高中英语Unit5Thepowerof课件 人教版选修6

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高中英语Unit5Thepowerof课件 人教版选修6

Section Ⅱ   Warming Up & Reading—Language Points 记单词 记短语 记句型 3 基础梳理 alongside potential wave ash appoint suit absolute absolutely erupt eruption equipment evaluate actual burn to the ground be suitable for wind one's way get close to do research 前往;到 ( 某地 ) 对 …… 充满热情 和 …… 比起来 保护 …… 免受 …… 被任命为 …… however weak we are Having collected and evaluated was about to go back when this being my first experience 研词汇 析句型 练拓展 4 要点透析 equipment with to deal equipped Equipped with had equipped himself for were equipped with equipment well equipped as appointment with to act have an appointment evaluate evaluation (were) burned/burnt to the burn (yourself) out ground 或 (were) burned/burnt down burn off burn down 或 be burned/burnt down for to/towards through make your way to lost his way felt his way impressive impression impressed on to with/by impressive left a deep impression on impressed were having when watching were about to set off when had just gone to bed when over to do surrounding 随堂练 固基础 夯根基 5 随堂训练 bsolutely aved ppoint ruption quipment uestionnaire iagram potential alongside suit his house has (been) burnt to the ground he made his way home however busy we are was about to board the plane when The weather being fine

