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Module 6   Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 内容索引 核心素养测评 Step 1 以高考为导向 · 印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本 · 探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体 · 提升语基能力 Step 4 以话题为主线 · 锤炼素养技能 1. attack vt. 袭击 ; 攻击 ; ( 疾病 ) 侵袭 n . 攻击 ; 进攻 ; 病情发作 【写作金句】   Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm as few citizens had ever experienced before. 北京遭受了可怕的沙尘暴的袭击 , 这样的袭击以前很少人经历过。 【语块必记】 (1)attack sb. for sth.       由于某事而责难某人 attack sb. with sth. 用 …… 攻击某人 attack on/against 向 …… 攻击 be attacked with a disease 患病 (2)launch/make an attack on/upon 攻击 …… ; 抨击 …… under attack 受到攻击 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①The computer ________(attack)by some unknown virus can’t work well now. ②It’s a pity that he ____________(attack)with heavy flu before the College Entrance Examination.   同义句转换 ③When an animal is attacked, it can run away or fight back. →When an animal is ___________, it can run away or fight back.   attacked was attacked under attack 2. calm adj. 平静的 ; 镇静的 ; 沉着的 vt. &vi. ( 使 ) 平静 ; ( 使 ) 镇定 n. 平静 ; 安静 【文化金句】   It makes a big difference to keep calm when giving first aid. 当实施急救时保持镇静很重要。 【语块必记】 (1)calm(sb. )down    ( 使某人 ) 平静下来 , 镇静下来 stay/keep/remain calm 保持镇静 (2)calmly adv. 平静地 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Gradually she _______ (calm)down and started to speak as planned. 【单句改错】 ②The man was remained calm after he fell into the well. ( ) calmed 去掉 was 完成句子 ③When attacked by the enemy, the soldiers _________and fought back bravely.   被敌人袭击时 , 战士们保持镇静并英勇反击。 kept calm 3. adapt v. 适应 ; 适合 ; 改编 ; 改写 【文化金句】   When put into any new and challenging situation, the person who wants to adapt successfully requires new skills, new attitudes, and a new lookout on the world. 当身处新的富有挑战的环境中时 , 想成功适应的人需要有新技能、新态度和新的世界观。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  用 adapt 的适当形式填空 ①Many factors will influence the outcome of __________process. ②Kids are _________ but they need somebody they can depend on. 【单句改错】 ③The novel from which the film has been adapting for children is written by a famous American writer. ( ) ④I suggested he should adapt himself the new conditions quickly. ( ) adaptation adaptable adapting 改为 adapted himself 后面加 to 4. die out 灭绝 , 绝迹 【文化金句】   Many people are worried that more and more old customs are dying out . 许多人担心越来越多的古老的习俗正在消失。 【语块必记】 die from/of    死于 …… , 因 …… 而死 die for 为 …… 而死 die away 渐息 , 渐弱 die down 熄灭 , 平静下来 die off 一个一个地死去 be dying for sth. /to do sth. 迫切想要 ( 做 ) 某事 【语境速测】  用 die 动词短语完成句子 ①Animals like dinosaurs _______because they couldn’t adapt to the change of the climate. 像恐龙这样的动物灭绝是因为它们不能适应气候的变化。   ②Many villagers __________snake bites every year .   每年都有许多村民因被蛇咬而死亡。 ③With the strong wind __________, his anger _________a bit too. 随着强风减 弱 , 他的怒气也消了一点。   ④He _________________________.   他极想得到东西吃。 died out die from/of dying away died down is dying for something to eat 【知识拓展】   die from 与 die of 的区别 一般情况下若死因是由于身体内的疾病 , 一般用介词 of; 若死因是由环境造成的 , 则一般用介词 from 。 但在现代英语中两者常可混用。 5. due to 由于 ; 因 …… 造成 ; 应支付 ; 归功于 【写作金句】   I lost my cellphone on the school playground due to my carelessness. 由于粗心 , 我在学校操场上丢了我的手机。 【语块必记】 due         adj. 预定的 ; 到期的 be due to do sth. 预期做某事 , 预定要做某事 be due to sth. /sb. 归因于某事 / 某人 ; 欠某人 …… be due for sth. 