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Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 1.devote vt .献身;专心于 教材原句 ①A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to  helping     (help) others. 重点单词 ◆单句填空 ②The dog had such  devotion     (devote)to its master that it would not leave him, even when he was dead. ③He was a  devoted     (devote)father because he was strict with his daughter and encouraged her when she was in trouble. (2017天津) ◆句型升级 He devoted himself to community activities and was praised by the people around him. ④  Devoting himself to community activities     , he was praised by the people around him.(用现在分词改写) ⑤  Devoted to community activities     , he was praised by the people around him.(用过去分词改写) 点拨 (1)devote...to...把 …… 奉献于 …… devote oneself to献身于 …… ;致力于 …… (2)devoted adj .忠实的;挚爱的 be devoted to...专心于 …… ;奉献于 …… (3)devotion n .关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚 [联想] 含有介词to的动词短语: look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事;object to doing sth.反对做某事;get down to doing sth.开始做某事;be/get accustomed to doing sth.习惯于做 某事 2.equal adj .相等的;平等的;能胜任的 vt .等于 n .同等的人;相等物 教材原句 ①But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people  equal     ( 平等). ◆单句填空 ②Any man will be equal  to     the task, as long as he is careful. You should give it a try. ③None of us can equal her, either  in     beauty or as a dancer. ④Men and women must be treated   equally     (equal)in education and employment. ◆写作微练 我能胜任这项工作,所以我写信申请。   so I am writing to apply for it. 点拨 (1)be equal to sth.等于/胜任某事 A equals B in...A在 …… 方面比得上B without equal无与伦比 (2)equality n .平等 (3)equally adv .相等地;同等地;均等地 [扩展] “胜任”的其他表达形式:be up to;be fit for;be qualified for;be qualified to do sth.。 3.escape v .& n .逃脱;逃生 教材原句 ①It was a prison  from     which no one escaped.那是一座任何人都逃 不出的监狱。 ◆写出下列句子中escape的含义 ②I'm sorry, but your name escapes me.  被遗忘;被忽略     ③Some gas is escaping . It's too dangerous.  流出;泄漏     ④The cinema enabled people to escape from the depressing realities of their lives.  逃避 ( 现实 )     ⑤ Several guests died in the fire, but David escaped through the window.      逃脱     ◆一句多译 无论是谁违反了法律都不能逃脱惩罚。 Whoever breaks the law   点拨 escape doing sth.避免做某事 escape from 从 …… 逃脱;逃避 sth. escapes sb. 某物被某人遗忘 escape sb.'s attention/notice逃过某人的注意;被某人忽视 fire escape 太平梯;安全梯;安全出口 a narrow escape 九死一生;死里逃生 4.reward n .报酬;奖金 vt .酬劳;奖赏 教材原句 ①They said that the job and the pay from the new South African govern- ment were my  reward     (回报)after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks. ◆单句填空 ② She started singing to the baby and   was rewarded     (reward)with a smile. ③Teaching is not very well paid, but it is a  rewarding     (reward) job. ④For many who made it to Dawson, however, the  rewards     (reward) were worth the difficult trip. (2018课标全国Ⅲ) ◆选词并用其适当形式填空(reward/award) ⑤She was  awarded     the best actress in the film festival. ⑥How can I  reward     you for your kindness? ◆一句多译 我送给他一本书来感谢他的帮助。 ⑦I gave him a book  in reward for his help     . ⑧  As a reward for his help     , I gave him a book. ⑨I  rewarded him with a book for     his help. 点拨 (1)as a reward (for)作为(对某事的)报酬/奖赏 in reward for 为酬谢 …… ;作为奖励 reward sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事而奖赏某人 reward sb. with sth.用某物回报某人 (2)rewarding adj . 值得做的;有意义的 易混词 名词 动词 award 奖品,奖金,与prize用法相似 意为“授予,颁发”,常用搭配:award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb. reward 报酬,奖赏或悬赏金 多指因对方的工作、服务、帮助等而给予的报酬或奖赏,常用搭配:reward sb. for (doing)sth. [辨析] 1.in trouble 有麻烦;处于困难中 教材原句 ①Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was  in     trouble. ◆单句填空 ②His instant help got me out  of     trouble. ③It was when we were returning home that I realized what a good feeling it was to help someone  in     trouble. ④Thanks for the trouble you have taken  to help     (help)us. 