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银川一中2018/2019学年度(上)高一期末考试 英 语 试 卷 ‎ ‎ ‎(总分:150分;考试时间:120分钟)‎ 第一部分:听力理解(共两节。满分30分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节 ‎ (共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. How will Uncle Tom come?‎ A. By motorbike. B. By taxi. C. By car.‎ ‎2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?‎ A. A museum. B. A garden. C. A painting.‎ ‎3. What is the man going to do first?‎ A. Sweep the floor. B. Do the cooking. C. Remove the rubbish.‎ ‎4. What does the man think of his new computer?‎ A. It's quite expensive. B It is hard to use. C. It is of good value.‎ ‎5. How many languages is the man learning now?‎ A. One. B. Two. C. Three.‎ 第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What take up most of the room in the garden?‎ A. The flowers. B. The trees. C. The vegetables.‎ ‎7. What does the woman have trouble with?‎ A. The ants. B. The spiders. C. The mosquitoes.‎ 请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题 ‎8. What does the woman’s husband want to drink?‎ A. Orange juice. B. Hot milk. C. Lemon tea.‎ ‎9. When does the woman want the drinks?‎ A. At about 7: 30 am. B. At about 8: 00 am. C. At about 8: 30 am.‎ 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. What is the woman doing?‎ A. Asking for advice. B. Giving an interview. C. Introducing her family.‎ ‎11. Who might the woman be talking to?‎ A. A university student. B. A private researcher. C. A school teacher.‎ ‎12. What will the woman do tonight?‎ A. Interview more people. B. Choose another topic. C. Prepare some questions.‎ 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What does the man think is useful about Kayak. com?‎ A. To look at flexible dates.‎ B. To compare different airlines.‎ C. To choose nonstop flights.‎ ‎14. What do the man’s aunt and uncle care most about the flight?‎ A. The time. B. The price. C. The stops.‎ ‎15. Where do the speakers probably live?‎ A. In Philadelphia. B. In Chicago. C. In New York.‎ ‎16. On which day will the man’s sister get married?‎ A. May 28th. B. May 29th. C. May 30th.‎ 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. In which part of Minnesota will the storm start?‎ A. The eastern part. B. The southern part. C. The northern part.‎ ‎18. When will the storm get to the East Coast?‎ A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.‎ ‎19. How deep will the snow be in the mountains of New York?‎ A. About four inches. B. About eight inches. C. About twelve inches.‎ ‎20. What should people be careful about?‎ A. The high winds. B. The low temperatures. C. The heavy snowfalls.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分 )‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A ‎ When I was growing up, Mother’s Day was as important as Christmas.‎ The energy around the house was always positive(积极的), mostly thanks to my father who made sure that his kids appreciated their mother, We would clean the house, and Mum got breakfast in bed in the morning and didn't have to lift a finger all day. And in the evening, we went to a restaurant for a traditional Mother’s Day dinner.‎ What I learned from my father over the years, was that no matter what, he always put my mother before himself. He absolutely loved her and never let her forget that. And from my parents, I learned a thing or two about how to love.‎ I maintain(保持) my father’s Mother's Day tradition with my wife. Growing up, I learned that showing affection to the woman you love or who gave birth to you is an important part of life. You see, it goes both ways, and the love you have for your mother comes back to you again and again.‎ Believing that and feeling it when you can may keep you from being lonely, even if your mum isn’t close by or has passed away. There are a number of us who no longer have a mother in our lives, and truth be told, there are often times when I wish my mum were still here to comfort me. So instead, I remember the times she did just that. It makes me smile, and somehow, those memories of a more simple and loving life give me the comfort I’m looking for.‎ My wife's mother is still around, however, and it's great to have that “mother energy” in my life still. Having this relationship with my mother-in-law is nice because it gives me someone to be there for on Mother's Day, and any other day of the year.‎ If you are mum-less, you too should find a deserving woman in your life and celebrate Mother's Day with her. If you don’t know anyone, there are plenty of lonely mums in rest homes who would enjoy your company for a couple of hours. The visit will make both of your days, and perhaps your lives, a little bit better.‎ ‎21. What did the author (作者)learn from his father?‎ A. It's necessary to express love to those we love.