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‎2018届记叙文体完形填空专题训练10篇之五 ‎【一】‎ The calendar read December 15. It had been one of the hardest periods of my life. I was eight months pregnant (怀孕的) with three little children. I had just got the 36 from my householder that we had to 37 by January 10th, only 3 weeks to find another place.‎ When my husband Don returned home from work, I 38 the news to him. Through the Christmas holiday, Don went house-hunting 39 I attended to everything despite physical discomforts.‎ Soon, the moving day arrived and it was 40 . Don was busy coordinating (协调) the men who had come to help. I packed alone, trying hard to 41 them. The children were 42 in an upstairs bedroom. Unfortunately, with all the toys packed away, soon all three were crying from 43 .‎ The screaming children and the 44 house reduced me to tears. I had never felt so 45 in my life. “Are you okay?” One man asked with his eyes fixed on me. All I could do was 46 my head and say yes.‎ ‎ 47 , I left the room quietly for a moment. After regaining my 48 , I returned to face the tough tasks before me. 49 , several women were busy packing and one even 50 my crying children.‎ Soon after, the trucks were 51 with furniture and on the way to our new house. Upon arrival, I was not allowed to lift another 52 for the rest of the night. Our good neighbors helped us 53 everything. After they finished, they disappeared into the night, not even 54 a thank you.‎ I have never seen most of those people again; I don’t even remember most of their names. But I do remember the 55 they showed me on a cold winter when I needed it most.‎ ‎36. A. idea B. plan C. message D. thought ‎37. A. turn up B. get through C. set off D. move out ‎38. A. stated B. broke C. passed D. reported ‎39. A. while B. since C. until D. after ‎40. A. cool B. freezing C. warm D. boiling ‎41. A. keep ahead of B. watch out for C. hold on to D. keep away from ‎42. A. found B. kept C. held D. stored ‎43. A. terror B. hunger C. boredom D. thirst ‎44. A. empty B. shabby C. tidy D. messy ‎45. A. sick B. peaceful C. right D. regretful ‎46. A. shake B. nod C. turn D. lose ‎47. A. Embarrassed B. Confused C. Worried D. Alarmed ‎48. A. balance B. belief C. energy D. courage ‎49. A. Ridiculously B. Cheerfully C. Surprisingly D. Hopefully ‎50. A. blaming B. praising C. teasing D. comforting ‎51. A. flooded B. covered C. equipped D. loaded ‎52. A. leg B. finger C. arm D. foot ‎53. A. clean B. make C. settle D. prepare ‎54. A. waiting for B. turning down C. longing for D. taking down ‎55. A. friendship B. kindness C. sympathy D. happiness 答案 ‎36-40 CDBAB 41-45 ABCDA 46-50 BADCD 51-55 DBCAB ‎【二】‎ An elephant named Bozo was huge but gentle. However, one day Bozo 41 .He almost attacked the man who cleaned his cage, and 42 children at the circus (马戏团). So his owner decided to 43 the giant (巨兽).‎ To earn money, the owner held a cruel 44 . He sold tickets to 45 Bozo’s execution (行刑) . On the day, three men rose to aim their guns at the animal. Just before the 46 was given to shoot, a man stepped out and said to the elephant’s owner, “Sir, this is 47 . Bozo isn’t a bad elephant.”‎ ‎“But he is,” the man argued. “We must kill him 48 he kills someone.”‎ ‎“Sir , give me two minutes alone in his cage,” the visitor begged, “and I’ll 49 to you that he isn’t a bad elephant.”‎ After some moments of discussion, the owner 50 agreed to allow the man in. Before the elephant rushed towards him, the man began to 51 him. Bozo seemed to immediately 52 down upon hearing the man’s words. After a while, the animal 53 lifted the man up and carried him around his cage before carefully putting him back at the door.‎ As the cage door closed 54 him , the man said to Bozo’s owner,“You see, he’s a good elephant. His 55 is that he’s an Indian elephant and understands one 56 .”He explained Bozo needed someone who could speak his language.