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时态和语态 一、 ‎【知识精讲】‎ ‎【时态】‎ (一) 一般现在时 1. 谓语动词的构成:be(am/is/are),实义动词(及物动词或不及物动词),情态动词can/may...+动词原形;be动词和实义动词在人称和数上与主语保持一致。‎ 2. 用法:‎ (1) 表示经常性或习惯性的动作或叙述现在的状态。常用的时间状语有always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, every day/week/month/year, once a week, now and then, from time to time, at times等。‎ We always care for each other and help each other. 我们总是互相关心,互相帮助。‎ He usually goes to work by bus except when it rains. 他经常坐公交车上班,下雨天除外。‎ (2) 表示客观事实或真理。‎ The science teacher told us the earth moves around the sun. 自然课老师告诉我们地球围绕太阳转。‎ (3) 表示一个按计划、规定、安排要发生的动作,或表示根据时间或事先安排肯定会出现的状态时,谓语动词要用一般现在时。但仅限于下列动词:come, go, leave, arrive, fly, return, start, begin, open, close, end, stop等。‎ School begins on February 5. 学校二月五日开学。‎ (4) 在以here或there开头的倒装句中,用一般现在时表示正在进行的动作。‎ Look! Here comes the bus. 看!公共汽车来了。‎ ‎(5)在时间状语从句、让步状语从句或条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。引导此类从句的词有when, as, while, before, after, whenever, till, until, as soon as, the moment, if, unless, once, as long as, on condition that等。‎ I'll give the letter to him as soon as I see him. 我一看到他,就会把那封信给他。‎ (二) 现在进行时 1. 谓语动词的构成:am/is/are+doing 2. 用法:‎ (1) 表示说话时正在进行的动作。‎ We are listening to Obama's victory speech now. 我们正在听奥巴马的获胜演讲。‎ (1) 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但不一定在说话时正在进行或表示正在发展、变化的情况。‎ The population of the world is increasing. 世界人口正在不断增长。‎ (2) 在时间、条件等状语从句中,用现在进行时代替将来进行时。‎ If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up, please. 如果他来时我正在睡觉,请叫醒我。‎ (3) 句中若含有always, all the time, constantly, forever等词(组)时,用进行时态表示一个频繁发生的动作或表示说话人的赞赏、责备、厌恶等感情。‎ He's always thinking of others.(赞赏) 他总是想着他人。‎ She is forever criticizing me.(厌恶) 她老是批评我。‎ (4) go, come, leave, start, arrive, return, work, sleep, stay, play, do, have, wear, take off等词(组)可用现在进行时代替将来时,表示最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。‎ Mr Brown is coming next week. 布朗先生将于下周来。‎ 1. 不用于进行时态的词 (1) 事实状态的动词:have, belong, possess, cost, owe, exist, include, contain, matter, weigh, measure, continue I have two brothers. 我有两个哥哥。‎ This house belongs to my sister. 这个房子属于我妹妹。‎ (2) 心理状态的动词:know, realize, think, see, believe, suppose, imagine, agree, recognize, remember, want, need, forget, prefer, mean, understand, love, hate I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。‎ He loves his mother very much. 他非常爱他的母亲。‎ (3) 瞬间动词:accept, receive, complete, finish, give, allow, decide, refuse I accept your advice. 我接受你的建议。‎ (4) 系动词:seem, remain, lie, smell, feel, taste, get, become, turn You seem a little tired. 你看上去有点累。‎ (一) 现在完成时 1. 谓语动词的构成:have/has+done 2. 用法:‎ (1) 过去发生的事情/动作对现在造成影响。‎ The earthquake has given him a miserable impression. 地震给他留下了可怕的记忆。‎ (1) 动作从过去开始,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去。常用的时间状语有:so far, already, yet, recently, lately, these days, during/in the last/past few years, up to now, for+时间段, since等。‎ We have been good friends since our middle school days. 从中学时期起,我们就是好朋友。