‎ B. We should always put others before ourselves C. It's important to have an interesting family tradition.‎ D. Mother’s Day is just as important as Christmas.‎ ‎22. Why does the author value the idea of showing love for one's mother?‎ A. It can set a good example for kids to follow.‎ B. It is what mothers expect their children to do.‎ C. It can warm your mother's heart as well as yours.‎ D. It's important to follow your father's rules.‎ ‎23. What is the author’s advice to someone whose mum has passed away?‎ A. Give all your attention to your mother-in-law.‎ B. Try to get used to life without a mum.‎ C. Turn to other family members for love.‎ D. Visit lonely mums in rest homes on Mother’s Day.‎ B ‎4-Day Classic Beijing Tour The 4-day classic Beijing tour is designed for tourists who come to visit China for the first time. It covers the most popular and typical places in Beijing, fully displaying the scenery, culture, history, local lifestyles and features, food and drinks, business, etc. for you.‎ Day 1: Arrival in Beijing Your guide meets you at Capital Airport, and helps you check in at your hotel.‎ Enjoy Beijing Duck as welcome dinner.‎ Accommodation(住宿): Beijing downtown Day 2: The Great Wall & the Summer Palace Start your day at the most famous part of the Great Wall, the Badaling Great Wall. Leave the downtown for the Great Wall at 8 am. Since it is a long drive to the Great Wall (about 2 hours’ riding), have a break at the Jade Museum on the way. Lunch will be enjoyed in a local restaurant. In the early afternoon come back to the city and have a sightseeing tour of the Summer Palace.‎ Recommended Activity: Beijing Opera Show (Liyuan Theatre, 19:30-21:10 every evening)‎ Accommodation: Beijing downtown Day 3: Beijing city sightseeing & Local experience Your guide meets you at the hotel at 8 am and set out for the day’s touring: Tian’anmen square and the Forbidden City.‎ After visiting the two sites, have a break and get ready for lunch.‎ Hutong visit: see some traditional arts of the old Beijing, such as paper cutting and kite making, and visit a local family.‎ Accommodation: Beijing downtown Day 4: Beijing Olympic sites Visit the Olympic sites: Bird’s Nest, Water Cube and Olympic Park, witnessing the fast-developing modern China. Enjoy some free time after visiting the sites.‎ After lunch, it is shopping time and then the tour is over.‎ ‎24. This advertisement is written for ________.‎ A. kids who were born in other cities B. experts who study history and cities C. foreigners who are new to China D. people who are interested in touring ‎25. If a tourist wants to enjoy Beijing Opera, he should ________.‎ A. live and eat downtown in Beijing B. visit the Summer Palace on the first day C. go sightseeing in Beijing Hutong D. go to Liyuan Theatre in the evening ‎26. On which day can tourists enjoy the city’s traditional arts and local lifestyle?‎ A. Day 4. B. Day 3. C. Day 2. D. Day 1.‎ ‎27. To make the advertisement work, what should be added?‎ A. Contact information. B. The hotel’s address.‎ C. Age requirement. D. The guide’s name.‎ C In the near future, daily newspapers and monthly magazines will probably disappear. Electronic media(媒体) can provide the same information faster and cheaper. The Internet, together with laptops and mobile phones, makes it possible that almost everyone can at any time and in almost any place get some news for free or for few fees.‎ You’ll browse the computer newspapers or magazines just like turning on TV. An electronic voice will tell you stories about the latest events. You’ll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. Want more information on the brief story? A simple touch makes the whole text appear.‎ There are the predictions from the experts working on the newspapers of the future. Imagined as part of home media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers and magazines would unite printed and broadcast news, offering information and analyzing video images of news events.‎ The continuing loss of readers will lead to a small number of advertisements in newspapers. It makes no sense to spend millions of dollars to print ads.‎ With the development of technology, more and more electronic media have been created until now, but replacing the traditional newspapers and magazines has a long way to go, because the resistance to computer newspapers and magazines from journalism(新闻业) may be much stronger. Since it is such a cultural change, it may be not until the present journalists(新闻工作者), who aren’t used to it, die off that the newspaper industry is not considered as an industry any longer. Anyway, technology is making the traditional newspapers and magazines disappear gradually.‎ ‎28. Computer newspapers and magazines have all the advantages EXCEPT that _______.‎ A. you can choose the kind of voice you like to hear.