应有某物 ; 应得到某物 【语境速测】   单句改错 ①Accidents occur frequently due to drive at high speed. ( ) ②We’re due some rain because it hasn’t rained for about two months. ( ) 完成句子 ③Several traffic accidents happened on the highway ______( 因为 ) the heavy fog in the morning.   ④Any money that is ______( 应支付 ) you will be paid before the end of the month. drive 改为 driving due 后面加 for due to due to 6. He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.   他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。 【句型公式】 动词不定式的变化形式 : (1) 动词不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前 : to have done/to have been done (2) 动词不定式的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生 : to be doing (3) 动词不定式发生在谓语动词之后 : to do/to be done 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①He seems _____________(pass) the exam, for he looks so pleased.   ②Tom pretended ____________(read) loudly when his teacher came in.   ③The boy is said _____(go) to America but I don’t know when he will leave.   to have passed to be reading to go 【备选要点】 1. fortune n. 运气 ; 命运 ; 财富 【语块必记】 (1)try one’s fortune     碰运气 bring good fortune 带来好运 make a fortune 发财 (2)fortunate     adj . 运气好的 ; 幸运的 be fortunate to do sth. /in having sth. 幸运地做某事 / 拥有某物 (3)fortunately adv . 幸运地 unfortunately adv . 不幸地 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①You are all ________(fortune)to be growing up in a time of peace and plenty. ②It is said that the old man made __ fortune abroad by collecting old things. ③___________(fortune), with the help of some local villagers, rescuers were able to gain access to the disaster-hit area soon enough. ④I had the good fortune ___________(choose)for a trip abroad. fortunate a Fortunately to be chosen 2. exist vi. 存在 ; 生存 ; 生活 ; 继续存在 【文化金句】   Currently Chinese operas continue to exist in 368 different forms, the best known being Beijing opera. 目前中国戏曲以 368 种不同的形式存在 , 最著名的是京剧。 【语块必记】 (1)exist in=lie in/consist in    存在于 …… exist on=live on 靠 …… 生存 There exist(s). . . 有 …… (2)existence n . 存在 ; 生存 ; 生活 (be) in existence 现存的 ; 存在 come into existence 开始存在 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①There _____ (exist) a good way to solve the existing problem in geography. ②Do you believe the ________(exist) of ghosts? Perhaps they only ____ in the minds of some people. ③I can hardly exist ___ the wage I’m getting; there is no money for luxuries. exists existence on exist 【单句改错】 ④According to some philosophers, everything in the existence is reasonable. ( ) 完成句子 ⑤Scientists have many theories about how the universe first _________ _____________.   关于一开始宇宙是如何产生的 , 科学家们有多种论说。 去掉 the came into existence/being 【误区释疑】   (1)exist 只用作不及物动词 , 因此没有被动语态 , 且通常不用于进行时。 (2)There exist(s). . . 表示“存在 …… , 有 …… ”, there 不能换成 it 。 3. claim vt. & n. 声称 ; 主张 ; 认领 ; 索赔 【语块必记】 (1)claim to do sth. /that. . .   主张做 / 声称 …… It is claimed that. . . 有人主张 …… ; 据说 …… claim sth. from sb. 向某人索要某物 (2)make a claim for sth. 要求 …… 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①I think you can claim money _____ the insurance if your car is damaged in an accident. ②He entered the manager’s office and made a claim ___ higher pay. 完成句子 ③_______________wine helps protect against heart disease. 有人声称葡萄酒有助于预防心脏病。   from for It is claimed that ④There are a number of products and technologies that claim _________these benefits.   有许多产品和技术都声称能够提供这些好处。 熟词生义 读句子悟词义 The terrible earthquake claimed thousands of lives. ( ) to provide 使丧失 ……

