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2018 届二轮复习 书面表达高分作文句式搜索 我 想了解 中国学校的情况 . 应你的要求 , 我来 告诉 你我在学校的生活 . 3. 我现在正 忙于 高考 . 4. 上个星期五 , 小明像往常一样 去上学 . I want to know what is going on in school in China. I want to know about the situation in Chinese school. At your request, I’ll tell you something about my school life. To meet your request, I’ ll tell you … I’m busy preparing for college entrance examination. On the morning of last Friday, Xiao Ming went to school as usual. 5. 虽然天要下雨 , 他还是拒绝带伞 . 6. 我们最终还是以 1:2 赢了他们 . 7. 虽然我们已经筋疲力尽 , 但我们无比地兴奋和高兴 . 8. 我最喜欢英语和计算机并且我很擅长 . He refused to take his umbrella with him though it was beginning to rain. We finally defeated them at the score 1:2. Although we were nearly worn out , we were extremely excited and happy. I like English and computer best and I ’m very good at them. 9. 我经常课下和同学们一起玩篮球 , 因为篮球可以使我的身体保持健 康 . 10. 少年宫离我们的酒店并不远 . 11. 向左拐 , 沿着街道向前走到红绿灯 , 然后向右 , 往前走两个路口 , 你就会看到一个邮局 , 邮局的对面就是少年宫 . I often join my classmates in ball games after class, for sports keep me fit and healthy . The children’s Palace is not far from our hotel. Turn left and walk down the street until you come to a traffic light. Take a right turn here, walk two blocks away, and you will see a post office, on the opposite of which is the Children’s Palace. 12. 我们所有的人干得都很卖力 , 我们的衣服被汗水湿透了 . 13. 将近五点我们才完成工作 . 14. 看着我们种的树 , 虽然很累 , 但很高兴 . All of us worked so hard that our clothes got wet through with sweat. It was nearly five o’clock when we finished our job. Looking at the trees we planted, we were pleased, though tired. 15. 我们在他们的帮助下提高了口语水平 . 16. 在今年八月底 , 我参加了第二十一界大学生运动会的志愿工作 . 17. 正如你所知道的 , 北京过去的空气污染很厉害 . Meanwhile, we improved our spoken English with the help of him. In the late August this year, I took part in the voluntary work for the 21st Universiade. As you know , there used to be terrible pollution in Beijing. 18. 那是在 2000 年二月上午八点 . 19. 我正沿着街道向东走 , 这时一位老人从街对面的公园走出来 . 20. 我们受到了农场工人的热烈欢迎 . It was 8 o’clock on the morning of February 8 , 2000. I was walking along the street towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. The farm workers gave us a warm welcome . We were warmly welcomed by the farm workers. 21. 这是我上高中以来最难忘的一次经历 . 22. 我们一大早就出发了 . 23. 我的脚踝受伤了 , 并流了点血 . 24. 欢迎所有的计算机爱好者来听这个报告 . It has been the most unforgettable experience since high school. Early in the morning we set out . My ankle was injured . It bled a bit. Any computer lover is welcome to attend the lecture. 25. 我被各种各样的动物所吸引住了。 26. 你可以在北京站乘坐 63 路到左安门下车,然后沿着街向南走。 27. 澳门是一座小城市,它坐落在广东以南。 I was attracted by so many kinds of animals. You can take a No.63 bus at Beijing Railway Station, and get off at ZuoAnmen . After that, go southwards along the street. Macao is a small city, which lies south of Guangdong. 28. 成都植物园占地 1000 亩。 29. 凯特身高一米七一,浅色的头发。 30. 他教高二。 Chengdu Flower and Plant Farm covers an area of 1000 mu . Kate is 1.71 meters tall with fair hair . He gives lessons to Senior Grade Two,. 31. 劳驾,我能坐在这吗?对不起,这儿已经有人坐了。 32. 你这些日子到哪去了?我到意大利游览罗马去了。 33. 收音机说云很快就会散去,雨一会儿就停。 Excuse me, may I sit here? Sorry , someone has got the seat ./ it’ occupied. Where have you been these days? I’ve been to Italy to see Rome. The radio says the cloud will lift quite quickly, and the rain will stop later on . 34. 这房子我们三个人住足够了。 35. 淮河的北部有大风,白天气温将保持在零度以上,但到了晚上气温将到零度以下。 . The house is big enough for three of us to live in. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. The temperature will stay above zero in the daytime, but at night it will fall below zero again. 36. 中国与美国在很多方面存在着很大差异。 37. 你今天看上去身体很好。 38. 今天我得早点回家,因为我妈妈要去上海,我去机场送她。 China is very different from the USA in many ways You look well today. I’ve got to go home early today because my mother is going to Shanghai. I’m going to see her off at the airport. 39. 在一个星期六的下午,历史老师带我们去参观博物馆。 40. 去年暑假李铭在农村呆了十天,对农村生活进行调查。 