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第二讲 代 词 第一课时 知识过关课 1 . 表 “ 两者 ” 和 “ 多者 ” 的代词 (1) 表示否定可说 not...either/any ,但没有 either/any...not 的说法。 (2)none 既可指人,也可指物。它强调数量,意为 “ 一点也不,一个也不 ” ,常用于回答 how much 和 how many 开头的问句;还可与介词 of 连用。 no one 只能指人 ( = nobody) ,不能接 of 短语,常用于回答 who 开头的问句。 (3)both/all/every 等与 not 连用表示部分否定,意为 “ 并非 …… 都 / 每一 ” 。 2 . 表 “ 另外的,别的 ” 的代词 (1) 单独的 other 只能作定语。 (2) 搭配: some...others... 有些 …… 另外一些 …… ; one...the other... 一个 …… ( 特指两者中的 ) 另一个 …… ; one...another...still another... 一个 …… 另一个 …… 还有一个 …… ( 列举,非特指 ) ; for one thing...for another... 一则 …… ,再则 …… ( 列出理由 ) 。 (3) 特殊: another 用于 “ another +基数词 (few) +复数名词 ” 中,与 “ 基数词 (some) + other/more +复数名词 ” 相当。 3 .区分几个替代词 (1)it 和 that 都替代 “ the +单数名词 ” ,都是特指,都可替代可数和不可数名词;但 it 指前面提到的 “ 同一 ” 事物,而 that 是指前面提到的 “ 同类 ” 事物。 (2)one 替代 “ a +单数可数名词 ” ,表示泛指;其复数形式 ones 替代泛指的复数名词。 (3)the one 是 one 的特指,替代 “ the +单数可数名词 ” ,相当于 that ;其复数形式 those ,替代 “ the +复数名词 ” ,在口语中也可用 those 代替。当后面有 of 短语时,多用 that 或 those ;当有前置修饰语时,只能用 one(s) 。 读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文,领悟画线黑体部分的代词,体会其意义和在句中作何种成分。 We [1] students should get on well with each __ other [2] . But in fact, something unpleasant can happen from time to time. For example, yesterday afternoon , it [3] was fine. All [4] of us went out to the playground. Some were playing games and others [5] were playing football when two boys of us quarreled and then fought. Every one [6] of us was confused because they were ever very good friends and nobody [7] could exactly tell what [8] they fought for. Neither [9] of them wanted to give in to the other [10] . I thought it [11] wrong of them to do so. So I tried to tell them [12] that we should put ourselves [13] in others ’ shoes, but both [14] of them were too angry to calm down. It [15] was not until our headteacher came that they parted. In my opinion, it [16] is necessary for us to calm down and solve problems that we meet. Only those [17] who can easily forgive and forget will get a more comfortable life. 1 . we 是人称代词主格,在本句中作主语。 2 . each other 与 one another 两个是相互代词,在句中只能作及物动词或介词的宾语。本句中的 each other 作介词 with 的宾语。 3 . it 指天气。 4 . all 不定代词,在本句中作主语。 5 . some...others... 是固定句式,表示 “ 一些人 …… 另一些人 ……” 。 6 . every one 不定代词,在本句中作主语,注意, every one 常接 of 短语,但 everyone ( = everybody) 不与 of 短语连用。 7 . nobody ( = no one) 表示 “ 没有一个人 ” ,在本句中作主语。若与 of 短语连用,则要用 none ,如 None of them has/have been there. 他们中没有一个人去过那里。 8 . what 疑问代词,意为 “ 什么 ” ,在宾语从句中作 fought for 的宾语。 9 . neither 指两者中的 “ 没有一个 ” ,在本句中作主语。 10 . the other 特指两者中的 “ 另外一个 ” ,在本句中作介词 to 的宾语。 11 . it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式。 12 . them 是人称代词的宾格,在句中作宾语。 13 . ourselves 是反身代词,在本句中作 put 的宾语。反身代词在句中一般作宾语,也可作主语或宾语的同位语。 14 . both 表示 “ 两者都 ” ,在本句中作主语。 15 . it 用于构成强调结构, it was not until...that... 意为 “ 直到 …… 才 ……” 。 16 . it 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。 17 . those 表示 “ 那些人 ” ,相当于 those people 。 Ⅰ . 单句填空 ( 请在空格处填入 1 个适当的代词 ) 1 . At our factory there are a few machines similar to ________ described in this magazine. 2 . The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than ________ on the small ones. 3 . I ’ ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don ’ t like ________ of them very much. 4 . It ’ s an either-or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can ’ t do ________ . those that either both 5 . ________ can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn ’ t love it. 6 . This project requires close teamwork.________ will be achieved unless we work well together. 7 . If you ’ re buying today ’ s paper from the stand , could you get ________ for me? 8 . Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but ________ of them wants to, because they have some work to do. 9 . We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose ________ based on your own interest. 10 . To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered ________ . Nobody Nothing one neither one another 11 . The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult to tell one from the other. 12 . We feel ________ our duty to make our country a better place. 13 . I smiled a big smile and ________ worked a little, really. 