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英语试卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 1. Where does the woman want to go?‎ A. Rainbow Street. B. The Business Center. C. The bus station.‎ 2. What does the man mean in the end?‎ A.He will buy a house in London.‎ B.James will get a job in the bank.‎ C.James can’t afford the house in London.‎ 3. Why does the man speak so loudly?‎ A. The TV is on. B. Too many people are talking C. The woman stands far away 4. What does the man mean?‎ A. He didn’t get the book he needed.‎ B. He had no idea where the book was.‎ C. The library is closed on weekends.‎ 5. How does the woman sound?‎ A. Excited. B. Relaxed. C. Worried.‎ 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ 6. What is the man’s computer mainly for?‎ A. Playing online games. B. Surfing the Internet. C. Writing papers 7. What do the speakers think people should do more?‎ A.Communicate with each other. B. Read more books. C. Learn new things 听第7段材料,回答第8 、9 题。‎ 8. What are the speakers trying to do?‎ A. Stop a vehicle. B. Ask someone for directions. C. Prepare everything for their trip.‎ 9. What does the man think of the trip?‎ A. It’s totally boring. B.They should have got fully prepared. C. It’s a lot of fun.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至13题。‎ 10. Where are the speakers?‎ A. In Helsinki. B. In London. C. In Shanghai.‎ 11. How long will the woman’s stopover be?‎ A. Five hours. B.Nine hours. C. Six hours.‎ 12. What will the woman do at the airport?‎ A. Buy some batteries. B. Eat some local food. C. Do some reading.‎ 13. What does the man say about Moscow?‎ A. He met a poor student there.‎ B. He didn’t spend any money there.‎ C. He wandered around the city for hours.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。‎ 2. Why was the man upset last week?‎ A. He was fired. B.The woman lied to him. C. He was asked to work overtime.‎ 3. What does the man say about Mr. Ainsworth?‎ A. He is a fair manager. B. He always misses his work. C. He always listens to Tammy.‎ 4. What does the woman suggest the man do?‎ A. Look for another job. B. Explain to Tammy. C. Talk to Mr. Ainsworth again.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ 5. In what way was the bear dangerous?‎ A. It had killed several people.‎ B. It was following people during the day.‎ C. It often attacked farm animals.‎ 6. How many people carried out the robbery in Brussels?‎ A. Two. B. Three. C. Eight.‎ 7. What is true about the robbers?‎ A. They shot fifty people. ‎ B.They stole some diamonds. ‎ C. They knew an official at the airport.‎ 8. What will happen to the snakes on the island of Guam?‎ A. They will be poisoned to death.‎ B. They will be killed by power lines.‎ C. They will be used for scientific tests.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎(A)‎ Shipping containers are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional houses. These 20-or 40-foot containers can be obtained for a little as several hundred US dollars apiece, and it's not surprising that some industry professionals and even city planners consider them the future of home building. Below are details of some amazing homes made out of shipping containers.‎ London Container City (I and II) ‎ London's Container City first sprang up in the heart of the docklands in 2001. It took just five months to complete the original 12 work studios. Shortly after that, a fourth floor of studios and living apartments was built on top of these. The first container city was so successful that another 一 Container City II 一 was added to it. ‎ Los Angeles Redondo Beach house With its modem lines and appealing spaces, the award-winning Redondo Beach House is a luxury beachside showpiece built ‎ from eight recycled steel shipping containers, along with some traditional building materials. According to the architects, the modified containers are "nearly indestructible".‎ Amsterdam Keetwonen Amsterdam's massive Keetwonen complex houses 1,000 students and it is the largest container city in the world. The housing project is a roaring success and features units that are quiet and comfortable. Each resident enjoys a bathroom, I kitchen and separate sleeping and studying quarters. The complex even has central heating and high-speed internet as well as areas for parking bikes.‎ Mexico M2ATK Container House M2ATK designed this unique container house for an artist. It's fully equipped with heating and cooling, a kitchen and bathroom. On the bottom floor of the house are "public spaces" such as the kitchen and living room. The second floor is the bedroom, and the top floor is a studio space in which to work, read and "let fly the imagination".‎ ‎21. Compared to traditional houses, container houses are .‎ A. easier to maintain B. less expensive to build C. more comfortable to live in D. more fashionable in style ‎22. What can be learned about Amsterdam's Keetwonen complex?