“Sir, I 57 that you find someone to come in sometimes and talk to the elephant. If you 58 , you’ll have no problems.” ‎ People also become discouraged and angry when they aren’t 59 , but great relationships are formed by people who speak each other’s language. When people understand what you understand, you’re speaking their language! It’s the beginning of true 60 .‎ ‎41. A. changed B. fled C. died D. grew ‎ ‎42. A. pleased B. joined C. frightened D. challenged ‎43. A. cure B. sell C. punish D. kill ‎44. A. party B. situation C. exhibition D. meeting ‎45. A. monitor B. perform C. witness D. plan ‎46. A. chance B. signal C. decision D. right ‎47. A. uncommon B. impossible C. unnecessary D. unimportant ‎48. A. though B. before C. because D. if ‎49. A. show B. prove C. promise D. refer ‎50. A. suddenly B. voluntarily C. almost D. finally ‎51. A. speak to B. smile at C. play with D. look after ‎52. A. come B. sit C. settle D. quiet ‎53. A. gently B. heavily C. rudely D. coldly ‎54. A. under B. for C. behind D. with ‎55. A. idea B. problem C. wish D. truth ‎56. A. sentence B. language C. person D. lesson ‎57. A. order B. ensure C. insist D. suggest ‎58. A. work B. like C. agree D. do ‎59. A. understood B. supported C. trusted D. cared ‎60. A. story B. friendship C. communication D. love 答案 ‎41~45ACDCC 46~50BCBBD 51~55ADACB56~60BDDAC ‎【三】‎ Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the Developing world. But the 41 is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a 42 country like Germany?‎ Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 43 for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They first 44 one long hot summer when most Germans were 45 on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches, 46 a table in the street and gave food to the homeless. ‎ The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing weren’t 47 . “What these people also need is warmth and 48 ,” says Rita. The Mullers didn’t 49 to give their phone number to the street people and ‎ told them to phone anytime. Rita 50 there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always 51 to anyone who couldn’t face another night on the street. ‎ The couple were soon 52 all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to 53 donations. Today, over thirty companies 54 donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to 55 them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer 56 new shoes. ‎ Kurt and Rita receive no 57 for their hard work. “We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldn’t 58 money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets 59 . She says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a 60 in the world. ‎ ‎41 A. result B. truth C. reason D. idea ‎42 A. traditional B. developing C. typical D. wealthy ‎43 A. preparations B. houses C. meals D. suggestions ‎ ‎44 A. began B. met C. called D. left ‎ ‎45 A. asleep B. alone C. across D. away ‎46 A. brought up B. set up C. put aside D. gave away ‎47 A. enough B. necessary C. helpful D. expensive ‎ ‎48 A. fame B. freedom C. courage D. caring ‎ ‎49 A. hesitate B. agree C. pretend D. intend ‎50 A. make sense B. found out C. make sure D. worked out ‎ ‎51 A. open B. crowded C. noisy D. near ‎52 A. costing B. wasting C. taking D. spending ‎53 A. pay for B. ask for C. look into D. carry out ‎54 A. completely B. calmly C. regularly D. roughly ‎ ‎55 A. advertise B. sell C. deliver D. lend ‎ ‎56 A. donates B. produces C. designs D. collects ‎ ‎57 A. permission B. payment C. direction D. support ‎58 A. borrow B. raise C. save D. expect ‎ ‎59 A. surprised B. excited C. tired D. amused ‎ ‎60 A. profit B. difference C. decision D. rule 答案 ‎41-60 BDCAD BADAC ADBCC ABDCB ‎【四】‎ An old man wanted to retire because of his poor health. The 41 was in deciding which son would take his place. As his children gathered to 42 his birthday, the father announced his 43 . The old man ‎ took out two boxes and said to his two sons. “Each of you take one. I want each of you to 44 it with what you believe to be the most 45 thing for our successful business. 