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完形填空 解题技巧 (教育、科技、人物类) 教育改革 一 个阶段有一个阶段的热点话题,尤其是教育改革更是人们所关注的,此话题也是高考所关注的重点话题, 如 2019 福建 卷阅读理解 E 篇就涉及到此话题。 Good changes? FOR Beijing students hoping to gain an edge ( 优势 )on the national college entrance examinations with their good English skills , it's bad news : English will not be as important as Chinese or math on the big exam starting from 2016. Beijing's education authorities have decided to cut the English test score from 150 to 100 but raise that of Chinese from 150 to 180. “ I have been told since I was able to speak that English is very important , but all of a sudden ① , it isn't any longer , ” complained one of my classmates , who usually scores highly on English tests. As Senior 3 students already , we both feel lucky that English will weigh as much as Chinese and math for two more years , but a few of our classmates who don't do well on English tests complained about being born in the wrong year. “ What if ② I had been born two years later , ” said Xiao Li , “ or even later , when we might not have to learn English at all. ” Teachers in my high school are divided over the changes to gaokao scoring. “ The message has been delivered ③ that English will not be as important as other subjects , ” said English teacher Madame Zheng, adding , half jokingly , “ I might lose my job. ” My neighbor Mr Luo even pulled his 11 year old daughter out of an expensive English training program at a private weekend school , getting a refund( 退款 )of 3,500 yuan from his 5,000 yuan tuition , “ We'll spend the money on extra courses like Chinese writing and math , ” he said. Beijing is not alone in playing down the importance of English in the college entrance examinations.Other provinces are considering changes to English testing too.For example , Shandong will cancel the listening part of the English test next year. The Chinese capital's reforms ④ are meant to reduce the workload of students and call for more time and energy to be spent on Chinese language and culture. Still , in my opinion, changes to English testing scores are sure to dampen students' enthusiasm for learning English and make China , which ranked ⑤ fairly low on Education First's 2012 English Proficiency Index( 英语水平指数 ) , an even worse place for English speaking and even less capable ⑥ of connecting with the rest of the world. By Cao Ruge , Beijing No 31 High School 【 解题导语 】  本文主要讲述了高考英语改革的情况,对于此项改革有人欢喜有人忧。 一、阅读与积累 1 . 攻 克疑难词汇 ① all of a sudden 突然地 We were driving along , when all of a sudden a car pulled straight out in front of us. 我们正开着车子往前走,冷不防一辆汽车在我们前面冲了出来。 ②What if... ?如果 …… 怎么样? ( 用于提出建议 ) What if we go and see a film tomorrow night? 我们明天晚上去看电影,你觉得怎么样? ③ deliver v .递送,传送;发表,宣布;履行诺言 ④ reform n . & v . 改革 ⑤ rank v .把 …… 分等级;排列 ⑥ capable adj . 有能力的,足以胜任的 2 .攻克疑难句 For Beijing students hoping to gain an edge on the national college entrance examinations with their good English skills , it's bad news : English will not be as important as Chinese or math on the big exam starting from 2016. 结构分析   for Beijing students hoping to gain an edge on the national college entrance examinations with their good English skills 是介词短语作状语,其中 hoping to gain ... 是现在分词作后置定语,该句主要结构是 it's news , English will not as ... 