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‎2019届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之二十二 ‎[一]‎ It was on Sunday so I didn’t have to go to school as usually. My parents went to the countryside to see my grandparents, left me alone. After finishing my homework, I began to play football at home. All of a sudden, I kicked the ball so hardly that it flew right onto a vase and broke it. It was great favorite of my mother’s. I decided to tell my parents it was the fault of the cat for fear that she should punish me. Therefore, when they got home, I hesitated for a moment and told them that truly happened. Instead of punishing me, they just hoped that I will never make so a foolish mistake again.‎ 答案:第一句:去掉on; usually→usual 第二句:left→leaving 第四句:hardly→hard 第五句:great前加a 第六句:she→they 第七句:Therefore→However; that→what 第八句:will→would; so→such ‎ [二]‎ Our class recently went on the school trip to an adventure centre. It is locating not too far away from the school. It only took us two hours get there by bus. There were twenty of ourselves and we spend five days there on a sailing course. The activities were good organised but safety standards were high. We enjoyed the courses although the weather was bad. Each student was given a lot of personal attention, who helped them to develop their confidence. I believe this course was good for all the students, and I think the school should organise a more similar trip next year.‎ 答案:第一句:the→a 第二句:locating→located 第三句:get前加to 第四句:ourselves→us; spend→spent 第五句:good→well; but→and 第六句:courses→course 第七句:who→which 第八句:去掉more ‎[三]‎ People used to communicate with each other through letters and public phones. So nowadays they use mobile phones and the Internet instead of. This change in communication have good effects on our works and life. Comparing with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are fast and much more convenient. If you missed your grandmother, you just take out your phone and say “hello” to him. And she will be happy to hear your voice. If you want to place order with a foreign company, you can email the message. It’ll be minutes after you get their reply.‎ 答案:第二句:So→But;去掉of 第三句:have→has; works→work 第四句:Comparing→Compared; fast→faster 第五句:missed→miss; him→her 第七句:place后加an 第八句:after→before ‎ [四]‎ Dear Sir,‎ I’m writing to complain about the advertisement for road safety presently being showing on television. I think the advertiser should be banned showing it.‎ Most people have seen an advertisement and are frightened by it. It ‎ really is in very bad taste. Who could ever forget that boy lying on the roads, with blood pour from his head? I simple don’t believe the advertisement will discourage people from driving fast.‎ I think the government should prevent any advertiser from using images which frightens people. There should be a law against so advertising methods. I hope we can be succeed in persuading advertisers to use less shocked advertisements.‎ 答案:第一句:showing→shown 第二句:banned后加from 第三句:an→the 第五句:roads→road; pour→pouring 第六句:simple→simply 第七句:frightens→frighten 第八句:so→such 第九句:去掉be或succeed→successful; shocked→shocking ‎[五]‎ I was looking through some old photo recently when I came across Jack, who was my most favorite cousin. It reminded me of the summer I spend with him when I was eight. He lived on a street where had a lot of old, empty houses. At night, it was scared walking past those houses. One night, I awoke to see Jack sitting by the window with his legs outside, talk. I called his name, but he was asleep. My aunt came in and took her back to bed. She seemed unconcerned about how close her son were to falling from the second floor. “Oh, he’s always sleepwalked. He’ll be fine.” She was such calm that I’ve been unafraid that neighborhood ever since.‎ 答案:第一句:photo→photos; 去掉most 第二句:spend→spent 第三句:where→that/which 第四句:scared→scary 第五句:talk→talking 第七句:her→him 第八句:were→was 第十一句:such→so; unafraid后加of ‎[六]‎ The first day I went to school, I climb nervously onto the school bus. It was full of noisy child shouting and laughing excited. Then I found out a place next to a quiet girl with long hair and big eyes. We were both very shy, but we didn’t talk much on the way to school, although we smiled with each other. In the followed days, we got to know each other better, and became good friends. Now when either of them has a problem, the other is always ready to helping. We have so much in common that we spend most our free time together.‎ 答案:第一句:climb→climbed 第二句:child→children; excited→excitedly 第三句:去掉out 第四句:but→so; with→at 第五句:followed→following 第六句:them→us; helping→help 第七句:most后加of ‎[七]‎ I am pleasing to offer you the position of aftersales manager in our company starting on 16 June, 2016. You were given the right to discuss this offer and to seek advices on the attached proposed agreement with your family, a lawyer, or someone else you trust. Unless you want some information on your employment rights, you can also contact the Employment Service Office or visiting our website.‎ Also, if you disagree this offer or wish to clarify something in it, please ring myself to discuss any issue you wish to raise.‎ If you are happy with the proposed terms and wish to accept an offer ‎ of employment, please sign this letter and return it to me by 1 June, 2016. In case of I have not heard from you by that date, this offer will be automatical withdrawn.‎ Li Hua 答案:第一句:pleasing→pleased 第二句:were→are; advices→advice 第三句:Unless→If; visiting→visit 第四句:disagree后加with; myself→me 第五句:an→the/this 第六句:去掉of; automatical→automatically ‎[八]‎ Last month, I was told we would have our first military training. At first, I thought it will be hard to spend a whole week stayed away from school and home. The sunshine would be very strongly during these days, or we could easily get sunburnt. Later, when I was in the camp, I found it was a lot fun. The training was hard for you all. But my classmates and I were treated very kindly by all the soldier. The food in the camp look simple, but tasted good. Now you never know how happy days we had in the camp. I think the experience has been made us stronger!‎ 答案:第二句:will→would; stayed→staying 第三句:strongly→strong; or→and/so 第四句:lot后加of 第五句:you→us 第六句:soldier→soldiers 第七句:look→looked 第八句:how→what 第九句:去掉been ‎[九]‎ I can still remember I was once asked to make speech before the whole class at the age of 9. You can imagine how shy I was when I thought of that with so many eyes fixed to me. I had no more choice but to prepare for it, though. The hardest part was my oral presentation from my memory, for reading from the paper wasn’t allowing. The real moment began before I stood on the platform with my legs trembling or my mind blank. But my listeners were waiting patient. Gradually, I found me back, giving my speech at last. After what seemed to be a long time, I heard all the listeners applauding loudly. Ever since then, my fear of speak before the audience had ‎ disappeared. Actually, now I’ve become a great speaker!‎ 答案:第一句:make后加a ‎ 第二句:to→on/upon 第三句:去掉more 第四句:allowing→allowed 第五句:before→when/as/after; or→and 第六句:patient→patiently 第七句:me→myself 第九句:speak→speaking; had→has ‎[十]‎ I am grateful to my English teacher Susan, at whose help I couldn’t have won first prize in the English Talent Competition for high school student last week.‎ I used to be poorly in spoken English. I was too shy to speak in class. Since she teaches us last term, she has been encouraging him to overcome fear and speak out in class. Thanks to her, I have made great progresses. Besides, I practiced several times in the front of her. It was her advice which made me a better speaker and full of confidence. And I owe my success to her.‎ Susan set me a good example. I am determined to become an English teacher when I grow up.‎ 答案:第一句:at→without; student→students 第二句:poorly→poor 第四句:teaches→taught; him→me 第五句:progresses→progress 第六句:去掉the 第七句:which→that 第八句:And→So 第九句:Susan后加has

