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课时素养评价十八 Unit 6 Disaster and hope Developing ideas Ⅰ. 单句语法填空 ‎1. We are looking for someone who is reliable (rely) and hard-working. ‎ ‎2. When the miners were lifted out of the well one by one, the rescuer (rescue) could not help tears. ‎ ‎3. The weather, even for January, was exceptionally (except) cold. ‎ ‎4. My job is to challenge, but not threaten (threat) them. ‎ ‎5. Nobody knows precisely (precise)how many people are still living in the camp. ‎ ‎6. There is already a long list of people claiming (claim) her attention.  ‎ ‎7. She grabbed (grab) the chance of a job interview. ‎ ‎8. We can distinguish one kind of substance from another by its properties (property). ‎ ‎9. The cause of the accident was not immediately (immediate)apparent. ‎ ‎10. A kind neighbor sheltered (shelter) the boy for seven days. ‎ Ⅱ. 选词填空 leave out, consist of, be known as, suffer from, all of a sudden, up and down, in the open air, have a chance to, look out, come down ‎1. The film will be shown in the open air tonight.  ‎ ‎2. “Look out! ” somebody shouted, as the truck started to roll toward the sea.  ‎ ‎3. With an elevator in the skyscraper, we can easily go up and down.  ‎ ‎4. You shouldn’t leave out this important detail in the trial.  ‎ ‎5. I’m glad I have a chance to make a speech here.  ‎ ‎6. Many people suffered from this terrible disease and lost their lives.  ‎ ‎7. All of a sudden the lightning struck the tree which we were sitting under.  ‎ ‎8. It’s said that he is known as an English expert.  ‎ ‎9. Assignments for this course consist of two individual assignments and one group assignment.  ‎ - 8 -‎ ‎10. Clouds had come down and it was starting to snow.  ‎ Ⅲ. 完成句子 ‎1. He just arrived the moment it happened.  ‎ 事情一发生, 他恰好就到了。 ‎ ‎2. She not only sings beautifully but also dances wonderfully.  ‎ 她不仅歌唱得好, 而且舞跳得也好。‎ ‎3. His parents died, leaving him a lot of money.  ‎ 他父母死了, 给他留下了许多钱。‎ ‎4. Laying eggs is her full-time job.  ‎ 下蛋是她的全职工作。‎ ‎5. This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.  ‎ 这本书很有趣, 人人都想看看。‎ Ⅰ. 阅读理解 A ‎(2019·太原高一检测)‎ Everybody is talking about the bridge. I mean the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge. And it is widely reported by ABC, New York Times and also Wikipedia. By the way, what’s the name of it? It’s Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB). ‎ Though HZMB took over 9 years to construct, the 55-kilometer-long bridge has a service life of 120 years. It consists of the 12km Hong Kong Link Road, 29. 6km Main Bridge and 13. 4km Zhuhai Link Road. It also includes the world’s deepest underwater part at a length of 6. 7km, which connects two man-made islands. ‎ The HZMB construction environment is complicated. Frequent typhoons, airport height limitation, high environmental standards, etc, should be taken into consideration. That is why this bridge gets the world’s attention. However, the bridge and tunnel system across the Lingdingyang waters of the Pearl River Estuary will cut the traveling time between Hong Kong and Zhuhai or Macao from three h - 8 -‎ ours to about 30 minutes. Most people will take a bus to make the journey. The buses will cost 8 to 10 dollars for a single trip. ‎ After the bridge opens, the traveling costs for taking a detour through the land routes can be avoided. Therefore, the bridge will help to make use of the distribution of industries, raise the competetiveness of region, and benefit logistics (物流) and tourism. The project is believed to lay a good foundation for the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which is considered a new highlight in China’s economy. ‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了世界上最长的跨海大桥: 港珠澳大桥的相关情况。‎ ‎1. Why has the bridge drawn so much attention? ‎ A. Because it’s the longest bridge in China. ‎ B. Because it’s been in service for 120 years. ‎ C. Because its construction is extremely difficult. ‎ D. Because it connects three man-made islands. ‎ ‎【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第一二句The HZMB construction environment is complicated. Frequent typhoons, airport height limitation, high environmental standards, etc, should be taken into consideration可知, 这座桥吸引了如此多关注的原因是它的建设难度太大了。