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Unit 5 First aid 5.3 Grammar & Writing Grammar: 省略 为了避免重复或为了使句子更简练,在一些句子中常常省去某一个或某几个成分,这种语 法现象在英语中叫省略。 省略是避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法手段。运用修辞手段的目的 之一就是节约用词、避免重复。一般说来,只要不会损害结构或引起歧义,能省略的地方就 应省略。省略的结果,不但使句子结构显得紧凑,而且句子中几个关键词的意义也更突显出 来。 一、介词的省略 1.在英语中一些与动词、名词、形容词搭配的介词常被省略,而只保留后面的动名词。 spend time/money(in)doing sth. have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth.; prevent/stop sb.(from)doing sth. ☛We spends half an hour(in)doing some reading every day. 我们每天花半小时读书。 ☛He has some trouble(in)learning English. 他学英语有困难。 ☛What prevented you(from)going there? 什么事阻止了你去那里? 2.表示时间的介词 at,on 和 in 用在 next,last,this,each,these,yesterday,every, tomorrow 等词之前,一般可省略。 ☛We have a final exam(in)every term. 每学期我们都举行一次期末考试。 二、使用 so,not 等的省略 英语中,当句中有 think,believe,hope,expect,suppose,guess,afraid 等词时可 以使用 so,not 或其他手段来省略上文或问句中的一部分或整个句子。 ☛—Do you think our team will win?你认为我们队会赢吗? —I think so.我认为是这样。 ☛—It is said that tomorrow is a fine day.据说明天天气很好。 —I hope so.我希望是真的。 三、简单句的省略 1.感叹句的省略。目的是突出感叹的部分。 ☛What a beautiful girl(she is)!(她是)多么漂亮的女孩呀! 2.疑问句的答语省略。 为避免重复而省略疑问句的答语,这也是常见的一种句式省略。 ☛—Are you a student?你是一名学生吗? —Yes,I am(a student).是的,我是(一名学生)。 3.There be 句型的省略。 ☛ (Is there)Anything wrong?发生了什么事吗? 4.名词所有格修饰的名词若表示店铺、住宅、教堂或上下文已暗示或明确指出过的事物时可 省略名词。 ☛I go to the supermarket instead of the butcher's(shop)to buy meat. 我去超市而不是去肉铺买肉。 5.主语的省略 在祈使句和其他不容易引起歧义的情况下,特别是在口语中,主语常常省略。常见的为祈 使句中的 you 和 I,疑问句中的主语。 ☛Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。(beg 前省略了主语 I) ☛Take care! 保重!(take 前省略了主语 you) ☛Looks as if it will rain.看起来象要下雨。(looks 前省略了主语 it) 6.谓语的省略 有些结构中为了避免与前面的谓语动词重复,常省略后面的谓语或谓语的一部分。 ☛We'll do the best we can.我们将尽力而为。(can 后面省略了动词 do) 7.表语的省略 在有些句子中,为了避免与前面的表语重复,常省略后面的表语。 ☛He was a lover of sports as he had been in his youth. 他还是像年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。(had been 后面省略了 a lover of sports) 8.宾语的省略 当同一主语的并列谓语不同时发生时,省略最后一个宾语以外的所有宾语。有些双宾语 动词如 ask,owe,pay,teach,tell,show 等的直接或间接宾语都可以省略掉一个。 ☛Let's do the dishes.I'll wash and you'll dry. 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。(wash 和 dry 后面省略了宾语 dishes) 四、比较结构的省略 在“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构中和由 than 和 as 引导的比较句式中,常会有一 些成分在上下文清楚的情况下被省略。 ☛The sooner(you do it),the better(it will be).(你做得)越快,(结果就会)越好。 ☛He is cleverer than any other boy(is).他比其他男孩聪明。 ☛The higher(you stand),the farther(you can see).站得高,看得远。 五、并列句中的省略 在由 and 或 but 连接的并列句中,常省略一些重复的词或词组。 ☛I am a teacher and my husband(is)a doctor.我是个老师,我丈夫是个医生。 ☛The news made me angry,but(the news made)her happy.这条消息使我生气,但却 让她高兴。 六、主从复合句中的省略 1. 宾语从句中,连词 that 常省略,但当有多个并列宾语从句时,只能省略第一个 that。 ☛I know(that)he is an actor and that he is a singer. 我知道他是一名演员,也是一位歌唱家。 2.表示条件、时间、地点、方式或让步等的状语从句的谓语含有 be 动词,且从句的主语又 和主句中的主 语一致,或者主语是 it 时,常把从句中的主语连同 be 动词一起省略。 ☛If(it is)necessary,I'll go with you.如果有必要的话,我和你一起去。 ☛Be careful when(you are)crossing the street.过马路时要当心。 3.宾语从句中的省略。若引导定语从句的关系代词在从句中作宾语,该关系代词一般可省略; 引导定语从 句的关系代词作主语时和后面的 be 动词同时省略。 ☛The question(that/which)the teacher asked was very difficult.老师问的问题很 难。 ☛The boy(who is)standing by the door is my little brother. 站在门那儿的男孩是我弟弟。 ☛The building(which/that is)being built is our library. 正在建的楼是我们的实验室。 七、动词不定式的省略 1. 在动词不定式结构中,为了避免重复,常常省略不定式结构中的动词原形,只保留 to。但 不定式中的 have 和 be 不能省略。 ☛—Would you like to go with us? 你愿意和我们一起去吗? —I'm glad to,but I have to finish my homework. 我很乐意去,但是我得完成作 业。 ☛ She has succeeded in the final examination but in fact , she ought to have(succeeded in the final examination). 