高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 2 Using Language

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高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 2 Using Language

Unit 2   Looking into the Future Using Language   Ⅰ. 单词拼写 make __________( 预测 ) 2. a scary ________ ( 前景 ) 3.________( 使结合 ) sleep with exercise 4. the only potential _____( 犯罪 ) 5. ______( 反对 )the idea predictions prospect combine crime oppose 6._____( 停止 )accepting technology 7. the ________ ( 结构 )of the human body 8. a fairly reliable _______( 预报 ) 9. live in _____ ( 农村的 )America 10. an ________ ( 强调 )on hard work 11. the _______ ( 缺乏 ) of new technology 12. ________( 提倡 )a simple life cease structure forecast rural emphasis absence advocate Ⅱ. 根据语境选择适当的短语填空 keep in touch, apologise for, provide. . . with. . . , benefit from, rather than On the other hand, new technology has ________ people everywhere ____ many benefits over the years. 2. The Internet has made it possible for friends and family to ____________easily.   provided with keep in touch 3. A large number of students will ___________the new teaching method.   4. The zoo needs better management __________more money.   5. The car company _____________ the accident yesterday.   benefit from rather than apologised for Ⅰ. 文本整体理解 : 理清文章架构 Ⅱ. 文本细节理解 : 探寻语篇细节信息 1. What did the company respond to the car accident? A. The company stopped selling the driverless car. B. The company apologised for the accident. C. The company ceased accepting the technology. D. The company paid much money to the families of the deceased. 2. From the passage we know the Amish______.   A. like living in large and polluted cities B. live happily in the presence of new technology C. advocate living a simple life D. appreciate the lives of the rich and famous 3. New technology has provided people with the benefits except______.   A. giving people lots of warning about potential natural disasters B. making people far away from each other keep in touch easily C. making it easier to find opportunities in life D. making people live in and appreciate the natural environment 4. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that______.   A. The new technology will be resisted by the public B. The technology that is new is sure to be good C. The advances in technology will bring us more danger than convenience D. The advances in technology may do unexpected harm to us 5. The attitude of the author ahout new technology is______.   A. positive         B. negative C. critical D. unconcerned 答案 : 1 ~ 5. BCDDA Ⅲ. 文本素养提升 : 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 译文 : ___________, 阿曼门诺派的生活质量更好 , 因为他们生活在自然环境中 , 欣赏自然 , _______________________________ 。 甚至可以说 而不是生活在污染严重的大城市里 译文 : 该报报道称 , _____________________________, 但死者家属表示这还不够。 该汽车公司已经为这起事故道歉 2. 阅读主题活动 Talk about the following questions in pairs, and find out whose thoughts are more novel. (1)Think about the changes caused by advances in technology and talk about the advantages and disadvantages. __________________________________________  __________________________________________ _______________  It is making our life easier and more convenient. We can be kept informed of whatever we want to know through. . . (2)What’s your own opinion on the topic? ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________ _________________ accept it rather than resist it.   would always look on the positive side of change and It may be dangerous occasionally. Nevertheless, I In my opinion, . . .   课文概要填空    A passenger died when car crashed in driverless mode. This accident made many people worried about the (1)________ ( 进步 )in technology. They thought we should (2)_____( 停止 )accepting technology just because it is new. (3)________(actual), there are many groups of people who livehappily in the advances cease Actually (4)_______( 缺失 ) of new technology. They advocate a simple life with an (5)________( 强调 )on hard work, family, and community. Their quality of life is better since they live in and appreciate the natural environment rather than living in large, polluted cities. On the other hand, new technology changes the way we live. New technology has provided people absence emphasis everywhere with many(6)_______( 好处 )over the years. For example, the Internet has made it possible for friends and family to keep (7)__ touch easily even if they are on (8)________( 对面的 )sides of the world. I, personally, have benefited quite a lot from technological advances. (9)_________ new technology benefits in opposite Although can be a scary prospect, I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than (10)_____ ( 抵制 ) it. resist 1. combine vt. 