新教材高中英语UNIT5THEVALU课件 人教版必修第三册

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新教材高中英语UNIT5THEVALU课件 人教版必修第三册

UNIT 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY Section A Listening and Speaking 核心词汇 词汇一     basis n. 基础;根据;基点 ◆教材原句 Is money the basis of a happy life? 金钱是幸福生活的基础吗? ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) on the basis of 在某事的基础上;根 据某事 on a regular basis 定期地,经常 on a daily basis 每天 ( 2 ) base n. 基部,基础,基地;总部 vt. 以 …… 为基础;基地设在 …… base... on/upon... 使 …… 以 …… 为基础 be based on/upon 以 …… 为基础   air base 空军基地 ( 3 ) basic adj. 基本的;基础的;最初级的 basically adv. 基本上;大体上;从根本上说 题组练 · 领悟方法 单句语法填空 ( 1 )    the basis of those facts , we can reach the following conclusion. ( 2 ) The book is based    a true story. ( 3 ) There have been some problems but      ( base ) it’s a good system. 单句写作 ( 4 ) The decision was made           (根据) the information we had. ( 5 ) We’re going to meet there            (每天) . ( 6 ) Be physically active            (定期地), which will also help you maintain a healthy body. On on basically on the basis of on a daily basis on a regular basis 词汇二   apologise vi. 道歉;谢罪(也可写作 apologize ) ◆教材原句 Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldn’t offer her more money. 王政向陈道歉,因为他不能给她更多的钱。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) apologise to sb. for ( doing ) sth. 为(做) 某事而向某人道歉 ( 2 ) apology n. 道歉,认错 make an apology to sb. for ( doing ) 因(做) …… 向某人道歉 offer sb. an apology 主动向某人道歉( =offer an apology to sb. ) accept/refuse sb.’s apology 接受 / 拒绝某人的道歉 demand an apology 要求道歉 owe sb. an apology 应该向某人道歉( =owe an apology to sb. ) 单句语法填空 ( 1 ) Sorry , ladies and gentlemen! We      ( apology ) for the late departure of this flight. ( 2 ) The captain made an apology     the passengers      the delay caused by the foggy weather. 单句写作 ( 3 ) When we met again , he________________________________________________________               (因 …… 向我道歉) not having kept his word and asked me to forgive him. ( 4 ) As a daughter and a mother , the more I go through parenting , the more I________________                     (应该向某人表示歉意) my parents because of their selfless love. apologise to for apologised to me for/made an apology to me for/offered me an apology for/offered an apology to me for owe an apology to 词汇三   draw a conclusion 得出结论 ◆教材原句 To draw a conclusion , you need to under-stand the given information and use your background knowledge. 要得出结论,你需要了解所给的信息并运用你的背景知识。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) draw a conclusion 得出结论( =come to/ arrive at/reach a conclusion ) jump to conclusions 匆忙 / 贸然下结论 make a conclusion 下结论 bring the discussion to a conclusion 结束讨论 in conclusion 最后,总之(插入语)( = to conclude ) ( 2 ) conclude vi. 得出结论,推断出;(使) 结束 conclude with/by... 以 …… 结束 单句语法填空 ( 1 ) The       ( conclude ), I think , he drew from this simple experiment is not scientific. ( 2 ) It’s important not to jump to       ( conclusion ) . ( 3 ) He based his       ( conclude ) on the evidence given by the eyewitness (目击者) . 单句写作 ( 4 ) We have               ( 得出结论) that the company has been making great progress these months. ( 5 )             (最后), I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed staying in your beautiful country. ( 6 ) Each chapter    (以 …… 结束) a short summary. conclusion conclusions conclusion drawn/come to/arrived at/reached the conclusion In conclusion/To conclude concludes with 词汇四   ignore vt. 忽视;对 …… 不予理会 ◆教材原句 Also , while listening , don’t ignore the speakers’ tone and intonation—these can be important clues , too. 另外,在听的时候,不要忽略说话者的语气和语调 —— 这些也可能是很重要的线索。 ◆要点必记 ignore sb’s advice 无视某人的忠告 ignore personal danger 不顾个人安危 ignorance n. [ U ]无知;愚昧;不知 ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的 be ignorant of/about... 对 …… 一无所知 单句写作 ( 1 ) We can’t afford             (不考虑他们的劝告) . ( 2 ) Do you frequently        (置工作于不顾) and other activities to check your phone for messages? 单句语法填空 ( 3 ) Excuse my      ( ignore ), but how does this machine work? ( 4 ) He’s ignorant      the dangers of too much sun. to ignore their advice ignore work ignorance of/about 词汇五   in return 作为回报;作为回应 ◆教材原句 When we help someone , should we expect to get something in return? 