是同位语 。 尝试翻译   对 于那些希望用好的英语技能来获得在高考中的优势的北京的学生来说,从 2016 年开始在高考中英语将不如汉语和数学那么重要了,这是一则坏消息。 二、理解与尝试命题 1 .理解文章主旨 The main idea of the passage is about some reforms about English in the college entrance examinations . 2 . 完 形填空尝试命题 文中画线的部分是完形填空命题中最易挖空的地方,请你和你的同桌依据首句常识自主写出三个干扰项,并比较一下谁的更符合高考命题特点。 ① A.________ B . starting C . ________ D . ________ 参考答案  A . starts   C . started   D . to start ② A.________ B . ________ C . ________ D . but 参考答案  A . and   B . however   C . or 3 .解题方法技巧点拨 完形填空解题技法之一:解码首句 ( 段 ) ,洞察解题方略 首句往往是整篇文章的引领句,概括了整篇文章的中心和作者的写作意图,细读首句可以判断文章体裁,预测文章大意和主旨;读懂首句可以帮助考生建立正确的思维导向,对理解全文起着至关重要的作用。完形填空的命题原则一般是文章第一句不设空,以使考生快速进入语境,并通过这一 “ 窗口 ” ,把握整篇文章。一般来说,记叙文类的文章的首句会交代 4 个 W(when , where , who , what) ,说明文类的文章的首句会解释要说明的对象,议论文类的文章的首句会提出一个论点。 [ 真 题 典 例 ] ( 2019 · 江西卷 )Diane Ray was completely self centred and very spoilt.Her parents gave her __ 36 __ she wanted , knowing that she would throw a temper tantrum( 耍小孩脾气 )if they did not.She would scream and kick and__ 37 __on the floor drumming her heels.Her parents always__ 38 __. 36 . A.either B . neither C . nothing D . everything 37 . A.jump B . lie C . spin D . sleep 38 . A.set out B . set in C . gave in D . gave out 答案  36.D   37.B   38.C 【 分析 】   由文章首句 “ Diane Ray was completely selfcentred and very spoilt.” 可知, Diane Ray 完全以自我为中心而且被宠坏了,她的父母会给她想要的一切 (everything) ,否则,她会躺 (1ie) 在地上尖叫、踢腾,因此,父母总是向她让步 (gave in) 。 [ 学 以 致 用 ] (2014 · 合肥模拟 ) Soon it would be the holidays , but before that , there were end of year exams.All the __ 1 __had been working hard for some time , reviewing their lessons for the exams.If they didn't __ 2 __ , they would have to retake them in September.There were usually a few who__ 3 __ , but Jane didn't want to be one of them.She had worked hard all year, __ 4 __just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister Barbara was__ 5 __about her. 1 . A.teachers B . students C . classmates D . schools 答案  B   [ 根据 reviewing their lessons for the exams 可推知是 students 。 ] 2 . A.prepare B . miss C . join D . pass 答案  D   [ 一般来说,如果一位学生考试不及格需要补考。由 have to retake them 可推知是 pass 。 ] 3 . A.succeeded B . failed C . ended D . called 答案  B   [ 由 Jane didn't want to be one of them 和前一句话可推知本空应填 failed 。 ] 4 . A.but B . so C . and D . because 答案  A   [ 前后形成对比,全句意思为:她已刻苦学习整整一年,可是临考前还得努力,故 but 是最佳答案。 ] 5 . A.excited B . frightened C . worried D . pleased 答案  C   [ 根据上下文之间的逻辑关系判断,看到简学习这么努力,她姐姐芭芭拉担心她的身体,故 worried 是最佳答案。 ] 【 分析 】   通过阅读首句,我们可知本文是一篇记叙文,接下来,作者一定是描述某次考试的情景。所以做题时,一定要依据您平常应对考试时的表现和一般心理感受,把词汇锁定在与考试有关的单词或短语上。 人物故事类 名 人趣事一直是人们茶余饭后所关注的话题,尤其是在青年人中更受关注,因此,在高考的阅读理解、完形填空中这一话题也常常被涉及到,如 , 2019 山东 卷阅读理解 B 篇。 ldol for a new era At first look , his weird( 怪异的 )gestures and silly but adorable( 可爱的 )facial expressions seem like an obvious grab for attention.But that is his real personality.Nicknamed “Martian”by his fans , he is actually a musical genius with a good voice. Hua Chenyu , a 23 year old student in his senior year at Wuhan Conservatory of Music , became the winner on the latest season of Super Boy on Sept 27.He is the first post 90s generation winner of Hunan TV's Super Boy or Super Girl competitions , which have been held eight times over the past 10 years. Hua didn't become a frontrunner overnight but he has been in the spotlight ① since the