2020版高考英语总复习Unit2Cloning练习 人教版选修8

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2020版高考英语总复习Unit2Cloning练习 人教版选修8

Unit 2 Cloning Step 3 课后演练——知识能力 链接高考 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)As we ________(accumulation) more devices, however, we didn't throw out our old ones.‎ ‎[答案] accumulated ‎2.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)Making lovely objects using recycled and made materials. Bags, cushions and ________(decorate).‎ ‎[答案] decorations ‎3.(2018·浙江卷)Plasticbag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people ________(assumption).‎ ‎[答案] assume ‎4.I am sure the new traffic regulation will meet with a strong____________(object) from the public.‎ ‎[答案] objection ‎5.You can't compare them—there is a fundamental____________(differ) in kind.‎ ‎[答案] difference ‎6.As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses,all the strange beliefs are bound____________(go) out of our life.‎ ‎[答案] to go ‎7.Honey,look at your mistake in spelling this word, or you____________________(obtain) full marks in this exam.‎ ‎[答案] could have obtained ‎8.____________(owe) to my lack of experience,I didn't do the work well.‎ ‎[答案] Owing ‎9.Since her only child passed away a few years ago, family has been a____________(forbid) topic for her.‎ ‎[答案] forbidden ‎10.Liu Lei insisted that he merely did what everybody would have done and strongly objected to____________(call) a hero.‎ ‎[答案] being called Ⅱ.单句改错 3‎ ‎1.He has a strong objection to smoke in public places,especially with females present.______________‎ ‎[答案] smoke→smoking ‎2.Mother made a promise if I passed the College Entrance Examination, she would buy me a mobile phone.______________‎ ‎[答案] 在promise后加that ‎3.John is strongly convinced that extra time spent studying now will pay for in the future.______________‎ ‎[答案] for→off ‎4.It suddenly struck to me that we ought to make a new plan.______________‎ ‎[答案] 去掉第一个to/struck→occurred ‎5.Owe to his absence,we had to put off the class meeting till next week.______________‎ ‎[答案] Owe→Owing ‎6.There is some doubt whether the young man can undertake of such an important task.____________‎ ‎[答案] 去掉of ‎7.By the end of last week, we had learnt 3,000 English words for altogether.____________‎ ‎[答案] 去掉for ‎8.He travelled all over the nation after he retired at work.____________‎ ‎[答案] at→from ‎9.Only if the students accumulate up a great deal of vocabulary can they grasp English.____________‎ ‎[答案] 去掉up ‎10.No one knows exact how the earth began as it happened so long ago.____________‎ ‎[答案] exact→exactly Ⅲ.根据提示词及相关要求完成句子 ‎1.我的建议是,如果明天下雨,我们最好去图书馆。(that引导表语从句)‎ My suggestion is_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎[答案] that if it rains tomorrow we had better go to the library ‎2.你认为谁是过去一百年里最伟大的妇女?(do you think作插入语)‎ ‎________________________the greatest woman of the past 100 years?‎ 3‎ ‎[答案] Who do you think was ‎3.抄袭他人作业的一个缺点就是你不能掌握你所学到的东西。(that引导表语从句)‎ A disadvantage of copying others' homework is______________________________________________.‎ ‎[答案] that you cannot master what you have learned ‎4.最使我伤脑筋的是他似乎对他的作业不感兴趣。(bother)‎ ‎________________________________that he seems to take no interest in his schoolwork.‎ ‎[答案] What bothers me most is ‎5.我突然想到一个好主意:我可以用这些钱来帮助那些贫穷的学生。(strike)‎ A bright/good idea______________________I could use the money to help the poor students.‎ ‎[答案] suddenly struck me that ‎6.他刚刚坐下,班主任就来了。(倒装句)‎ He had just taken his seat; then ____________________________ _________________________________________.‎ ‎[答案] came the head teacher 3‎