她在期末考试中取得了成功,而实际上,她本就该获得成功。 ☛He is a writer now as he used to be.他像从前一样还是一位作家。 2.在 used to,ought to,have to,would like/love to,wish to,be going to 等结构 中,常常省略 to 后面的动 词原形。 ☛I'll hand it in if I have to.如果必须要交的话,我会交上的。 3.感官动词和使役动词的后面作宾补的不定式要省略 to;但此类动词的被动语态中的 to 不 可省略。 ☛I saw him enter the classroom just now. =He was seen to enter the classroom just now.我刚才看见他走进了教室。 4.介词 but,except(除了)前有实义动词 do 的具体形式时,后面的不定式不带 to。 ☛All he could do was nothing but wait and see.他所能做的只有等着瞧。 八、虚拟语气中的省略 1.虚拟条件句常省略 if,而将 were,had,should 提前,构成部分倒装。 ☛Had you come here yesterday,you would have met him. =If you had come here yesterday,you would have met him.如果你昨天来这儿的 话,你就会见到他了。 2.动词 advise,suggest(建议),propose,demand,insist(坚持要求),require,command, recommend,order 等后的宾语从句及 It is...that...主语从句中常省略表虚拟语气的 should。 ☛We insisted that he(should)go with us.我们坚持要求他和我们一起走。 ☛It is necessary that a child(should)learn more words by heart.孩子有必要多 记一些单词/字。 ☛It is suggested that we(should)go to see the film.有人建议我们去看这部电影。 1.(2017•江苏) _______ not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty. A. It were B. Were it C. It was D. Was it 2. (2016·浙江) Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths _______ since their highest in 2005. A. had not fallen B. would not fall C. did not fall D. would not have fallen 3. (2016·浙江)—The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have a quick bite before we go. —_________.See you at 8:10 A. So long B. Sounds great C. Good luck D. Have a good time 4.(2015·江苏)It is so cold that you can’t go outside _____ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 5. (2015·北京) If ________for the job, you’ll be informed soon. A .to accept B. accept C. accepting D. accepted 6. (2014·福建) no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world. A. Were there B. Had there been C .If there are D. If there have been 7. (2013·新课标全国卷Ⅰ)The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ________. A. not to do B. not to C. not do D. do not Ⅰ. 单项填空 1.—What’s the matter with Della? —Well,her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party,but she still ________. A.hopes to B.hopes so C.hopes not D.hopes for 2.Some of you may have finished Unit one.________,you can go on to Unit two. A.If you may B.If you do C.If not D.If so 3.—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? —Yes.________,I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city. A.If ever B.If busy C.If anything D.If possible 4.The house I grew up ________ has been taken down and replaced by an office building. A.in it B.in C.in that D.in which 5.—Will the Smiths leave for Australia this spring? —No,they finally decided ________. A.not to leave B.not leaving C.not to D.not to be leaving 6.He decided not to say anything at the meeting unless ________. A.asking to B.to ask to C.asked to D.ask to 7.—Have you watered the flowers? —No,but ________. A.I am B.I’m going C.I’m just going to D.I will go 8.________ he come tomorrow,I would let you know. A.Would B.Should C.Shall D.If 9.—Did you have a good time in Thailand last week? —________.It was too hot. A.Not really B.Yeah,why not C.Oh,great D.You’re right 10.—I listen to English every day over the radio. —________interesting. A.Sounds B.Sounding C.It is sounded D.Sound 11.