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第七讲 主谓一致 第一课时 知识过关课 读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文。领悟画线黑体部分。思考:主谓一致包括哪些原则?分别在什么情况下使用语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近原则? My seatmate James, whose parents have been teaching [1] English in Guangzhou for ten years , comes [2] from the United States, which is [3] one of the most developed countries in the world. He as well as his parents enjoys [4] living in Guangzhou because neither James nor his parents find [5] it difficult to adapt to the life in China. In their opinion, many a custom here is [6] easy to understand and ten years is [7] enough for them to get used to all the customs. I, together with James, extremely like [8] English but physics seems [9] rather difficult for us. Besides , both he and I are [10] very fond of reading story books, and the Arabian Nights is [11] one of the most interesting books that have been read [12] by us. Our class is [13] united as a big family. Now the class are [14] preparing for the coming sports meet, so large quantities of our recent time have been spent [15] on it. What we need is [16] a qualified coach because being trained properly is [17] of great importance. We each are all aware that each of us plays [18] an important role in our class. We have decided to hold a celebration if getting a good result but when and where we are going to hold it hasn ’ t been decided [19] . 1 .语法一致原则,复数主语用复数谓语动词。 2 .语法一致原则,单数主语用单数谓语动词。 3 .意义一致原则,若主语形式上为复数,而意义上是单数,动词要用单数。本句中的 the United States 虽然形式上是复数,但指的是一个国家,替代它的 which 作主语,谓语用单数。 4 .语法一致原则, “A as well as/together with/with B” 结构在主语位置时,主语是 A ,因此,谓语动词与 A 保持一致。 5 .就近原则,由 or , either...or , nor , neither...nor , not only...but also , not...but 连接的并列主语,通常按照就近一致原则,谓语动词的单、复数形式依照靠近它的主语而定。 6 .语法一致原则, “ many a( 很多 )/more than one( 不 止 一个 ) +单数名词 ” 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 7 .意义一致原则,表示时间、距离、金钱、重量、度量、容量、温度等的复数名词作主语时,通常看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。 8 .语法一致原则,主语后面接说明主语的修饰语 together with ,谓语动词不受修饰成分的影响,仍保持同主语一致的关系。 9 .意义一致原则,以 - ics 结尾表示学科的名词作主语时,通常表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式。 10 .语法一致原则,当主语是 both...and 连接的并列结构,如果主语指的是两个或两个以上的人或物,则谓语动词用复数。 11 .意义一致原则,复数形式的专有名词 ( 表示国家、城市、机构、组织以及书籍、报纸、杂志等 ) 作主语,通常作为整体看待,谓语动词用单数。 12 .语法一致原则, one of +复数名词+定语从句,之前有 the only , the very , the just 等限定词时,定语从句的谓语动词用单数形式,如没有这些限定词和修饰语,定语从句的谓语动词采用复数形式。 13 .意义一致原则,集体名词 class 如果作整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式。 14 .意义一致原则,集体名词 class 如果作个别成员看待,谓语动词用复数形式。 15 .当 “ (large)quantities of +可数或不可数名词 ” 作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 16 .当 what 引导主语从句,或由 and 连接两个动词不定式或动名词作主语时,谓语动词的数应根据意义一致的原则来决定。 17 .语法一致原则,非谓语动词 ( 动词的 v.- ing 形式、不定式 ) 作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。 18 .当 “ each + of +名词 / 代词 ” 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 19 .语法一致原则,从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。 Ⅰ . 单句填空 ( 用所给词的正确形式填空 ) 1 . Either you or the headmaster ________ (be) to hand out the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting. 2 . The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class , ___________ (visit) a museum when the earthquake struck. 3 . Two fifths of the land in that district ________(be) covered with trees and grass. 4 . Nowadays, a large number of women , especially those from the countryside , ________ (work) in the clothing industry. is was visiting is work 5. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _________________ ( wash ) away each year. 6 . He is the only one of the students who ________ (be) a winner of scholarship for three years. 7 . Every possible means ______________( use ) to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. 8 . When and where to go for the onsalary holiday ____________________(not, decide) yet. are being washed has been has been used has not been decided 9 . She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book ______________(reach) 50 million. 10 . Professor Smith, along with his assistants , ____________ (work) on the project day and night to meet the deadline. 11 . He ______________ ( pretend ) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. 