使联合 , 使结合 ; 使混合 vi. 联合 , 结合 ; 混合 * Care will also be taken to combine the building and surrounding architecture together to form an effective system. 也要注意将这栋楼和周围的建筑结合起来 , 形成一个有效的系统。 *(2019· 江苏高考 ) With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a combination of artificial breeding and natural reproduction. 在他们的耐心和努力下 , 他们成功地将“人工繁殖”和“自然繁殖”结合在一起。 *These races combine fun with hard work and make you relaxed. 这些比赛是娱乐与辛苦工作的结合 , 使你放松。 * These refugees are taken care of by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organizations. 这些难民得到东道国和非政府组织的合力照顾。 【 词块积累 】 combine. . . with. . .   把 …… 与 …… 相结合 combined adj. 结合的 combination n. 结合 ; 组合 ; 联合 【 即学活用 】 语法填空 (1)We can’t always combine work ____ pleasure. (2)These survivors are taken good care of by the _________(combine) efforts of the specialists from all over the country. with combined (3)His treatment was a ___________ (combine) of surgery, radiation and drugs. (4)I’m going to Hawaii for pleasure _________ (combine) with business. combination combined 2. oppose vt. 反对 ; 对抗 , 抗争 ; 抵制 ; 阻挠 * In the article, various people said that the public should oppose the idea of developing driverless cars. 在这篇文章中 , 很多人说公众应该反对开发无人驾驶汽车的想法。 *(2019· 全国卷 Ⅰ) It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high status has just the opposite effect on us. 它清楚地表明 , 虽然可爱可以带来健康的调整 , 但高地位对我们的影响恰恰相反。 * In some sense , does it go just the opposite ?   在某种程度上它会不会恰好是相反的 ? *She remained strongly opposed to the idea of moving abroad. 她仍然强烈反对移居国外。 【 词块积累 】 (1)oppose sth. /doing sth.   反对某事 / 做某事 as opposed to 而不是 ; 与 …… 截然相 反 be opposed to(doing ). . . 反对 ( 做 ) …… (2)opposite adj. 相反的 ; 对面的 ; 对立的 ; n. 对立面 ; 反义词 be opposite to 在 …… 对面 ; 与 …… 相反 【 巧学助记 】 常见的 to 为介词的动词短语 stick to           坚持 lead to 导致 object to 反对 contribute to 促进 ; 导致 look forward to 期待 be used to 习惯于 be accustomed to 习惯于 pay attention to 注意 devote oneself to 致力于 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① I watched them leave and then drove off in the ________ (oppose)direction.   ②Our views are completely ________ (oppose)on this issue. opposite opposed ③Why are programmers so violently opposed __ these laws? (2)He must ____________________the project alone.   他一定反对单独完成这个项目。 to be opposed to finishing 3. cease vi. 使停止 ; 使终止 vt. 停止 ; 结束 * Hence, we should cease accepting technology just because it is new. 因此 , 我们应该停止仅仅因为技术是新的而接受它。 * Does that cease immediately as soon as the heart stops? 那是否随心脏停止跳动而立即停止了 ? *He was going to cease working for them. 他将不再为他们干活。 * I think and think and cannot cease thinking. 我想了又想 , 一直想个没完。 【 词块积累 】 (1)cease to do something    停止做某事 (2)without cease 不停地 , 不断地 【 名师点津 】 cease doing 与 cease to do 两者在意思上没有明显区别 , 只是 : (1)cease 后接动名词比接不定式常见。 (2) 表示有意识的行为多用 cease doing; 而表示无意识的行为则多用 cease to do 。 (3) 如指具体的动作多用 cease doing; 表示经常性的行为时常用 cease to do 。 【 巧学助记 】 前缀 de-, 意为“向下 , 离开”。 cease 停止 , 终止。引申义死亡。 decease n. 死亡 ; deceased adj. 已故的 ; the deceased 死者。 【 易混辨析 】 用 cease 还是 stop? (1)stop 有让某人停下的意思 , 强调执行人 , 有时有要求怎么做的含义 ; cease 就是自己停止。比如说别抽烟了 , 我们能用 stop smoking, 却不能用 cease 。 (2)cease 的消失指渐进性直至完全消失 , 含有终止的意思 cease to do sth. ; cease doing sth. (3) 对于停止 , 终止的意思来说 , cease 和 stop 就是同义词 , 可以相互替换。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① The two nations should cease ___________(confront) each other. ②When you cease to dream you cease ______ (live).   confronting to live (2)The old man _______________the night before.   老人前一天晚上停止了呼吸。 (3)He really gave his all till his heart ____________.   他真是鞠躬尽瘁 , 死而后已。 ceased breathing ceased to beat 4. apologise v. 道歉 * The newspaper reported that the car company had already apologised for the accident, but the families of the deceased said it was not enough. 