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‎2019届二轮复习单句语法填空模拟试题汇总十六 ‎1.(2016·山东)—This apple pie is too sweet, don't you think so?‎ ‎—________really. I think it's just right, actually.‎ 答案:Not 句意:——“这个苹果派太甜了,你不这样认为吗?”——“并不完全是这样。事实上,我觉得正好。”Not really“并不完全是这样”,符合语境。‎ ‎2.(2017·山东)—Is Anne coming tomorrow?‎ ‎—I ________. If she were to come, she would have called me.‎ 答案:don't think so 句意:——“安妮明天会来吗?”——“我觉得不会。如果她想来的话,她早就给我打电话了。”I don't think so.“我觉得不会或我觉得不是这样。”,符合语境。‎ ‎3.(2016·福建)—I can't remember those grammar rules!‎ ‎—You are not________. Practice more.‎ 答案:alone 句意:——“我记不起那些语法规则了!”——“并不是只有你这样。要多练习。”“并不是只有你这样”;符合语境。‎ ‎4.(2016·陕西)—I got that job I wanted at the public library.‎ ‎—________! That's good news.‎ 答案:Congratulations 句意:——“我找到了那份我想要的在公共图书馆的工作。”——“祝贺你!这真是一个好消息。”根据got that job可知用congratulations表示“祝贺”。‎ ‎5.(2016·江西)—Could I use this dictionary?‎ ‎—Just________. It's a spare one.‎ 答案:go ahead 句意:——“请问我可以用一下这本词典吗?”——“请用吧。这一本是备用的。”Just go ahead意为“好吧;用吧;行吧”,表示同意或允许,符合题意。‎ ‎6.(2016·安徽)—Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.‎ ‎—That's________. I never go traveling without a book.‎ 答案:true 句意:——“乘坐火车时看书是打发时间的最好方式。”——“对,没有书我从来不旅行。”根据答句后面“没有书我从来不旅行”可知,回答人赞成对方所说的话,故用“That's true.”表示。‎ ‎7.(2017·新课标全国Ⅱ)—I'm sorry I made a mistake!‎ ‎—________ it easy. Nobody is perfect.‎ 答案:Take 根据前句句意“抱歉,我犯错误了”及空格后“人无完人”可知,说话者在安慰对方:凡事看开些。Take it easy意为”别紧张,放松些”,符合语境。‎ ‎8.(2018·新课标全国Ⅱ)—Are you sure you won't come for a drink with us?‎ ‎—All ________ then, if you insist.‎ 答案:right 句意:——“你确定不能来和我们喝酒吗?”——“如果你坚持的话,那好吧。”All right then意为”那么好吧”。‎ ‎9.(2016·四川)—I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow.‎ ‎—Take________easy.‎ 答案:it 句意:——“我对明天的全国英语演讲比赛感觉很紧张。”——“放松些!”根据语境可知,Take it easy“别紧张,放松些”正确。‎ ‎10.(2016·山东)—How far can you run without stopping?‎ ‎—I have no________, I've never tried.‎ 答案:idea 根据答语后一句“I've never tried。”(我从来没试过)可知,此处应用I have no idea“我不知道”。‎ ‎11.(2016·安徽)—This is your order, a hamburger and an apple pie. For here ________to go?‎ ‎—I'll have it here.‎ 答案:or 根据答语“I'll have it here.”可知用or,句意为“在这儿吃,还是带走”。‎ ‎12.(2017·重庆)—Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it.‎ ‎—Well, I can do________it. Thank you all the same.‎ 答案:without 句意:——“是不是忘掉什么了?如果你要回去拿我可以帮你照看孩子。”——“嗯,不去拿也没关系。仍然要谢谢你。”由答语中的“Thank you all the same”可知,第二个说话者不会麻烦别人帮他照看孩子,因此用without正确。‎ ‎13.(2017·重庆)—Would you like a glass of wine?‎ ‎—No,________. I don't drink.