14 . I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax ________ . 15 . At that moment an attractive young lady, who noticed my book, came to to me and introduced ________ . it it it myself herself Ⅱ . 单句改错 ( 下列每句中有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,请指出并改正。 ) 1 . The doctor advised Vera strongly to take a holiday, but he didn ’ t help.____________ 2 . The chairman thought that necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.____________ 3 . The book is of great value. Everything can be enjoyed unless you digest it. _____________________ 4 . If our parents do everything for us children, we won ’ t learn to depend on us. ____________________ he → it that → it Everything → Nothing 第二个 us → ourselves 5 . Those who smoke heavily should remind them of health, the bad smell and the feelings of other people.________________ 6 . The film that I saw it yesterday is interesting.____________ 7 . With Mr. Smith to teach our English, our spoken English will be improved.____________ 8 . I think the dog owners should be aware that his dogs have caused damage to the environment.____________ 9 . On hearing this, the young man ’ s face turned red and she immediately threw the cigarette into the dustbin in the bus.____________ them → themselves 去掉 it our → us his → their she → he 10 . My teachers often encourage we to take afterclass activities.____________ 11 . A man came in and asked who was the monitor of our class. I told him that myself was monitor.______________ 12 . We can practice using English idioms in your diary writing.____________ we → us 在 myself 前加 I your → our Ⅲ . 语篇填空 ( 在空格处填入 1 个适当的单词 ) An old man and his son were taking a donkey to the market. The man rode the donkey and the son walked behind 1.________. A man saw them and asked the son why 2.________ wasn ’ t riding the donkey. Then the father let 3.________ ride it.4.________ man saw them and told 5.________ that they should 6.________ ride the donkey. So 7.________ both got on it. A woman who saw them said , “ Tell 8.________ , why are you both riding that poor animal ? 9.________ looks so weak and tired.10.________ are so cruel ! ” Then, the father and son got off the donkey and started carrying it across a bridge. When they were halfway across the bridge, the donkey struggled loose and fell into the river. 【语篇导读】  这是一则寓言故事,讲述的是没有主见的父子二人骑驴去赶集的故事。 1 . it   [ 指代前面的 the donkey 。 ] 2 . he   [ 指代前面的 the son ,在宾语从句中作主语,用主格。 ] 3 . him   [ 指 his son ,作 let 的宾语,用宾格。 ] 4 . Another   [ 泛指 “ 另一个 ” 人。 ] 5 . them   [ 指代 the father 和 his son ,作 told 的宾语。 ] 6 . both   [ 作主语 they 的同位语,指这对父子 “ 两人都 ” 应骑在驴背上。 ] 7 . they   [ 指代 the father 和 his son ,作主语。 ] 8 . me   [ 与后面的 you( 你 ) 相对,应是 me( 我 ) 。 ] 9 . It   [ 指前面的 that poor animal 。 ] 10 . You   [ 由前面的 you both 可知。 ] 第二课时 高考研究课 代词在语法填空中的考查点 规律方法 1 .人称代词 位置决定形式: ① 主语处 → 主格; ② 宾语处 → 宾格; ③ 名词前 → 形容词性物主代词 2 .不定代词 ① 位置:主语或宾语处; ② 推敲语境,搞清被指代名词的特点; ③ 搜索词汇,从常见的不定代词中找出适合语境的最佳答案。 1 . If you are time poor , you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports , so perhaps we should all give ________ a try. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) 2 . When the gorillas and I frightened each other , I was just glad to find ________ (they)alive. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅲ ) 真题验证 1 答案 it   [it 代指上文提到的 “ 跑步 ” 这项运动。 ] 答案 them   [ 代指上文提到的 the gorillas ,故用复数;在动词 find 后面应用宾格形式。 ] 3 . However, the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months, more than 25 , 000 people were using ________ every day. ( 全国卷 Ⅱ ) 4 . Pahlsson screamed so loudly that her daughter came running from the house. “ She thought I had hurt ________(I) , ” says Pahlsson.(2017· 浙江卷 ) 5 . On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by ________(it) mother. (2017· 浙江卷 ) 答案 it   [ 用 it 指代前句中的 railway 。 ] 答案 myself   [ 根据前面的主语 I 可知,此处要用反身代词作宾语。 ] 答案 its   [ 名词前应该使用形容词性物主代词。 ] 6. In many ways, the education system in the US is not very different from ________ in the UK. (2017· 浙江卷 ) 7. Now it occurred to ________ that his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck.( 广东卷 ) 8 . A few hours before, I ’ d been at home in Hong Kong, with ________(it) choking smog. ( 全国卷 Ⅰ ) 答案 that   [ 不定代词代指前面 the education system ,同名异物,且为特指。 ] 答案 him   [ 介词后使用宾格。 ] 答案 its   [ 名词前应该使用形容词性物主代词。 ] 代词在短文改错中的考查点 规律方法 1 . The first time I went there , they were living in a small house with dogs , ducks , and another animals. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) ________ 2 . As a kid , I loved to watch cartoons , but no matter how many times I asked to watch them , my parents would not let me.They would say to us that playing card games would help my brain. (2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) ________ 真题验证 2 答案 another → other   [ “ 其他的动物 ” 应为 “ other animals ” ; another 意为:另外一个。 ] 答案 us → me   [ 代词指代不一致。由语境可知 “ 父母总会对我说 ……” 。 ] 3 . Mr and Mrs Zhang all work in our school. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) ____________ 4 . This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days. (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) ____________ 答案 第一句 all → both 或去掉 all   [ 因为此处指张先生和张太太两个人。 both 指两者都, all 指三者或三者以上都。 ] 答案 your → my   [ 作者以第一人称叙述了这张照片的故事,按照逻辑关系应是 “ 这张照片经常让我想到我高中阶段的许多记忆 ” ,故应该使用代词 my 。 ] 5 . If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books. (2016· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) ____________ 6 . When he came back, I found a bunch of flowers in her hand. (2016· 四川卷 ) ____________ 答案 your → our   [ 代词指代不一致。 ] 答案 her → his   [ 代词指代不一致。 ] 第三课时 写作增分课 代词在写作中的增分点 一、使用好代词,写出正确优美句子 1 .在我看来,我们学生应当遵守学校制度,做学校让我们做的事情。 (obey the regulations, whatever) ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 2 .在冬季,北京的天气比广州的天气冷得多。 (the weather of Beijing) ______________________________________________________________ In my opinion, we students should obey the regulations of our school, and do whatever our school asks us to do. In winter, the weather of Beijing is much colder than that of Guangzhou. 3 .张老师是一位非常受人尊重的老师,一位我们终生都不会忘记的老师。 (a most respected, one, for the rest of our lives) ________________________________________________________________________ 4 .每个人都应关心环境。我们中的每一个人都应当为保护环境做出贡献。 (everyone, care about, the environment, every one, make a contribution to) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Mr. Zhang is a most respected teacher, one we’ll never forget for the rest of our lives. Everyone should care about the environment and every one of us should make a contribution to protecting it. 5 .一些人赞成这个主意。不过,另外一些人强烈反对。 (some, in favor of, however, strongly against) __________________________________________________________ Some are in favor of the idea; however, others are strongly against it. 二、使用 it 句型,写出高颜值的增分句子 1. 遵守规则是每个人的责任。 (It is everyone ’ s responsibility to...) _________________________________________ 2. 知道自己的局限性是重要的。 (It ’ s important to...) _______________________________________ 3. 我知道是开始做作业的时候了,但我就是忍不住要玩电脑游戏。 (it is time for me to do...) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________ It is everyone’s responsibility to obey the rules. It’s important to know your own limitations. I know it is time for me to set out to do my homework, but I just can’t resist playing computer games. 4. 她是一个热心肠的人,因此她经常帮助那些处于困境的人们就不足为怪了。 (it is no wonder that...) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. 更糟的是,一些司机、骑车人和行人 (pedestrian) 不认为遵守交规有多么重要。 (think it vital to...) _____________________________________________________________________ 6. 总之,自由分享 (wild release) 使得我们选择所喜欢的书籍时方便得多。 (make it much more convenient for sb to do...) ______________________________________________________________________ She is warm - hearted , so it is no wonder that she always helps those who are in trouble. What’s worse, some drivers, cyclists and pedestrians do not think it vital to obey traffic rules. In a word, “wild release” makes it much more convenient for us to choose what books we like. 7. 当谈及英语时,听和说是我的弱项之所在。 (when it comes to...) __________________________________________________________________ 8 .自从我们上次见面已经三年了。 (It is...since...) ________________________________________ Listening and speaking is where my weakness lies when it comes to English. It is already three years since we met last time.

