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1 .不可数名词与可数名词的转化 (1) 表示种类时: various fruits( 各种水果 ) 。 (2) 表示 “ 一场 / 段 / 件 ……” 时: a timely rain( 一场及时雨 ) 。 (3) 表示 “ 一杯 / 罐 / 瓶 ” 的 tea , coffee , beer 等: two beers( 两杯啤酒 ) 。 (4) 表示不同意思时: room 房间 ( 可数 ) ;余地,空间 ( 不可数 ) 。 [ 注意 ]   有些不可数名词无论什么情况下也没有复数形式,即使受形容词修饰也不能加不定冠词,可称作 “ 绝对不可数名词 ” 。例如: fun , housework , homework , advice , information , news , progress , equipment , furniture , baggage/luggage , jewellery , machinery 等。 2 . 抽象名词具体化 表示某种特性、状态、情感、情绪的抽象名词,可以具体化为可数名词,表示这样的 “ 人或物 ” 。常见的有: 3. 具体名词抽象化 具体名词可以部分丧失其一般意义,具有抽象名词的特征,因此无单复数形式。 (1)by 后跟表示交通工具一类的名词,名词抽象化表概念,名词前无限定词,也不用复数;否则要用相应的介词。如: by bus/car/train/bike = on a bus/in a car/on the train 等。 (2) 在 go to school/church/hospital 和 at school, in prison 等短语中,名词抽象化表示概念。 4 . of + use/value/help/difference/importance/benefit 等某些抽象名词,其含义相当于对应的形容词 useful , valuable , helpful , different , important , beneficial 在句中可作定语、表语、补语等。 The book is of great use.( = The book is very useful.) 这本书很有用。 ( 表语 ) This is a book of great use. 这是一本非常有用的书。 ( 定语 ) I find the book of great use. 我觉得这本书非常有用。 ( 宾补 ) 5 .名词前的修饰语。 (1)several , (a) few , many , many a , a great/good many , a large number of , scores of , dozens of 等只能修饰可数名词;除 many a 后接单数可数名词外,其余要接复数名词。 (2)a bit of , (a) little( 少 ) , much , a great deal of , a large amount of 等只能修饰不可数名词。 (3)some , any , plenty of , a lot of , lots of , a large quantity of , quantities of , masses of 等既可修饰可数名词的复数,也可修饰不可数名词。 读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文,领悟画线黑体之名词的类别。 Born on August 23, 1988 in America [1], Jeremy ShuHow Lin [2] is a professional basketball [3] player [4] with the Huston Rockets of [5] the National Basketball Association [6] (NBA). But, to some degree, many Chinese fans [7] and coaches [8] take him as a Chinese guy or at least are willing to imagine him as a Chinese [9] just because he has a typical Chinese face and his parents [10] were born in China. Jeremy Lin has recently become a success [11] and attracted the world ’ s [12 ] attention, which gives Chinese people [13] a lot of imagination [14] and pride. As we know, in most people ’ s eyes [15], Jeremy is a miracle [16] . In June, 2012, when Jeremy took his third trip [17] to China, a large crowd came to meet him , among whom there were various fans including some families [18] , some children [19] and even some women players [20] . They brought cameras [21] to take photos [22] with their idol. Jeremy had fun [23] with his supporters and expected to come back again. 1 .专有名词表示地点,第一个字母要大写。 2 .专有名词表示人名。 3 .名词作定语,修饰另一名词。又如 a book store 。 4 .表示职业或职位的单数可数名词 player 作表语,前面用不定冠词,表示 “ 一个 ” 。 5. 因 the Huston Rockets 和 the National Basketball Association 都是由普通名词构成的专有名词; of the National Basketball Association 是名词所有格,因无生命的东西的名词所有格一般用 “ of +名词 ” 表示,又如: the cover of the book( 书的封面 ) 。 6 .专有名词表示事物,这里指美国职业篮球联盟,常缩写为 NBA 。 7 . fans 为 fan 的复数形式,可数名词的复数形式一般在后面直接加 -s 。 8 . coaches 为 coach 的复数形式,以 -s , -x , - sh , - ch 结尾的可数名词,复数形式加 - es 。又如 boxes , dishes , buses 等。 9 .句中 a Chinese 是名词作补语。 Chinese 指中国人,这里为单数;但它的复数与单数同形,类似的单词有 deer , sheep , fish , aircraft , means , works , Japanese 等。 10 . “ 形容词性物主代词+名词 ” 表示 “ 某人的 ……” 。 11 .这里的 a success 为抽象名词具体化,指 “ 一个成功人士 ” 。 12 .有生命的人或物的所有格,一般用 “ 名词+ s ” 表示。又如 the teacher ’ s name 。 13 . people 为集体名词,表示复数意义。又如 police , class , group 等。 14 .不可数名词 imagination 作宾语,在 a lot of , some , any 等限定词后面通常接名词。 15 .名词 eyes 作介词 in 的宾语。 16 .在冠词 (a , an , the) 后通常应有名词。 17 .在序数词后通常加名词。 18 . families 为 family 的复数形式,以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词复数形式是变 y 为 i 再加 - es 。又如 country → countries 。 