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A (2019 年安徽师大附属高三检测) Competition is all around us and it makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker.It can also teach us how to survive in a fastpaced and stressful world.__1__How many of us have seen young boys weeping because their teams didn't win interschool tournament? How many of us have seen young teenagers cheat just to win? __2__So it's important to develop healthy competition among children. When it comes to encouraging healthy competition among children, the first thing to do is set goals for them to stick to.__3__ Since children may be easily affected by wrong ideas from popular media and the Internet, it's up to you to develop the right kind of spirit in them.Team spirit will help them grow into human beings who aren't easily annoyed by small losses or too excited by victories.__4__ So give them examples where family members refused to cheat to win. __5__When they take an exam, don't ask about how much they expect to score; instead, ask what they wrote about.If your son played a cricket match at school, don't ask him whether his team won or lost; ask him how many runs he scored and encourage him to score higher next time instead.When you let your children know that you're more interested in how they performed rather than whether they lost or won, they will surely try to better themselves. A.However, you mustn't push them too hard and burden them with too high a goal. B.We should also encourage healthy competition among children. C.These are the effects of unhealthy competition. D.In addition, they may also not want to adopt just any method to win, like cheating or lying. E.Care more about children's performance rather than the results in a sports match. F.However, children can be hit by competition. G.Sending your children the right signals is also important. 答案与解析 文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了如何培养孩子之间的健 康竞争。 1.F 根据下文提到的两个问题:我们中有多少人见过年轻的男 孩因为他们的球队没有赢得校际比赛而哭泣?我们中有多少人见过 青少年为了赢而作弊?这两个问题是两个例子,证明竞争会让人受到 打击。故 F 选项切题。 2.C 前面提到的两个问题折射出不健康竞争产生的影响。故 C 选项切题。同时,该选项又引出下文:所以培养孩子之间的健康竞争 是很重要的。 3.A 上一句提到:当谈到鼓励孩子们的健康竞争时,要做的 第一件事就是设定他们的目标。该空承接上文,对设定目标这件事作 进一步的说明。故 A 选项切题:然而,你不能把他们逼得太紧,让 目标成为他们的负担。 4.D 下文提到:所以给他们举个家人为了赢而拒绝作弊的例 子。根据下文中的 so 可知,该空和下文之间是因果关系。那么,该 空应该提到作弊这样的话题。选项中只有 D 选项与此有关:此外, 他们也可能不想采取任何手段来取胜,比如欺骗或撒谎。该空同时承 接上文:团队精神将帮助他们成长为一个人,他们不会轻易被小损失 所困扰,也不会因胜利而过于兴奋。该选项也体现了团队精神的作用。 综上,D 选项切题。 5.G 该段提到:当他们参加考试时,不要问他们期望多少分 数,而是问问他们写了些什么。如果你的儿子在学校打板球,不要问 他的球队是赢还是输;问他进了多少分,鼓励他下一次得分更高。当 你让你的孩子知道你对他们的表现更感兴趣,而不是他们是输了还是 赢了,他们肯定会努力让自己更好。通过该段内容可知,作者建议家 长给孩子传递正确的信息:你关心的是他们的表现,而不是成绩。故 G 选项正确。 B (2019 年广东省汕头市高三第二次模拟) Rising through stages to realize ourselves Many modern people have the problem that they don't know who they are and what their purpose is.__1__ . Once high school seniors graduate, they seem to lose their identity.They once studied hard.But after they stop working, they begin to lose their way. In the theory of the Hierarchy of Needs(需求理论), Abraham Maslo, put forward a similar situation, which consists of the five levels of a person's need.The fifth and final level is selfrealization, which is where our final achievement lies.__2__. I think self realization has three major aspects.The first stage is acceptance, the second stage is discovery and the last stage is perseverance. Acceptance is the first stage.We should be reminded that we are all born unique, so we all have our own strengths and weaknesses.Only when we understand these, can we pursue them or change them.__3__. Once we've accepted ourselves, we can discover what we are interested in and what we want to be.__4__, but indeed we should live for ourselves.So before we start working towards a purpose, we should ask ourselves “Is this what we truly desire?” and “Is this going to change the situation we're in?” The last stage is perseverance.__5__. Those who can selfrealize are people who focus on the things they want to change. Through the three stages, we could gain recognition of ourselves.And by this point, whatever our lives were like, we would be able to stand tall, confident of ourselves. A.It's nothing to a man of perseverance B.Only by acceptance of the past can we change it C.This is especially common among college students D.Many people tend to go along with social expectations E.Being objective and yet tolerant is the key to acceptance F.It is the process of knowing ourselves and finding a purpose G.Exploring our potential isn't going to be done in a short time 答案与解析 文章大意:本文属于说明文,介绍要实现自我的三个方面。 1.C 根据后一句“Once high school seniors graduate, they seem to lose their identity.”可知,一旦高年级学生毕业,他们就似乎丧失了 自我。C 选项,这种情况在大学生中很常见,下文是对本句的具体阐 述,切题,故选 C。 2.F 根据前一句“The fifth and final level is selfrealization, which is where our final achievement lies.”可知,根据马斯洛的理论, 第五阶段也是最后阶段是自我实现,这就是我们最终成就的地方。F 选项,这是一个了解我们自己,寻找目标的过程,是对上一句的具体 阐述,切题,故选 F。 3.E 根据前一句“Only when we understand these, can we pursue them or change them.”可知,只有当我们理解了这些,我们才能去追 求他们或者改变他们。E 选项,客观和包容是接受的关键,阐述接受 的关键地方,切题,故选 E。 4.D 根据前一句“Once we've accepted ourselves, we can discover what we are interested in and what we want to be.” 以 及 后 一 句 “but indeed we should live for ourselves”可知,只有接受了我们自己,才能 发现自己感兴趣的东西,D 选项,很多人跟着社会的要求行动,与后 文,的确我们应该为自己生活,但是不一定都是自己真正想要的,连 贯一致,切题,故选 D。 5.G 根据后一句“Those who can selfrealize are people who focus on the things they want to change.”可知,能够实现自我的人都是 那些能够集中精力在自己想要改变的事情上,G 选项,探索自己的潜 能不是短时间就能完成的,故强调坚持的重要性,切题,故选 G。