‎ A. It is the first container city in the world. B. It features a luxury and unique style.‎ C.It's equipped with modem facilities. D. It includes living space and car parks.‎ ‎23. Which of the following is the best title for the poster?‎ A. Recycled material for Ideal Home B.Home in a Steel Box ‎ C.Shipping Container Home Challenges D. Housing Options and Solutions ‎(B)‎ Agnes de Mille was a dancer and a choreographer (编舞).Early in her career, de Mille had created the choreography for a ballet called Three Virgins and a Devil. She thought it was good work, but nobody made much of it.‎ A few years later, de Mille choreographed a ballet named Rodeo. Again, she thought her work was solid, but it resulted in little commercial fame.‎ Then, in 1943, de Mille choreographed Oklahoma!, a musical show that enjoyed nearly instant success. In the coming years, Oklahoma! would run for an incredible 2,212 performances, both around the nation and abroad. In 1955, the film version won an Academy Award.‎ But the success of Oklahoma! didn't bring her much happiness. She thought that her work ‎ on Oklahoma! was only average compared to some of her other creations. She later said, "After the opening of Oklahoma!, I suddenly had unexpected success for a work I thought was only fairly good, after years of neglect for work I thought was fine. I began to think that perhaps my entire scale of values was untrustworthy. I talked to Martha."‎ Martha was Martha Graham, perhaps the most influential dance choreographer of the 20th century. (Although not as well-known by the general public, Graham has been compared to other creative geniuses like Picasso or Frank Lloyd Wright.)‎ During their conversation, de Mille told Martha Graham about her frustration. "I confessed that I had a burning desire to be excellent, but no faith that I could be."‎ Graham responded by saying,‎ ‎"'There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. ”‎ ‎24. What can be learned about de Milled ballet named Rodeo?‎ A. It earned her a large fortune. B. It made her rise to fame overnight.‎ C. It laid a solid foundation for her career. D. It didn't enjoy much success.‎ ‎25. How did de Mille feel about the great success of the musical Oklahoma!?‎ A. Relieved. B. Ashamed. C. Confused. D. Proud.‎ ‎26. Picasso and Frank Lloyd Wright were mentioned in the passage to suggest that Martha Graham____ ‎ A. was the most influential artist in her field B. Enjoyed the same popularity as them C. had been influenced greatly by them D. was outstanding in visual arts and architecture ‎27. Which of the following statements best represents Graham's words in this passage?‎ A. Comparing with others prevents you from maintaining uniqueness.‎ B. Choosing to be positive is going to determine how you live your life.‎ C. Your action reveals the inner landscape, which is the soul of music.‎ D. You should always keep yourself open to the urges that motivate you.‎ ‎(C)‎ Having a job is great, I have learned. It means I can afford things such as a place to live and daily meals. And with an above-average job, I can afford a car and occasional overseas vacations. However, I also understand how difficult it is to have a below-average job, having had many of them ‎ before. It's frankly pretty awful. Owning a car was out of the question – I could barely afford to ride the subway. So, I decided to go to university and get a degree.‎ Later, I emailed my details to every company and government institution with an online careers page. I even printed my resume and handed it out in what seemed like hundreds of office buildings.‎ One summer during university, my cousin and I helped out at my uncle’s business, fixing roofs, although the only thing I got out of that was back problems. That same year, I got a job at a plumbing (管道工程) company, which I was terrible at. It was no surprise when I was asked to leave that job after only four days.‎ A lot of people today believe the problem of unemployment in my generation is our fault. Some accuse us of being lazy or feeling too entitled (有资格的). At the same time, some people accuse members of my generation of having a sense of “specialness” that has led us to believe we can all be astronauts, movie stars or singers if we put our minds to it. Also, a few of them think that we would all be happily employed if we would only learn trades or become software engineers, because those people make the most money.‎ I realize that not everyone can go into space, star in Hollywood movies or fill stadiums with fans, however. I also think not everyone can make a good electrician or design advanced computer software – I know I can't. Everyone is good at something, but no one is good at everything. It took me hundreds of rejection emails to realize that I had to focus on finding a job where I could actually be successful.