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2019 届二轮复习短文改错典题讲练三 ( 十三 ) When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One day I saw a second-hand bicycle, that was only one hundred yuan . I asked my father the money. But he said he could only give me half of the money. friends one which for He should found the other half myself. So I went to sell newspapers after school. My father was pleased if I showed him the money a month after. He gives me the other fifty. You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle. gave later when find I ( 十三 ) 讲述作者读中学时自己赚钱买自行车的经历。 1. friend→ friends 考查名词的数。“我朋友中的大多数人”,朋友不止一个,要用复数。 2. it→ one 考查代词 it 与 one 的区别。意思是“我希望我也能有一辆自行车 (a bicycle)” ,替代“ a/an+ 单数可数名词”用 one 。替代“ the+ 单数可数名词”才用 it 。如: My father bought me a bicycle last month. I like it very much. (it=the bicycle) 3. that→ which 考查定语从句。因引导非限制性定语从句不能用 that ,先行词是物,要用 which 。 4. 在 asked my father 后加 for 考查固定搭配中的介词。表示“向某人要某物”是 ask sb for sth 。 5. He→ I 考查指代一致。父亲只给我一半的钱,“我”应自己找另外一半钱。 6. found→ find 考查情态动词的用法。情态动词后要接动词原形。 7. if→ when 考连前后逻辑。句意:当我将另一半钱给父亲看时,他感到非常高兴。 8. after→ later 考查常用词辨析。表示“一个月后”是 a month later 。 9. gives→ gave 考查时态一致。由上文可知,作者是叙述中学时发生的事,用一般过去时。 10. 去掉 how 后的 much 考查 how much 与 how 的区别。表示“多么开心”是 how happy 。 ( 十四 ) An English lady was finally decided that she really should learn to drive. And after many attempts, she past her driving test and told her husband that , to release , he was going to drive him over to France for a holiday. But then a week after the trip, she sudden announced that they wouldn’t take the holiday. passed she before suddenly “ How did you change your mind?” he asked her by surprise. “Well , it is all because of the business of driving on right.” She said, “I have been practicing for three weeks now , but I still couldn’t get used to it—in fact, I’ve nearly killed three peoples.” the people can’t in Why ( 十四 ) 讲述一位女士学车的趣事。 1. 去掉 finally 前的 was 考查语态。 lady 与 decide 之间为主动关系,无需用被动语态。 2. past→ passed 考查时态。此处意为“通过”,应使用 pass 的过去式。 3. he→ she 考查代词。此处应为妻子要带丈夫去法国,应用女性的人称代词。 4. after→ before 考查连词。此处应为在此次旅行之前,妻子就因不适应右侧驾驶改变了主意。 5. sudden→ suddenly 考查词性误用。修饰动词应用副词。 6. How→ Why 考查连词。此处为丈夫对妻子突然改变主意不理解,而询问原因。 7. by→ in 考查介词。 in surprise 为固定搭配,意为“惊奇地,惊讶地”。 8. 在 right 前加 the 考查定冠词。方位名词前要加定冠词。 9. couldn’t→ can’t 考查时态。此处应为目前还不适应靠右驾驶,应用一般现在时。 10. peoples→ people 考查名词。 people 表示“人,人们”已是复数概念,无需加 s 。 ( 十五 ) Christine was just a girl in one of my classes. I never knew much about her except for that she was strange. She didn’t talk many. Her hair was black and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater, although in the summer. She was, in fact, rather attractively. attractive even wore much She never seemed care what the rest of us thought about her like the rest of my classmate. I didn’t really want to get closest to her. It was only when we did their chemistry project together which I began to understand why Christine dressed the way she did. that our close classmates to ( 十五 ) 本文作者讲述了一位似乎很奇怪的同学,后来一起做化学实验时才开始对她有所了解。 1. 删除 except 后的 for 考查词 (except) 的用法。因 except 后接 that 从句时不用 for ,即直接用 except that 。 2. many→ much 考查常用词辨析。表示“说话多”是 talk much 。 3. worn→ wore 考查过去式的拼写。因 wear 的过去式是 wore 。 4. although→ even 考查常用词辨析。因 although 是连词, even 是副词,此处修饰介词短语,用副词,表示“即使在夏天”。 5. attractively→ attractive 考查词性用法。在系动词 was 后作表语,要用形容词。 6. 在 seemed 后加 to 考查不定式符号。表示“似乎做某事”是 seem to do sth 。 7. classmate→ classmates 考查名词的数。“其余的同学”,应用复数。 8. closest→ close 考查比较等级。没有跟谁比较,用原级。 get close to… 意为“与 …… 接近”。 9. their→ our 考查指代一致。与主语 we 一致。 10. which→ that 考查强调结构。因 it was… that… 是强调结构。 ( 十六 ) In early January this year, the rate of UFO reports were steady, around three per weeks. When, however, on Monday, January 16, a science fiction film about visitors to outer space was shown on television, there was the immediate increase in reports of sightings from all parts of the States. was week from an The commanding officer, Wayne Tyler, who directly responsible for the study of all such reports, decided to making his findings known. They wrote an article, which said that all UFO reports could be explained for quite naturally by aircraft movements. Follow this explanation, there was a rapid drop in the number of reported sightings, because the rate remained above the previous level. was but Following He make ( 十六 ) 在今年一月前期, UFO 的报道率是稳定的,每周报道三次;但在 1 月 16 日放映有关外星人的科幻电影之后,这类报道立即增加;负责这类报道的 Wayne Tyler 说,所有这类报道都可以用飞机运动得到解释,之后,报道率减少,但依然比以前高。 1.were→ was 考查主谓一致。主语是 the rate, 第三人称单数,故改 were 为 was 。 2.weeks→ week 考查名词的数。因 per( 每一 ) 后要接单数可数名词。 3.to→ from 考查介词。表示“来自”太空的人,而非“到达”太空的人。 4.the→ an 考查冠词。不是特指不用 the 而用不定冠词, an immediate increase 表示“立即增加”。 5. 在 who 后加 was 考查句子结构的完整性。因 who 引导的非限制性定语从句中缺谓语动词,故在 who 后加 was 。 6.making→ make 考查固定搭配中的非谓语动词。由 decide to do sth 可知,用动词原形。 7.They→ He 考查指代一致。指代前句中的 Wayne Tyler 。 8. 删除 explained 后的 for 考词动词的用法。因 explain 是及物动词,不要再用介词,故删除。 9.Follow→ Following 考查词的用法。改为介词 following ,意为“在 …… 之后 (after) ;由于 (as a result of)” 。 10.because→ but 考查前后逻辑。前后是转折关系。 ( 十七 ) Dear Diana, Thank you for the lovely day we have with you. It was so kind for you to let us bring Anne’s friend, Gina. Unfortunate, the only problem was the journey home. There had been a terrible accident on the highway and, for a result, there was a long line of traffic for at least six mile. miles as Unfortunately of had In the end, we drove to a service station and waited there unless the road was clear. In the car park here Gina nearly got knocked over as car drove out far too quickly from behind a lorry. They finally dropped Gina off at her parents’ and made our own way to home. Yours, Li Hua a We there until /till ( 十七 ) 作者首先感谢 Diana 让他们带 Gina 一起去玩。然后告知 Diana ,在回家路上堵车和 Gina 差点被车压的令人不快之事。 1.have→ had 考查时态一致。结合下句可知是已发生过的事了,故用一般过去时。 2.for→ of 考查介词。在此句型中,当形容词表示人的品性时,用介词 of 。 3.Unfortunate→ Unfortunately 考查词性用法。修饰全句,用副词作状语。 4.for→ as 考查固定词组中的介词。因 as a result 是固定短语。 5.mile→ miles 考查名词的数。由 six 可知, mile 用复数。 6.unless→ until /till 考查连词。表示在那里一直等“到”道路通畅。 7.here→ there 考查常用词辨析。表示“在那里的”停车场。 8. 在 car 前加 a 考查冠词。泛指的“一辆”车,用不定冠词。 9.They→ We 考查指代一致。由前文可知,是 we 最后把 Gina 送到她父母那里。 10. 删除 home 前的 to 考查 home 的用法。因 home 看作副词,前面不用介词。 ( 十八 ) My father took me out camping for the first time when I was seven. He wanted teach me about animals, insects and trees. My uncles all come along with bows and arrows for hunting. One evening at sunset, we sat by the fire, have our barbecue. Just then a bird was flying over us. My uncles immediate jumped up and shot their arrows on the bird. to at immediately having came Neither of the arrows hit the target. Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky — they were looked like rain! We ran to escape but fortunately no one was injured. That day I didn’t learn much about animals, insects or trees, but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity! 或 an and were None ( 十八 ) 作者和他父亲、叔叔们去打猎。一只鸟在附近飞,叔叔们射箭,都没有射中,但射出的箭落下时却差点伤到他们。 1. want 后面加 to 考查固定搭配。因 want to do sth ( 想要做某事 ) 是固定搭配。 2. come→ came 考查时态一致。上下文都是过去时态,此处也应用过去式 came 。 3. have→ having 考查非谓语动词。前面已有谓语动词 sat ,而 have 前又没有连词,故应为非谓语动词;又因 we 与 have 是主动关系,故用现在分词。 4. immediate→ immediately 考查词性用法。修饰动词 jumped ,用副词 immediately 。 5. on→ at 考查介词搭配。因 shoot at sth( 向 …… 射击 ) 是固定搭配。 6. Neither→ None 考查词语辨析。表示“ ( 两者中 ) 一个也不”用 neither of ;表示“ ( 三者或三者以上中 ) 一个也不”用 none of 。 7. was→ were 考查主谓一致。主语 the arrows 是复数,故此处应该用 were 。 8. 删除 were 或删除 looked 考查语态。因 look like ( 看起来像 ) 没有被动语态,故删除 were 。也可删除 looked , be like 表示“像”。 9. but→ and 考查逻辑关系。“我们逃离 ( 落下的箭 )” 和“幸运的是没有人受伤”之间是顺延关系,没有转折意思,用 and 。 10. a→ an 考查冠词用法。因 impressive 以元音音素开头,应该用 an 。 THANK YOU!