19 . children 为 child 的复数形式,属于不规则变化。又如 ox-oxen 。 20 . man 或 woman 两个词作定语时,其单、复数与所修饰的名词的单、复数一致。又如 three men teachers 。 21 .个体名词,表示某类人或东西中的个体。又如 computer 。 22 . photos 为 photo 的复数形式,以 -o 结尾的词一般加 -s 。在中学英语里,以 -o 结尾有生命的名词,如 hero , tomato , potato ,其复数是加 - es 。 23 .抽象名词表示状态、品质、感情等抽象概念。又如 anger 。 Ⅰ . 完成句子 ( 填入括号内词的正确形式 ) 1 . Two ________(month) ago , three ________(hero) caught four ________(thief) . They made them plant some ________(potato) and ________(bamboo) in two ________(zoo) . They also made their ________(wife) return the four big ________(box) with some precious ________(photo) and ________(brush) in them. months heroes thieves potatoes bamboos zoos wives boxes photos brushes 2 . Two ______________( editor- in -chief ) , three ____________(man teacher) and five ______________(woman doctor) , together with their ________(child) , went to the market.They decided to buy two ________(sheep) , three ________(deer) , four ________(ox) , five ________(goose)and six white ________(mouse) with three ________(foot) and six ________(tooth) . Editors - in - chief men teachers women doctors children sheep deer oxen geese mice feet teeth Ⅱ . 单句填空 ( 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 ) 1 . Always remember to put such dangerous things as ________(knife) out of children ’ s reach. 2 . In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in ____________(examine) because it breaks the rules of schools. 3 . In my opinion, no one agrees that a ________(wealth) person without good health can be happy.So , just do our best and keep fit. 4 . Upon ________(arrive), we began to work immediately. knives examinations wealthy arrival 5 . There are more visible changes in our gestures and facial __________(express) . 6 . Lang Lang is a worldclass young ________(piano) who grew up in Shenyang. Ⅲ . 单句改错 ( 下列每句中有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,请指出并改正。 ) 1 . I have only been there a couple of time.____________ 2 . When you visit London, one of the first thing you will see is Big Ben.____________ 3 . Mr. Wang gave us some advices on how to remember English words._____________ expressions pianist time → times thing → things advices → advice 4 . I have no time to take exercise because I have a lot of homeworks to do. _______________________ 5 . This happened four and a half century ago.__________________ 6 . More care would insure you against making so much mistakes.____________ 7 . It ’ s about an hour drive from here to my office.____________ 8 . Li Ming, a three-years-old boy, is very lovely.______________________________ 9 . We are having dinner at my aunt tonight.____________ 10 . In our school, there is a new lab building with lots of teaching equipments in it. _______________________ homeworks → homework century → centuries much → many hour → hour’s three - years - old → three - year - old aunt → aunt’s equipments → equipment Ⅳ . 语篇填空 ( 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号中单词的正确形式。 ) A high school history teacher once told us, “ If you make one close friend in school, you will be most lucky.1.________ true friend is someone who stays with you for life. ” Experience shows that he was right.Good 2.________ (friend) are just not easily formed. To most of us, friendships are thought very important, but we need to have the kinds of friendships we want. Are they to be close or kept at arm ’ s 3.________ (long)? Do we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? For some people , many friendships on the surface are quite enough and that ’ s all right. But at some point we need to make sure that our expectations are the same as our 4.