to write cards according to the following situation 15 ( For a Costume Dance ) To meet Miss Fielding Mrs. Duncan F. Jones Miss Lucille Jones request the pleasure of your company at a costume dance on Friday afternoon, the fifth of November at seven o’clock at the 13th floor, Tianjin Hotel R.S.V.P. Telephone: 78966435 16 Example 2 Replies to the invitation Accept an Invitation 为欢迎菲尔廷小姐,怀特先生和夫人愉快地接受邓肯 F. 琼斯夫人和琉西尔 . 琼斯小姐于十一月五日(星期五)下午七时在天津大饭店十三层楼举行化妆舞会的友好邀请。 17 To meet Miss Fielding Mr. and Mrs. White accept with pleasure the kind invitation of Mrs.Duncan F. Jones Miss Lucille Jones at a costume dance on Friday afternoon, the fifth of November at seven o’clock at the 13th floor, Tianjin Hotel Acceptance 18 卡洛琳小姐因病不能参加邓肯 F. 琼斯夫人和琉西尔 . 琼斯小姐于十一月五日(星期五)下午七时在天津大饭店十三层楼举行的化装舞会而发出的热情邀请,深表抱歉。 Regret 19 Miss Caroline Latimer regrets that owing to illness she is unable to accept Mrs.Duncan F. Jones Miss Lucille Jones kind invitation to a costume dance to meet Miss Fielding on Friday afternoon, the fifth of November at seven o’clock at the 13th floor, Tianjin Hotel Regret 20 Discussion the Format and Patterns Format and Patterns of Invitation Mr. and Mrs. xxx request the pleasure of your company at_____ on____, the_____of_____ at o’clock (Address) 21 复旦大学 真诚邀请赵伟先生 出席 109 周年校庆庆祝大会 时间: 2014 年 5 月 27 日星期三,上午 11 : 00 地点:图书馆授课厅 22 2.31 Formal Invitation ( 请柬 ) Sample 1. Invitation to an Anniversary Sample Study FUDAN UNIVERSITY request s the pleasure of the company of Mr. Wei Zhao at the celebration of the 109th Anniversary of the University on WEDNESDAY , 27th May, 2014 ( Commencing ) at 11a.m. at the Lecture Room of the library 23 美国大使偕夫人汉森女士 诚请 张路教授 出席将于 2014 年 11 月 3 日 星期五下午 6 : 00 举行的招待会 地点:美国大使馆 请回复 电话: 57480991 24 Sample 2 Invitation to a Reception The Ambassador of the United States of America and Lady Hanson request the pleasure of the company of Prof. Lu Zhang at a reception on Friday, November 3, 2014 at 6 p.m. at American Embassy R.S.V.P. 57480991 25 大连理工大学 英语系 诚挚地邀请 刘梅 教授 出席将于 2014 年 10 月 23 日星期四下午 6 : 00 在学校大礼堂 举行的讲座 请回复 电话: 84702955 转 809 26 Sample 3 Invitation to a Guest Speaker The English Department of Dalian University of Technology cordially invites Professor Mei Liu to give a lecture on Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014 at 6 p.m. at the Great Hall of the University R.S.V.P. 84702955 Extn. 809 27 Sample 4 Invitation to a Wedding Write an invitation card according to the situation 28 兹订于 2014 年 7 月 8 日(星期六)中午 12 时,在纽约市托马斯 · 埃皮斯卡帕尔教堂 为小女玛格丽特与唐娜德 · 布赖恩先生举行 结婚典礼,敬治喜筵于圣莫里兹,恭请布 莱克先生 & 夫人光临。 约翰 · 史密斯夫妇恭请 29 Formal Invitation Card Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the honor of Mr. & Mrs. Black’s presence at the marriage of their daughter Margaret to Mr. Donald Blaine on Saturday, the eighth of July , 2014 at twelve o’clock St. Thomas Episcopal Church New York and afterwards at dinner at St. Moritz 30 请帖 兹订于 2014 年 11 月 25 日(星期六)下午 2 : 00 在院报告厅召开我院建院 10 周年庆祝大会,恭请布朗小姐光临。 复旦大学外文学院 Writing Practice 31 College of Foreign Languages and Literature Fudan University requests the pleasure of the company of Miss Brown at the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the College founding on Saturday,25th Nov., 2014 Commencing at 2 : 00 p.m. at Lecture Hall of the College 32 Homework 33 兹订于 11 月 21 日(星期二)下午 5 时 在芙蓉宾馆敬治菲酌,恭请 乔治 · 史密斯先生 & 夫人光临。 亨利 · 金夫妇谨订 电话: 78566435 请赐回音 34 乔治 · 史密斯夫妇高兴地接受亨利 · 金先生 和夫人的宴请,时间为 11 月 21 日(星期 二)下午 5 时,座设芙蓉宾馆。 35 乔治 · 史密斯夫妇因 另有约在先,十分遗憾 不能应邀参加亨利 · 金先生 和夫人于 11 月 21 日(星期二) 下午 5 时在芙蓉宾馆举行的宴会。