该报报道称 , 该汽车公司已经为这起事故道歉 , 但死者家属表示这还不够。 *(2017• 天津高考 )Respond quickly and briefly, apologising for your mistake. 迅速而简短地回应 , 为你的错误道歉。 * I must apologise to you for not replying to your letter in time. 没能够及时给你回信 , 我必须向你道歉。 *He accepted the apology with great generosity. 他宽宏大量地接受了道歉。 * They were very apologetic about the trouble they had caused. 他们对所惹的麻烦深感愧疚。 【 词块积累 】 (1)apologise to sb. for (doing) sth.           因某事向某人道歉 (2)apology n. 道歉 ; 谢罪 make an apology 道歉 (3)apologetic adj. 道歉的 ; 谢罪的 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① He motioned with an _________(apologize) gesture toward the room he had left. ②I owe you ___apology. apologetic an ③Mr Li and his father appeared on state-run television after the accident and __________ (apologise). apologised (2)I have in the first place to _____________________ __ your party.   我首先要向你们表示歉意 , 没来参加你们的晚会。 apologise for not coming to 5. absence n. 不存在 ; 缺乏 ; 缺席 * On the one hand, there are many different groups of people around the world who live happily in the absence of new technology. 一方面 , 世界上有许多不同的群体 , 他们在没有新技术的情况下幸福地生活着。 *(2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ) The phenomenon of absence of communication between strangers is described in the first paragraph. 第一段描述了陌生人之间缺乏交流的现象。 * Original mail returned in the absence of the addressee. 收信人不在 , 原件退回。 *I’m writing to explain to you the reason why I was absent from your lecture last time. 我写此信的目的是向您解释一下我上次缺席了您的课的原因。 * His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident. 他驾驶时心不在焉 , 差点就出了事故。 【 词块积累 】 in the absence of    缺乏 , 不存在 ; 无 …… 时 , 缺少 …… 时 absence of mind 心不在焉 absent adj. 缺席的 , 不在场的 be absent from 缺席 …… 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 Nobody knew the reason why he was absent _____ the party. (2)He made up a story to explain ________________.   他编造了一个故事来为他的缺席辩解。 from why he was absent (3)Frequently ______________in the class made him fail in the exam.   经常在课上心不在焉使他考试不及格。 (4) _______________their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy.   他们的老师不在 , 班上一片混乱。 absence of mind In the absence of 6. argue vi. 争论 , 辩论 ; 提出理由 vt. 坚决主张 ; 争论 ; 说服 * It could even be argued that the Amish’s quality of life is better since they live in and appreciate the natural environment rather than living in large, polluted cities. 甚至可以说 , 阿曼门诺派的生活质量更好 , 因为他们生活在自然环境中 , 欣赏自然 , 而不是生活在污染严重的大城市里。 *(2018· 浙江高考 ) Steven Stein has been hired to argue for the use of plastic bags. 史蒂文 · 斯坦受雇为使用塑料袋辩护。 * We argued him out of going on such a dangerous journey. 我们劝说他别去做如此危险的旅行。 *We got into an argument about money. 我们为钱争吵起来。 * I just want a life where there is no argument about money. 我仅仅希望生活中不为了钱而争吵。 【 词块积累 】 (1)argue with sb. about sth.     就某事与某人争 论 , 辩论 argue against/for ( 不 ) 赞成 , 认为 ( 不 ) 该做 argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做 / 不做 某事 argue+that-clause 争辩 ; 辩解 (2)argument n. 辩论 , 争论 , 争辩 ; 论点 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① Nobody’s arguing _____ that. ②They argued _______ such a terrible policy. ③They tried to argue him into _______ (join)them. ④He wanted to go to India but we _______ (argue) him out of going there. about against joining argued (2)They __________________________the best place for a holiday.   他们彼此争论关于度假的最好的地方。 argued with each other about 7. keep in touch (with. . . ) 与 …… 保持联系 , 维系联系 * Moreover, the Internet has made it possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily even if they are on opposite sides of the world. 此外 , 互联网使朋友和家人很容易保持联系 , 即使他们在世界的两端。 *(2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ)Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch . He’d moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I’d last seen him. 两周前 , 我的儿子本与我取得了联系 , 他三岁时随母亲搬到了英国 , 我已经有 13 年没见过他了。 *It can be a good idea to keep in touch with a parent you see less often because of distance. 由于距离的关系 , 你可能跟父母中的一方不能经常见面 , 这时保持联系是个很好的做法。 * If you want much more information, get in touch with them in time. 如果你想得到更多的信息请及时与他们联系。 