‎ B. they are more expensive than traditional newspapers.‎ C. you can get more information from them easily.‎ D. you can easily store information for the future use.‎ ‎29. The underlined word “resistance” in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.‎ A. a thought which directs your action B. an idea which is different from others C. a force that helps you do something D. a force that acts to stop something happening ‎30. We can infer from the passage that _________________.‎ A. new things will replace the old ones in the future.‎ B. traditional newspapers and magazines will disappear soon.‎ C. all technological developments are very important.‎ D. traditional newspapers and magazines will be more popular.‎ ‎31. The author writes the article to __________________.‎ A. tell readers what newspapers and magazines are like in the future B. let people know the great development of the journalism C. prove newspapers and magazines are not welcomed any more D. say traditional newspapers and magazines are better than before D Kentucky Fried Chicken has filed a lawsuit(提起诉讼) against three companies in China, because their social media accounts spread false information about its food, including that its chickens have eight legs. The case comes as the Beijing government holds an activity to clean up rumours (谣言)on social media(媒体). Internet marketers have been accused (指控) of trying to control online opinions of their customers by posting false information about their competitors.‎ In an announcement posted on its Chinese website, KFC said one of the best-known false rumours was that chickens used by the company have six wings and eight legs. It is requesting 1.5 million yuan and an official apology from each of three companies. It is also asking for an immediate stop to their activities to hurt it by spreading rumours.‎ The fried chicken chain is China’s biggest restaurant operator and is a kind of fast food for young people in China. It has more than 4, 600 restaurants in the country, and on average, opens a new branch every day. KFC'S China chief executive officer(行政长官), Qu Cuirong, said that it is difficult for companies to protect their brands(品牌) against rumours because it is hard for them to collect evidence. She added, "The efforts by the government in recent years to purify(净化) the online environment have offered us much more confidence.”‎ The companies are Shanxi Weilukuang Technology Company, Taiyuan Zero Point Technology Company and Yingchenanzhi Success and Culture Communication in Shenzhen, south-east China. Calls to numbers listed for the companies either rang unanswered or were not available. In fact, authorities(官方) began an activity two years ago to clean up what they ‎ called online rumours. Comments in state media have argued that a clean-up is needed.‎ ‎32. The reason why KFC filed a lawsuit against three Chinese companies is that ________ .‎ A. they started an activity to control KFC B. they spread untrue information about KFC C. they have been acting against the law D. they are acting as customers to spread information ‎33. What can be learned from the second paragraph? _________ .‎ A. KFC uses chickens that have six wings and eight legs B. Only one rumor about KFC'S chickens has been spread C. KFC is asking for a large sum of money and an apology D. The three companies have accepted KFC'S request ‎34. According to the last paragraph, we know that ___________ .‎ A. the three companies are in the same province B. no one in the three companies answered the phone C. everyone thought that cleaning up the online rumours was necessary D. nobody has called the three companies ‎35. Where can we most probably find this text? ______________.‎ A. On a fashion website B. In a food magazine.‎ C. On an official poster D. In a newspaper.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分) ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ You cannot choose your child's friends for him, but you can help him learn to choose friends wisely. 36 Here are a few ways to help your child make friends.‎ Build your child's self-confidence.‎ When he succeeds or has made a great choice, tell him you are proud of him. 37 Your middle school student is going through many changes and may feel like he isn't “good enough”. Building his self-confidence will help him feel more confident and will make it easier for him to form healthy friendships.‎ ‎ 38 ‎ Give him your full attention when he talks, and really listen to what he has to say.‎ Discuss the qualities in a friend with your child.‎ Discuss with your child the qualities that matter most, such as being reliable and kind, and making good choices when it comes to avoiding alcohol and cigarettes.‎ Get to know your child's friends.