—Do you think we will have a long holiday next month? —________. A.I believe not B.I believe not so C.I don’t believe it D.I don’t believe 12.One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow,and ________. A.the other is white B.another white C.the other white D.another is white 13.If the food tastes nice,we’ll buy some;if ________,________. A.no;no B.not;not C.not;no D.no;not 14.—Who should be responsible for the accident? —The boss,not the workers.They just carried out the order ________. A.as told B.as are told C.as telling D.as they told 15.—My mother is preparing my favorite dishes.Go with me and have a taste,okay? —________.And I’ll be glad to meet your parents. A.I think so B.I’d love to C.I’m sure D.I hope so Ⅱ.句型转换(使用省略来改写句子) 1.She works hard.It is no wonder that she passed the exam. She works hard.______ ______ ________ ________ ________ ________. 2.They haven’t completed the project,but they ought to have completed it. They haven’t completed the project,______ ________ ________ ________ ________. 3.It is well done. ________ ________. 4.Errors,if there are any,should be corrected. Errors,________ ________,should be corrected. 5.If we had gone to the party,we would have known the fact. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,we would have known the fact. Ⅲ. 单句改错 1. In our class boys like sports, while girls do not like. 2. If is possible, discuss what kind of first aid you should give in these situations. 3. Unless inviting to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. 4. —Will you go with me? —Well, I’d like. 5. —Are you a farmer? —No, but I used to. 6. He could do nothing but to wait and see. 7. —Can you put it off? —I am afraid not so. 8. —What has made him upset recently? —Left alone to face a troublesome milk case. Ⅳ. 用省略句完成句子 1. ______________ (必要时),you can send me an e-mail. 2. _____________________ (不管是真是假), the story is interesting. 3. He gave _____________________________ (和从前一样的回答). 4. ___________________(为什么不) go and help him at once? 5. —Aren’t you the manager? —No, and I _____________________ (不想当). 6. —The patient feels better than yesterday. —I know __________________(他好多了). 7. He opened his mouth _________________________(好像要说话). 8. He may not stay at home. ____________________(如果那样的话), leave him a message. 9. I’ll try my best to read more books ____________________ (如果可能的话). 10. —Will you join us in the discussion? —____________________(非常高兴). K 真题 1. B【解析】考查虚拟语气和倒装。虚拟语气中,be 动词统一用 were;虚拟语气的省略形式 主要是把 if 省 略,同时把 were/should/had 提前,即 Were /Should/ Had I...,故选 B。句意:要不 是老师们的支持,该 生是无法克服她自己的困难的。 4. B【解析】句意:外面太冷了,你不要出去,除非用厚衣服完全裹起来。unless fully covered 为"连词+省 略结构",补充完整为 unless you are。故选 B。 5. D【解析】句意:如果录用你了,我们将很快通知你。本句条件状语从句中省略了主语 you, 与 accept 构 成被动关系,用过去分词 accepted。故选 D。 6. A【解析】对现在情况的虚拟,条件句中用一般过去时,主句用“ would/ should/ might/ could +动词原形。 虚拟条件句中有 had, should, were 时,可以将 if 去掉,然后把 had, should, were 提到主语前面。所以选 A。句意:如果没有现代的通信,我们将会等上几周 的时间才能得到来自世界的新闻。 7. B【解析】本题考查动词不定式的省略。根据句意可知,警察要求司机不要把车停在路边。 “要求某人做 某事”用 ask sb to do sth;“被要求做某事”用 be asked to do sth。 but 后的完整表达应该是:The driver was asked by the police not to park his car near the roadside.为避免重复,题干中的空缺处是一个省略了的动词 不定式。故选 B。句意: 司机想把车停在路边,但警察要求他不要这样做。 K 好题 Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. A 根据语境知道,Della 很希望去参加这次聚会。所以 hope 后应接 to go to the party。但为了避免重 复,常省去不定式动词,仅留下符号 to 来代替不定式。 2. D 句意为:你们当中可能有些人已经结束了第一单元。如果这样的话,可以开始 第二单元。so 代替 前句意思的肯定情况,而 not 代替前面意思的否定情况。 6. C 考查动词不定式的省略。句意为:他决定在会上什么也不说,除非被请求。unless asked to 相当于 unless he was asked to say something。 7. C 句意为:——你浇花了吗?——没有,不过我正打算浇。I’m just going to. 相当于 I’m just going to water the flowers。 