【 词块积累 】 keep in touch with   与 …… 保持联系 get in touch with 与 …… 接触 ; 与 …… 取 得联系 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① Make sure you keep __ touch with your friends and family back home. ②And they’ve been trying to get in touch ____ us for almost a hundred of their years. in with (2)Can I _______________( 联系 ) a guest to resolve a problem?   get in touch with 8. benefit from 受益于 * Personally, I have benefited quite a lot from technological advances. 就我个人而言 , 我从技术进步中获益良多。 *(2019· 北京高考 )The students benefitting most from college are those who are totally engaged( 参与 ) in academic life, taking full advantage of the college’s chances and resources( 资源 ). 从大学获益最多的学生是那些完全参与学术生活 , 充分利用大学的机会和资源的学生。 *Walking is extremely beneficial to your body shape . 散步对于塑形非常有好处。 * It was for the benefit of your company that we did that. 我们那样做都是为了你们公司的利益。 【 词块积累 】 (1)be of benefit to       对 …… 有益 for the benefit of. . . 为了 …… 的利益 (2)beneficial adj. 有益的 ; 有利的 be beneficial to 对 …… 有益 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① I found this treatment very _________ (benefit) to my health. ②Not all competition is __ benefit to the consumers. beneficial of (2)I _________________his advice.   他的忠告使我受益匪浅。 (3)Therefore it becomes very important for all of us to think about the whole world and try to work _______________all.   因此 , 我们为整个世界而考虑 , 并为了每一个人的利益 而努力 , 就变得尤为重要了。 benefited a lot from for the benefit of 9. Moreover, the Internet _____________________ ____________________________________even if they are on opposite sides of the world.   此外 , 互联网使朋友和家人很容易保持联系 , 即使他们 在世界的两端。 has made it possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily 【 句式解构 】   该句为复合句。 even if 引导让步状语从句。句中画线部分为“动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”复合结构。 it 作形式宾语 , 真正宾语为不定式短语“ to keep in touch easily” 。 *(2019· 江苏高考 )The big brains make it harder for the body to move around and consume more energy. 大脑越大 , 身体就越难活动并且消耗更多的能量。 * I make it clear to him that I reject his proposal. 我清楚地告诉他 , 我拒绝他的建议。 * He has made it a rule to rise early. 他已养成早起的习惯。 【 名师点津 】 动词 + 名词或代词 + 形容词 可跟这种复合宾语的动词常见的有 make, find, get, keep, see, like, leave, think 等。例如 : *Good food keeps you healthy . 好的食物能使你保持健康。 *Who left the door open ? 谁让门开着 ? *He had a strange way to make his classes lively and interesting . 他有一种奇特的办法使得他的教学既生动又有趣。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① He found __ difficult to stop smoking. ②How do we make it a habit for them _____(do)morning exercises? it to do (2)She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and ___________________to calm down and sleep.   她说这些睡前活动会让孩子们兴奋起来 , 让他们很难 平静下来睡觉。 make it hard for them (3)It seemed that she _______________to speak ill of anyone.   她似乎觉得说别人的坏话很难。 found it difficult 【 要点拾遗 】 1. emphasis n. 重视 ; 强调 ; 加强语气 ; 重要性 * They advocate a simple life with an emphasis on hard work, family, and community. 他们提倡简单的生活 , 强调努力工作、家庭和社区。 *So the emphasis should be put on these road users. 因此 , 重点应该放在这些道路使用者上。 * Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills. 我们的英语课程非常重视会话技能。 【 词块积累 】 (1)place/lay/put emphasis on/upon 强调 ; 重视 emphases ( 复数 ) (2)emphasize vt. 强调 , 着重 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① It is too well known _______(need)emphasis.   ②They put emphasis ___ developing nuclear power. ③We cannot _________ (emphasis) too much the importance of learning English. to need on emphasize (2)This ice lantern show will ______________the product strategy and famous brand effect.   这次冰灯展将重视产品战略和名牌效应。 put emphasis on 2. shape n. 形状 ; 身材 ; vt. 形成 ; 塑造 , 使成形 ; vi. 形成 ; 成形 * My health monitor, which I wear all the time, has also helped me get into the best shape of my life. 我一直戴着健康监测器 , 它也帮助我进入了最佳生活状态。 *The second paragraph mainly talks about the shapes of volcanoes. 第二段主要讲了火山的形状。 * If you want to get in shape fast, exercise longer, not harder. 如果你想快速地强健身体 , 锻炼得久点儿 , 而不是更辛苦。 *If you’re very out of shape , you might struggle to walk for more than a few minutes. 如果你的身材很走样 , 只多走几分钟你也会挣扎难熬。 * This beautiful and curiously shaped lake lies around fifteen thousand feet above the sea level. 这个形状奇特的美丽湖泊坐落在海拔约 15 000 英尺的地方。 