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静宁一中2018-2019学年度第二学期高一第二次月考试题 英 语 第一部分:阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中 ,选出最佳选项 A Michigan’s College Summer School Michigan’s College Summer School is a yearly training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of Michigan’s College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year’s summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.‎ More information is as follows:[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ Application date ‎● Students in New York should send their applications before July 18, 2019.‎ ‎● Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16, 2019.‎ ‎● Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2017.[来源:Z.xx.k.Com]‎ Courses ‎● English Language Spoken English: 22 hours Reading and Writing: 10 hours[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎● American History: 16 hours ‎● American Culture: 16 hours Steps ‎● A letter of self-introduction ‎● A letter of recommendation (推荐)‎ ‎● The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.‎ Cost ‎● Daily lessons: $200‎ ‎● Sports and activities: $100‎ ‎● Travels: $200‎ ‎● Hotel service: $400‎ ‎﹡You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.‎ Please write to:‎ Thompson, Sanders ‎1026 Michigan’ s Street New York, NY 10016, USA E-mail: Ms-Summer-School@yahoo.com ‎1.What information can you get from the text?‎ A. The program will last two months.‎ B. You can write to Thompson only in English.‎ C. You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone.‎ D. As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2019.‎ ‎2. If you are going to live with your relatives in New York, you will have to pay the school ________.‎ A. $200 B. $400 C. $900 D. $500‎ ‎3. You can most probably read the text in ________.‎ A. a science report B. a textbook C. a newspaper D. a telephone book B The world is a truly strange place waiting to be explored. In addition to offering a lot of extraordinary locations and people, it also offers interesting festivals celebrated by people in various parts of the world. Here is a list of the oddest festivals that can be found around the world. ‎ Cheese Rolling Festival: A festival that is surely going to leave you with a sore neck if not a broken one! Celebrated in England, the Cheese Rolling Festival is something that you would rather watch than take part in. ‎ Okay! Here’s how it goes. Officials set a big cheese wheel to roll down a steep hill and participants run after it. The first one to catch it wins the competition and the cheese. Simple? Well, try it out and you will know! ‎ The Monkey Buffet: Now here’s a country that actually feeds monkeys to their hearts’ content instead of chasing them away. Celebrated in Thailand, the Monkey Buffet is an annual event that brings together a lot of locals who offer fruit and vegetables to over 600 monkeys. It’s a great feast as the monkeys dig into almost 3, 000 kilograms of fruit and vegetables. The people of Thailand believe this is a way to honor the Monkey King called Hanuman. ‎ La Tomatina: Here’s your golden chance to get even with your friends who sprayed(喷洒)paint on you on your birthday. Celebrated in Spain, the month of August has nearly 250 pounds of tomatoes go down the drain(被浪费掉)in what is perhaps the largest tomato fight in the world. The event is conducted in the town of Bunyol and attracts nearly 30, 000 tourists around the world in addition to locals. Truckloads of tomatoes arrive and you are ready to go. The entire area is covered with slush and tomatoes within minutes. It’s a good time to have fun with friends and family. ‎ ‎4. What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage? ‎ A. To discuss some foreign culture. ‎ B. To introduce some unusual festivals. ‎ C. To attract more people to travel to Europe. ‎ D. To talk about the author’s interesting experiences. ‎ ‎5. What can we learn from the passage? ‎ A. Thai people celebrate the Monkey Buffet mainly to show their concern for animals. ‎ B. The Monkey Buffet is celebrated because monkeys are endangered there. ‎ C. The Monkey Buffet is a religious festival celebrated in Spain every year. ‎ D. Thai people celebrate the Monkey Buffet to honor Hanuman. ‎ ‎6. Which of the following statements is TRUE? ‎ A. August may be a golden season to visit Bunyol. ‎ B. People will fight with their enemy at La Tomatina. ‎ C. Nearly 30, 000 people join in La Tomatina every year. ‎ D. People hold a tomato-eating competition at La Tomatina. ‎ ‎7. The underlined part“get even with”in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_________”. ‎ A. have a great time with B. pay back C. get along well with D. make peace with C A company in San Francisco, California, has found a way to turn used plastic bottles into women’s shoes. ‎ ‎  Every day, millions of Americans drink water and other liquids from plastic bottles. More than 60 million of them are thrown away each day. Many of the plastic bottles end up in landfills or are burned with other waste products. ‎ ‎  A San Francisco start-up company called Rothy’s, however, turns this plastic waste into environmentally friendly shoes. Rothy Martin is the company’s co-founder. He explains how they turn plastic into soft material for your feet. They take the plastic, clean