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‎2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题训练10篇之十 ‎1‎ A rainbow is a whole circle, but most we see is only part of it, unless we are on a tall mountain or up in plane. The bottom part of the rainbow is hidden from us. The “ends” of the bow look as if they are planted on the earth. This gave rise to the saying that there is “a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”‎ As drops of rain kept falling, each moment we see’other rainbow, which it is formed by a new set of drops. Those viewing it from different place see a different rainbow.‎ ‎2‎ Late in the afternoon of Saturday in July, a boy-herder was enjoying listening the click of the rails nearby when sudden black clouds began to-gather. Now the boy is driving the goats to a cave. When he reached to the cave, he saw that many wild goats come already. To catch them all, he gave the wild goats the grass what he had brought for his own goats at outside. When the storm was over, to his surprised, he saw his own goats had died, and the wild goats had run away the hills and the woods.‎ ‎3‎ The weather was so hot but so terrible that I could hardly keep on studying. When 1 open my window, I found out the sun was shining and the sky was blue. A cool and pleased wind was blowing. The trees were green and the flowers were red. It seemed as like they were saying hello to me and waving to me. A group children were swimming and playing in the cool or clear water. Everything was looked bright and wonderful. Everybody was having good time in this pleasant place.‎ ‎4‎ During the weekend 1 traveled by air the first time in my life. I generally traveled by train or bus. It is both cheap and safer. And this was a short journey. In the beginning I did not feel very happy. This feeling did not last for long because the trip was very excited. I was soon up in the blue sky between the clouds. The view of mountains, fields and rivers were interesting and unusual. When it was time for me to finish this trip, I was liking the scene so much that I was disapproved to have to stop my trip in the sky so soon.‎ ‎5‎ ‎ That Saturday when I entered in an underpass, I heard a beautiful sound. It makes mc happy.‎ It was darkness there so I couldn’t see where the sound came from. I walked towards the corner. An old man was sitting there, wears shabby ‎ clothes, lie was playing erhu (二胡). “Oh, it is a beggar.” I thought. At that moment a man came by dropped one yuan in tile beggar box. The old man stopped to say “Thank you”. He then groped on the ground. While he found the box, he picked up the money. He felt it and. smiled. What beautiful the music was! It was played by a blind person. I just admired him.‎ ‎6‎ There are a number of different sort of greetings all over the world. People at western countries show their affection mainly by kiss each other. Chinese people are used to shake hands to offer their greetings. Being completely different from people any other countries, however, the Japanese bend their heads or bodies to make up their bows as signs of respect.‎ In Japanese it can orion be seen that an announcer bow when broadcasting “Evening News” on TV. Most Japanese have got used to bowing in their everyday life. It is surprised to some foreign friends that the Japanese bow so often in some places.‎ ‎7‎ East Sunday I went out to the lunch with my friend George, who was very fat indeed. He likes sweet food as well as those rich foods. Not only George enjoy eating but he is a good eater well. Whenever he eats out, he ‎ always eats a lot of food and spends too long time at a restaurant. When we sat at a table in a restaurant, the waiter brought a tray filled of various foods. After caring a big meal, I told him that we would must leave because we had been there for three hours. But he insisted we must stay there. “We can’t leave now, for it’s already time for us.”‎ ‎8‎ The Nile River is the long river on Earth. The Nile has two branches, the White Nile or the Blue Nile. The Blue Nile starts the eastern highlands. In the summer, heavy rains fall there. Then the river carries the water go north. So, once a year, the Nile in Egypt would fill up. When the river flooded the land, but it left the rich soil on top. That made the banks the Nile very fertile. Still, the river carried the floodwater on in the sea. That water was lost. To save it, the people build a dam. Now, the Aswan High Dam hold back the flood waters.‎ ‎9‎ The important thing to be remember about social customs is not to doing anything that might make other people feel comfortable—especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man which gave a very formal dinner party. When the foods was served, one of the guest started to cut his peas by a knife. The other guests were much amused or shocked, but the host calmly picked his ‎ knife and began eating with the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest to feel foolish or uncomfortable.‎ ‎10‎ In England, it is never too hot or mo cold for works or play The winds also have had much to do with the weather in England. The winds blow from the southwest two days out of every three. The winds from Atlantic are wet as well as they are warm. They also bring plenty of rain for the island. The east and northeast winds are cold and be dry.‎ The weather change greatly in England. In spring, sunshine or rain follow each other so often that umbrella or raincoats are things you want most in England.‎ 答案:‎ ‎1‎ Key:1.most改为mostly。2.tall改为high。3.plane前加a。4.are改为were。5.on改为in。6.正确。7.kept改为keep。8.other改为another。9.去掉it。10.place改为places。‎ ‎2‎ Key:1.第一个in改为on。2.Listening后加to。3.sudden改为suddenly。4.is改为was。5.去掉to。6.come前加had。7.what改为that。8.去掉at。9.surprised改为surprise。10.away改为to。‎ ‎3‎ key: 1. but改为and。2. open改为opened。3. 去掉out。4. pleased 改为pleasant。5. 正确。6. like改为if。7. group后加of。8. or改为and。9. 去掉was。10. good前加a。‎ ‎4‎ Key: 1. the前加for。2. traveled改为 travel。 3. cheap改为cheaper。 4. 正确。5. 去掉for。6.excited 改为exciting。7.between 改为among。8.were改为was。9. liking改为enjoying。10. disapproved 改为 disappointed。‎ ‎5‎ Key: 1. 去掉in。2.makes改为 made。 3. darkness改为dark。 4. the改为a。5. wears改为wearing。6. by后加and。7.beggar 改为begger’s。8. 正确。9. While改为When。10. What改为 How。‎ ‎6‎ Key: 1. sort改为sorts。2. at 改为in。3.kiss改为 kissing。4. shake改为shaking。5. any前加in。6. 去掉up。7. Japanese改为Japan。8. bow改为bows。 9.正确。10. surprised 改为surprising。‎ ‎7‎ Key: 1. 去掉the。2. was改为is。3. only后加does。4. will前加as。5. 正确。6. time前加a。7. of改为with或filled改为full。8. a改为the。9. 去掉would。10. must改为should或去掉must。‎ ‎8‎ Key:1.long改为longest。2.or改为and。3.starts后加in。4.去掉go。5.正确。6.去掉but。7.banks后加of。8.in改为to。9.build改为built。10.hold改为holds。‎ ‎9‎ Key;1.去掉be。2.doing改为do。3.comfortable改为uncomfortable。4.which改为who。5.foods改为food。6.guest改为guests。7.by改为with。8.picked后加up。9.with改为in。10.去掉to。‎ ‎10‎ Key: 1. 将 works改为work。2. because后加of。3. warmth改为warm。4.去掉had。5.正确。6. Atlantic前加the。7. for改为to。‎ ‎ 8.去掉be。9. change改为changes。10. 第一个or 改为and。‎