【 词块积累 】 shaped        呈某种形状的 in shape 在外形上 ; 处于良好状态 out of shape 走样 ; 身体状况不佳 be shaped like 形状像 …… 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① I will want to play in college because it will keep me __ shape and it will help me stay focused and want to do something. ②Candles come in all______ (shape)and sizes. in shapes ③The speaker mainly talks about how education _______ (shape)his life. (2)As its name suggests, it ____________a horse’s head.   它之所以被这样命名 , 是因为它的形状跟马头很相似。 shaped is shaped like 3. rather than 宁可 …… 也不愿 ; 与其 …… 倒不如 ; 而不是 ; 而非 …… ; 替代 …… *Nevertheless, I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it. 然而 , 我总是会看到变化积极的一面 , 接受它 , 而不是抵制它。 *(2019· 天津高考 ) Most food webs, for instance, consist of many weak links rather than a few strong ones. 例如 , 大多数食物网是由许多薄弱环节组成的 , 而不是由几个强环节组成的。 *If he warns he would rather die than talk about it , you might want to take him at his word. 如果他警告说他宁死也不愿意提及此事 , 那你应该按他的话去做。 *“I don’t think I would ever want to go to a nursing home, ” Paul Dunham said. “I would die rather than do that . ” “ 我想我永远都不会想去护理院” , 保罗 · 邓纳姆说 : “ 与其去护理院 , 我宁愿去死。” 【 词块积累 】 would rather. . . than. . . /would. . . rather than. . .         宁愿 …… 而不愿 ; 与其 …… 不如 prefer to do. . . rather than do. . . 宁愿 …… 而不愿 【 名师点津 】 rather than 常用于平等结构 , 可接名词、形容词、谓语动词、状语、非谓语动词、从句等不同的词项或结构。 连接并列主语时 , 谓语动词要遵循就远原则 , 即要和 rather than 前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 例如 : The boy rather than his classmates is to blame. 应该责备的是这个男孩而不是他的同学。 【 易混辨析 】 rather than/other than other than      除了 rather than 而不是 , 代替 *Everyone here can go there other than you. 除了你之外 , 这儿的每一个人都可以去那儿。 * Everyone here can go there rather than me. 这儿的每一个人都可以去那儿 , 而不是我。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① He would prefer _______(meet)me downstairs rather than upstairs.   ②He would rather shoot himself ____compromise his principles. to meet than (2)(2018· 江苏高考 )When a dark-colored cake was served on a black plate_____________________, customers recognized it as sweeter and more tasty.   当深颜色的蛋糕放在黑盘子里而不是白盘子里时 , 顾 客会认为它更甜、更美味。 rather than a white one (3)They aim at _________________________.   他们的目的在于提高质量而不是增加数量。 quality rather than quantity 4. resist vi. 抵抗 , 抗拒 ; 忍耐 vt. 抵抗 ; 忍耐 , 忍住 * (2017· 北京高考 ) The resistance to vaccine has continued for decades, and it is driven by a real but very small risk. 对疫苗的耐药性已经持续了几十年 , 它是由一个真实但非常小的风险驱动的。 *She was charged with resisting arrest. 她被控拒捕。 * He couldn’t resist showing off his new car. 他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。 【 词块积累 】 (1)resist sth. /doing sth.    抵制 / 反对做某事 (2)can’t resist sth. /doing. . . 忍不住 ( 做 ) …… (3)resistant adj. 抵抗的 , 反抗的 ; 顽固的 be resistant to 反对 …… ; 对 …… 有抵 抗力 (4)resistive adj. 抗 …… 的 resistance n. 阻力 ; 电阻 ; 抵抗 ; 反抗 ; 抵抗力 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① She could hardly resist ________(laugh)on those occasions. ②They _______ (resist)my proposal because they thought the plan would cost too much money. laughing resisted (2)When my bonus comes out, I _______________ shopping.   我拿到红利时 , 就忍不住要好好逛街买东西。 (3)What’s more effective is teaching students ___________peer pressure. 更有效的是教学生如何抵制来自同辈的压力。  can’t resist going how to resist 5. predict v. 预言 , 预知 ; 预报 ; 断言 * Words such as predict , prediction , and forecast, are also used quite often when making predictions. 像 predict 、 prediction 和 forecast 这样的词在进行预测时也经常使用。 *(2017· 全国卷 Ⅱ) Scientists find from their studies that plants can predict natural disasters. 科学家从他们的研究中发现植物可以预测自然灾害。 * I cannot predict when to meet her again. 我无法预测什么时候会再见到她。 *Without experience we can’t make any prediction about what will cause what. 没有经验我们就不能做出 任何将要发生事物的预测。 * It’s the place where our life is predictable , routine , and stress-free. 在那里我们的生活是可预见的、常规的和没有压力的。 【 词块积累 】 (1)predict +that /wh- 从句     预测 ; 预言 It’s predicted that. . . 据预测 make predictions 做预测 (2)predictable      adj. 可预见的 (3)prediction n. 预测 ; 预言 【 易混辨析 】 foresee 对将要发生的事形成一种概念或判断。例如 : *She foresaw that the train would be delayed by bad weather. 她预计火车会因为坏天气而晚点。 predict“ 预言”“预示” , 常用词 , 较正式 , 指根据事实、经验、自然定律等来判断未来的事情 , 带有“科学准确性”。例如 : *The astronomer predicts the return of comet. 那个天文学家预测到该彗星的重返。 forecast 主要指天气 , 气象预报。例如 : *The weather forecast on the radio tonight tells of coming storms. 今晚收音机的天气预报报告将有暴风雨。 