故选 C。‎ ‎2. How does the bridge help people according to the text? ‎ A. By controlling local industry. ‎ B. By attracting tourists overseas. ‎ C. By offering a cleaner environment. ‎ D. By reducing traveling time and costs. ‎ ‎【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第三段第四句However, the bridge and tunnel system across the Lingdingyang waters of the Pearl River Estuary will cut the traveling time between Hong Kong and Zhuhai or Macao from three hours to about 30 minutes以及最后一段第一句After the bridge opens, the traveling costs for taking a detour through the land routes can be avoided可知, 这座桥可以帮助人们减少旅游的成本与时间。‎ ‎3. What can be a suitable title for the text? ‎ - 8 -‎ A. A ‎Green‎ ‎Bridge B. A Tour Through HZMB C. The Main‎ ‎Bridge of HZMB D. The ‎Longest‎ Sea-crossing ‎Bridge ‎【解析】选D。主旨大意题。根据首段第一句Everybody is talking about the bridge. I mean the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge可知, 本篇主要讲The Longest Sea-crossing Bridge。‎ B ‎(2019·雅安高一检测) ‎ Many years ago, there lived a poor fisherman. His only companion was his dog. They might be seen walking on the white sandy beach. ‎ The dog was always beside his master as the fisherman made his little boat ready to sail. When the man pulled out to sea each morning, the dog would run up on the high ridge(山岭). There he would sit and watch all day. The dog never moved until late afternoon when he saw the little boat return. Then he would race back to the shore to greet his master. ‎ As the years went by, the fisherman grew older. So did the faithful dog. The fisherman still went out to sea. The dog still watched for his return, sitting on the high ridge. ‎ One early morning in September, the fisherman was getting his little boat ready. All at once the dog began to bark. He circled around the fisherman and tugged at his trousers. The fisherman could not remember when he had seen his dog act so strangely. He patted the dog’s back, thinking the dog wanted to play. But nothing made any difference. Then the man climbed into the boat and sailed away. The dog went to his watching place, still barking. ‎ There were other fishing boats out that morning. Suddenly the soft wind changed. It began to blow wildly. The fisherman’s boat was seized by the wind and whirled around(随风旋转). The sky darkened. Rain began to fall. ‎ ‎“It’s a hurricane! ”said the fisherman. The man thought of his dog at once. Had the dog left the ridge and run home? Or was he still sitting there? T - 8 -‎ he fisherman tried to drive his boat and turn it toward the shore. Suddenly a great wave swept over his head and tossed the boat away(卷走). ‎ The next morning, the hurricane was over. The families of the other fishermen ran to the shore. They watched for the return of the boats. They waited and waited, but no one returned. Then the people went slowly back to their homes and started a new life. As they rebuilt their village, no one gave a thought to the fisherman’s dog. ‎ Several months later, a group of villagers was out gathering sea grapes(海葡萄). They noticed what appeared to be the figure of a dog sitting high on the ridge. “Look” said one. “Isn’t that the old fisherman’s dog? ” “How could it be, after all this time? ”said another. ‎ When the man reached the spot, he found only a rock—shaped like a dog. But as soon as the people looked up again, they saw the stone dog. He just sat there on top of the ridge, waiting, waiting. . . ‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲了一个渔夫和他的狗相依为命。每次渔夫出海捕鱼, 狗都会跑到高高的山脊上等待它的主人。有一次, 渔夫出海遇到飓风, 再没有回来。而他的狗化为了一块石头, 永远坐在山脊上, 等待着它的主人。‎ ‎4. Why did the dog run up to the high ridge when the fisherman pulled out to sea every morning? ‎ A. Because he didn’t want to go home alone. ‎ B. Because he didn’t like walking on the white sandy beach. ‎ C. Because he waited for his master on the high ridge. ‎ D. Because he wanted to exercise on the high ridge. ‎ ‎【解析】选C。推理判断题。答案定位在第二段最后两句The dog never moved until late afternoon when he saw the little boat return. Then he would race back to the shore to greet his master. 由此推断出, 每天早上渔夫出海的时候, 狗会跑到高高的山脊上, 是因为它在高高的山脊上等着它的主人。‎ ‎5. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ______.  ‎ A. the reason why the dog acted so strangely B. the situation that the fisherman was getting ready - 8 -‎ C. the relationship between the fisherman and the dog D. the reason that the fisherman didn’t want to play with the dog ‎【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第四段All at once the dog began to bark. . . . when he had seen his dog act so strangely可知, 第四段主要讲了渔夫准备出海时的情形, 主要提及了狗的一些异常表现。‎ ‎6. What does the underlined word “figure” in paragraph 8 mean? ‎ A. gift   B. shape   C. price   D. number ‎【解析】选B。词义猜测题。答案定位在最后一段第一句When the man reached the spot, he found only a rock—shaped like a dog结合画线句子They noticed what appeared to be the figure of a dog sitting high on the ridge. 可知, 他们注意到好像有一只狗的身形坐在高高的山脊上。“figure”的意思是形状。‎ ‎7. What is the best title of the passage? ‎ A. The Stone Dog B. The Terrible Hurricane C. The Stony Ridge D. The Little Stone ‎【解析】选A。主旨大意题。本文主要讲了一个渔夫和他的狗相依为命。每次渔夫出海捕鱼, 狗都会跑到高高的山脊上等待它的主人。有一次, 渔夫出海遇到飓风, 再没有回来。而他的狗化为了一块石头, 永远坐在山脊上, 等待着它的主人。所以这篇文章最好的题目是《石狗》。‎ 推理判断题要求考生在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上, 做出一定的判断和推理, 从而得出文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题, 做这类题目时, 应严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词、态度和语气等, 找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词语, 然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断, 从而得出符合逻辑的结论。小题4答案定位在第二段The dog never moved until late afternoon when he saw the little boat return. Then he would race back to the shore to greet his master. (直到下午晚些时候, 那条狗看到小船回来时才动了。然后它会跑回岸边迎接它的主人。)由此推断出, 每天早上渔夫出海的时候, 狗会跑到高高的山脊上, 是因为它在高高的山脊上等着它的主人, 故选C。‎ Ⅱ. 阅读填句 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ - 8 -‎ I work as a meteorologist(气象学家) in Tampa, Florida. It’s my job to follow hurricanes(飓风) and provide information about them to scientists. ‎ I was working for the National Meteorological Office in Bracknell, near London, in the autumn of 1995, and I saw a documentary called Stormchasers with family.  1  Two months later I came across an ad for a meteorologist to work in Florida. I was interviewed over the phone, moved to the US, and started to work here in Tampa in May 1996.  ‎ ‎ 2  I have been all over the world hunting hurricanes. It’s exciting to end up in different cities and different countries day after day. If you are a meteorologist, you have to love flying. I also love working with top scientists.  3  For me, it’s like a classroom in the sky.  ‎ People often ask me what an average day is like. In fact, there’s no such thing as an average day in my job!  4  We often take off at a moment’s notice to hunt storms.  ‎ Next, I would like to join a space program and be the first meteorologist in space.  5  There aren’t any hurricanes!  ‎ If you also want to be a meteorologist, study math and science and get a degree in meteorology. I have taken the hurricane hunter path, but you could do research. ‎ A. I have learned so much from them. ‎ B. What I like most about my job is the travel. ‎ C. It’s a wonderful job and the pay is pretty good. ‎ D. It all depends on the weather, and you can’t control that. ‎ E. However, I haven’t come up with an experiment to do in space yet. ‎ F. Because of the job, I’m away from my family who all live in the UK. ‎ G. It was about hurricane hunters and I thought, “Wow, that’s an interesting job! ”‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。作者详细介绍了自己所从事的工作——风暴追逐者。‎ ‎1. 【解析】选G。上文I was working for the National Meteorological Office in Bracknell, near London, in the autumn of 1995, and I saw a documentary called Stormchasers with family. 说我看了一部纪录片叫《与家人在一起的风暴追逐者》, 该空承接上文, ‎ - 8 -‎ ‎ G选项“它是关于飓风猎人的, 我想, 这是一个有趣的工作! ”切题, 故选G。‎ ‎2. 【解析】选B。下文I have been all over the world hunting hurricanes. 说我一直在世界各地搜寻飓风。该空引出下文, B选项“我工作中最喜欢的是旅行。”切题, 故选B。‎ ‎3. 【解析】选A。上文I also love working with top scientists. 说我也喜欢和顶尖科学家一起工作。该空承接上文, A选项“我从他们身上学到了很多”切题, 故选A。‎ ‎4. 【解析】选D。上文People often ask me what an average day is like. In fact, there’s no such thing as an average day in my job! 说人们经常问我平常的一天是什么样的。事实上, 在我的工作中没有所谓的普通的一天! 下文说我们经常一接到通知就出发去捕捉风暴。该空承上启下, D选项“这完全取决于天气, 你无法控制。”切题, 故选D。‎ ‎5. 【解析】选E。上文Next, I would like to join a space program and be the first meteorologist in space. 说接下来, 我想加入一个太空计划, 成为第一个在太空的气象学家。该空承接上文, E选项“然而, 我还没有想到能在太空做的实验。”切题, 故选E。‎ ‎ ‎ - 8 -‎