‎ And now, I finally have that job. All it took was several years of desperation, failure and an honest assessment of my personal value in the job market. It's not the best start, but it's not bad for a start too.‎ ‎28. What was the author’s life like before he went to university?‎ A. He lived a comfortable life. B. He drove to work every day.‎ C. He found it hard to make a living. D. He went on overseas vacations sometimes.‎ ‎29. What did the author experience in job hunting?‎ A. He went through a lot of difficulties in the process.‎ B. He helped his uncle’s business out of trouble.‎ C. He had his back problems fixed. ‎ D. He left the plumbing company because he disliked the job.‎ ‎30. What was the main reason that prevented the author finding a satisfactory job?‎ A. His laziness and pride. B. His sense of “specialness”.‎ C. His lack of working skills. D. His failing to recognize his own strengths.‎ ‎31. The author wrote this article mainly to ______.‎ A. share his reflections on finding a job B. complain about the high unemployment rate C. stress the importance of an above-average job D. encourage readers to try to get a higher degree ‎(D)‎ On August 29th, as Hurricane Dorian tracked towards America's east coast, Elon Musk, the boss of Tesla, an electric-car maker, announced that some of his customers in the storm's path would find that their cars had suddenly developed the ability to drive farther on a single battery charge. Like many modem vehicles, Mr. Musk's products are best thought of as internet-connected computers on wheels. The cheaper models in Tesla's line-up have parts of their batteries disabled by the car's software in order to limit their range. At the tap of a keyboard in Palo Alto, the firm was able to remove those restrictions and give drivers temporary access to the full power of their batteries.‎ Mr. Musk's computerized cars are just one example of a much broader trend. As computers and connectivity become cheaper, it makes sense to bake them into more and more things that are not, in themselves, computers, creating an "internet of things".‎ Such a world will bring many benefits. Consumers will get convenience, and products that can do things non — computerized versions cannot. Businesses will get efficiency, as information about the physical world that used to be uncertain becomes concrete and analyzable.‎ In the long term, though, the most obvious effects will be in how the world works. Ever more companies will become tech companies; the internet will become everywhere. As a result, a series of unresolved arguments will spill over from the virtual world into the real one.‎ Start with ownership. As Mr Musk showed, the internet gives firms the ability to stay connected to their products even after they have been sold, transforming them into something closer to services than goods. That has already made the traditional ideas of ownership unclear. When Microsoft closed its ebook store in July, for instance, its customers lost the ability to read titles they had bought (the firm offered refunds). That shifts the balance of power from the customer to the seller.‎ Virtual business models will jar in the physical world. Tech firms are generally happy to move fast and break things. But you cannot release the beta version (测试版)of a fridge. Apple, a smartphone maker, provides updates for its phones for only five years or so after their release; users of Android smartphones are lucky to get two. But goods such as washing machines or industrial machinery can have lifespans of a decade or more. Firms will need to work out how to support complicated computerised devices long after their original programmers have moved on.‎ Data will be another flashpoint. For much of the internet the business model is to offer "free" services that are paid for with valuable user data, collected with consent (同意)that is half-informed at best. In the virtual world, arguments about what should be tracked, and who ‎ owns the resulting data, can seem airy and theoretical. In the real one, they will feel more urgent.‎ Predicting the consequences of any technology is hard — especially one as universal as computing. The emergence of the consumer internet, 25 years ago, was met with starry-eyed optimism. These days the internet's faults dominate the headlines. But the people have the advantage of having lived through the first internet revolution — which should give them some idea of what to expect.‎ ‎32. From the passage we can tell that Tesla can .‎ A. drive faster than usual in extreme weather B. adjust the range of its battery power C. charge the battery at the tap of a keyboard D. operate when the battery is fully drained ‎33. Which of the following is NOT an example of the “unresolved arguments” mentioned in the passage?