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‎2018届 书面表达二轮复习 话题:文物保护 ‎【写作指导】‎ ㈠词语积累 cultural/historical relics(文物),antiques(古董), preservation /protection of cultural/ historical relics(文物保护), unearthed cultural relics(出土文物), archaeological find(考古发现),historic reservation(文物保护区), archaeological work(考古工作); cultural relics and historic sites(文物古迹),landmark(文物建筑),record(文物史料)restoration of the cultural relics(文物修整),collection of the cultural relics(文物征集),come to know(逐渐意识到),protect …from(保护以免),prevent… from(阻止),pollutant (污染物),harmful chemical (有害的化学物质),waste(废物), date from/back to(起源于), come into existence/being(存在,出现),take action (采取行动),take measures/do things(采取措施),develop economy/tourism(开发/发展经济/旅游业),look into the distance(向远处看) owned by the state(国家所有)contribute to the development of scientific research(利于开展科学研究工作),inherit the splendid historical and cultural legacy of our nation(继承我国优秀的历史文化遗产), conduct education in patriotism and in the revolutionary tradition(进行爱国主义和革命传统教育), build a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology(建设社会主义精神文明). ‎ ㈡句型搜索 ‎ There is no standing room for….…已经没有立足之所。‎ ‎ More and more people come to realize that … 越来越多的人们开始意识到…‎ ‎ Pollutants are destroying… , which will no doubt污染物正在毁坏…,这毫无疑问会…‎ ‎ It’s our duty/responsibility to do whatever we can to… 全力以赴去…是我们的职责 ‎ In order to protect…, people should…为了保护…,人们应当…‎ Quick action must be taken to…必须迅速采取行动去…‎ Make sure that no further damage will be done.确保不会进一步的毁损。‎ It is realized that people should not weigh their own business interest against our national history. 人们要明白斟酌他们自己的商业利益而不顾我们国家的历史。‎ ‎ Only in this way /if 从句, can we human beings know where we come from, where we are and where we will go.只有这样或…,我们人类才知道我们来自哪里,我们现在在哪里,我们将去何方。‎ ‎ It is often human digging that causes the loss of valuable materials.正是人们的盗挖导致有价值材料的损失。‎ ‎ Leaving things as they are would often be the best way of keeping things for the generations to come.让那些文物顺其自然会是为我们子孙后代保存物品的最佳方式。‎ ‎ ‎ ㈢过渡词语 ‎1表示.起始:to begin with/first of all/in the first place, (首先),generally speaking(总体上讲)‎ ‎2. 表示结尾:therefore /thus/as a result (因此), in brief(简而言之), in a word(总而言之)‎ ‎3.列举实例:for example/instance(例如),take …for example(拿…来说)‎ ‎4.表示递进:besides/what’s more/last but not least(此外),above all/most importantly(尤为重要的),even worse/what’s worse/to make things worse(尤为糟糕的是)‎ ‎5.表示对比:compared with(与相比),on the contrary(相反),on the other ‎ hand(在另一方面)‎ ‎【高考链接】(2005年全国卷Ⅱ)‎ 假设你是李华,最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论北京动物园是否应迁出市区。以下是所在班级讨论的情况。请你给该报写一封信,反映讨论结果。‎ 赞成迁出 反对迁出 ‎1、游客多、交通堵塞 ‎1、建于1906年、中外闻名 ‎2、郊区环境好 ‎2、搬迁容易造成动物死亡 注意:1、词数100左右,信的开头已为你写好(划线部分)‎ ‎2、可根据内容重点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 ‎3、参考词汇:郊区,suburb 学生习作 Dear Editor, June 3, 2005‎ Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether the Beijing zoo should be moved out of the city.