2020-2021学年高一英语上学期Unit 2 Period 1 Listening and speaking

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2020-2021学年高一英语上学期Unit 2 Period 1 Listening and speaking

2020-2021 学年高一英语上学期课堂同步练习 Unit 2 Period 1 Listening and speaking 一、根据要求完成句子(共 6 小题) 1. The original c________ was probably built about AD 860. 2. He first entered the country on a six-month ________(签证), and was given a further extension of six months. 3. The property is for r________ with an option to buy at any time. 4. He professed to be content with the ___________(安排). 5. Despite its bulk and weight, the car is e_________ fast. 6. ①This book ________ beginners. (apply to/apply for) ②They ________ permission to use the meeting room. (apply to/apply for) 【答案与解析】 1. castle; 2. visa; 3. rent; 4. arrangement; 5. extremely 6. ① 句意:这本书适用于初学者。表示“适用于”是 apply to,表示客观事实用一般现在时, 与主语一致,用第三人称单数,故填 applies to。 ②句意:他们申请使用会议室的许可。表示“申请,请求”是 apply for。此处用一般过去时 表示过去发生的动作,故填 applied for。 二、单项选择(共 9 小题) 1. ______ chemistry is a branch of chemistry. A.Applying B.Apply C.Applied D.To apply 2. Some cyclists make the ______ that traffic laws do not ______ them. It is not true, _____. A.assumption; apply to; though B.thought; apply to; however C.assuming; apply for; though D.idea; apply for; however 3. Now a lot of new technology can ________ problems in industry. A.be applied to solve B.be applied to solving C.apply to solve D.apply to solving 4. When _____ a job, you should highlight your experience and skills. A.applying to B.applied to C.applying for D.applied for 5. The new technology, if _________ to rice growing, will help increase the grain output. A.applied B.applying C.to apply D.having applied 6. Ann_________ to the company for the position of senior clerk and she is waiting anxiously for the result. A.will apply B.will be applying C.applied D.had applied 7. I’m _____ to know that you have made such ____ progress in English. A.amazed; amazing B.amazed; an amazing C.amazing; amazing D.amazing; amazed 8. The ________ expression on her face suggested she was ________ when she heard the news. A.amazed; amazed B.amazing; amazing C.amazing; amazed D.amazed; amazing 9. He told me about the _________ news in a _________ voice. A.amazing; surprising B.amazed; surprised C.amazing; surprised D.amazed; surprising 【答案与解析】 1. 考查非谓语动词的用法。动词 apply 的过去分词形式可以作形容词意,表示应用的、实用 的。句意:应用化学是化学学科的一项分支,故选 C。 2. 考察名词、词组和副词。句意:很多骑自行车的人假设交通法不适用于他们,然而这是不 对的。第一空填 assumption,make the assumption“做出假设”,B.thought 想法,C.assuming“假 设”的动名词,D.idea 主意,想法,第二空填 apply to“适用于”,apply for“申请”,第三空填 though,这里是副词,放在句子中间和句末都可以,但是 however 不能放在句末。选 A。 3. 考查被动语态和短语用法的用法。句意:现在有很多新技术可以被运用到解决工业问题中。 根据句意可知, apply to n./doing,是固定搭配,意为“运用于”,又因为 a lot of new technology 和 apply 是被动关系,故构成被动语态的结构,故选 B。 