beginning of the season.His first song without lyrics , which he made himself , sounded so strange that the judges asked him to stop halfway through.His game was almost over until Shang Wenjie , a former Super Girl top winner and a judge on the competition , asked him to finish the song.In the end , his weirdly entertaining ② performance was wellreceived. As the competition narrowed , Hua made headlines for dancing like a zombie( 僵尸 )to Lady Gaga ‘ s Poker Face and when he sang a song by Leslie Cheung , I Am What I Am , through tears.Despite some online criticism , Hua won huge popularity ③ among viewers thanks to his pride and originality( 原创 ) . “ I almost didn't dare to take a screenshot( 屏幕截图 )of him singing - every screenshot looks straight out of a horror film.But when you watch his live performance , you understand his awesomeness( 了不起 ) . He's very likeable , ” wrote a blogger nicknamed Bumbleberri. Throughout the contest , he was called a musical genius.A talent good at several musical instruments including the flute , guitar and the piano , Hua had dreamed of becoming a musician since he was a child.Hua moved to Wuhan on his own from his hometown , Shiyan in Hubei province , to repeat his final year of high school in order to improve his application to his current ④ university. Although he looks confident , he is quiet and shy.He thinks before answering every question.He speaks slowly.sometimes uttering( 说 )only one character.Thus , he was nicknamed a“Martian”—referring to ⑤ his way of speaking that seems like it's from outer space. As a grassroots icon( 草根偶像 ) of a new generation , Hua has a personality that is distinct ⑥ from those of previous contestants( 参赛者 ) . “ [Hua] has started a music world which belongs to his own tiny times , ” commented Tencent Entertainment. 【 解题导语 】   本文主要讲述了 “ 快男 ” 华晨宇参加 “ 快男 ” 比赛成名的过程。 一、阅读与积累 1 . 攻 克疑难词汇 ① spotlight n .聚光灯;媒体和公众的注意 ② entertaining adj . 有趣的;娱乐的 ③ popularity n .受欢迎;普及;流行 ④ current adj . 当今的;现在的 ⑤ refer to 谈到;参考,查阅 ⑥ distinct adj . 不同的;清晰的 The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups. 调查结果分为截然不同的两组。 2 .攻克疑难句 As a grassroots icon of a new generation , Hua has personality that is distinct from those of previous contestants. 结构分析   as a grassroots icon of a new generation 在句中作状语, that is distinct from those of previous contestants 是定语从句,中心词是 personality. 尝试翻译   作 为一名新生代的草根偶像,华晨宇有一种与以前的参赛者不同的个性。 二、理解与尝试命题 1 . 理 解文章主旨 The passage mainly tells us Hua Chenyu's personalities and how he became famous . 2 .完形填空尝试命题 文中画线词汇是完形填空命题中最易挖空的地方,请你和你的同桌依据文化常识自主写出三个干扰选项,并且比较一下哪一个更符合高考的命题特点。 ①A.musical B . ________ C . ________ D . ________ 参考答案  B . physical   C . mathematical   D . skilled ②A.________ B . ________ C . judges D . ________ 参考答案  A . teachers   B . parents   D . friends 3 .解题方法技巧 完形填空解题技巧之四:文化常识,外力助推 人类社会是一个大舞台,一本百科全书,作为学生除了认真学习书本知识以外,考生还要积极体验生活,观察生活中的人或事,积累生活经验与常识,认真体会东西方文化差异,不同民族的风俗习惯,像节日、运动,礼节等,这样对做完形填空题很有帮助。 [ 真 题 典 例 ] 1 . (2019· 新课标卷 Ⅱ) In winter , Mr.Greenberg does not 20(act) like other New Yorkers , who look at the sidewalk and__ 21 __ the street.He looks around at 22(people) . .. 21 . A.cross over B . drive along C . hurry down D . keep off 答案  C   [ 考查常识。根据常识可知,冬天路人都会沿着街道匆忙赶路, hurry down “ 沿着 …… 匆忙而行 ” ,符合题意。 