‎ Opinions about it are divided. Some of my classmates are in favor of the moving. They think large numbers of visitors to the zoo every year will give rise to traffic jams. And also they believe that the moving will do good to the animals in the zoo, for the living environment will be better than that in the center of the city, where the air is fresher, the water is cleaner and the food is provided enough.‎ However, the others are against the idea. They say that the Beijing zoo, set up in 1906, is famous all over the world. In addition, the moving may no doubt lead some rare animals to death, causing a lot of damage. Thus whether to move or not is a big decision and it should be take into a good consideration.‎ Yours truly ‎ Li Hua 点评 此篇学生习作切中主题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。在语篇方面紧扣两种不同观点进行“对比”介绍。在用词上,they think/believe/say that形成一种平行结构,in favor of 与against在however一词的连结下对比鲜明。Large numbers of, give rise to, do good to, lead to, take into…consideration等词语,—ing形式,—ed形式,定语从句等高级语法运用自如。特别是no doubt一词把“反对迁出”观点表达准确,态度鲜明;而where从句对“郊区环境好”内容的适当发挥,更加形象,跃然纸上。由此可见,本文不失为一篇佳作。‎ ‎【典题演练】‎ 假如你是李华,你家乡有一座建于明朝晚年的寺庙,里面有优美的壁画,但是随着家乡旅游事业的发展,游客越来越多,壁画因二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)而毁坏加剧。联合国教科文组织一考察团将来你家乡访问。请用英语写一篇短文对此做一介绍并且根据下列要求提供一些建议。‎ 建议:①建议在壁画前建玻璃墙;②严格控制每天游客流量;③至少发挥一个自己的建议。‎ 注意:1.全文100-120字;2.首句已给但不计入总的字数之内;‎ 参考范文 Near where I live there is a famous temple, which has been ‎ staying up there ever since the late Ming Dynasty. On the walls of the temple are many pictures, which shows us how people at that time lived. The temple has great artistic value. I am worried about it because some of the pictures are being damaged by air pollution, which comes from human beings. Visitors keep pouring in by hundreds daily. The carbon dioxide from their breath is destroying the pictures.‎ I think something must be done about this. For example, we should put glass walls in front of the pictures. Secondly, the numbers should be kept strictly under control. And last but not least, a special website where people can have a good view of the pictures and the temple can be built. (112 words) ‎ 赏析本文的话题是保护文化遗产:一座建于明朝的庙宇。所给首句就非同凡响,分别使用了where引导的地点状语从句 、which引导的非限制性定语从句及现在完成进行时和动词短语stay up。为了与首句风格一致同时避免主语部分头重脚轻而采用了一倒装句。第三句使用短句实现了长短句结合,跌宕起伏。第四句点出寺庙目前的问题及症结,第五六句补充说明原因,进行时态的使用形象生动、历历在目。‎ ‎ 第二段在完成规定要点的表述基础上添加了一点个人的观点,内容上体现了作者的时代感意识强。在表达上除了写出段首中心句外,最大的亮点是使用主被动语态交错的对称句 及形式上的连贯性,避免了全文句句复杂而造成表述糅杂,从而增添了一道新的风景线,体现了作者在一篇文章中驾驭多种写作技巧的能力。‎ ‎【原创试题】‎ 假设你家乡最近抓获了一些文物贩子,他们将一些珍贵的国家文物高价卖给了外国人。请你根据以下提示并结合自己的看法写一篇100字左右的英语短文。‎ ‎ 1.众所周知,我们国家文化遗产很多,我们引以骄傲;‎ ‎2.文化遗产代表祖先的智慧,必须保护。‎ ‎3.我认为,所有的文化遗产属于全人类而不是某个人,所以…‎ 参考范文:‎ Recently, the police in my hometown caught some people who sold some valuable cultural relics to foreigners at a high price to make money. As is well-known to us all, our motherland is famous for having so many great cultural relics, in which we take great pride. They represent the wisdom of our ancestors, so we must protect them.‎ ‎ In my opinion, all cultural relics belong to all the people throughout the world rather than just one person. It is against the law to sell or buy rare cultural relics. Strict legal action must be taken to prevent such things from happening again. (101words)‎

