高中英语Life in the future学案

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高中英语Life in the future学案

Life in the future学案 人教版新课标 必修五 unit 3‎ 预习学案 教师寄语: You must believe in yourself. That is the first step to success.‎ Learing aims:‎ To know some basic background knowledge.‎ To grasp the main idea and the structure of the whole passage.‎ To master some important phrases and sentences in the text.‎ Step 1. Background information TIME TRAVEL ‎ The idea of travelling forward into the future or back into the past has always fascinated science fiction writers. The “granderfather paradox” is the argument many people use to suggest that time travel is impossible. What if you went back in time and prevented your grandfather from meeting your grandmather so that your mother was never born? Then you would never have been born… and so on.‎ ‎ Unitil very recently such arguments led most scientists to believe that time travel could never exist outside science fiction. But amazingly, some interpretations of the weirdness of the quantum world now suggest that time travel is possible --- at least in theory.‎ Step 2. Look thought the text A and answer the following questions.‎ 主旨归纳 What is the main idea of the passage? ‎ A. First impression about Li Qiang’s travel to the future. ‎ B. How to travel to the future. ‎ C. What the furure life will be like.‎ D. An exciting experience.‎ 细节理解 ‎2. The author and his friends were safely transported into the future in a ________.‎ A. time capsule B. hovering carriage C. flying chair D. plane ‎3. What did the author feel in the first few days?‎ A. He was upset and comfortable B. He felt frightened C. He suffered a lot of pain D. He felt uneasy and not sure ‎4. What was the room like?‎ A. It is large, clean with broken walls.‎ B. The walls are colored and moveable.‎ C. There are pipes sending oxygen the room needs.‎ D. Tables and chairs are placed against the wall.‎ 推理判断 ‎5. From the passage we can infer that________‎ A. Wang Ping often travels to the future B. Li Qiang has been to the future twice C. Li Qiang’s parents didn’t agree to this travel D. People in the future don’t have to eat food TEXT B 主旨归纳 The main idea of the passage is to tell us _________‎ A. what the space station is ‎ B. the alien creatures living in the space station C. how the space station works D. the different languages used by new creatures 细节理解 The dimpods can be of different colours, which can be decided by their _________‎ A. food B. language C. mood D. position ‎3. How are messages sent in the space station?‎ A. Through thinking B. By post ‎ C. In a way of pressing a button D. With the help of a typewriters ‎4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?‎ A. People and robots do most of the things in the station.‎ B. One has to be trained to live and work in space settlements.‎ C. Only through the work of robots can the station have no pollution.‎ D. There is less waste left than we can imagine.‎ 推理判断 ‎5. We can know from the passage that__________‎ A. there are many kinds of robots in the station B. the writer feels nervous and uncertain about the station C. it is too modern for the writer to believe D. some representatives are chosen to transport goods to earth 讲授学案 教师寄语: Actions speak louder than words.‎ Learning aims:‎ To grasp the main idea and the structure of the whole passage.‎ To master some important phrases and sentences in the text.‎ Step 1.Let students predict the good and bad changes in the future.‎ Step2. Language learning impression ‎1). The beauty of West‎ ‎Lake made/left a deep impression on me.‎ ‎2). Can you give your impression of London?‎ ‎3). I am deeply impressed by that film.‎ ‎4). My father impressed the importance of the work on me.‎ ‎5).my father impressed me with the importance of the work.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ 巩固运用:‎ ‎1). I will never forget the books I read in my middle school, which left a deep _____ on me.‎ A. idea B. opinion C. impression D. meaning ‎2). The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad ___ on the employer.‎ A. impression B. expression C. experience D. opinion ‎2. guide ‎1). This book serves as a guide to grammer.‎ ‎2). You need a tour guide to show you the city.‎ ‎3). She guided us though the busy streets to the Cathedral.‎ ‎4). He was always guided by his religious belief.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ lack ‎1). Lacking the necessary information, we were at a loss.‎ ‎2). He is lacking in confidence.‎ ‎3). The project failed for lack of money.‎ ‎4). Lack of vitamin B can produce a variety of symptoms.‎ ‎5). Rosie was showing a marked lack of interest in her schoolwork.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ 巩固运用:‎ ‎1). It is very kind of you, but we have no _____ of teachers here.‎ A. reason B. lack C. signs D. result ‎2). Though ___ money, his parents managed to send him to university.‎ A. lacked B. lacks of C. lacking D. lacked in ‎4. press ‎1). Press this button to start the engine.‎ ‎2). She pressed the child to her heart.‎ ‎3). They pressed him for a definite answer.‎ ‎4). They pressed him to give a definite answer.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ 巩固运用:‎ ‎1). Employees are ___ the employers for better pay and benefits.‎ A. pressing B. guiding C. tolerating D. worring ‎2). --- We have been waiting for you since 10 o’clock. Why not come a bit earlier?‎ ‎--- Sorry, but my shoes have been ____ against my feet. I can’t walk fast.‎ A. pressing B. fighting C. impressing D. forcing ‎5. flash ‎1). I flashed a warning glance at them.‎ ‎2). A thought flashed though my mind.‎ ‎3). The stars flashed in the night sky.‎ ‎4).a flash of hope came upon her when she heard the news.‎ ‎5). In a flash the lady remembered everthing.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ ‎6. switch ‎1). There’s been a switch in our plans.‎ ‎2). He switched the light on.‎ ‎3). They switched over to the opposition party.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ 巩固运用:‎ He studied chemistry and then switched ______________ biology.‎ ‎7. take up ‎1). He dropped medicine and took up physics.‎ ‎2). This chapter takes up where the last one left off.‎ ‎3). The table takes up too much room.‎ ‎4). The bus stopped to take up passengers.‎ ‎5). I am sorry, I will take back what I said.‎ ‎6). They wouldn’t take back the shirt.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ 巩固运用:‎ ‎1). Helen always helps her mother even though going to school______ most of her day.‎ A. takes up B. makes up C. saves up D. puts up ‎2). After he retired from office, Rogers ____ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.‎ A. took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up ‎8. lose sight of ‎1). Never lose sight of the fact that you have a lot of talent.‎ ‎2). I watched the plane go higher until I lost sight of it.‎ ‎3). In the heat of the argument we mustn’t lost sight of our purpose.‎ 短语拓展:‎ at the sight of /at first sight / within sight /catch sight of /lose one’s sight 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ 巩固运用:‎ ‎1). She ______ ______ _______ (看不见) the car in the distance.‎ ‎2). They finally _______ _____ ________(看见)land after a 3-day voyage.‎ ‎9. sweep up ‎1). Please sweep up the waste paper.‎ ‎2). The wind swept the leaves away.‎ ‎3). SARS swept over the country.‎ 归纳总结_________________________________________________‎ 巩固运用:‎ The bridge _____ by the floor and fertile soil _____ into the river.‎ A. was swept away; was swept down B. swept away; swept down C. was swept down; was swept away D.was swept into; was swept up ‎10).speed up ‎1). The car is speeding up in order to reach the station in time.‎ ‎2). Can you try and speed things up a bit?‎