当我们帮助别人时,我们应该期望得到回报吗? ◆词语辨析 in return 和 in turn ·in return 作为回报;作为回应 in turn 依次,轮流;相应地,转而 ◆归纳拓展 ( 1 ) in return for 作为对 …… 的回报 / 报答 / 交换 return to normal 恢复正常 ( 2 ) the return flight 返程航班 the return journey 回程 upon one’s return home 某人一回到家 the return of a wallet 归还钱包 辨析填空( in return/in turn ) ( 1 ) People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars , and this__________      creates further problems. ( 2 ) While staying in the village , James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything      . 单句写作 ( 3 ) He is willing to help those in trouble.       (作为回报), people respect him , saying he is a warm-hearted man. ( 4 ) He didn’t expect anything       (作为对 …… 的回报) his help. ( 5 ) Even with treatment , they may never         (恢复正常) . in turn in return In return in return for return to normal   词汇六   judge ( 1 ) vt. 评价;评判;判断 ( 2 ) n. 法官;审判员;裁判员 ◆教材原句 Should we judge people based on how much money they have? 我们应该根据人们有多少钱来评价他们吗? ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) judging by/from... 根据 …… 判断 judging from one’s accent 从某人的口音判断 as far as I can judge 据我判断 Never judge a person by their looks. 不要以貌取人! ( 2 ) judgement n. 看法;判断力;判决 in one’s judgement 在某人看来 reserve one’s judgement 保留某人的看法 ◆误区警示 judging by/from... 作状语时,是独立成分,不受主语的影响和限制。有类似用法的还有: generally/exactly/frankly/honestly speaking 一般地 / 确切地 / 坦率地 / 诚实地说 considering ( that ) ... 考虑到 …… ;鉴于 …… providing/provided ( that ) ... 假如 …… ;倘若 …… 单句语法填空 ( 1 )      ( judge ) from the number of cars , he thought there were not many people at the club yet. ( 2 ) Judging      what you said , I’m afraid you are wrong. ( 3 ) Many of the scientists and engineers      ( judge ) in terms of how great their achievements are. ( 4 ) I’d prefer to reserve my       ( judge ) until I find all the evidence. ( 5 ) Facing these strict      ( judge ), the interviewee felt very nervous. ( 6 )     her judgment , it was a wrong thing to give children so much pocket money. Judging from/by are judged judgment judges In 单句写作 ( 7 ) We shouldn’t              (根据穿着判断一个人) . ( 8 ) Don’t        (评价一本书) only by its cover. You need consider many aspects. judge a person by his clothes judge a book 重点句式 句式一   should have done sth. 本该做某事(却没做) ◆教材原句 Well , I think that Chen Liyan was correct in returning the money , but she should have accepted the money Wang offered. 嗯,我认为陈丽燕还钱是对的,但是她应该接受王提供的钱。 ◆要点必记 should have done sth. 本应该做某事(没做) shouldn’t have done 本不该做 …… (做了) ought to have done sth. 本应该做某事(没做) oughtn’t to have done 本不该做 …… (做了) needn’t have done sth. 本来没必要做某事 could have done sth. 本来能够做某事;可能做了某事 might have done sth. 可能做了某事 would have done sth. 本来会做某事 would rather have done sth. 宁愿做了某事 would like to have done sth. 本来想要做某事 单句翻译 ( 1 ) 此事你早就应该告诉我。 ____________________________________________________________ ( 2 ) 今天上午我本该给老板打电话,但是我忘了。 ____________________________________________________________ 把下列句子翻译成汉语 ( 3 ) Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago. ______________________________________________________________ ( 4 ) In my opinion , she should have resigned earlier. _______________________________________________________________ ( 5 ) I needn’t have worried before I came to the new school , for my classmates here are very friendly to me. ________________________________________________________________ You should have told me about it before. I should have phoned my boss this morning , but I forgot . 看看什么时候了!我们本该在十分钟前到剧院。 在我看来,她本应更早一点儿辞职。 我来新学校之前本不必担心,因为我的同学都对我很友好。 句式二   whenever 引导状语从句 ◆教材原句 You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. 你想什么时候来就什么时候来,想吃什么就吃什么。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 )引导让步状语从句 whenever 引导让步状语从句,表示“无论何时”,相当于 no matter when 。 Whenever you come , you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。 ( 2 )引导时间状语从句 whenever 引导时间状语从句,表示“每 当”,“一 …… 就 ……” ,比 when 语气更强。 The roof leaks whenever it rains. 这屋顶一下雨就漏。 ( 3 )从句主语和谓语有时可以省略。 Robbie had arranged for this man to come whenever ( he is ) needed. 罗比安排好,这人会随叫随到。