4. 考查非谓语动词。apply to 应用,apply for 申请,主语与 apply 之间是主谓关系,所以用 现在分词,句意:当你申请一份工作的时候,你应该亮出你的经验和技能。所以选 C。 5. 考查状语从句的省略 句意:这个新科技如果被应用于农业,将会增加粮食产量。这里使 用了 if 条件句的省略式,完整的句子应该是 The new technology, if t he new technology is applied to farming, will help increase the grain output.当主从句的主语一致的时候,可以省略从 句的主语和 be 动词,所以选 A。 6. 考查时态。一般过去时表示动作发生在过去,不强调对现在造成的影响,and 在句子中不 表并列,只是起连接作用,虽然后面有现在进行时 is waiting 但结合句意来看,该空动作的 时态发生在过去,故用一般过去时。该句意思为句意:Ann 向这个公司申请了高级职员这个 职位,现在她正在焦急地等待结果。故选 C。 7. 考查形容词辨析。句意:得知你在英语方面取得如此惊人的进步,我感到很惊讶。修饰人 应用-ed 结尾形容词,故第一空应填 amazed;修饰 progress 不可数名词应用-ing 结尾形容词, 故第二空填 amazing。故选 A。 8. 考查形容词。句意:她脸上震惊的表情表明当她听到这个消息的时候很是震惊。第一空 amazed expression 表示“震惊的表情”,第二个空主语是人 she,故应该用 amazed 表“感到震 惊的”。故选 A。 9. 考查由分词转换的形容词的用法:本题的 amazing/surprising 令人惊讶的; amazed/ surprised 感到惊讶的;句意:用用惊讶的声音告诉一个令人惊讶的消息。故 C 正确。 三、语篇语法填空(共 10 小题) Thank you very much for your letter. Your trip sounds exciting! I can't wait to hear what Africa is like. Since my last letter to you, I have had a little adventure of 1. (I) own. Early this month, my mother and I took a 2. (fly) to Dunhuang, in the north-west of China. The desert out there was really quite amazing—I had never seen so much sand in my life! While we were there, we 3. (arrange) with a tour company to ride. 4. (camel). I was very excited because this was the first time I had seen one up 5. (closely). We had hoped that we would get to see some other wildlife on our trip, but sadly we didn't. Since you are going to the Sahara, I have some advice—be sure 6. (bring) a large hat and a shirt with long sleeves—you'll need these 7. protection. The sun can be so brilliant you'll need to keep covered or you'll get 8. (burn)—my cheeks were red for days after my trip. And another thing, you'll need to keep. 9. good supply of water with you, since it is so dry and hot. I'm sure you'll have a nice trip. I look forward to 10. (receive) your postcards! 【答案与解析】 1. 考查代词。句意:自从上次给你写信之后,我自己经历了一次刺激的旅程。my own 表示 “我自己的”,of my own 做后置定语来修饰 adventure。故填 my。 2. 考查名词。句意:妈妈和我乘飞机到了敦煌。空格前面有冠词 a,所以空格处要填名词形 式,表示“航行,飞行”。故填 flight。 3. 考查动词时态。句意:旅行公司为我们安排了骑骆驼的活动。这里空格做整个句子的谓语 动词,作者通篇在讲述过去的经历,所以用一般过去式。故填 arranged。 4. 考查名词。句意:旅行公司为我们安排了骑骆驼的活动。camel 为可数名词。这里 camel 前面没有冠词,要用其复数形式。故填 camels。 5. 考查副词。句意:我很激动因为这是我第一次近距离地接触骆驼。up close 这里做副词修 饰动词 see, 表示“近距离地”。故填 close。 6. 考查动词短语用法。句意:我建议你一定记得拿一顶大帽子和一件长袖衬衣。be sure to do sth 为固定用法,表示“确保,一定要做某事”。故填 to bring。 7. 考查介词。句意:你需要这些东西来保护自己。这里句子主干为 you’ll need these things。 for protection 介词短语做目的状语。这里表目的,故填 for。 8. 考查被动语态和过去分词。句意:太阳很大,你需要遮盖住自己不然会被晒伤。这里 burn 和主语 you 为被动关系,get + 过去分词表被动语态,故填 burnt 或者 burned。 9. 考查冠词。句意:你需要准备大量的水。supply 为可数名词,其单数形式前需要加冠词。 good 为辅音音素开头,故填 a。 10. 考查动词短语用法。句意:很期待收到你的明信片。look forward to doing sth 表示“很期 待做某事”。这里 to 是介词,后面要加动名词形式。故填 receiving。