【 即学活用 】 语法填空 (1)He was unwilling to make a _________ (predict) about which books would sell in the coming year. (2)He ________ (forecast)that average salary increases will remain around 4 per cent. prediction forecasts (3)He praised the union’s aims but _________ (predict) its early disappearance. (4)Perhaps I had misjudged him, and he was not so __________ (predict) after all. predicted predictable 6. advocate vt. 提倡 ; 主张 ; 为 …… 辩护 n. 拥护者 ; 提倡者 ; 律师 ; 辩护者 * They advocate a simple life with an emphasis on hard work, family, and community. 他们提倡简单的生活 , 强调努力工作、家庭和社区。 *We advocate strict control of pollution to protect environment. 我们主张严格控制污染以保护环境。 * Many people advocate building more hospitals. 许多人主张增设医院。 * She is a passionate advocate of education reform. 她是一名教育改革的热情拥护者。 【 词块积累 】 advocate + n. / v. -ing     主张、提倡做某事 advocate that+(should) do 提倡 / 主张 …… 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① He advocated ________(build) more good roads. ②I think that we will one day live without fear because right now, survivors, families, doctors, nurses, researchers, and_________ (advocate)are all hard at work trying to end this disease. building advocates (2) 根据语境猜词义 ① He was a strong ________of free market policies and a multi-party system. ( 倡导者 )  ②I’ll instruct my ________ immediately to send you a check for $5, 000. ( 律师 ) advocate advocate 如何写好一封未来自己的来信 【 立体感知 】   英文书信是一种最常用的应用文体 , 对于普通的私 人信件通常由五部分组成 : 信头、问候语 (greeting) 、 正文、结束语 (closing) 、署名。信头部分 ( 即 : (1) 写信人 地址及日期 ; (2) 收信人地址 : 包括姓名和地址 ) 考试 中一般不作要求 , 另外还要特别注意称呼语和签名处的标点符号 , 皆为逗号“ , ” 。切莫使用冒号“ : ” 。 【 典题演练 】 过去的兵兵 :   你好 , 兵兵。我是你未来的自己。我 50 岁了 , 如你 所想 , 现在是一名记者。   作为一名记者 , 你会经常与重要人物和明星面对 面 , 这将极大丰富你的人生。同时 , 掌握好英语尤其重 要 , 因为很多时候都是在用英语交流。但是 , 因为几 乎每天都在去往不同的城市的路上 , 还经常出国 , 陪伴家人的时间很少 , 有时候会觉得特别疲惫。虽然 如此 , 看到自己采访的新闻被播出 , 还是感到非常开 心。   总之 , 我觉得你对自己的这份工作非常满意。所 以 , 不必担心 , 你的未来非常棒。但是 , 别忘了专心学 好英语哦。   祝一切顺利。 未来的兵兵 【 谋篇立意 】 【 遣词造句 】 完成句子 作为一名记者 , 你会经常与重要人物和明星面对面 , 这将极大丰富你的人生。 As a journalist, you will often interview important people and stars face to face, and ______________ ______________.   this will greatly enrich your life 2. 同时 , 掌握好英语尤其重要 , 因为很多时候都是在 用英语交流。 At the same time, ______________________________ ___________because most of the time your interviews will be in English.   it is especially important to master English well 3. 每天都在去往不同的城市的路上 , 还经常出国。 However, because you will be on the way to different cities almost every day, and ____________________ ____.   go abroad from time to time 4. 陪伴家人的时间很少 , 有时候会觉得特别疲惫。 ___________________________________________, and sometimes you may feel tired out.   5. 看到自己采访的新闻被播出 , 还是感到非常开心。 _______________________________.   There will be little time to spend with your family It is nice to see your news broadcast 词句升级 6. 用定语从句改写句 1. ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________ As a journalist, you will often interview important people and stars face to face, which will greatly enrich your life.   7. 用连词 because 合并 3 、 4 两个句子 : However, _______ you will be on the way to different cities almost every day, and go abroad from time to time, there will be little time to spend with your family, and sometimes you may feel tired out. because 【 完美成篇 】 Dear past Bingbing,    Hi! I’m Bingbing, your future self. I’m 50, and as you might think, a journalist. As a journalist, you will often interview important people and stars face to face, which will greatly enrich your life. At the same time, it is especially important to master English well becausemost of the time your interviews will be in English. However, because you will be on the way to different cities almost every day, and go abroad from time to time, there will be little time to spend with your family, and sometimes you may feel tired out. Nevertheless, it is nice to see your news broadcast. In short, I think you will be very satisfied with your job. So, don’t worry, your future is great. But don’t forget to concentrate on learning English. Best wishes. Future Bingbing 【 素材积累 】 1. 话题词汇 (1)master 掌握 (2)as you might think 如你想象 (3)your future self 你未来的自己 (4)in English 用英语 (5)go abroad 出国 (6)enrich your life 丰富你的生活 (7)feel tired out 感觉非常累 (8)on the other hand 另一方面 (9)for another thing 另一方面 (10)in my opinion/personally 在我看来 2. 