cross over “ 越过,横过 ” ; drive along “ 沿着 …… 开车 ” ; keep off “ 使 …… 不接近 ” 。同时不可忽视 “ who look at the sidewalk ” 在人行道上行走的语境。 ] 2 . ( 2019 · 广东卷 )Another interesting experiment sh owed a bird's 6(amazing) number sense.A man was trying to take a photo of a crow( 乌鸦 )that had a nest in a tower , but the crow always left when she saw him coming.The bird did not__ 7 __until the man left the tower... 7 . A.relax B . recover C . react D . Return 答案  D   [ 本文讲述人和动物都有数字感,此处是通过实验验证乌鸦是否有数字感。本题可以通过鸟要归 巢的常识得出答案。本段大意:另一个有趣的实验证明了小鸟具有令人惊异的数字感。一个人试图给一只在塔上筑巢的乌鸦拍照,但是乌鸦一看见他过来就离开。直到人离开塔时它才返回巢穴。 ] [ 学 以 致 用 ] (2012 · 新课标 ) Body language is the quiet , secret and most powerful language of all ! It speaks __ 1 __than words.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.__ 2 __ , different societies treat the __ 3 __ between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having __ 4 __contact( 接触 )even with friends , and certainly not with __ 5 __.People from Latin American countries , __ 6 __ , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore , it's possible that in __ 7 __ , it may look like a Latino is__ 8 __ a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino , trying to express friendship , will keep moving __ 9 __.The Norwegian , very probably seeing this as pushiness , will keep __ 10 __ — which the Latino will in return regard as__ 11 __.... 【 解题导语 】   本文主要讲身势语在跨文化交际中的重要性,并举了一些相关的例子来说明。本文充分体现了文化常识在完形填空题的重要性。 1 . A.straighter B . louder C . harder D . further 答案  B 2 . A.For example B . Thus C . However D . In short 答案  A 3 . A.trade B . distance C . connections D . greetings 答案  B 4 . A.eye B . verbal C . bodily D . telephone 答案  C 5 . A.strangers B . relatives C . neighbours D . enemies 答案  A 6 . A.in other words B . on the other hand C . in a similar way D . by all means 答案  B 7 . A.trouble B . conversation C . silence D . experiment 答案  B 8 . A.disturbing B . helping C . guiding D . following 答案  D 9 . A.closer B . faster C . in D . away 答案  A 10 . A.stepping forward B . going on C . backing away D . coming out 答案  C 11 . A.weakness B . carelessness C . friendliness D . coldness 答案  D 科技发明类 本 话题在新课标中涉及的内容很多,如医药进步、技术革新、科技发明、太空旅游、网络、传媒等, 如 2019 山东 卷阅读理解 C 篇 , 2019 辽宁 卷阅读理解 C 篇 , 2019 福建 卷阅读理解 B 篇等。 3 D printers are very hot today.They are being put to all kinds of uses , ranging from creating car models for movies to architectural ① models.However , none of these ideas are as shocking as the one suggested by Anjan Contractor , who believes that they will be the key to ending world hunger. According to some experts , world population will increase to 10 - 12 billion by the end of this century.This means that food will become very expensive and possibly , even out of reach , for billions of people. This is where 3 D printing may save the day.Anjan thinks that the only way to solve the problem will be to equip every kitchen with a 3 D printer and print out meals from tubes of powder and oil.He believes that these meals with a shelf life of over 30 years would result in less food wastage. More importantly , it would be easier to make food from things that we now do not consider edible ② .A great example of that is the protein ③ from meat.Most experts believe that as the population grows , the supply is not going to be enough