‎ We have studied English for six years. 我们学习英语已经六年了。‎ (2) 现在完成时在时间或条件状语从句中用来代替将来完成时。‎ If you have finished reading the magazine before I leave, please give it back to me. 如果你在我离开前看完这本杂志的话,请把它还给我。‎ 1. 现在完成时常用句型 ‎(1)It is/has been+一段时间+since...‎ ‎(2)This/It is the first/second...time that...‎ ‎(3)This/It is the most interesting...+that...‎ (一) 现在完成进行时 1. 谓语动词的构成:have/has+been+doing 2. 用法:‎ (1) 表示从过去某个时间开始一直延续到现在的动作,有可能到此时为止,也有可能继续进行。‎ It has been raining for 3 days. 大雨已经下了三天了。‎ (2) 不是指某个动作一直不停在进行,而是表示一直到说话为止的一段时间内一再重复的动作,常带有感情色彩。‎ She has been saying that twenty times. 这话他已经说了20遍了。‎ 3. 现在完成时和现在完成进行时的比较 (1) 现在完成时表示从过去开始的一个动作到目前为止已经完成;现在完成进行时表示动作仍在继续。‎ I've read The Red Sun. 我已经看过《红日》了。(已经完成)‎ I have been reading The Red Sun these days. 这些天我一直在看《红日》。(仍在继续)‎ (2) 现在完成时强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响;现在完成进行时如果表示刚结束的动作时则强调不久前持续的动作。‎ I have written him a letter. 我给他写了一封信。(到现在为止已经写完了)‎ I have been writing a letter since three o'clock. 我从三点以来一直在写信。(强调一直在写,不表明是否写完)‎ (1) 现在完成进行时可以和时间状语连用,也可以没有时间状语。这样用时,它有别于现在完成时,现在完成时只有增加for, since或never等时间状语,才能表达这种持续的动作。‎ I have been practising the piano. 我一直在练习弹钢琴。‎ I have lived here for five years. 我在这里住了五年了。‎ (2) 现在完成进行时一般不适用于状态动词,要表示状态动词的“仍在继续”用法,只能用现在完成时。I have known him since childhood. 我从小就认识他。(不能用现在完成进行时)‎ (一) 一般过去时 1. 谓语动词的构成:was/were, ved或不规则动词的过去式 2. 用法:‎ (1) 表示过去的事情、动作或状态,常与表示过去具体的时间状语连用或有上下文语境暗示;用于表达过去的习惯;表示说话人原来没有料到、想到或希望的事通常用过去时。时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。‎ I met her in the street yesterday. 我昨天在街上遇到她。‎ Where did you go just now? 你刚才去哪儿了?‎ (2) 表示在过去一段时间内经常性或习惯性的动作。‎ When I was a child, I often played football in the street. 当我是个孩子的时候,我就经常在街上踢足球。‎ (3) 表示两个紧接着发生的动作,常用以下词连接,用一般过去时。如but, and, when, as soon as, immediately, the moment, the minute。‎ The moment she came in, she told me what had happened to her. 她一进来,就告诉我她身上发生的事情。‎ (4) 如果从句中有一个过去的时间状语,尽管从句中的动作先于主句发生,但是从句中的谓语动词仍用一般过去时。‎ He told me he read an interesting novel last night. 他告诉我昨晚在读一本有趣的小说。‎ (二) 过去进行时 1. 谓语动词的构成:was/were+doing 2. 用法:‎ (1) 过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或某一阶段内发生或频繁发生的动作。‎ I was watching TV at 8 o'clock yesterday evening. 昨天晚上8点我在家看电视。‎ (1) 某一动作发生时另一动作正在发生,其中一个动作在由when或while引导的时间状语从句中。‎ It was raining when they left the station. 当他们离开车站时,正在下雨。‎ (2) 与always, all the time, constantly, forever等词(组)连用时,表示厌恶、赞扬等感情色彩。‎ She was always ringing me up when I was in London. 当我在伦敦时,她总是给我打电话。‎ (3) 表示客气、礼貌或不确定。‎ I was wondering if you could do me a favour. 不知你能否帮个忙?‎ (一) 过去完成时 1. 谓语动词的构成:had+done 2. 用法:‎ (1) 在by, by the end of, by the time, until, before, since后接表示过去的时间或从句。‎ By the end of last year, we had produced 20,000 cars. 到去年年底为止,我们已生产了两万辆小汽车。‎ 表示过去曾经的希望、打算、意图、诺言等,常用的有:had hoped/planned/meant/intended/thought/wanted/expected等。‎ He had planned to attend the meeting last Sunday. 上个星期日,他原打算去参加会议。‎ (2) 表示“一……就……”的几个句型:scarcely/hardly...when.../no sooner...than...。‎ We had no sooner been seated than the bus started.=No sooner had we been seated than the bus started. 我们一坐下,汽车就开了。