话题句式 (1) 表达未来的情形 ① With the development of science and technology, our lives will change a lot in the future. 随着科技的发展 , 我们的生活将发生很大的变化。 ②You will often interview important people and stars face to face. 你会经常遇到重要的人和明星面对面。 ③ There will be little time to spend with your family. 几乎没有时间和你的家人在一起。 (2) 表达个人观点 ① I think you will be happy with this job. 我认为你会对你未来的工作感到开心。 ② Personally , I will always look on the positive side of the advances of new technology. 个人而言 , 我总是会看到新技术进步的积极面。 ③ I believe you will have a bright future. 我相信你会有一个光明的未来。 Ⅰ. 语用功能表达 英语中表做出预测的常见用语有 : 1. I think/believe/predict that in the future . . . 2. My prediction is that . . . 3. By 2030, we will . . . 4. In the (distant)future there will. . . 5. There will always be 6. I doubt/don’t think that . . . 7. One challenge will be . . . 8. We will have the opportunity to. . . 9. We will be doing. . . 10. We are going to . . . 表示同意和不同意的常见用语有 : 表示赞同 : 1. It certainly is! /True enough. /Of course/Certainly /All right. 的确是这样。 / 确实如此。 2. Exactly my thoughts. 我也正是这么想的。 3. I couldn’t agree more. I think that’s a good idea. 我非常同意。我认为这是个好主意。 4. I think I’d accept your view on that. 我想我接受你在这方面的观点。 5. I don’t think anyone would disagree. 我认为没有人会不同意。 6. That’s just my cup of tea. 这正合我意。 表示不赞同 : 1. I don’t think so. /I’m afraid not. /Of course not. No way. 我不这样认为。 / 恐怕不 . . 。 / 当然不 . . 。 / 不可能。 2. I’m sorry, but I don’t totally agree with you. 很抱歉 , 我不完全同意你的看法。 3. Yes, but that doesn’t make sense. 是的 , 但这没有道理。 4. I refuse to believe that. 我不敢相信。 5. I’m not sure that’s correct. 我不敢说这是对的。 6. To be honest, I don’t necessarily agree. 说实话 , 我未必同意。 Ⅱ. 话题情景交流 英语课堂上 , 同学们三人一组围绕“未来的社会生活” 进行了讨论 …… Tom: Well, ①________________________cash any more.   哦 , 我觉得人们不会再用现金了。 I don’t think people will use Jane: Do you think everything will be free? 你认为将来所有东西都会是免费的 ? Tom: Yeah, probably. But what I mean is e-pay. 对啊 , 没准会。但是我指的是电子支付。 Anne: ②_________________Let’s hear another prediction.   那是个不错的想法。让我们听听更多的预测吧。 That’s a great idea. Jane: I bet kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. 我猜孩子们将来不用上学。他们会在家用电脑学习。 Tom: Oh, ③______________  哦 , 我不同意。 Anne: You do? 你不同意 ? I don’t think so. Tom: Yeah, ④________________________.   嗯 , 学校会一直存在的。 Jane: ⑤_______________________________And, Ann, what is your prediction about pollution? 我想我接受你在这方面的观点。安 , 你对污染有何看 法 ? there will always be schools I think I’d accept your view on that. Anne: ⑥______________________________less pollution.   我预测将来污染会变少。 Tom: ⑦_____________________________________ _______________________ 我也是这么想的。那对地球、对我们的健康都有好处。 I predict in the future there will be Exactly my thoughts. That will be good for our health and the earth!   【 导语 】 罗尔德 · 达尔 (Roald Dahl, 1916 年 9 月 13 日 — 1990 年 11 月 23 日 ), 是挪威籍的英国杰出儿童文学作家、 剧作家和短篇小说作家 , 作品流传于大人或小孩中 , 极为 知名。 他比较著名的作品有 : Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (《 查理与巧克力工厂 》) 、 James and the Giant Peach (《 詹姆斯与大仙桃 》) 、 Matilda (《 玛蒂尔达 》) 、 The Witches (《 女巫 》) 、 The BFG (《 好心眼巨人 》) 和 Going Solo (《 独闯天下 》) 。本部分节选自作品 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 。  Chapter 26 The Television—Chocolate Room    Part 2   “ I am a little deaf in my left ear, ” Mr Wonka said. “You must forgive me if I don’t hear anything you say. ”   “ I said, that isn’t exactly how it works! ” shouted Mike Teavee. “You’re a nice boy, ”Mr Wonka said, “but you talk too much. ”Now then! The very first time I saw ordinary television working, I was struck by a tremendous idea. “Look here! ” I shouted. “If these people can break up a photograph into millions of pieces and send the pieces whizzing through the air and then put them together again at the other end, why can’t I do the same thing with a bar of chocolate? Why can’t I send a real bar of chocolate whizzing through the air in tiny pieces and then put the pieces together at the other end, all ready to be eaten? ”   “ Impossible! ” said Mike Teavee. “You think so? ” cried Mr Wonka. “Well, watch this! I shall now send a bar of my very best chocolate from one end of this room to the other — by television! Get ready, there! Bring in the chocolate! ” Immediately, six Oompa-Loompas marched forward carrying on their shoulders the most enormous