46 your choices, I will decide who will take 47 the business,” father said. The next days the families and employees could sense the spirit of 48 between the boys.‎ It was January 1st and the family 49 to celebrate again. “Please 50 with me what’s in your box!” father said. The first son said, “It’s outside on the back of truck. The box you gave me was much too 51 .” Father walked to the window and from that distance could see all. With a deep tone of 52 , he asked the other son,“What do you have to give?”The son 53 his father the box. The old man looked inside and with great 54 looked up at his son .“It’s 55 !” father said .“Are you telling me that you have found nothing of value in our business?”‎ ‎“On the contrary,” he said. “I could not place 56 I found most valuable in a box. How does one measure the value of quality and honesty? What size box would 57 the loyalty(忠诚) of our employees and customers? How big of a room would I need for our workers who have 58 from our generous pay and health plan? Finally, father, the most valuable possessions(财富) I 59 hold ‎ are the love of you and mother.”‎ ‎ It was 60 what decision was made that day. There will come a time when each of us will be asked by our father to share what we value most. I hope your box is empty.‎ ‎41.‎ A. praise ‎ B. challenge C. suggestion D. advice ‎42.‎ A. enjoy ‎ B. concern C. celebrate D. honor ‎43.‎ A. retirement ‎ B. experience C. money D. knowledge ‎44.‎ A. cover ‎ B. provide C. combine D. fill ‎45.‎ A. comfortable ‎ B. beautiful C. valuable D. adjustable ‎46.‎ A. Based on ‎ B. Stood for C. Protected from D. Dressed up ‎47.‎ A. up ‎ B. over C. down D. off ‎48.‎ A. teamwork ‎ B. achievement C. competition D. communication ‎49.‎ A. forced ‎ B. refused C. adjusted D. gathered ‎50.‎ A. send ‎ B. publish C. share D. write ‎51.‎ A. big ‎ B. small C. light D. large ‎52.‎ A. happiness ‎ B. illness C. sadness D. loneliness ‎53.‎ A. posted ‎ B. packed C. wrapped D. handed ‎54.‎ A. delight ‎ B. shock C. mystery D. devotion ‎55.‎ A. empty ‎ B. wonderful C. terrible D. ugly ‎56.‎ A. where ‎ B. when C. how D. what ‎57.‎ A. sensed ‎ B. measured C. hold D. compared ‎58.‎ A. benefited ‎ B. suffered C. learned D. heard ‎59.‎ A. severely ‎ B. luckily C. sadly D. slightly ‎60.‎ A. obvious ‎ B. nervous C. anxious D. mysterious 答案 ‎41---45BCADC 46---50ABCDC 51---55 BCDBA 56---60 DCABA ‎ ‎【五】‎ It was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.‎ On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 41 a Sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 42 if it struck the ‎ town. Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 43 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.‎ How could the medicine get to Nome? The town`s 44 was already full of ice, so it wouldn't`t come by ship. Cars and horses wouldn't`t travel on the 45 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn`t exist yet.‎ ‎ 46 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twenty more were 47 . Nome`s town officials came up with a(n) 48 . They would have the medicine sent by 49 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogeled drivers—known as “mushers”—would 50 it to Nome in a relay(接力).‎ The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 51 he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon`s face was black from the extreme cold.‎ On January 31, a musher named Seppala had to 52 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .It was the most 53 part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.If that happened,Seppala might fall into the icy water below.He would 54 ,and so would the sick children of Nome.But Seppala made it across.‎ ‎ A huge snowstorm hit on February 1.Amusher named Kaasen had to brave this storm.At one point,huge piles of snow blocked his 55 .He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)to get around them.Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to 56 the trail again. The only hope was Balto,Kaasen’s lead dog, Balto put his nose to the ground, 57 to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trail.If Balto failed,it would mean disaster for Nome.The minutes passed by.Suddenly, Balto began to 58 .He had foung the trail ‎ At 5:30 am on February 2, Kaasen and his dog 59 in Nome. Within minutes,Dr.Welch had the medicine.He quickly gave it to the sick children.All of them recovered. ‎ ‎ Nome had been 60 . ‎ ‎41.A.examined B.warned C.interviewed D.cured ‎42.A.harmless B.helpless C. fearless D.careless ‎43.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However ‎44.A.airport B.station C. harbor D.border ‎45.A.narrow B. snowy C.busy D.dirty ‎46.A.From B.On C.By D.After ‎47.A.tired B.upset C. pale D.sick ‎48.A.plan B.excuse C.message D.topic ‎49.A.air B.rail C. sea D.road ‎50.A.carry B.return C. mail D.give ‎5146.A.Though B.Since C. When D.If ‎52.A.enter B.move C. visit D.cross ‎53.A.shameful B.boring C.dangerous D.foolish ‎54.A.escape B.bleed C. swim D.die ‎55.A.memory B.exit C.way D.destination ‎56.A.find B.fix C. pass D.change ‎57.A.pretending B.trying C. asking D.learning ‎58.A.run B.leave C. bite D.play ‎59.A.gathered B.stayed C. camped D.arrived ‎60.A.controlled B.saved C.founded D.developed 答案 ‎41. A42. B43. D 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. A51. C25. D 53. C 54 D 55. C 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. D60. B ‎ ‎【六】‎ It was a busy day as usual. I was making sandwiches and balancing the phone between  my shoulder and chin. The washing machine sounded as my husband walked in with our daughters. We had only about twenty minutes to eat 41 we had to take the girls to their next activity. My husband seemed a bit 42 that dinner was not on the table.‎ That night, I had a heavy 43 , thinking we were becoming ‎ taskmasters on an assembly line (流水线). We had become too 44 in our own tasks and not very considerate towards those around us. We needed to do something to bring back some meaning into our lives. It needed to be something that would 45 our own agendas and energize us toward the common good.‎ I bought a notebook, named it “Our Deed Diary” and held a family meeting. I told my family I wanted us all to think about doing a 46 for others every day. It could be for each other or for people outside our 47 . And we all needed towrite it down in the notebook.‎ I thought one deed a day was too easy. However, it was actually 48 than it seemed because it had to be something 49 what we had already done. Sending birthday cards to people we already sent cards to every year would not 50 .‎ We had a rough 51 . On some days, someone would forget to 52 a good deed, while on other days, we would forget to write our good deeds in the diary. After a few weeks though, I found myself waking up in the morning trying to 53 what good deed I could do for someone that day. My daughters began to rush to me after school to 54 me the good deed they had done.‎ Now, after a year, I am happy to say that it is making a(n) 55 in our lives. Instead of always 56 what the day will bring for us, we ‎ think about what we can do for someone else.‎ Who would have thought that trying to do a simple kindness a day would be so 57 ? I feel my daughters have felt inner joy that you can only 58 by giving to someone else from your heart. The best thing is that you feel so great about doing something for someone else; you don't even look for or expect anything in 59 . So, when someone does return the favor, it is an enormous and positive 60 . ‎ ‎41. A. though​ B. while ​ C. before​ D. unless 42. A. annoyed ​ B. frightened C. embarrassed ​ D. puzzled​ 43. A. shoulder​ B. heart C. foot ​ D. stomach 44. A. absorbed​ B. successful C. confident​ D. interested 45. A. repeat ​ B. recall C. refocus​ D. relate​ 46. A. kindness​ B. copy C. job​ D. task 47. A. room​ B. town C. school​ D. home​ 48. A. stranger​ B. bigger C. harder ​ D. sweeter​ 49. A. beyond​   B. between C. about​ D. from​ 50. A. matter ​ ​ B. happen C. last​ D. count​ 51. A. time​ B. idea C. start ​ D. life​ 52. A. praise​ B. do C. record​ D. check 53. A. describe​ B. explain C. remember​ D. decide​ 54. A. bring ​ B. tell ​ C. offer D. teach​  55. A. effort​         B. fortune C. difference​ D. choice 56. A. forgetting​     B. wondering ​ C. knowing​ D. believing 57. A. tiring​     B. rewarding ​ C. surprising​ D. moving 58. A. experience​ B. exchange ​ ​ C. predict​    ​ D. imagine 59. A. silence​ B. order ​ C. time​     D. return 60. A. effect​ B. contribution C. attitude​ D. bonus​‎ 答案 ‎41-45CABAC 46-50ADCAD 51-55CBDBC 56-60BBADD ‎【七】‎ Ann worked for a big company. One of the duties of her 41 was to go to the post office every day and 42 the company mail. One day in December, she 43 a beggar making himself up as a Santa Claus 44 on the corner of the street. Each day she 45 her coins and dropped them in his bowl. He would smile and 46 her a Merry Christmas.‎ ‎ At night the temperature dropped below 0℃, but the Santa Clause 47 stood in the cold wind. 48 she dropped her coins into his bowl, she handed him a pair of gloves.‎ ‎ A week later, a(n) 49 Santa Claus was standing there. “What happened to the other Santa Claus?” she asked. He told her, “He’s very 50 today.” She prayed for his health.‎ ‎ Later that day, a colleague came into her office 51 . “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” “What’s wrong?” she asked. “It’s my ex-husband,” her colleague 52 , “I don’t have any money to buy my boys anything for Christmas, 53 my ex-husband refuses to send money to them. It breaks my heart that they won’t have anything this year.” The lady 54 her colleague, “I’m sure everything will 55 . It’s Christmas. Believe in miracles(奇迹).”‎ ‎ That evening, she told her husband about her colleague’s 56 , “I know we don’t have much money to 57 , but I’d like to give her fifty or a hundred dollars. We’ll just get ourselves less this year. Last year we couldn’t afford to buy anything for 58 but we still had a wonderful Christmas.” Her husband smiled, “Give her one hundred dollars. She needs it more than we do.”‎ ‎ She reached up and held him. Warmth spread 59 her body. He held her and realized that there really was a Santa Claus – and he had 60 her! ‎ ‎41. A. family B. job C. life D. religion ‎42. A. receive B. go through C. answer D. pick up ‎43. A. spotted B. watched C. sensed D. followed ‎44. A. standing B. waiting C. playing D. performing ‎45. A. earned B. counted C. saved D. threw ‎46. A. send B. wish C. offer D. tell ‎47. A. even B. just C. still D. yet ‎48. A. Although B. If C. Since D. After ‎49. A. honest B. new C. considerate D. strong ‎50. A. sad B. poor C. cold D. sick ‎51. A. in tears B. in shock C. in horror D. in trouble ‎52. A. concluded B. decided C. continued D. commented ‎ ‎53. A. or B. but C. so D. otherwise ‎54. A. reminded B. amused C. teased D. comforted ‎55. A. work out B. come back C. run out D. open up ‎56. A. message B. suggestion C. situation D. example ‎57. A. lend B. help C. lose D. pay ‎58. A. ourselves B. themselves C. us D. others ‎59. A. off B. to C. among D. through ‎60. A. relaxed B. doubted C. married D. shaped 答案 ‎41-45 BDAAC 46-50 BCDBD 51-55 ACBDA 56-60 CBADC ‎【八】‎ My daughter performed on behalf of her class in the annual school concert today. She played so  36 that I could not help cheering her. The very 37 reminded me of her experiences of piano practicing.‎ When she was five, we gave her a piano as a birthday present. With great 38 , she began learning it. However, when she was no longer 39 , she became sick of it. 40 , it is a tough job to learn the piano, not to mention the daily routine (常规) of 41 .