it, and break it down into small pieces. Then they press it through a device that makes soft fibers. Those fibers are then combined, or knit together. This is done by a three-dimensional knitting machine. It is designed to reduce waste while making the shoes. ‎ ‎  The knitted fabric and the inner part of the shoes are then attached to the shoes’ outer part, called the sole(鞋底). This outer sole is also made from environmentally friendly material: responsibly sourced no-carbon rubber. ‎ ‎  Rothy’s shoes are sold online. They are flat shoes, with either a rounded or pointed toe. They come in different colors and designs. They cost either $125 or $145 per pair, depending on the design. ‎ ‎  After American actress Gwyneth Paltrow discovered them last year, the demand for the shoes grew. ‎ ‎  Martin says there is no shortage of material to fill that demand. “We’re not going to run out of water bottles any time soon. So we have an infinite supply of material, and I think that bodes well for our future. ”‎ ‎  When the environmentally friendly shoes wear out, customers can return them at no cost to a company that uses the recycled materials to make other products. ‎ ‎  For now, the shoes are only available to be shipped in the United States. However, the company says it will add international shipping in the near future. ‎ ‎8. Which one is the right procedure of making shoes? ‎ ‎①pressing small pieces ②breaking down clean plastic bottles ‎③knitting together ④cleaning plastic bottles ‎⑤attaching the knitted fabric, the inner part and the outer part A. ①②③④⑤ B. ④②③①⑤ C. ④②①③⑤ D. ②①③④⑤‎ ‎9. Why did Rothy’s use a three-dimensional knitting machine to make shoes? ‎ A. Because it is easy to operate. ‎ B. Because it is cheaper than other machines. ‎ C. Because it is productive. ‎ D. Because it can reduce waste when making the shoes. ‎ ‎10. What can be learned from the passage? ‎ A. This kind of shoes are sold in the shop. ‎ B. The shoes are environmentally friendly. ‎ C. Customers can return them with little money to a company. ‎ D. The shoes are available in the world. ‎ ‎11. What’s the best title of the passage? ‎ A. How to recycle plastic bottles[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]‎ B. Recycled bottles find new life on women’s feet C. How a new kind of shoes became a hit D. How to make environmentally friendly shoes D Elephants have impressed us for centuries. They are big, clever, and sociable. But what if someone told you that they may also hold the key to fighting cancer (癌症)?‎ People have been wondering why elephants do not develop cancer, even though they have lifespans (寿命) that are similar to humans, living for around 50 to 70 years.‎ Now scientists believe they know why. A team at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors (肿瘤) from developing. To be precise, they found 20 copies of an antitumor gene called TP53 in elephants. Most other species, including humans, only carry one copy.‎ According to the research, which was recently published on the online science network BioRxiv, the extra copies of the gene improved the animal's sensitivity to DNA damage. This lets the cells quickly kill themselves when damaged before they can go on to form deadly tumors.‎ ‎“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals,” study author Dr. Vincent Lynch told The Guardian. If every living cell (细胞) has the same chance of becoming cancerous, large creatures with long lifespans like whales and elephants should have a greater risk of developing cancer than humans and mice do. But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.‎ This_phenomenon was found by Oxford University scientist Richard Peto in the 1970s and later named “Peto's paradox”. Evolutionary (进化的) biologists believe it results from larger animals using protection that many smaller animals do not. In the elephant's case, the making of TP53 is nature's way of keeping this species alive.‎ The study also found that when the same genes were brought to life in mice, they had the same cancer resistance (抵抗) as elephants. This means researchers could use the discovery to develop new treatments that can help stop cancers from spreading or even developing in the first place.‎ ‎“Nature has already figured out how to prevent cancer,” said Joshua Schiffman, an oncologist at the School of Medicine, University of Utah, US.‎ ‎“It's up to us to learn how different animals tackle (处理) the problem so we can use those strategies to prevent cancer in people.”‎ ‎12.Why are elephants unlikely to develop cancer?‎ A.They have a large body size.‎ B. Their genes suffer no DNA damage.‎ C. Certain genes in their body kill existing tumors.‎ D. They carry many genes that keep tumors from developing.‎ ‎13.According to Dr. Vincent Lynch, what has been a risk in the evolution of large animals?‎ A. A risk of deadly tumors. B. Human behavior.‎ C. Extreme weather. D. Cells killing themselves.‎ ‎14.What does the underlined expression “This phenomenon” in the sixth paragraph refer to?‎ A. Larger animals have protection from TP53.‎ B. The risk of cancer is not related to body size.‎ C. The larger animals are, the bigger risk of cancer they have.‎ D. Larger animals suffer the same risk of cancer as smaller ones do.‎ ‎15.We can conclude from the last three paragraphs that ________.