bar of chocolate Charlie had ever seen. It was about the size of the mattress he slept on at home. “It has to be big, ” Mr Wonka explained, “because whenever you send something by television, it always comes out much smaller than it was when it went in. Even with ordinary television, when you photograph a big man, he never comes out on your screen any taller than a pencil, does he? Here we go, then! Get ready! No, no! Stop! Hold everything! You there! Mike Teavee! Stand back! You’re too close to the camera! There are dangerous rays coming out of that thing! They could break you up into a million tiny pieces in one second! That’s why the Oompa-Loompas are wearing space suits! The suits protect them! All right! That’s better! Now, then! Switch on! ” One of the Oompa-Loompas caught hold of a large switch and pulled it down.    There was a blinding flash.   “ The chocolate’s gone! ” shouted Grandpa Joe, waving his arms. He was quite right! The whole enormous bar of chocolate had disappeared completely into thin air! “It’s on its way! ” cried Mr Wonka. “It is now rushing through the air above our heads in a million tiny pieces. Quick! Come over here! ” He dashed over to the other end of the room where the large television set was standing, and the others followed him. “Watch the screen! ” he cried. “Here it comes! Look! ” The screen flickered and lit up. Then suddenly, a small bar of chocolate appeared in the middle of the screen.   “ Take it! ” shouted Mr Wonka, growing more and more excited. “How can you take it? ” asked Mike Teavee, laughing. “It’s just a picture on a television screen! ”   “ Charlie Bucket! ” cried Mr Wonka. “You take it! Reach out and grab it! ”    Charlie put out his hand and touched the screen, and suddenly, miraculously, the bar of chocolate came away in his fingers. He was so surprised he nearly dropped it. “Eat it! ” shouted Mr Wonka. “Go on and eat it! It’ll be delicious! It’s the same bar! It’s got smaller on the journey, that’s all! ” “It’s absolutely fantastic! ” gasped Grandpa Joe. “It’s. . . it’s. . . it’s a miracle! ” “Just imagine, ” cried Mr Wonka, “when I start using this across the country. . . you’ll be sitting at home watching television and suddenly a commercial will flash on to the screen and a voice will say, “EAT WONKA’S CHOCOLATES! THEY’RE THE BEST IN THE WORLD! IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE US, TRY ONE FOR YOURSELF — NOW! ” And you simply reach out and take one! How about that, eh? ”   “ Terrific! ” cried Grandpa Joe. “It will change the world! ” 译文 :   “我的左耳有点耳背 , ” 旺卡先生说 , “ 如果我没听见你说的话 , 请原谅。”   “我说 , 确切地说 , 电视机并不是这样工作的 ! ” 迈克 · 蒂韦放大嗓门喊道。 “ 你真是个聪明的孩子 , ” 旺卡先生说 , “ 不过你话 太多了。”听下去 ! 第一次看见一台普通电视机工作时 , 我脑中顿时闪现了一个奇妙的设想。“瞧啊 ! ” 我喊道 : “ 如果人们能把一张照片分解成无数个小粒子 , 并把 它们送往空中 , 然后在另一头让这些小颗粒重新拼到 一起 , 那我为什么不能用 一块巧克力做出同样的事呢 ? 为什么我不能把一块巧克力分解成无数小颗粒 , 把它 们嗖嗖地射向空中 , 然后又在另一头把它们拼成一块 , 供人享用呢 ? ”   “这是不可能的 ! ” 迈克 · 蒂韦说。   “你这么想吗 ? ” 旺卡先生嚷道 , “ 好吧 , 瞧瞧这个 ! 我会从房间的这一头把我的一块最好的巧克力送到房间另一头 —— 就通过电视 ! 准备 ! 把巧克力拿来 ! ”   立刻过来了六个奥姆帕 · 洛姆帕人 , 他们肩上扛着 一块巨大的巧克力 , 查理从未见过这么大的巧克力 , 它 同他在家里睡的那张床垫差不多一样大。 “巧克力块一定得大 , ” 旺卡先生解释道 , “ 因为每 当你通过电视传送什么东西时 , 画面里的东西在屏幕 上出现时总要比它在发射时小。就说普通的电视机吧 , 你拍摄下一个大个男人 , 等他在你的电视屏幕上出现 时却只有一支铅笔那般高 , 不是吗 ? 好了 , 让我们开始吧 ! 准备 ! 不 , 不 ! 停止 ! 等一下 ! 迈克 · 蒂韦 , 退后些 ! 你太靠近那架摄像机了 ! 那儿有危险的放射线出来 ! 一秒钟之内可以把你分解成无数小颗粒 ! 正因为如此那些奥姆帕 · 洛姆帕人才穿着宇航服 ! 这种服装能保护他们 ! 好了 ! 那样就更好了 ! 准备 ! 打开 ! ”   一个奥姆帕 · 洛姆帕人握住了一个很大的开关 , 把它朝下一扳。   一道耀眼的光一闪。   “那块巧克力没有了 ! ” 乔爷爷挥动手臂喊道。    他说得太对了 ! 那么一大块巧克力完全在空中消失了 !   “它正顺着它的轨迹而去 ! ” 旺卡先生叫道 , “ 它现在正分解成无数小颗粒从我们头上飞过。快 ! 到这儿来 ! ” 他冲到房间另一头 , 那台大电视机就放在那儿 , 其余的人全跟着他奔了过去。“看着屏幕 ! ” 他叫道 , “ 瞧 ! 它来了 ! ”   屏幕闪烁了几下 , 亮了。突然 , 一小块巧克力出现在屏幕正中。    “拿下它 ! ” 旺卡先生嚷着 , 他变得越来越激动了。 “怎么去拿啊 ? ” 迈克 · 蒂韦问道 , 哈哈大笑起来。“那只不过是电视屏幕上的一幅画面 ! ”   “查理 · 巴克特 ! ” 旺卡先生叫道 , “ 你去拿 ! 伸出手去抓住它 ! ” 查理伸出手 , 碰到了那块屏幕 , 突然 , 简直令人不可思议 , 那块巧克力落在了他的手指间 , 他惊讶得差一点让它掉到地上。 “ 吃掉它 ! ” 旺卡先生叫道 , “ 快吃掉它 ! 它的味道好极了 ! 就是那块巧克力 ! 只不过在传送过程中变小了 , 那就是全部 ! ”   “这真让人吃惊 , 简直难以想象 ! ” 乔爷爷气喘吁吁地说 , “ 这 …… 这 …… 这真是个奇迹 ! ” “ 想想吧 , ” 旺卡先生嚷道 , “ 当我在全国开始使用这架摄像机时将会是一番怎样的情景啊 , …… 你们坐在家里收看电视 , 突然屏幕上出现一幅广告 , 一个声音说道 : ‘ 请吃旺卡巧克力 ! 那是世界上最好的巧克力 ! 如果你不相信 , 请尝尝 —— 给 ! ’ 于是你只要伸出手去取 , 就可以吃到一块巧克力 ! 怎么样 , 啊 ? ”   “太妙啦 ! ” 乔爷爷喊道 , “ 这会改变整个世界 ! ”