‎ 答案:thanks 由答语中的“I don't drink.”可知,No, thanks“不,谢谢”正确。‎ ‎14.(2016·江西)—Thanks a lot for your book. I found it very interesting.‎ ‎—It is________. I'm glad you enjoyed it.‎ 答案:nothing 句意——“非常感谢你的书。我认为它非常有趣。”——“没什么,你喜欢它我很高兴。”It is nothing“没什么”,符合语境。‎ ‎15.(2016·天津)—I'm going to Venice next week.‎ ‎—You are ________(luck). Carnival will be held then. Have fun!‎ 答案:lucky 句意:——“我下周要去威尼斯。”——“你真幸运。那时将举办狂欢节。玩得开心!”由句意可知应用lucky。‎ ‎16.(2016·浙江)—Hey, can I ask you a favor?‎ ‎—Sure,What can I do________you?‎ 答案:for 句意:——“嘿,能帮个忙吗?”——“当然可以,怎么帮?”‎ 此处for项与前面的“ask you a favor”相照应,所以用for。‎ ‎17.(2017·浙江)—Excuse me, but could I trouble you for some change?‎ ‎—Let me________. Will pennies do?‎ 答案:see 句意:——“对不起,可以换点零钱吗?”——“我看一下,硬币可以吗?”let me see表示“让我看一看”,符合语境。‎ ‎18.(2016·江苏)—Thank you for the flowers.‎ ‎—________is all right. I thought they might cheer you up.‎ 答案:It/That 回答对方的感谢时,可用That's all right或It's all right,表示“不用谢”。‎ ‎19.(2016·陕西)—Shall we go for a drink at one o'clock this afternoon?‎ ‎—Sorry, I can't ________it. Will two o'clock be OK?‎ 答案:make 句意:——“今天下午一点钟我们出去喝一杯可以吗?”——“对不起,我那时不行。两点可以吗?”根据答语第二句可知,答话人是在委婉地拒绝。故make it符合语境。‎ ‎20.(2016·安徽)—How did you interview with the manager go?‎ ‎—I'm________(sure). He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn't ask for references.‎ 答案:not sure 句意:——“你觉得与经理的面试怎么样?”——“我不确定。他好像对我的经历感兴趣,但他并没有求证。”根据空格后的句子可知说话人持一种模棱两可的态度。故用not sure。‎ ‎21.(2016·辽宁)—What do you think of the house?‎ ‎—________! It's everything we've been looking for.‎ 答案:Perfect! 空后面说”这是我们一直所寻找的一切”,这表明回答者对这个房子的评价很高,所以用perfect“最佳的,完美的”。‎ ‎22.(2017·江苏)—The Tshirt I received is not the same as is shown online.‎ ‎—How________? But I promise you we'll look into it right away.‎ 答案:come 句意:——“我收到的T恤和网上展示的不一样。”——“怎么会呢?不过,我答应你我们会立刻调查的。”根据句意可知come正确。‎ ‎23.(2016·天津)—Mary's been offered a job in a university, but she doesn't want to take it.‎ ‎—But________? It's a very good chance.‎ 答案:Why 句意:——“Mary被给了一份在大学里上班的工作,但是她不想接受。”——“为什么呢?这是一个很好的机会。”由答语第二句可知,第二个说话人对Mary的做法很不理解,故用Why。‎ ‎24.(2016·福建)—Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits?‎ ‎—No,________(long) it doesn't take long.‎ 答案:as long as 句意:——“你介意回答一些关于购物习惯的问题吗?”——“‎ 不介意,只要时间不长。”‎ ‎25.(2016·山东)—This is a really lively party. There is a great atmosphere, isn't there?‎ ‎—Yes,________. The hosts know how to host a party.‎ 答案:indeed 句意:——“这真的是一次很热闹的派对。气氛很好,不是吗?”——“是的,确实是。(这家的)主人们知道如何举办聚会。”根据答语第二句的意思可知,空格处应为对上文的肯定,所以用indeed。‎