‎ When her first teacher left, my friend 42 me to an American teacher whose way of teaching was completely American. After practicing, she would give my daughter some 43 comments, and then point out what should be 44 . Every time she came, 45 beginning the lesson right away, she would first play some 46 . She said, “To learn the piano, you should learn not only the 47 of playing, but more importantly, to 48 the music and love it.” After some time, my daughter became fond of her lessons. Sometimes she 49 would like to 50 a little bit when her skill had reached a certain level. Surprisingly, my daughter said to me one day, “Mom, I was 51 that you didn’t give up my piano lessons. Learning it is like climbing a mountain. You’ll feel 52 when you are on the way. When you look 53 from where you are, you will realize that you have been making 54 . But if you 55 , you’ll never take one more step. ” That was the very thing I wanted to teach her.‎ ‎36. A. regularly B. smoothly C. carefully D. happily ‎37. A. music    ‎ B. scene C. arrangement ‎ D. praise ‎38. A. excitement   ‎ B. pressure ‎ C. regret D. unwillingness ‎39. A. young ‎ B. free C. curious D. enthusiastic ‎40. A. After all B. Above all C. In all D. First of all ‎41. A. cost    ‎ B. practice ‎ C. education D. show ‎42. A. led    ‎ B. sent C. directed D. introduced ‎43. A. usual     ‎ B. interesting     ‎ C. good D. humorous ‎44. A. explained    ‎ B. changed C. stopped D. improved ‎45. A. as with    ‎ B. instead of C. except for    ‎ D. thanks to ‎46. A. music     ‎ B. jokes C. games ‎ D. sports ‎47. A. levels     ‎ B. skills C. training D. secrets ‎48. A. create    ‎ B. follow   ‎ C. feel ‎ D. read ‎49. A. once     ‎ B. then C. still ‎ D. even ‎50. A. make up    ‎ B. look back  ‎ C. show off  ‎ D. give away ‎51. A. nervous    ‎ B. lucky C. afraid ‎ D. astonished ‎52. A. tired     ‎ B. easy C. embarrassed D. excited ‎53. A. ahead    ‎ B. up C. down D. over ‎54. A. mistakes    ‎ B. choices C. progress D. time ‎55. A. stop ‎ B. continue C. do D. move 答案 ‎36-40 BBADA 41-45 BDCDB 46-50 ABCDC 51-55 BACCA ‎【九】‎ This morning after I got the news that my best friend, Sean Misner, who was one of the firefighters, died in an Arizona wildfire in June, I created a Facebook page in his 41 .‎ Sean and I were like brothers. We met playing baseball when we were eight years old. We 42 life’s ups and downs together. He was 26 when he died.‎ I was in 43 when I found out the situation. Friends of his 44 photos and information on his page, and I set up a way for people to 45 money to Sean’s wife, Amanda, and their son, right through Facebook.‎ My sister is a journalist, and she suggested that we arrange everything 46 while the fire was getting national 47 . In the first couple of days, Sean’s page got 2, 000 likes. Today it has more than ‎ 27, 000 likes.‎ When Sean’s family drove his ashes 500 miles from Prescott, Arizona, to his 48 in Santa Ynez, California, firefighters had been standing on every highway overpass (天桥).‎ I was surprised at how much it 49 me to see that other people cared. Strangers were sending Facebook messages, 50 baby clothes to Amanda and we’ve 51 about $10, 000 for his son’s education. One post is from a little boy in Nevada who said, when he 52 he wants to be a firefighter. It 53 touched me. People posted messages about what a hero Sean was and they were right. There is a lot of 54 on that Facebook page. I 55 one day, when Sean’s son, Sean Jaxon, is 56 enough, he will see how 57 his father was through this page.‎ During moments when I miss Sean, I visit the 58 , and it makes me smile. On my birthday or his birthday or some 59 date, I’ll read the messages and look at the photos that people have posted. It’s a way for me to keep his memory 60 .