重点短语 ◆单句改错 ⑤If you are in the trouble, Mike is always willing to lend a hand.  去掉the     ◆句型转换 ⑥It's difficult for me to solve the problem alone. →I  have trouble(in) solving     the problem alone. 点拨 get into trouble 陷入困境;惹麻烦 keep/stay out of trouble远离麻烦 get sb.   have trouble   做某事有困难 take the trouble to do sth.费力做某事 2.turn to 求助于;翻到(书的某页);改用;转向 教材原句 ①Why did Nelson Mandela turn  to     violence to make black and white people equal? ◆写出下列各句中 turn to 的含义 ② However, when it is something beyond my competence, I turn to my classmates or teachers for help.  求助于     ③ Go down the main road until it branches and then turn to the left.  转向     ④If you turn to page 40, you will find it.  翻到     ⑤Many people here are turning to solar power.  改用     ◆单句改错 ⑥At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents turn to whenever I need help. (2016课标全国Ⅲ)  turn前加to     点拨 turn against背叛;反对    turn around翻身;转身 turn back(使)折回;往回走  turn down关小;拒绝 turn in上交;归还;交(作业,报告等) turn into变成,变为  turn off关掉 turn on打开 turn out证明是;结果是;生产 turn over把 …… 翻过来;翻转;移交 turn up出现,到场;开大,调高 1.“only+状语”位于句首引起的倒装 教材原句 ①...only then  did     we decide to answer violence with violence. …… 只 有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。 重点句型 ◆完成句子 ②只有这样我们才能顺利举行这次活动。(2016课标全国Ⅱ) Only in this way  can we hold the activity perfectly     . ③只有说话礼貌你才能和其他人相处得好。 Only by saying polite words  can you get on/along well with     others. ④只有你了解这些风俗,你才能在朋友家举止得体。(2018课标全国Ⅰ 书面表达) Only when you learn about the customs  can you behave yourself     at your friend's home. ◆单句改错 ⑤ Only then did I realized how important it was to work hard.   realized→realize     点拨 only放在句首修饰状语(从句)时,句子或主句需要部分倒装。有以下几 种形式: ①only+副词+部分倒装的句子 ②only+介词短语+部分倒装的句子 ③only+状语从句+部分倒装的主句 [点津] only放在句首修饰主语时不用倒装。 2.the first time引导时间状语从句 教材原句 ①I felt bad  the first time     I talked to a group.第一次给旅行团 做讲解时,我感觉很不好。 ◆单句改错 ② We may feel funny at the first time we see the picture, but after that we must be ashamed and angry.  去掉介词 at     ③They rushed out on the moment they heard a shout of laughter.  去掉介词on     ◆写作微练 ④   Every time I pass the school, I will think of my first English teacher. 每当我经过学校 , 我就会想起我的第一个英语老师。 ◆句型转换 ⑤ I was deeply shocked by the beautiful sights when I went to Jiuzhaigou for the first time. →I was deeply shocked by the beautiful sights   the first time I went to    Jiuzhaigou. 点拨 the first time起连词的作用,引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次 …… ”。 [联想] 下面短语可引导时间状语从句: ①由time构成的名词词组:each time, the first/last time, next time等。 ②the minute, the instant, the second, the moment等,意为“一 …… 就 … … ”。 [点津] for the first time是介词短语,只能用作状语,意为“第一次”。 3.不定式作定语 教材原句 ①He was the first man  to land     (land) on the moon in July 1969. ◆单句填空 ②At that time, I had a lot of reading  to do     (do). ③Volunteering gives you a chance  to change     (change) lives, including your own. ④For 25 days,she never left her baby,not even to find something  to eat     ( eat)! ◆单句改错 ⑤The river is 3 meters in depth, which is dangerous to swim.  在swim后加in     ◆完成句子 众所周知,张衡是世界上发明地震仪的第一人。(2016北京书面表达) ⑥As we all know, Zhang Heng was  the first man to invent     the seis- mograph. 点拨 (1)动词不定式可以用来修饰人和物,一般置于被修饰的名词或代词之 后,即作后置定语。 (2)当被修饰成分前有序数词或形容词的最高级及the only,the very修饰 时,常用不定式作定语。 (3)to come将来的;to spare剩余的。这两个短语常放在时间名词后面作 后置定语。 (4)一些特定名词,如ability,chance,ambition,offer,anxiety,answer,reply,at- tempt,belief后,常跟不定式作定语。 (5)作定语的动词如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词 是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词。