‎ A. Early adopters of certain apps find that they ceased to work after the firm lost interest.‎ B. Computerized machinery can't predict its breakdowns or schedule preventive maintenance.‎ C. The insurance company uses data from fitness trackers to adjust customers' premiums(保费).‎ D. A high-tech fridge company restricts its customers from repairing their fridges themselves.‎ ‎34. The underlined word jar probably means___in this context.‎ A. boom B.vanish C. conflict D. expand ‎35. This passage is mainly about___ .‎ A. how the world will change as computers spread into everyday objects B. the adoption of electric vehicles and the possible problems to expect C. what should be done to prevent the breakdown of computerized devices D. different views on the current application of Internet Technology 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Feeling Phone-overwhelmed?‎ Many people are feeling “phone-overwhelmed”, longing for a “simpler time” when smart -phones didn't exist. Actually you don't necessarily need to throw your brand new iPhone into the toilet or promise to never, ever use it again. Things don't have to be that black or white. 36 Here are a few simple steps.‎ Make a plan. To earn a college degree, you select specific classes happening at specific times and you attend them. This keeps you on track, moving steadily towards your goal. 37 Choose specific times to check texts, social media updates, and so on, and then do your best to stick to the ‎ plan. Create phone-routines that help you to create the kind of day (and life) that you want.‎ Enjoy the sound of silence to the fullest. If your phone is continually ringing every time “something happens,” it's going to be tough for you to stay focused- you cannot help checking in and seeing what's up! It may seem obvious to turn off those noisy notifications(通知). 38 You can also create a “call filter” so that certain people's calls come through even if your phone is on “silent. ” That way you can rest easy, knowing you won't miss something truly urgent.‎ ‎39. For many couples and families, dinnertime is the only time of the day when everyone is gathered together in one place. Make dinner a special, sacred time without techie distractions. No phones at the table. If people get restless or bored, strike up an interesting conversation by playing a question game.‎ Ask yourself, “What am I desiring right now?” When you feel the urge to check your phone, and you don't really “need” to, pause for moment. 40 Do you seek out company, entertainment or inspiration? Whatever you want, see if you can find a non-phone-related way to satisfy yourself Go for a jog, listen to music or pop by a friends house to say "hi "Feeding your spirit in the “real world”, you may discover that the “phone world” just isn't that appealing anymore.‎ A. Take some phone- free time.‎ B. Make dinnertime a phone-free zone.‎ C.See how it feels to move freely without your phone.‎ D. Check in with yourself and see what you want.‎ E. You can apply that same logic to your smartphone usage F.Better yet, turn the volume on your phone down to zero or power down your phone complete. ‎ G.You can take specific steps to create healthier, more balanced relations of technology.‎ 第三部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I used to hate running. It seemed too hard, and pushing outside my comfort 41___was not something I was raised to do.‎ In fact, I wouldn't have become a(n)42__ if it weren't for my husband Charles. He had been a 43__competitive runner for many years. After our marriage, he wouldn't stop talking about how much he 44__it.‎ So he picked it up again, and after about a year, I started to join him at the 45__.Just a few weeks later, Charles signed us both up for a five-kilometer race. I 46___about doing it. It was too soon.‎ But on race day, there I was.‎ The gun went off Thousands of runners 47__.‎ The first kilometer was tough. I was already breathing 48. and painfully aware of the group ‎ of runners 49__past me.‎ After another minute I saw the three-kilometer 50__.All I could think of was that I was 51__.‎ I rounded a comer, and saw both sides of the street52__with people watching the race,‎ all cheering the runners on. I 53__my legs to keep going.‎ Then I looked up and saw the clock. The 54__ticking away gave me an incentive(助力). I knew that if I had 55__finished this race I would have achieved something, So, I 56__up, and kicked it.‎ I had my arms 57__higher when I passed through the finish line. A volunteer put a(n) 58.__around my neck.‎ ‎“You did great! I'm so proud of you!" Charles was thrilled that I'd 59__.‎ ‎“That was amazing! I want to do another race." I proudly hugged my medal as we started to walk to the post-race festivities. My lungs and my comfort zone both 60__.