‎ ‎41. A. honour B. absence C. existence D. death ‎42. A. got through B. passed through C. went through D. looked through ‎43. A. fear B. horror C. anxiety D. shock ‎44. A. took B. hung C. developed D. posted ‎45. A. save B. donate C. make D. earn ‎46. A. practically B. sincerely C. quickly D. regularly ‎47. A. attention B. support C. sympathy D. recognition ‎48. A. office B. home C. school D. community ‎49. A. entertained B. frightened C. comforted D. astonished ‎50. A. offering B. intending C. expecting D. conveying ‎51. A. grasped B. founded C. figured D. raised ‎52. A. turns up B. picks up C. comes up D. grows up ‎53. A. deeply B. eventually C. slightly D. gently ‎54. A. information B. money C. love D. emotion ‎55. A. believe B. wonder C. doubt D. realize ‎56. A. tall B. old C. strong D. firm ‎57. A. excited B. satisfied C. respected D. encouraged ‎58. A. tomb B. Internet C. page D. reserve ‎59. A. specific B. special C. available D. accessible ‎60. A. alive B. awake C. apart D. awful 答案 ‎41-45 ACDDB 46-50 CABCA 51-55 DDACA 56-60 BCCBA ‎【十】‎ At the age of eighteen I couldn’t wait to get my first job, which meant I made the first step toward adulthood.‎ But it was difficult to get a work permit. One day I was dropped off by my parents at the ‎ 36 , where applicants took their physical tests for work permits. Although I had night blindness, my vision was clearer during the day, which helped me walk 37 by myself. Then the doctor began the 38 . He looked into my eyes with a bright light. “I 39 your parents take you to an eye specialist,”he said,“I suspect you have a retinal(视网膜) disease. If you do, you’ll never 40 a day in your life…” ‎ My parents did take me to specialists. After much time and money ‎ spent seeking an 41 result, it was determined that I had an eye disease that slowly 42 a person of sight. But still, during daylight, I could walk without 43 . I could read, but not for hours. My eyes began to ‎ ‎ 44 and words slipped off the page when I read more than a few pages. However, no matter how tired my eyes became, I never gave up reading. I knew the 45 of great writers as well as I knew the most popular music stars. Their words were powerful, which 46 me to try writing. Soon writing brought me a lot of 47 each time I completed a paper. ‎ Then an important phone call from an editor changed my life. An article I 48 appeared in a local newspaper. The newspaper, to my 49 , continued to print my work. Next, a book series published several of my essays. I got interested in writing and 50 up with each acceptance. On the pages, readers never knew of my blindness 51 I chose to present it. For me, finding my voice through writing gave me the pride and satisfaction I 52 so many years ago. Now, I have numerous essays and articles in 53 . ‎ Should I be thanking that misguided doctor? By falsely predicting that I could never work a day, he fueled my 54 into success. He set the bar too 55 and focused on what I wouldn’t be able to do. Yet I ‎ proved what I could do.‎ ‎36. A. station B. clinic C. company D. lab ‎ ‎37. A. silently B. suddenly C. proudly D. easily ‎38. A. operation B. examination C. argument D. treatment ‎39. A. desire B. order C. suggest D. command ‎40. A. work B. live C. rest D. sleep ‎41. A. urgent B. obvious C. ordinary D. accurate ‎42. A. robs B. warns C. remind s D. informs ‎43. A. medicine B. allowance C. balance D. assistance ‎44. A. dance B. shine C. tear D. widen ‎45. A. houses B. names C. addresses D. habits ‎46. A. asked B. forced C. encouraged D. permitted ‎47. A. trouble B. pleasure C. stress D. worry ‎48. A. admitted B. wanted C. described D. penned ‎49. A. delight B. admiration C. shame D. disappointment ‎50. A. gave B. came C. lit D. put ‎51. A. unless B. although C. since D. after ‎52. A. feared B. brought C. sought D. rejected ‎53. A. print B. time C. use D. mind ‎54. A. imagination B. motivation C. responsibility D. personality ‎55. A. far B. long C. close D. low ‎ 答案 ‎36.B 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.A ‎41.D 42.A 43.D 44.C 45.B ‎46.C 47.B 48.D 49.A 50.C ‎ ‎51.A 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.D