to feed everyone.Anjan believes that we could easily get the same protein from insects.Though all this futuristic food may sound unappealing , the scientists believe that when faced with a terrible food crisis ④ , it will be very welcomed. While this may sound a little difficult to believe , Anjan seems to have convinced the scientists at NASA , who are looking for a solution to feed astronauts when they go on really long missions ⑤ , like the one being planned to Mars.They gave Anjan $ 125,000 to start building the first real 3D printer that creates the food. Anjan is not the only one with this idea.A group led by Professor Hod Lipson has been experimenting with this idea since 2011 and has even succeeded in printing out cubeshaped creations from powdered milk and cookies with limited sugar! From : www.dogonews.com 【 解题导语 】   本文主要讲述了 3D 打印机是否能够 “ 打印 ” 食物。 一、阅读与积累 1 . 攻 克疑难词汇 ① architectural adj . 建筑学的,建筑方面的 ② edible adj . 可食用的 The food at the hotel was barely edible. 那家旅馆的食物几乎无法食用。 ③ protein n .蛋白质 ④ crisis n .危机 ⑤ mission n .任务 2 .攻克疑难句 Though all this futuristic food may sound unappealing , the scientists believe that when faced with a terrible food crisis, it will be welcomed. 结构分析   though all this futuristic food may sound unappealing 是由 though 引导的让步状语从句; the scientists 是主句的主语,谓语是 believe ; that when faced... 是由连接词 that 引导的宾语从句,其中 when faced with a terrible food crisis 是宾语从句中的状语。 尝试翻译   虽 然这种未来的食物听起来可能不吸引人,但科学家们认为当面临可怕的食物危机时,这种食物将受到欢迎。 二、理解与尝试命题 1 . 理 解文章主旨 The passage talks about whether 3 D printers will be the key to end the world hunger . 2 .完形填空尝试命题 文中画线词汇是完形填空命题中最易挖空的地方,请你和你的同桌依据句法常识自主写出三个干扰选项,并且比较一下谁的更符合高考的命题特点。 ① A.ranging B . ________ C . ________ D . ________ 参考答案  B . changing   C . vary   D . ranges ② A.________ B . ________ C . ________ D . that 参考答案  A . what   B . it   C . with ; which 3 .解题技巧点拨 完形填空解题技巧之五:分析句法,多管齐下 近几年的高考完形填空题中,虽然很少涉及语法知识,但是并不意味着不考查语法知识。对语法知识的考查往往是多方面的,为此,考生也要采用多种策略,多管齐下的方式来解题。对于难以把握的题目,不但要分析上下文逻辑关系,作者的写作目的与主旨,认真揣摩主人翁的态度,分析词法、句法功能,准确分析长难句等。 [ 真 题 典 例 ] 1 . (2019 · 陕西卷 ) He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse , 43(but) he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still__ 44 __ in this world.I'll never 45(forget) his actions. 44 . A.kindness B . happiness C . politeness D . brightness 答案  A   [ 全句意思是:他本来可以使原本就不好的情况变得更加糟糕,但他选择了一个不同的方式并且让我们有理由相信,在这个世界上依然存在着善。根据句意和全文的中心可知选项 A 符合语境 kindness “ 善良 ” 。 happiness “ 幸福 ” , politeness “ 礼貌 ” , brightness “ 聪明 ” ,不符合具体语境。 ] 2 . (2019 · 山东卷 ) . ..That was really a big 44(step) for me.By the end of the year , I had several new friends , and two of__ 45 __ are still my best friends today. 45 . A.us B . which C . them D . whom 答案  C   [ 注意 and 这个连词的作用,它说明两句之间是并列关系,从语法的角度分析此处不是定语从句,因此不用关系代词 which 或者 whom ,此处也不是谈论包括对方的情况,所以不用 us 。因此 them 符合题意。 ] [ 学 以 致 用 ] ( 2019 · 广东卷 )Number sense is not the ability to count.It is the ability to recognize a change in number... It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world , and that our human ________is not much better than a crow's. A . sight B . nature C . ability D . belief 答案  C   [ 考查名词。“ It seems that number...than a crow's. ” 是对全文的总结。根据第一段第一句和第二句不难得出答案。主题结构为 It seems that... 句式, and 后的 that 从句与第一个 that 从句并列。第一个从句中又含有一个定语从句修饰 something ,用于解释什么是数字感。 ]