‎ ‎41. A. block B. line C. emotion D. zone ‎42. A.runner ‎ B. coach C. expert D.wife ‎ ‎43. A.sharp ‎ B. common C. casual D. serious ‎44. A. hated B. admired C. missed D. trained ‎45. A. race B. track C.department ‎ D. ceremony ‎46. A. hesitated B. puzzled C. cared D. brought ‎47. A. slipped away B. backed off C. pushed forward D. came over ‎48. A. mildly B. shallowly C. gently D. heavily ‎49. A.bending ‎ B.running ‎ C. reaching D. pacing ‎50. A.mark ‎ B. symbol C. pattern D. campaign ‎51. A. hopeful B.dying ‎ C. speechless D moving ‎52. A. stuck B.provided ‎ C. crowded D. directed ‎53. A.willed ‎ B. bent C. shook D. sunk ‎54. A.competitors ‎ B. titles C. criteria D.seconds ‎ ‎55. A. also B. actually C. just D. unfortunately ‎56. A. dressed B. came C.straightened ‎ D.stayed ‎ ‎57. A. kept B. crossed C.tied ‎ D.held ‎ ‎58. A. rope B. medal C. necklace D. award ‎59. A. made it B. meant it C.got it ‎ D. defeated it ‎60. A. trembled B.ached C. expanded D. erupted 第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ On March 12, the day when the Olympic torch 61 (light) in ancient Olympia without spectators because of ongoing concerns about COVID-19, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said it was “fully committed” to 62 (hold) the Games, set to run from July 24 to August 9, in Tokyo.‎ The situation 63 (remain) unsettled and talk of holding the Games elsewhere has been ‎64 (wide) disapproved. The cost of hosting, organizers said in December, was some 1.35 trillion yen ($12.35 billion). Professor Victor Matheson, a sports economist, believes the 65 (true) sum is likely to be $25 billion, a vast majority of 66 has already been spent on large-scale infrastructure projects such as 67 (transport) networks, hotels and new venues.‎ The handover of the flame to Tokyo 2020 Games organizers still took place as 68 (schedule) at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens on March 19 without spectators, 69 whether the Olympic will be held in July remains, much 70 the virus, unknown.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Dear Tom,‎ How is everything going? Since you are interesting in the shadow play, I’d like to introduce it to you.‎ As the traditional Chinese folk art, the shadow play has been existed in China for centuries. It dates back to the Han Dynasty, where Emperor Liu Che lost his beloved wife Li. Depressed about his death, he even ignores the state affairs, worrying his officials. Then they made a puppet with the image of Li but performed before the Emperor. He was too pleased that he asked them to spread the art form.‎ Unfortunately, it is becoming more attractive due to the impact of modern media. Both Chinese artists and the government are making joint efforts conserve the ancient art form.‎ If you want to know more, don’t hesitate to contact me. Best wishes.‎ Yours, Li Hua 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,最近你发现有学生将共享单车停到了校园内并且上了私锁。请你就此现象,写一封倡议书发表在校英文报上,倡议同学们文明使用共享单车。内容如下:‎ 1. 共享单车给人们带来的便利;‎ 2. 如何正确正确使用共享。‎ 注意:‎ 1. 词数100左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 高二英语五月月考试卷答案 第一部分听力(每小题 1.5分,共30分):‎ BCAAC CAACB CBBAC ABCBA ‎ 第二部分阅读(每小题2分,共40分):‎ BCB DCAD CADA BBCA GEFBD 完型填空(每小题 1.5分,共30分):‎ DADCB ACDBA BCADB CDBAC 语法填空(每小题 1.5分,共15分)‎ ‎61. was lighted/lit 62.holding 63. remains ‎ ‎64. widely ‎ ‎65. truer ‎66. which 67. transportation/transport 68. scheduled 69. but /yet 70. like 短文改错(每小题 1分,共10分)‎ How is everything going? Since you are interesting in the shadow play, I’d like to introduce it interested to you. As the traditional Chinese folk art, the shadow play has been existed in China for centuries. It a dates back to the Han Dynasty, where Emperor Liu Che lost his beloved wife Li. Depressed when about his death, he even ignores the state affairs, worrying his officials. Then they made a puppet her ignored with the image of Li but performed before the Emperor. He was too pleased that he asked them to and so spread the art form.‎ Unfortunately, it is becoming more attractive due to the impact of modern media. Both Chinese less artists and the government are making joint efforts ︿conserve the ancient art form.‎ to If you want to know more, don’t hesitate to contact me. Best wishes.‎ ‎ ‎ 书面表达(25分)‎ Dear fellow students,‎ ‎ Currently shared bikes are boomimg but also mirroring some problems such as inappropriate parking and even locking them privately. I’m here to highly advocate truly sharing these bikes.‎ ‎ It’s universally acknowledged that shared bikes win a preference for their sufficient supplies and easy reach. However, some people take them for their own interests,which definitely blocks the convenience. Consequently, everyone is called on to share bikes consciously.‎ ‎ Let’s take action immediately to observe the rules, thus regulating the use of shared bikes. You efforts count!‎ ‎ ‎ Yours, Li Hua ‎ ‎