________ (friend) expectations.The sharing of 5.________ (person) experience is the surest way 6.________ (deepen) friendships.But it must be undertaken slowly and carried on only if there are signs of interest and action in return. What are some of the difficulties in forming friendship? The greatest is to expect too much too soon. Deep relationships take time.7.________ main difficulty is the 8.________ (selfish) to think one “owns” the other, including his time and attention. Similarly , friendships need actions in return. In other words, you must give as much as you take. Finally there is a question of taking care of each other.9.________ you spend reasonable time together, talking on the phone , writing 10.________ (letter) or doing things together , friendships will die away. 【语篇导读】  本文主要讲如何加深友谊 (how to deepen friendships) 。 1 . A   [ 由语境可知,此处指类别,泛指 “ 一个 ” 真正的朋友,故填不定冠词 A 。 ] 2 . friendships   [ 在句中作主语,用名词形式;又根据谓语动词 are formed 是复数及搭配可知,作主语的复数名词应当是 “ 友谊 ” ,而不是 “ 朋友 ” ,故填 friendships 。 ] 3 . length   [ 在名词所有格后,要用名词形式。 keep sb at arm ’ s length 意为 “ 不使自己太靠近某人;与某人保持距离 ” 。 ] 4 . friends ’   [ 根据语境,应当指 “ 我们的朋友的 ” ,应当用复数形式的所有格,故填 friends ’ 。 ] 5 . personal   [ 在名词前作定语,用形容词形式。 ] 6 . to deepen   [ 在 way 后用不定式作定语。 ] 7 . Another   [ 根据前面的 The greatest 和后面的 Finally 可知,此处是指多者中的 “ 另一个 ” ,故填 another 。 ] 8 . selfishness   [ 在冠词后,要用名词。 ] 9 . Unless   [ 根据 “ you spend... ” 和 “ friendships will die away ” 两个句子的逻辑关系可知,应填 unless 引导条件状语从句。 ] 10 . letters   [ 名词作宾语。因为是可数名词,且没有限定词,故用复数。 ] 第二课时 高考研究课 名词在语法填空中的考查点 规律方法 1 .由位置知词性:若所给名词处于主语或宾语的位置,则考虑使用名词的适当形式。 2 .由语境定词形:语境中含有下面要素时,常常使用名词的复数形式: ① 含有 one of ; ② 含有 few, several, many, all, both 等词; ③ 所填空后的谓语动词使用复数形式; ④ 使用名词的复数形式表示一类。 1 . Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 that/which showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all ________ (cause) . (2018· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) 2 . This switch has decreased ________ (pollute)in the country’s major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) 真题验证 1 答案 causes   [ 空前 all 表明该名词应使用复数形式。 ] 答案 pollution   [ 谓语动词 decreased 后应用名词作宾语。 ] 3 . It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible ________(crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) 4 . This development was only possible with the ________(introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) 答案 crowds   [ 根据空前面的形容词 terrible 可知此处填名词, crowd 表示 “ 人群 ” ,是可数名词,前面没有不定冠词 a ,所以用复数形式。 ] 答案 introduction   [ 根据空前面的 with 和定冠词 the 可知此处需要填名词。 with the introduction of 表示 “ 随着 …… 的引进 ” 。 ] 5 . This trend, which was started by the medical community( 医学界 ) as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side ________(effect) such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing the medical community was trying to fight. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) 6. She is determined to carry on with her ________(educate) . (2017· 全国卷 Ⅲ ) 答案 effects   [ 此处根据空前面的 some 以及空后面列举的两个副作用可知,用 effect 的复数形式。 ] 答案 education   [ 前面有形容词性物主代词 her ,此处应该使用动词 educate 的名词形式 education 作宾语。 ] 7 . She has turned down several ________(invitation)to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅲ ) 8 . Last October, while tending her garden in Mora, Sweden, Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small ________(carrot)and was about to throw them away. (2017· 浙江卷 ) 答案 invitations   [ 由于前有 several ,故应该使用名词复数 invitations ,表示 “ 邀请 ” 。 ] 答案 carrots   [ 根据前面的 a handful of 可知,此处要用复数形式。 ] 9 . The nursery team switches him every few ________(day) with his sister so that while one is being bottlefed , the other is with mum—she never suspects. (2016· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) 答案 days   [ 此处表示每隔几天。 ] 名词在短文改错中的考查点 ► 第一步:寻找名词; ► 第二步:以该名词为中心,搜寻其辐射区域的关键信息; ► 第三步:根据所搜寻的信息,确定名词的正确形式。其信息形式常常有以下形式: 规律方法 1 . 使用可数名词的复数形式的相关信息 (1) 可数名词前面有数词, several, many 或复数意义的不定代词 (some, both, these) 等修饰; (2) 通常以复数形式出现的单词; (3) 上下文语境暗示应使用可数名词的复数形式; (4) 有些名词作为可数名词和不可数名词时意义不同,如可数名词 time 意为 “ 次数 ” ,不可数名词 time 意为 “ 时间 ” 。 2 . 使用可数名词单数形式的相关信息 (1) 不定冠词 a/an 后用可数名词单数; (2) 上下文语境暗示应使用可数名词单数。 3. 两类不可数名词 ( 记牢=答对 ) (1) 抽象名词不可数; (2) 物质名词不可数。 1 . Last winter when I went there again , they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) ________ 2 . After supper , we would play card games of all sort in the sitting room. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) ________ left ! ” (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) ____________ 真题验证 2 答案 chicken → chickens   [ 由 dozens of +复数名词,意为:几十个 …… 。 ] 答案 sort → sorts   [ 短语 of all sort ,意为:各种各样的。 ] 3 . Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅱ )____________ 4 . The instructor kept repeating the word , “ Speed up ! ”“ Slow down ! ”“ Turning left ! ” (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) ____________ 5 . If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden our view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) ____________ 答案 informations → information   [information 是不可数名词,所以没有复数形式。 ] 答案 word → words   [ 根据后面的几处话语可知,此处用 word 的复数形式。 ] 答案 knowledges → knowledge   [knowledge 是不可数名词,所以没有复数形式。 ] 6 . The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me. (2016· 全国卷 Ⅲ ) ____________ 7 . When I was a very young children, my father created a regular practice I remember well years later. (2016· 浙江卷 ) ____________ 答案 year → years   [ 由 “ from 13 to 19 ” 及谓语 were 可知此处 year 应该使用复数形式。 ] 答案 children → child   [ 由 children 前面的冠词 a 可知此处应该使用单数形式。 ] 第三课时 写作增分课 名词在写作中的增分点 一、利用抽象名词具体化写美句子 1 .被邀请来参加这次聚会我深感荣幸。 (consider, invite) _____________________________________________ 2 .结果试验成功了。 (turn out, experiment) __________________________________________ I consider it a great honor to be invited to this party. It turned out that the experiment was a success. 3 .作为一名作家他是失败的。 (failure) ___________________________ 4 .新汽车是全家人引以为豪之物。 (pride) ________________________________________ As a writer, he was a failure. The new car is the pride of the whole family. 二、利用 “ be of +抽象名词 ” 靓化句子 1 .我的确希望这些建议会对你有用。 _____________________________________________________ 2 .学好英语对我们大家都大有益处。 ________________________________________________ 3 .这次考试对我来说非常重要。 ____________________________________ I do hope these suggestions will be of great use/useful to you. Learning English well will be of great benefit to us all. The exam is of great importance to me. 三、巧妙表达名词的量 1 . 我们学校占地 400 亩。 (an area) _________________________________ 2 . 他收集了许多邮票。 (collection) ________________________________ Our school covers an area of 400 mu . He has a large collection of stamps. 3 .他月收入上万,过着富裕的生活。 (income) ________________________________________________________________ 4 .这个城市人口超过 200 万,是这个国家的第二大城市。 (a population) __________________________________________________________________ 5 .建于 20 世纪 50 年代末,我们学校有将近 70 年历史。 (a history) __________________________________________________________ With an income of more than ten thousand yuan a month, he lives a rich life. With a population of over 2 million, the city is the second largest in the country. Set up in the late 1950s, our school has a history of nearly 70 years.

