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报 道 类 2019 届二轮复习阅读理解专题 报道类是指就科技动态、社会现象或社会热点进行的新闻报道。报道的第一段通常是导语,体现文章主旨,然后再根据事情发生的先后或重要程度叙述细节或具体过程,如 2017 年全国卷 Ⅱ 卷 C 篇 (Terrafugia 公司研制的飞行汽车 ) 和全国 Ⅲ 卷的 D 篇 ( 通过研发驾驶辅助技术,让老年人继续安全驾驶 ) ;但有的先叙述一件事,其目的只是引出作者要报道的主题,如 2017 年全国 Ⅰ 卷 C 篇 ( 爵士乐,第三段第一句才指出该报道的主旨 ) 。 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) physiology n . ________ award a prize to sb ___________ be recognized for _______________ adapt vt . ____________ ( 后接 to) identify vt . ______________ known as _______________ retire vi . ______ fantastic adj . __________ ( 七 ) 生理学 给某人授奖 因 …… 而被认可 使 …… 适应 鉴别出,确认 被称之为,叫做 退休 非常好的 A. Plants. B. Fruit flies. C. Clocks. D. Human bodies. 1. What did the three scientists do their experiments on? 1. B 细节理解题。 由第三段是的 identified a gene within fruit flies… 可知,他们是用果蝇来做实验的,故选 B 项。 2. What does the underlined word “prank” in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Lie. B. Game. C. Joke. D. Puzzle. 2. C 词义猜测题。 由第四段的“ You are kidding me,” 和 “Hall’s reaction was similar” 可知选 C 项。 A. They will share the prize with the trio. B. They work in different fields from the trio. C. Both of them won the Nobel prize for physiology. D. Both of them thought highly of the three winners’ work. 3. What can we know about Hugh Piggins and Paul Nurse? 3. D 事实细节题。 由倒数第四段的 “The win was welcomed by other experts in the field” 和 “I think it is a fantastic development” 倒数第三段中的 “the work was important for the basic understanding of life” 可知,他们两个都对这三人的工作表示赞赏。 A. The Nobel prizes were created in 1901 by Alfred Nobel. B. Women scientists in this field don’t work as hard as men. C. Compared with men winning the prize, women are too few. D. In all, 211 scientists have won the Nobel prizes for physiology. 4. What can we know from the last paragraph? 4. C 细节理解题。 由最后一段可知,自 1901 年以来共有 211 人在这个领域获得诺贝尔奖,其中只有 12 个,不到总数的 6% ,是女性。因此,在这个领域获得诺贝尔奖的女性较男性少得多。 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) elementary adj . ____________ lion dance _______ exhibitor n . _______________ showcase vt . ______ culture-related _______________ chopstick n . _______ paper-cutting ______ ( 八 ) 初等 ; 初级的 舞狮 参展商 ; 展出者 展示 与文化相关的 筷子 剪纸 attendee n . _________ souvenir n . ________ host vt . ___________ approximately adv . ______ responsibility n . _____ shoulder vt . ___________ communication n . ______ exchange n . ______ 出席者 纪念品 当主人 ; 主办 大约 责任 承担 ; 肩起 沟通 交流 1. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “have a sip of” in Paragraph 1? A. experience B. drink C. explore D. prepare for 1. A 词义猜测题。 结合第二段第一句可知参与者可以观看舞狮和民族舞蹈,欣赏中国的音乐和歌曲等,故选 A 项。 experience“ 感受,体验 ” 。 A. Every attendee got a souvenir in the end. B. The majority of students came to the activity alone. C. Twenty Chinese students showed the use of chopsticks. D. Lion dance and martial arts were well received by the attendees. 2. What can we infer from Paragraph 2? 2. D 推理推断题。 由第二段第二句 “ Performance of lion dance and martial arts draw the warmest applause. ” 可知。 A. Indifferent. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Respectful. 3. What was Jane Lu’s attitude towards the Chinese Cultural Festival? 3. B 态度判断题。 由第四段的 “ Our Chinese Cultural Festival in the past two years was a great success, with more than 2,000 attendees from CPS and the general public... We want to share the fun and celebrate Chinese culture again this year.” 可知 Jane Lu 认为这样的活动是成功的,而且会再次举办,持支持的态度故选 B 。 A. Money making. B. Promote understanding. C. Language learning. D. Culture exhibition. 4. What did Hong Lei think was the purpose of the Chinese Cultural Festival? 4. B 事实细节题。 由第六段第二句 “So we encourage our young people to know each other’s language, to have more communications, to have more exchanges… ( 了解对方语言、有更多交流、更多沟通 )” 可知,其目的是增进了解,打造更牢固的中美关系,故选 B 项。 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) team up with ___________ partnership n . ___________ relieve vt . _______ scholarship n . ________ announce v . ______ statement n . ______ stress the importance ___________ ambassador n . ______ secondary adj . ________ ( 九 ) 与 …… 合作 伙伴关系 缓解 奖学金 宣布 声明 强调重要性 大使 中级的 A. She tries to help Malawi girls receive education. B. She will donate bikes to Malawi girls. C. She tries to help all African girls. D. She just wants to earn money. 1. What can we know about Rihanna according to the passage? 1. A 事实细节题。 根据第一段 “ to give girls in the African country of Malawi a chance of education and the convenience of bikes.” 以及第二段“ the singer’s Clara Lionel Foundation will fund scholarships for girls in Malawi” 可知选项 A 是正确答案。 A. China-based ofo. B. Clara Lionel Foundation. C. Global Scholarship Program D. Foundation’s new partnership with ofo. 2. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to? 2. D 代词指代题。 根据句意可知,这里代词指的是合作伙伴关系,故选 D 项。 A. It will sell bikes to Malawi girls. B. It is the Clara Lionel Foundation’s partnership. C. It is also helping the students focused on the environment. D. Its chief executive officer Dai Wei is a teacher now. 3. According to the passage, what can we learn about the Chinese firm ofo? 3. C 事实细节题。 根据最后一段 “The Chinese firm ofo is also helping the Foundation to offer scholarships to students from China, Brazil, Barbados, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Guyana and Jamaica…” 可知选项 C 是对的。 A. China’s ofo offers bikes to Malawi girls. B. Rihanna helps Malawi girls go to school. C. Young people should receive a quality education. D. Rihanna and China’s ofo help Malawi girls receive education. 4. What does the passage mainly talk about? 4. D 主旨大意题。 根据第一段以及综合全文可知,本文主要讲述了流行乐超级明星 Rihanna 与中国共享单车公司合作,一起致力于帮助非洲国家 Malawi 女孩接受教育。 THANK YOU!