41. 那天上学的路上,我看到一位老妇人站在路边乞讨,我不知道该不该给她钱。 On a Saturday afternoon, our history teacher took us to visit the museum. Last summer holiday, Li Ming spent ten days in the countryside, making a social investigation on rural life. The other day on my way to school , I saw an old lady stood at the side of the road, begging . I didn’t know whether I should give her some money or not. 42. 听到这个消息,我借了辆自行车,飞快地朝医院骑去。 43. 在马路的尽头你会看到那家医院。 44. 昨天他用了四个小时做作业,知道 12 点才去睡。 Hearing the news , I borrowed a bike from my neighbor and rode quickly to the hospital. At the end of the road you will see the hospital. It took him four hours to do his homework. He did n’t go to bed until 12 o’clock. 45. 医生说我没进行足够运动 , 并且吃得太多 . 46. 每五分钟我必须坐下来休息一次 . 47. 那男孩从树上掉下来 , 摔伤了 . The doctor said that I didn’t take enough exercise and ate too much. I have to sit down and rest every five minutes. The boy fell off the tree and hurt himself. 48. 老师调查了那件事 . 49. 在北方人们喜欢住朝南的房子 , 因为它东暖夏凉 . 50. 这场音乐会将于 2004 年 8 月 1 日举行 . The teacher looked into the matter . In the north, people like to live in the house which faces south , because it is warm in winter and cool in summer . The concert will be held on August the 1 st 2004. 51. 那个受伤的男人大声呼救 , 但是没人听到 . 52. 感谢你对我的帮助 . 53. 我的小弟弟是大学一年级新生 . The injured man cried for help, but nobody heard him. I am grateful to you for your help. My younger brother is a freshman . 54. 在图书馆工作的人叫图书管理员 . 55. 日本位于中国的东面 . 56. 嘲笑一个陷入困境的人是不礼貌的 . A worker who works in a library is librarian. Japan lies to the east of China. It’s bad manners to laugh at a person who is in trouble. 57. 他们刚到山脚下天就下起雨来 . 58. 今天上午我和同学参观了艺术馆 , 我们看到许多美 丽的油画、水彩画、风景画和雕塑。 59 。 网上购物非常容易。 It began to rain just when they got to the foot of the hill. They had hardly got to… when it began to… This morning my classmates and I went to visit the Art Museum , where we saw a lot of paintings, watercolors, landscapes and sculptures. It is very easy to buy things on the web. 60. 首先你要登陆网站。找到你想买的东西后,点击按钮买它。 61. 然后写下你的帐号和地址。两个小时后他们就会 把东西送来。 62. 污染是个社会问题,人人都应该关心这个问题。 First, you land on the website . After you find what you want, click the button to buy it. Then, write down your account number and address. Two hours later they will send the things to you. Pollution is a social problem , so people should show concern over the problem. 63. 据说维生素 C 可以防止你得感冒 . 64. 我们将去大学进行深造 . 65. 从这里去车站比从这里去学校远 . 66. 我父亲说工程学科不适于女孩子学习 . It is said that Vitamin C can prevent you from catching a cold. We will go to college for further studies / education. It is farther from here to station than it is from here to school. My father says that engineering is not a suitable subject for a girl to study. 67. 这也许是一个值得考虑的问题 . 68. 最好的食物是有利于健康的食物 . 69. 他既是我的老师又是我的朋友 . 70. 我们从幼儿园时起就一直是朋友 . This is a problem that might be worth thinking about. The best food is one that helps make people healthy . He is my friend as well as my teacher. We have been friends for as long as we were in the kindergarten. 71. 只要我们有共同的目标和兴趣 , 我们就会是朋友 . 72. 不管你在中国什么地方旅游 , 你都会发现人们很友好 . 73. 这座教堂始建于 1173 年 74. 天还在下雨 , 不过我想很快就会放晴的 . We can be friends as long as we have common goal and interest. Wherever you travel in China , you will find people friendly. This church dates back to 1173. It’ s still raining, but I think it will clear up soon. 75. 我的汽车准是有毛病了 , 我发动不起来 . 76. 他们两个静静地坐着 , 看着海面 . 77. 我们在考虑把这个花园改成菜地 . 78. 我们最好在进年秋季才开始着项工程 . There must be something wrong with my car. I can’t get it going . Both of them sat in silence , looking to the sea. We are thinking of / considering turning the flower garden into a vegetable field. We’d best not start the project until this autumn. 79. 我想今晚十点钟以前就会完工的 . 80. 他们是 6 月 15 日到达并住在饭店 , 第二周离开的 . 81. 正如你所知道的 , 我们班和一班之间将进行一场有关环保问 题的演讲比赛 . I think we will have finished the work by ten. They arrived and stayed at the hotel on June 15th and left the following week. As you know , our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One. 82. 为了保持河水清洁 , 防止污染 , 我们必须采取措施 , 于各种污染 做斗争 . 83. 目前 , 中国大的熊猫自然公园位于四川 . 84. 一听到这个消息 , 他就大笑起来 . In order to keep rivers clean and prevent water from being polluted , we must take measures to fight against all sorts of pollution. At present, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan Province. Hearing the news , he burst into laughter. 85 .Sherlock Holmes 是 19 世纪末英国著名的侦探 , 关于他的故事有 很多 . 86. 今天下午放学回家的路上 , 我看到一个小孩在路边哭泣 . 87. 我的家乡位于松花江畔 . 88. 许多人信任他 , 当他们有麻烦或危险时便去求他帮忙 . There are many stories about Sherlock Holmes , who was a famous detective in Britain at the end of the 19th century. I saw a little child crying by the road on my way home from school this afternoon . My hometown lies on the Songhua River . Many people believe in him and ask him for help when they are in trouble or in danger . 89. 它是一座美丽的小城 , 始建于唐朝 , 至今有 1200 多年的历史 . 90. 他为人正直、乐于助人,因此我们选他作了班长。 91. 它数学和物理学得很好 . 上学期他在数学竞赛中得了第一名 . It’s a beautiful small town built in Tang Dynasty with a history of 1,200 years. He is honest and always ready to help others . That’s why we made him our monitor . She is good at math and physics. Last term she won the first prize in the math contest. 92. 在新年的第一天 , 所有的人都穿新衣服 , 走亲访友 , 互道吉祥 . 93. 以前他常在业余时间弹奏各种乐器 . 94. 现在 , 几乎所有人都意识到吸烟有害健康 , 越来越多的吸烟者 加入了戒严的行列 . On the first day of the new year, all the people put on new clothes , pay a visit to their relatives and friends and wish each other good luck in the new year. He used to play all kinds of instruments in his spare time. Nowadays almost everyone has realized that smoking is harmful to people’s health, and more and more smokers have given up smoking . 95. 卫星可以用来传递无线电 , 电话等信号 , 使我们互相保持联系 . 96. 另外 , 它的价格只是国外同类型照相机的一半的价钱 . 97. 这种饼干营养丰富 , 老幼皆宜 . 98. 昨天下午 , 我在家看电视 , 这时电话铃响起来了 . Satellites can be used to send radio and telephone signals, which helps to keep in touch with each other . What’s more , its price is only half of the foreign cameras of the same kind. The biscuit is rich in nourishment and liked by both the old and young. Yesterday afternoon, I was watching TV at home when the telephone rang. 99. 李老师是学生的良师益友 , 深受大家的尊敬和爱戴 . 100. 很多政府领导出席了会议 . 101. 就我个人而言 , 我喜欢经常跳槽 , 因为我喜欢挑战 . 102. 市长讲话高度评价了教师的工作 . Mr. Li is not only our good teacher, but also our good friend. We all love and respect him . Many government officials were present at the meeting. As far as I am concerned , I’m in favor of constant job-hopping because I like the challenges. The mayor made a speech , in which he spoke highly of the teacher’s work. 103. 他把他的一生都献给了祖国和人民 . 104. 在他的帮助下 , 我取得了很大的进步并且赶上了班里的同学 . 105. 依我看 , 这本书很值得读 . 106. 12 岁时 , 他不得已靠在农场干活谋生 . He devoted all his life to the country and the people. With his help , I’ve made much progress and caught up with my classmates. In my opinion, this book is well worth reading . At the age of 12, he had to made a living by working on farms. 107. 过了十字路口在第一个拐角朝左转 , 然后沿着街一直走到交 通指示灯那儿 . 108. 很多人 , 特别是年轻人喜欢骑车旅游 , 因为方便 . 109. 我宁可在家 , 不愿跟他出去 . Turn to the left at the first corner after the crossing. Then go down the street until you come to the traffic lights. Many people, especially young people, like to travel by bike simply because it is convenient . I prefer to stay at home rather than go out with him. I prefer staying at home to going out with him. 110. 1980 年以来厦门发生了巨大变化 . 到处盖起了高 楼大厦和新工厂 . 111. 悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市 , 有很多名胜 . 歌剧院世界闻名 . Great changes have taken place in Xiamen since 1980. Splendid buildings and new factories have been set up here and there. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia, which has many places of interest . The opera House is well-known all over the world. 日常生活常用句: 我早晨六点起床 . I get up at six in the morning.