‎ ‎ 39 It’s more important to talk with them and find out what they like to do. Allow your child to invite his friends over and get to know them better.‎ ‎ 40 ‎ After-school clubs and sports programs are good places for meeting new people. Be open to exploring different activities with your child to find something that he enjoys.‎ A. When he does not succeed, help him feel better and keep trying.‎ B. You can teach him ways to find friends who will have a positive influence on him.‎ C. There are many types of friends and we should be careful when making our choices.‎ D. Introduce your child to new groups of people.‎ E. Friends are very important for us.‎ F. Talk with your child every day and listen to his concerns.‎ G. Try not to judge your child's friends according to how they dress.‎ 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ In mid-January the weather stayed clear and cold for several days. Jess had to 41 a week of school to stay home and 42 his father to manure(给……施肥) the fields. This was his bad 43,for he would have to make up his lessons as best as he could. It wasn’t 44, though. All the boys and girls at Pumpkin Hollow School were often kept home when they were needed.‎ Jess 45 manuring, but he couldn’t get out of it. Filling the wagon(马车) with heavy manure was a tiring 46. With a full load(装载), his father drove over the fields; Jess stood in the back and spread the manure.‎ After several days at this job, both Jess and his father grew 47 and impatient. It seemed as though life was too 48 to stand. They fell into bed at night worn out, with nothing to 49 but another day of the same hard work. Jess was even 50 with it. “Why does brother Ben stay in a warm prison while I myself tried to do his work? It's 51!” Jess thought.‎ His mother watched him 52. “You’re looking thin,” she said. Then she turned to Jess’s father and said,“ Joseph, couldn’t we hire(雇)somebody to help 53 the manuring is done?”‎ Mr. Wright didn’t 54, and Jess guessed why. His father couldn’t 55 to hire a man. The hundred dollars he had paid for Ben’s fine had wiped out the family’s savings. Jess said, "No, Ma, we don' t 56 to hire anybody. Pa and I can manage. 57 I’m tired, and so is Pa. We’ll 58 it in a few days.”‎ The 59 look his father gave him for understanding the problem was reward enough. When they went to the fields and were silently working together, Jess was 60 he’d spoken up.‎ ‎41. A. attend B. miss C. ignore D. continue ‎42. A. teach B. advise C. help D. ask ‎43. A. luck B. mark C. habit D. decision ‎44. A. common B. important C. difficult D. unusual ‎45. A. enjoyed B. hated C. regretted D. chose ‎46. A. day B. item C. game D. job ‎47. A. tired B. nervous C. spellbound D. hopeful ‎48. A. long B. hard C. lonely D. loose ‎49. A. be fond of B. come up with C. look forward to D. keep away from ‎50. A. active B. angry C. busy D. satisfied ‎51. A. simple B. unfair C. selfless D. special ‎52. A. excitedly B. proudly C. impatiently D. worriedly ‎53.A. when B. after C. until D. if ‎54. A. answer B. refuse C. believe D. add ‎55. A. fail B. pretend C. fancy D. afford ‎56. A. sink B. try C. need D. offer ‎57. A. Instead B. Sure C. Soon D. Anyhow ‎58. A. complete B. start C. solve D. forget ‎59. A. magical B. surprised C. grateful D. doubtful ‎60. A. shocked B. sorry C. afraid D. glad ‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The party began shortly after nine. Mr. Wood, who lived in the flat below, sighed to himself as he heard 61. ____________ (excite) voices and the noisy music. Luckily, he had brought some work home from the office, with 62. __________ he kept himself busy for a couple of hours, thus managing to pay no attention 63. _______ the noise overhead. But by eleven o’clock he felt tired and was ready to go to bed though from his 64. ____________ (early) experience he knew it was no use 65. __________ (try) to get to sleep. He undressed and 66. ___________ (lie) for a while in bed, trying to read, but he found himself reading the same page over and over again. He then turned off 67. __________ light and buried his head in the pillow. But even so he could not shut off the noise. Finally, after 68. _________ seemed hours, his patience was gone.‎ ‎ He jumped out of bed, put on some clothing, marched firmly up the stairs, and walked into his neighbor’s apartment. The owner of the apartment came across the room and, 69. _________ Mr. Wood could say anything, cried, “My dear fellow, come and join us. I know our parties would trouble you. I meant to send you an invitation.” Mr. Wood’s anger disappeared then and there. He said, “I’d better go and get changed.” Minutes later, he returned, 70. ____________ (proper) dressed, only to find that the party was nearly over. ‎ 第四部分: 写作 (共三节,满分40分)‎ 第一节:单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎★ 71-75:按照下列句子含义在划线空格上写出所缺单词的正确形式。