【推荐】2017年10月19日 过去分词作宾语补足语-试题君之每日一题君2017-2018学年上学期高二英语期中复习

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【推荐】2017年10月19日 过去分词作宾语补足语-试题君之每日一题君2017-2018学年上学期高二英语期中复习

‎2017年10月19日 ‎ 过去分词作宾语补足语 ‎ 高考频度:★★★☆☆ 难易程度:★★☆☆☆‎ ‎1.(2015·陕西)Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was very happy to see his mother_____ ‎ ‎ good care of at home.‎ ‎ A. taking B. taken ‎ ‎ C. take D. be taken ‎ ‎【参考答案】B ‎【试题解析】句意:在非洲医疗援助两年回来后,Dr. Lee很高兴看见妈妈被照顾得很好。his mother和take care of是被动关系,用过去分词作宾语补足语,所以选B。‎ ‎2. (2015·浙江) Listening to music at home is one thing,going to hear it _____________ live is quite another. ‎ ‎ A. perform B. performing ‎ ‎ C. to perform D. being performed ‎【参考答案】D ‎【归纳拓展】‎ 过去分词作宾语补足语:表示“被动和完成”含义,或仅仅表示“状态”。‎ ‎ ☞I have never heard the song sung in my school.我从未听过这首歌在我们学校唱过。‎ ‎ ☞He watched the TV set carried out of the room.他看到电视机被搬到屋子外面了。‎ ‎ ☞I had my leg broken in the football game.我的腿在足球赛中摔坏了。‎ ‎1. —My computer is out of function again.‎ ‎ —You need to go to the customer service center and have it ________.‎ ‎ A. to repair B. repair ‎ C. repairing D. repaired ‎2. —Did Peter fix the computer himself?‎ ‎ —He ________ because he doesn’t know much about computers.‎ ‎ A. has it fixed B. fixed it ‎ C. had it fixed D. had fixed it ‎3. The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing ________ should have attracted the local government's ‎ ‎ attention.‎ ‎ A. solving B. solve ‎ C. to solve D. solved ‎4. As far as I know, our manager has already had the matter ________, which we can know from his relaxed ‎ ‎ expression.‎ ‎ A. to settle B. settle ‎ C. settling D. settled ‎5. With food and drink _________ , the prisoner had to walk out of the cave where he was hiding. which is wrong?‎ ‎ A. used up B. run out ‎ C. running out D. run out of ‎1. D【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:——我的电脑又不工作了。——你需要去客服中心修理它。repair作 宾语补足语,it指代My computer,它与repair之间是被动关系,用过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动关 系。故选D。‎ ‎2. C【解析】考查非谓语动词。have sb. done是动词+ed形式作宾语补足语,表示“使(让,请)别人做某事”。 根据所提供的情景because he doesn’t know much about computers可判断出他找别人维修了电脑。故选C。‎ ‎4. D【解析】句意:在我看来,我们的经理已经把问题解决了,通过他那放松的表情我们就能看得出来。the matter与settle之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。选D。‎ ‎5. B【解析】句意:饮料和食物都用完了,囚犯只好走出他躲藏的山洞。考查with复合结构,with+宾语+ 宾语补足语,run out是不及物的,不能用被动,可以用running out; the food and drink 和run out of 是 被动的关系,所以用with sth.done结构,故run out of正确;use up是及物的,和drink and food是被动关 系,用used up。故选B。‎ 贵有恒何必三更眠五更起,最无益只怕一日曝十日寒。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎

