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完形填空 ( 一 ) 每日一句: Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。 考试说明 完形填空: 主要考查考生在 阅读理解基础上 运用 词汇和语法 的能力。 语篇理解 词汇运用 基础语法    项目 卷别       语篇类型 语篇主题 命题角度 词数 难度 主题语境 语境内容 动词 名词 形容(副)词 其他同类 2019 课标全国 卷Ⅰ 记叙文 人与自然 乞力马扎罗山是否被污染 8 7 5 0 252 难 课标全国 卷Ⅱ 记叙文 人与社会 帮助他人 找回小狗 9 5 5 1 277 中 课标全国 卷Ⅲ 说明文 人与社会 高科技解决 光照难题 8 5 7 0 250 易 考情分析      项目 卷别       语篇类型 语篇主题 命题角度 词数 难度 主题语境 语境内容 动词 名词 形容(副)词 其他同类 2018 课标全国卷Ⅰ 夹叙夹议 人与自我 学棋悟道 9 7 4 0 265 难 课标全国卷Ⅱ 记叙文 人与自我 父巧救子 9 3 7 1 270 中 课标全国卷Ⅲ 记叙文 人与社会 一诺千金 10 6 4 0 271 易 2017 课标全国卷Ⅰ 记叙文 人与自我 发现美式 手语 10 5 5 0 242 难 考情分析 应试策略 考纲要求 应试策略 命题规律 解题步骤 应试技巧 考纲要求 考查重点: 1. 英语基础知识 2. 综合理解和语言运用能力 考点设置: 1. 记叙文 2. 夹叙夹议 3. 说明文和议论文 命题规律 选材特点: 文章多以记人、叙事为主,主要涉及励志故事、人物介绍、奇闻轶事等,具有积极的教育意义。 设空特点: 1. 以考查实词为主虚词为辅 2. 以语境分析为主突出语篇 3. 兼顾核心语法和常识的考查 4. 文章首句一般不设空,设空通常分为句内、句组和语篇三个层次 解题步骤 Step 1: 通读全文,把握主旨 抓住关键词,理清“情节线”和“情感线” Step 2 :上下求索,先易后难 先完成容易的题目,然后借助已补全的信息,最后扫除“钉子户” Step 3 :复读全文,微调答案 应试技巧 重首句,易入题 寻复现,找答案 看语境,辨词义 析逻辑,索答案 据搭配,知答案 重平行,觅逻辑 依常识,定答案 破难句,解句意 巧排除,降难度 完形填空的题眼往往出现在文章的开头。通过把握首句 , 可以确定文章的话题、主题、背景、人物、时间、地点、事件等 , 从而把握文章的发展方向 , 达到顺利“入题”的目的。 例 1    (2019 课标全国 Ⅰ) Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. 技法点拨 1. 重首句,易入题 直接信息 : 首句清楚地交代了故事发生的地点(非洲最高峰乞力马扎罗山)、人物(游客)和事件(到乞力马扎罗山旅游) 预测信息 : 下文可能介绍与乞力马扎罗山旅游相关的事件或影响 完形填空选项的设置 , 命题人往往通过 原词复现、同根词复现、同义词复现、近义词复现、上下词复现 等方式重现已经出现过的词汇。做题时 , 在把握语篇、透析语境的前提下 , 应留心选项中是否有与上下文中相对应的词汇 , 运用词汇复现技巧快速锁定答案。 技法点拨 2. 寻复现,找答案 (1) 原词复现 —— 在上下文中同一词汇重复出现 例 2   (2017 课标全国 Ⅲ) A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman. But   41     apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher and have a Canadian   42     . Jordan Axani, 28, said he and his then girlfriend, Elizabeth Gallagher, booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May, but their   43     ended and he did not want her ticket to   44     . The ticket had a strict no-transfer( 不可转让 )   45     , but since passport information was not required when   46     , any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can   47     it. “I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to   48     a lot of joy,” said Axani. He posted his   49     on a social networking website, and received thousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the   50     passports. “More   51     , there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in   52     their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,”Axani said.“It was absolutely out of   53     , thousands of e-mails, people around the world   54     their stories of travel.” 42 A.origin    B.passport    C.accent    D.friend 技法点拨 2. 寻复现,找答案 (2) 同 / 近义词复现 —— 意思相同、相近的表达方式 , 或者解释性的词汇复现 例 3    (2018 课标全国 Ⅰ) More than that, I'd always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren't     43     enough about free credits, news about our   44     was appealing enough to me. 43 A. excited    B. worried    C. moved    D. tired 技法点拨 2. 寻复现,找答案 例 4    (2019 课标全国 Ⅰ) Above 4,000 meters is the highland   57     : gravel ( 砾石 ), stones and rocks. 57.A.village    B. desert    C. road    D. lake (3) 反义词复现 —— 意思相反或对比性解释的词汇复现 例 5    (2019 课标全国 Ⅱ) Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with   49     . It just started licking( 舔 ) Ehlers' face. 49.A.surprise    B.joy    C.hesitation    D.anxiety 技法点拨 2. 寻复现,找答案 (4) 同根词复现 —— 词形变化的词汇复现 例 6     It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow. ... How could the medicine get to Nome? The town's   39     was already full of ice, so it couldn't come by ship. Cars and horses couldn't travel on the      40      roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn't exist yet. 40 A.narrow    B.snowy    C.busy    D.dirty 技法点拨 2. 寻复现,找答案 (5) 上下词复现 —— 总括与分述的词汇复现 例 7    (2016 课标全国 Ⅱ) Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani's      59      —her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I'm here for you’   60     —were all silent signals that didn't travel through wires. 