8. B 此处是对将来情况的假设。虚拟条件句的谓语部分有 should,had 或 were 时, 可把 if 省去,而把 should, had 或 were 放在从句的主语之前,构成主谓部 分倒装。 9. A 由“it was too hot”可知 A 项正确。该对话的答语是省略形式,完整形式为: I didn’t really have a good time in Thailand last week。 10. A 将答语补充完整为:It sounds interesting.其中 sound 是系动词,意思是“听起 来……”,无被动语态。 11. A 句意为:——你认为下个月我们会有一个长假期吗?——我认为不会。I believe not. =I don’t believe so.(I don’t believe we will have a long holiday next month.) 15. B 考查口语中省略形式的含义。句意为——我妈妈在准备我最爱吃的菜。和我一起去 尝尝,好吗? ——我愿意去。我也很想见见你的父母。I think so 意为“我认为是 这样”;I’d love to 意为“我愿意去”; I’m sure 意为“我确信”;I hope so 意为“我希望是这样”。 Ⅱ.句型转换(使用省略来改写句子) 1.No;wonder;she;passed;the;exam 2.but;they;ought;to;have 3.Well;done 4.if;any 5.Had;we;gone;to;the;party Ⅲ. 单句改错 1. 去掉第二个 like 2.去掉 is (或在 is 前加 it) 3.inviting 改为 invited 4.like 后加 to 5.to 后加 be 6.去掉 to 7.去掉 so 8.Left 改为 Being left Ⅳ. 用省略句完成句子 1. When necessary 2. Whether true or false 3. the same answer as before 4. Why not 5. don’t want to be 6. he does 7. as if to say something 8. If so 9. if possible 10. I’ll be glad to Writing:如何写指导性说明文 说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,对事物的状态、性质、功能等进行介绍,或是阐明事 理,给人提供知识的一种文体。知识性、科学性是说明文的主要特点。指导性说明文属于说 明事理类文体,它旨在为读者提供未知的知识和原理,使读者阅读后对文章所写事物有所了 解,或掌握解决问题的方法,是一种实用性很强的文体。要写好这类文章,需注意以下几点: 1.时态:说明文的时态常用一般现在时。 2.语言:语言要准确、简洁、周密。语言风格可以生动活泼,也可以平实简明,但必须 以准确为前提。 3.结构:先对需要说明的对象作总的概括介绍,然后导入具体的说明,也就是在文章开 头提出需要说 明的事物或观点,然后加以列举说明,使文章表达清晰、条理清楚、层次分明。介 绍时首先我们 要保证自己所介绍的方法是正确的,是科学的。没有知识性错误, 也不能有逻辑上的矛盾。不清 楚的地方要核查,不可想当然。 4.为了保证句子简练可以多用祈使句(如 Do...或 Don't...)或表示建议的句型(We/You should/had better... 等)当涉及对读者不利或使读者感到不快的事情时,也可 用虚拟语气,使语气缓和,以显婉转。 1. 下列这些表达可以使你的说明更有条理: ①First,second,third,at last... ②First,next,then,finally... ③Firstly/First of all/To begin with...Secondly...Besides,In addition...Last but not least... 2. 下列句子可帮你用于写急救说明文 ①We should check whether she/he is conscious or not. ②We should cheek whether the person can breathe or not. ③Use the mouthtomouth method within five minutes. ④Don't move him/her;leave him/her where he/she is. ⑤Lay the patient down on a coat or sleeping bag if possible. ⑥Raise his/her feet higher than his/her head and take his/ her pulse. ⑦Cover the wound with a bandage or a piece of dry clean cloth. ⑧Wash the wound with cold running water. 3. 结尾常用表达: ①We can draw the conclusion that... ②In short/In brief/In a word... ③It seems clear that... ④We can know/learn that... 请根据以下提示写一篇 120~150 词的短文,简要介绍一下对遇到心脏病等疾病突发 (seizure)病人应该采取什么样的措施。 题目:First Aid for Seizures 【写作要点】 急救过程的注意事项: 1.把附近的危险物体移开以免病人受到伤害;不要移动病人,除非他们处于危险中。 2.把病人的头部用垫子垫起来。等病发结束后帮助病人呼吸。 3.在病人没有完全恢复之前不要给他任何吃的或喝的东西,等病人完全恢复以后再离开。 4.如果病情发作持续 5 分钟以上,打电话叫救护车。 First Aid for Seizures ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 【名师指点】 第一步:认真审题 本次作文要求写急救说明文,写作时要注意时态以一般现在时为主,语言要简练、准确, 结构要清晰。 第二步:提炼要点 1.a number of 2.fall ill 3.first aid 4.suffer from 5.there is no doubt that 6.make a difference 第三步:扩点成句 1.In our daily life,we sometimes come across a number of cases where people suffer from heart attacks or they fall ill suddenly. 2.So there is no doubt that we should know some knowledge of first aid. 3.I really hope the tips above will make a difference to you. 【参考范文】 First Aid for Seizures In our daily life,we sometimes come across a number of cases where people suffer from heart attacks or they fall ill suddenly. So there is no doubt that we should know some knowledge of first aid.The following are some tips we can follow to help these people on urgent occasions. I really hope the tips above will make a difference to you.