‎ (二) 一般将来时 1. 谓语动词的构成:will/shall/be going to/be to/be about to+动词原形 2. 用法:‎ ‎(1)表示未来的动作或状态,常用“will/shall+动词原形”(常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next week等)。‎ ‎(2)表示一种趋向或习惯动作。‎ We'll die without air or water. 没有空气和水,我们会死。‎ (3) 表示趋向行为的动词如come, go, start, begin, leave等常用进行时表示将来时。‎ 3. be going to, will/shall, be to do, be about to, be doing的用法及区别:‎ (1) be going to do sth.表示主语的意图,即将做某事;计划或安排要发生的事;有迹象要发生的事。‎ What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天将会做什么?‎ The play is going to be produced next month. 这部戏将于下个月开播。‎ Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. 看那些乌云,要有暴风雨了。‎ (1) will/shall表示未事先考虑过,即说话时临时做出的决定。‎ If it is fine, we'll go fishing. 如果天气好的话,我们就去钓鱼。‎ (2) be to do sth.表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,还可表示吩咐、命令等。‎ The meeting is to be held at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon. 这个会议将于今天下午三点召开。‎ (3) be about to do sth.表示“即刻,就要”,后面不能接时间状语(从句)。‎ Autumn harvest is about to start. 秋收即将开始。‎ (4) be doing(come,go,leave, arrive, start等动词),表示即将发生的动作。‎ The bus is coming. 汽车就要来了。‎ (一) 过去将来时 1. 谓语动词的构成:would/should+动词原形;was/were going to+动词原形 2. 用法:‎ (1) 表示在过去某个时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。‎ I didn't know if he would come. 我不知道他是否会来。‎ (2) ‎“was/were going to+动词原形”常用于表示即将要发生的事情。‎ She said she was going to start off at once. 她说她即将出发。‎ (3) come, go, leave, arrive, start等动词可用过去进行时代替过去将来时。‎ He said the train was leaving at six the next morning. 他说火车将于第二天早晨六点离开。‎ (二) 将来进行时 1. 谓语动词的构成:will/shall be doing 2. 用法:‎ (1) 表示在将来某个时间正在进行的动作和按计划、安排、决定预料将要发生的事情。‎ This time next week we shall be visiting the Great Wall. 下个星期这个时候,我们将在参观长城。‎ (2) 表示在将来某一时刻开始,并继续下去的动作。常用于礼貌的询问、要求等。‎ Don't worry, you won't miss her. She will be wearing a red Tshirt and a white skirt at that time. 别担心,你到时不 会认不出她的。她到时会穿一件红色的T恤衫和一条白色的短裙。‎ (一) 将来完成时 1. 谓语动词的构成:will/shall have done 2. 用法:‎ (1) 表示某事继续到将来某一时间为止一直有的状态。‎ They will have been married for 20 years by then. 到那时他们结婚将有20年了。‎ (2) 表示将来某一时间或另一个将来的动作之前,已经完成的动作或获得的经验。‎ I shall have finished reading this book by the end of this week. 到本周末时,我将读完这本书。‎ ‎【被动语态】‎ ‎(一)被动语态的构成 被动语态由“be+及物动词的过去分词”构成,be动词有人称、时态和数上的变化。‎ 下表以do一词为例说明被动语态的构成:‎ 时间 时态 被动语态 现在 一般现在时 is/am/are done ‎ 现在进行时 is/am/are being done ‎ 现在完成时 have/has been done 过去 一般过去时 was/were done ‎ 过去进行时 was/were being done ‎ 过去完成时 had been done 将来 一般将来时 will/shall be done ‎ 过去将来时 would/should be done (二) 主动形式表示被动意义 1. ‎“系动词(look, sound, feel, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, prove, turn, stay, become, fall, get, grow, keep)+形容词/名词”构成系表结构。‎ The silk feels so soft and comfortable. 这丝绸摸起来如此柔软、舒适。‎ 2. 表示开始、结束、运动的动词。‎ The café closes at 12 p.m. every day. 咖啡馆每天晚上12点打烊。‎ 1. 表示主语的某种属性特征的动词,如read, write, act, cut, draw, drive, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, cook, lock, shut, dry, eat, drink等。‎ The newly developed cellphones sell very well. 这些新开发的手机很畅销。‎ 2. be worth 之后接动名词,主动形式表示被动意义。作“需要”讲的动词(want, need, require)后接动名词时,用主动形式表示被动意义,也可接不定式的被动形式作宾语。‎