59 A.forgiveness    B.eagerness C.friendliness    D.skillfulness 技法点拨 2. 寻复现,找答案 完形填空的四个选项词性相同 , 意义相近。如果脱离语境或只看句子的一部分 , 可能会有两个或两个以上的答案。做题时 , 要 从整体上把握文章内容 , 区分文章的结构层次和逻辑关系 , 同时认真比较所给选项 , 从中选出最佳答案。 技法点拨 3. 看语境,辨词义 例 8    (2019 课标全国 Ⅱ) It's about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers' home in Minnesota. During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting, Ehlers      41      about the small dog he had seen      42      alongside the road. He had     43      to coax ( 哄 ) the dog to him but, frightened, it had      44      . Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that   45     dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove   46     . After a long and careful   47     , Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving   48     away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with   49    . It just started licking ( 舔 ) Ehlers' face. 41A.read    B.forgot    C.thought     D.heard 42A.fighting    B.trembling    C.eating    D.sleeping 43A.tried    B.agreed    C.promised    D.regretted 44A.calmed down   B.stood up C.rolled over    D.run off 技法点拨 3. 看语境,辨词义 完形填空中有些题目侧重考查对人物话语逻辑性的精准判断以及对特殊语境下的 情绪演变、行为态度、语言褒贬和方式转变 的理解判断。常见的命题方式包括心理揣测、动作交互、因果关系、转折关系、让步关系、递进关系、增补关系、对比关系等。解决此类问题时要关注连词的功能、词语的多义性、 词语的情感色彩和动作发生的先后顺序 , 借助 具体语境和人物的特定身份 , 顺着原文的思路 , 依据上下文进行合乎逻辑的推断。 技法点拨 4. 析逻辑,索答案 技法点拨 4. 析逻辑,索答案 例 9    (2019 课标全国 Ⅲ) The 3,500 residents cannot all   56     the sunshine at the same time.     57      , the new light feels like more than enough for the town's   58   residents. 57A.Instead    B.However    C.Gradually    D.Similarly 完形填空中 , 有时会涉及短语 , 以 动词短语为主 , 偶见介词短语等。解题时 , 可以通过仔细观察和回忆所学知识 , 进行有效推断 , 选择正确答案。 技法点拨 5. 据搭配,知答案 例 10    (2018 课标全国 Ⅰ) In order to   50     the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to     51     what we would learn in class to our future professions and,   52     , to our lives. 51A.add   B.expose    C.apply    D.compare 文章中的意群总是通过一定的逻辑关系连在一起 , 特别是 并列平行 的结构。这些结构要么通过 标点符号 体现 , 要么通过 并列连词 连接。一般来说 , 这些平行结构所表达的语境是一致的 , 考生解题时要特别注意这一点。 技法点拨 6. 重平行 , 觅逻辑 例 11    (2019 课标全国 Ⅲ) ...When the light   52     , Rjukan residents gathered together. “People have been      53      there and standing there and taking   54     of each other,”Ro says. 53A.driving    B.hiding C.camping    D.sitting 完形填空虽然是独立的语篇 , 但有时会渗透很多科技、文化、历史、地理、风俗民情等方面的知识。同学们在做题时如果能积极主动地调动自己已有的 文化背景和生活常识 , 特别是注意 中西文化的差异 并巧妙加以利用 , 将会有效简化分析与判断过程 , 节省宝贵时间 , 取得“事半功倍”的效果。 技法点拨 7. 依常识 , 定答案 技法点拨 例 12    (2018 课标全国 Ⅱ) Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. He'd moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I'd   41     seen him. So imagine my     42     when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me. 42A.delight    B.relief    C.anger    D.worry 7. 依常识 , 定答案 完形填空的文章中会出现一些 长句或难句 , 而它们往往会影响一些答案的选择。这时就要在理解上下文逻辑关系的基础上有针对性地 对句子结构、句子特点进行分析 , 准确理解句意 , 明确所填选项在句中的语法功能 , 从而做出正确判断。 技法点拨 8. 破难句 , 解句意 例 13    (2017 课标全国 Ⅲ) Axani wrote in his post that he is not   55     anything in return and that the woman who uses the   56     ticket can choose to either travel with him or     57     the ticket and travel on her own. 57A.return    B.take    C.reserve   D.hide 在掌握文章大意和细节的前提下 , 考生可以通过试填试题中的选项选出最吻合语境、最衔接语义的选项 , 这种解题方法被称为“排除错项”。 技法点拨 9. 巧排除 , 降难度 例 14    (2018 课标全国 Ⅰ) During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I      41      the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn't want to   42     a few dollars? More than that, I'd always wanted to learn chess. 41 A.put forward   B.jumped at C.tried out   D.turned down 欣然接受 考纲要求 应试策略 命题规律 应试技巧 解题步骤 课堂小结 考查重点 、 考点设置 选材特点、 设空特点 Step 1: 通读全文,把握主旨 Step 2 :上下求索,先易后难 Step 3 :复读全文,微调答案 重首句 , 易入题 重平行 , 觅逻辑 寻复现 , 找答案 依常识 , 定答案 看语境 , 辨词义 破难句 , 解句意 析逻辑 , 索答案 巧排除 , 降难度 据搭配 , 知答案 attempt to do 企图做某事 offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物 appealing 吸引人的 succeed in doing 成功做某事 replace 代替 due to 由于 on the way to 在去 ….. 的路上 eagerness 渴望 at the same time 同时 more than enough 太多,足够 criteria 标准 get in touch 取得联系 课堂小结