12 . “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking.”Jane ____________(inform) . have reached is working was pretending was informed Ⅱ . 单句改错 ( 下列每句中有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,请指出并改正。 ) 1 . Tom have been reading that book all the morning so he is tired now.____________ 2 . As everybody knows, politics are now taught in all schools.____________ 3 . Kate, one of my good friends, come from Guangzhou.____________ 4 . As we all know, people speaks English all over the world.____________ 5 . The teacher, together with his students, are planting trees on the street.____________ have → has are → is come → comes speaks → speak are → is 6 . Not only the students but also the teacher wish for a holiday.____________ 7 . It is the parents and their son that wants to buy the bicycle.____________ 8 . Many a student have been sent to plant trees.____________ 9 . Bill was standing at the side of the car, talking to two men who was helping him to repair it._____________________ 10 . To read English aloud every morning do you a lot of good.____________ wish → wishes wants → want have → has 第二个 was → were do → does Ⅲ . 语篇填空 ( 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 ) Our school library , along with many other buildings, is very different from other schools ’ . There 1.________ (be) two computer rooms , three art rooms, a meeting room and a reading room in the library building. The number of the books 2.________ (be) large, and maybe there are 100, 000 books in it. It is said that all the books cost our school 200, 000 dollars. Maybe 200, 000 dollars 3.________ (be) large to every student. In the era of knowledge explosion, the number of the students who 4.________ (have) a thirst for knowledge is increasing day by day. Nowadays, our library has been developed into a Multifunctional building. There are 50 computers in it. Many a student 5.________ (like) to surf the Internet at weekends here , and now you can see that my classmates, Mike and John 6.________ (play) computer games there. When you turn to another room, you will find that a professor and writer 7.________ (deliver) a speech. Each boy and each girl 8.________ (focus) on his interesting speech. Every time there is a wonderful speech, the audience always 9.________ (cheer) up. You are entering our art exhibition. A teacher with his students is at the room.On the wall 10.________ (be) 100 pictures, which attract many students. An expert and teacher is explaining something important to us. 【语篇导读】  本文主要介绍了学校图书馆的功能室以及学生周末在里面的活动情况。 1 . are   [ 因 there be... 句型中 be 动词常与离其最近的主语保持一致。 ] 2 . is   [ 主语是 the number of +名词的复数时,谓语动词用单数形式。 ] 3 . is   [ 时间、金钱、距离、重量等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 ] 4 . have   [ 关系代词 who , that , which 等在定语从句中作主语时,谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数保持一致。 ] 5 . likes   [many a +名词作主语时,中心词是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式。 ] 6 . are playing   [ 两个名词由 and 连接作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。 ] 7 . is delivering   [ 当 and 连接的两个名词是指同一人时,谓语动词应该用单数形式。 “a professor and writer ” 意思是 “ 一个教授兼作家 ” 。 ] 8 . is focusing   [ 用 and 连接的单数主语,前面有 each , every , no 等修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 ] 9 . cheer/cheers   [ 集体名词 group , class , family , army , audience 等作主语时,如果强调集体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式。 ] 10 . are   [ 在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语保持一致。 ] 第二课时 高考研究课 主谓一致在语法填空中的考查点 规律方法 对于主谓一致这个语法点来说,了解和掌握各种一致的基本原则是关键,掌握了基本的用法之后就像套数学公式一样代入即可。 真题验证 1 1 . Diets have changed in China—and so too has its top crop.Since 2011 , the country ________ (grow) more corn than rice. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) 答案 has grown   [ 由句中时间状语 Since 2011 ,可知 grow 使用现在完成时,主语 the country 为第三人称单数,故助词动词选用 has 。 ] 2 . Fast food ________(be)full of fat and salt; by eating more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) 3 . Leaving the less important things until tomorrow ________ (be) often acceptable. (2016· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) 答案 is   [ 主语是 fast food ,是不可数名词,所以谓语动词用单数形式,且此处讲的是现状,所以填 is 。 ] 答案 is   [ 动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数;语境为客观真理,故使用一般现在时。 ] 5 . We ________ (tell) that our rooms hadn ’ t been reserved for that week, but for the week after. ( 广东卷 ) 4 . It is important to remember that success ________ (be) a sum of small efforts made each day and often ________ (take) years to achieve . ( 湖 南卷改编 ) 答案 is ; takes   [ 不可数名词 success 作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数;语境为客观真理,故使用一般现在时。 ] 答案 were told   [ 第一人称复数形式作主语,谓语动词用复数;由平行的谓语动词 hadn ’ t been reserved 可知, tell 应用过去时;由语境可知,谓语动词 tell 和主语 we 之间构成被动关系。 ] 7 . The basketball coach, as well as his team , ________ (interview) shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. ( 陕西卷改编 ) 6 . All we need ________ (be) a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year. ( 湖南卷改编 ) 答案 is   [ 主语为不定代词 all ,故谓语动词使用单数;由语境可知应用一般现在时。 ] 答案 was interviewed   [ 主语中含有 as well as ,谓语动词应该与 The basketball coach 一致;由语境可知谓语动词应用过去时。 ] 9 . One-third of the country ________ (be) covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ________ (be) black people. ( 湖南卷改编 ) 8 . The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which ________ (be) saved for other purposes. ( 安徽卷改编 ) 答案 were   [ 主语 the rest of which 中, which 代指前面的 the raw materials ,故谓语动词使用复数;由平行的谓语动词 used ,可知此处应用过去时。 ] 答案 is ; are   [ 第一分句中的主语为不可数名词 the country ,故其谓语动词应用单数;第二分句中的主语为可数名词的复数,故其谓语动词使用复数;语境所陈述的为客观事实,故两处的谓语动词都是用一般现在时。 ] 主谓一致在短文改错中的考查点 规律方法 第一步:先找出主语; 第二步:根据主语的单复数形式判断谓语动词的形式; 第三步:根据整篇文章或上下文的语境判断时态的正确形式。 1 . They would say to me that playing card games would help my brain.Still I unwilling to play the games with them sometimes. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) ________ 2 . The classroom is a place for learning and that include learning from textbooks , and mistakes as well. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅲ ) ________ 真题验证 2 答案 I 后加 was   [ 句中形容词 unwilling 不能单独作谓语动词,应加入 be 动词构成系表结构;由语境可知应使用过去时;由主语 “ I ” 可知应用 was 。 ] 答案 include → includes   [that 是指示代词,指代上文的 learning, and 是并列连词,连接两个并列句。 that 在第二个分句中作主语,故谓语动词 include 应使用第三人称单数。 ] 3 . He would ask who we was and pretend not to know us. (2016· 浙江卷 )____________ 4 . My dream school look like a big garden.( 全国卷 Ⅱ ) ____________ 5 . Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky — they looked like rain ! ( 陕西卷 ) ____________ 答案 was → were   [ 主语为 we ,故谓语动词应用复数形式。 ] 答案 look → looks   [ 主语为 my dream school ,故谓语动词应该使用第三人称单数形式。 ] 答案 was → were   [ 主语为 the arrows ,故谓语动词应该使用复数形式。 ] 第三课时 写作增分课 主谓一致在写作中的增分点 一、使用语法一致原则确保所写句子主谓一致 1 .他,还有他的父母,喜欢看电视连续剧。 (as well as, be fond of, TV series) __________________________________________________ 2 .是你,而不是你的老师,应为你考试不及格负责。 (it is, rather than, be to blame for, fail the exams) ________________________________________________________________________ He, as well as his parents, is fond of watching TV series. It is you, rather than your teacher , that/who are to blame for your failing the exam. 3 .我们班除了李磊和李华,还没有人出过国。 (nobody, but, have been abroad) ________________________________________________________ 4 .游泳和踢足球是我最喜爱的运动。 (favorite sport) ______________________________________________ 5 .正如我们所知道的,水和空气对于生命来说是必不可少的。 (as, be essential to, life) __________________________________________ Nobody but Li Lei and Li Hua in our class has been abroad before. Swimming and playing football are my favorite sports. As we know, water and air are essential to life. 二、使用意义一致原则确保所写句子主谓一致 三年在历史中是很短的一段时间,而在你人生中却是很长的一段时间,因此你应当充分利用它。 (in history, in your life, make the most of) _________________________________________________________________________ __________ Three years is a short time in history but a long one in your life, so you should make the most of it. 三、使用就近一致原则确保所写句子主谓一致 1 . 图画上有一个男的、一个女的和两个孩子。 (there be) _________________________________________________ 2 . 不但他的同学,而且他的老师,都为之吃惊。 (not only, but also, be surprised at) ______________________________________________________ There is a man, a woman and two children in the picture. Not only his classmates but also his teacher was surprised at it. 3 .不但我,还有我的同学,我的老师们,都不熟悉这种情形。 (neither, nor, nor, be familiar with the situation) _______________________________________________________________ 4 .不是我,而是他,对美国文化很了解。 (it is, not... but, know a lot about) __________________________________________________ Neither I, nor my classmates, nor my teachers are familiar with the situation. It is not I, but he, who knows a lot about American culture.