(注意:根据首字母写单词的,把完整的单词写在答题纸上)‎ ‎71. ----How many countries c______________ in the ancient Olympic Games?‎ ‎---- Only one, Greece.‎ ‎72. The old castle is so valuable that it is worth _______________ (装修).‎ ‎73. John is a doctor, so he is an _____________(受过教育的)person.‎ ‎74. What are your teachers’ _________________ (态度) towards students bringing mobile phones to school?‎ ‎75. The dark, rainy evening and the thundering clouds held me ________________ (整个地)in their power.‎ ‎★ 76-80:按照下列句子含义在划线空格上写出形式正确的短语。‎ ‎76. After his graduation from university, he ______________________(被….录取) Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd as an engineer.‎ ‎77. I am to see the person _____________________(主管) the project as soon as possible.‎ ‎78. The old man saw the little boy _________________________ (拆开) the toy when he entered the room.‎ ‎79. The Czar sent a troop of his best soldiers to Frederick William ____________________(作为对……的回报) Prussia giving the amber room to him.‎ ‎80. The movie which _________________________(以……为根据) a novel written by Mo Yan is being shown all over China.‎ 第二节:短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上,老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(/),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Dear Mr. Hu,‎ I' m glad to hear that the English newspaper is to be starting in our school. Now I'd like to give you some tip. Personally, I hold the view that the newspaper should colorful, including materials connected to our lessons. For example, the newspaper can regular provide different articles on western culture and customs, as will help us know more about the outside world. In addition, it would be better to set a special column(专栏) which we can express your feelings. We really need such a place to release our pressure and practice express ourselves in English. I truly hope that you can follow in my advice.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua 第三节:书面表达(满分20分)‎ 如今在家工作已经成为越来越多的人选择的工作模式。假如你是李华,最近你们班同学就 “Is it good to work at home?” 进行了激烈的辩论。请根据表格所给提示写一篇短文,介绍此次辩论情况并发表自己的看法。然后发表在你校英语论坛上。‎ 赞同(58%)‎ 反对(42%)‎ 你的观点 1. ‎1. 省去很多时间和费用;‎ 2. ‎2. 可以创造自己喜欢的工作环境;‎ 3. ‎3. 可以更好的平衡工作和家庭生活。‎ 1. ‎1. 远离同事,会感到孤独,减少交朋友 ‎ 2. ‎ 的机会;‎ 3. ‎2. 家人在家,会受到打扰。‎ ‎ ?‎ 注意: 1. 词数100左右;‎ ‎ 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇: 平衡: balance vt. 同事: colleague cn. 打扰: interrupt vt.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2018—2019学年度高一上学期期末英语试题答案 ‎1---5 BACCB 6---10 CBCAA 11---15 CCACB 16---20 BACCA ‎21---23 ACD 24—27 CDBA 28—31 BDAB 32—35 BCBD ‎ ‎36—40 BAFGD ‎41—45 BCADB 46---50 DABCB 51---55 BDCAD 56—60 CBACD 语法填空:‎ ‎61. excited 62. which 63. to 64. earlier 65. trying ‎ ‎66. lay 67. the 68. what 69. before 70. properly 单词拼写:‎ ‎71. competed 72. decorating / decoration 73. educated 74. attitudes 75. entirely / totally ‎76. was admitted to 77. in charge of / taking charge of 78. taking apart ‎ ‎79. in return for / in reward for / as a reward for 80. is based on / upon 短文改错:‎ Dear Mr. Hu,‎ I' m glad to hear that the English newspaper is to be starting in our school. Now I'd like ‎ an started to give you some tip. Personally, I hold the view that the newspaper should ^colorful, including ‎ tips be ‎ materials connected to our lessons. For example, the newspaper can regular provide different ‎ regularly articles on western culture and customs, as will help us know more about the outside world.‎ ‎ which In addition, it would be better to set a special column(专栏) which we can ‎ ‎ where/which前加in ‎ express your feelings. We really need such a place to release our pressure and practice express ‎ ‎ our expressing ourselves in English. I truly hope that you can follow in my advice.‎ ‎ 去in Yours,‎ Li Hua 第三节:书面表达(满分20分)‎ Recently, a heated debate has been held in our class about whether it is good to work at home. Opinions vary from person to person.‎ ‎ 58% of the students are in favor of the idea. First of all, they can save a lot of time and costs by working at home. They don’t need to worry about traffic jam or transportation fares. Second, they can decorate their working environment as they like. What’s more, they can balance their work and family better. It is easier for them to care for their children and the elders.‎ ‎ However, 42% of them are against it. For one thing, they may feel lonely / suffer from loneliness because they are away from their colleagues. And they will have fewer ‎ opportunities to make friends with their colleagues. For another, while working at home, they may be interrupted from time to time by their children or family. ‎ ‎ After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, I hold the idea that it is wise to work in the office because I can learn a lot from my colleagues while working with them.‎