‎ A. humans are expected to stop cancer in the near future B. depending on nature is not enough to fight against cancer C. this new treatment is more effective than the present ones D. the TP53 genes have proven useful in stopping cancer in mice 第二部分:完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) ‎ 阅读下面短文。从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ I parked my car in front of a store and cleaned my car. Then I saw a 16 coming across the parking lot (停车场) and walking towards me. From his 17 , I thought he had no car, no 18 , no clean clothes and no money. There are times when you are 19 , but there are other times that you just don’t want to talk.‎ ‎“I 20 he doesn’t ask me for any money,” I thought. 21 , he didn’t. He came and 22 in front of the bus stop but it didn’t look like he had enough 23 to ride the bus.‎ After a few minutes he spoke, “That’s a very 24 car.” He was poor but he had an air of 25 around him.‎ I said “Thanks” and continued 26 my car.‎ He watched 27 as I worked. The expected beg for money never came. As the silence between us 28 , something inside said, “Ask him if he needs any help.” I was sure that he would say “Yes”, 29 I listened to the inner (内心的) 30 .‎ ‎“Do you need any help?” I asked.‎ I 31 nothing but an open dirty hand. However, he answered three simple words that I shall never 32 .‎ ‎“Don’t we all?” he said 33 .‎ Don’t we all? I needed help. Maybe not for a bus fare or a place to 34 , but I needed help.‎ ‎ No matter how much you have and no matter 35 you have achieved, you need help, too.‎ ‎16. A. farmer ‎17. A. attitude ‎18. A. home ‎19. A. hard-working ‎20. A. realize ‎21. A. Gradually ‎22. A. lay ‎23. A. luck ‎24. A. small ‎25. A. pity ‎26. A. cleaning ‎27. A. seriously ‎28. A. set up ‎29. A. so ‎30. A. feeling ‎31. A. wanted ‎32. A. forget ‎33. A. surprisingly ‎34. A. visit ‎35. A. how B. student B. appearance B. worry B. self-satisfied B. hope B. Certainly B. stood B. energy B. dirty B. value B. repairing B. angrily B. went on B. and B. opinion B. said B. notice B. sincerely B. work B. what C. beggar C. behavior C. time C. warm-hearted C. guess C. Finally C. cried C. reason C. old C. pride C. driving C. silently C. ended up C. but C. voice C. saw C. know C. selflessly C. hide C. when D. driver D. habit D. interest D. good-looking D. believe D. Actually D. played D. money D. nice D. excitement D. removing D. happily D. gave in D. since D. answer D. expected D. remember D. hopefully D. sleep D. where 第三部分:单词拼写 (根据下面各句句意以及汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式。每空一词,共10分)。‎ ‎36. It is my (信心)that he will succeed in carrying out the experiment.‎ ‎37. We classmates visited our beloved teacher on hearing his (到达) in the capital city.‎ ‎38. Everybody (羡慕) him for his fine sense of humor.‎ ‎39. Li Bai and Du Fu were both well-known Chinese .(诗人)‎ ‎40. You should (道歉)to your teacher for coming late.‎ ‎41. We aim to provide good value and service to all our .(顾客)[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K]‎ ‎42. She retains her (苗条的) figure and is free of wrinkles.‎ ‎43. These shirts are sold at a (打折)because some sizes are not available.‎ ‎44. We can offer you practical suggestions on how to increase the (纤维) in your daily diet.‎ ‎45. I hope what I have written will be of (好处) to someone else who may feel the same way.‎ 第四部分:语法填空 (在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1.5分,共15分)‎ Festivals and celebrations of all kinds (46)__________(hold)everywhere since ancient times. Sometimes (47)__________ (celebrate) would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult (48)__________(find), especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, (49)_________ some for special people or events. The most (50)________(energy) and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. There (51)______(be) dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, (52) ________take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. Easter is (53)_______important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the (54) (come) of spring and new life. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, (55)________(cover) with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow.‎ 第五部分:写作(共两节, 满分35分)‎ 第一节 ‎:短文改错 (共10分;每小题1分,满分10分) ‎ ‎ 短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 ‎ 修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。 ‎ Julie wanted to lose weights. She knew she ought to ate more vegetables and fruit but little meat. However, as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends, she did not consult with a doctor but lived on a diet of rice, raw vegetables, bananas and lemons. Three weeks later, she found she weighed so much as ever. She lost her heart and her behaviour changing. She was willing to visit her friends any more. Before long her best friend Fred couldn't have her go on like that and encouraged her to exercise, eat a balancing diet and enjoy life again. Soon Julie became amazing slim and energetic! She felt very happy.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 最近某国际青少年网站向全球征文,要求介绍自己国家的传统节日。 请你根据下列提示,写一篇100词左右的英语短文介绍中国的清明节,参加此次征文活动。‎ ‎1. When is the Qingming Festival? ‎ ‎2. What do people usually do on the Qingming Festival? And why?‎ 注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎

