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‎2018-2019学年度第二学期月考 高二英语试题 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)‎ A Part-time jobs for 15 and 16 years olds Waiter/Waitress ‎ A job as a waiter or waitress is a good choice for 16-year-olds.Not only can one earn 9-12 an hour,but they can also get the tips (小费).Most people that visit a restaurant don't just have good food.They come here to relax and have a good time.Besides serving food quickly,a young waiter who talks to them politely with a smile on his face will make the diners enjoy their time at the restaurant. Work in a library ‎ If one is fond of books,working in a library is another suitable choice.Besides the pay is good,it offers a lot of free time when students can actually sit down and finish their homework.So on returning home,they would have time to hang around with friends or just relax.So working in a library is an excellent part-time job for teens,especially for school students. Internet jobs ‎ There are many ways of making money through online jobs like clicking on advertisements,visiting sites and signing up with them.However,such online jobs don't pay well.A better Internet job for teens is to complete online surveys.These are quite simple surveys that usually ask one about his/her opinions and ideas.Many companies use these ideas to make products designed for teenagers.‎ 1. What does the writer think of the job as a waiter/waitress? ______ ‎ A. It needs a period of training. B. It pays much more than other jobs. C. It can improve one's leadership skills. D. Making diners comfortable is part of the job.‎ 2. A student who is busy with his research paper will probably choose to work ______ .‎ A. in a restaurant B. in a library C. on the Internet D. in an IT company 1. The writer wrote this text to ______ .‎ A. tell us the importance of doing part-time jobs B. advise teenagers how to choose a part-time job C. teach young people how to make lots of money D. introduce his/her experience of doing part-time jobs 2. Why do some companies ask the teens to do surveys? ______ ‎ A. The teens have more free time. B. They can pay less to the teens. C. They need advice to make products for teens. D. The teens usually express their true opinions.‎ B When I was in my fourth year of teaching, I was also (and am still) a high school track and field coach (田径教练). One year, I had a student, John, who entered my class when he was a junior. John changed to our school from Greece, and seemed to be interested in athletics, so I encouraged him to join our track team. I explained to him that even though he had never taken part in it before, I did believe that he could do well in any event, and I would be willing to coach him at whichever ones interested him. He accepted the offer, and began to work hard at every practice. ‎ About a month later, I had found out from other sources that John was a first-class tennis player, winning various junior awards in his home country. I went to him asking, "John, I really appreciate that you came out for the track team, but why didn't you play tennis instead? It seems that would interest you a lot more, since you're so good at it." John answered, "Well, I like tennis, but you told me that you believed in me, and that you thought I could do well in track, so I wanted to try it for that reason." ‎ From then on, I often remember my student's reply. I told it to a friend and she suggested I write it down to share somewhere with more teachers. No matter how critical (不满的) students can be of themselves, I've found that a simple "I trust that you can do it!" can go a long way!‎ 3. According to Paragraph 1, what does the author think more about? ______ ‎ A. John's state of health. B. John's PE marks. C. John's self-confidence. D. John's interest in sports.‎ 1. Why did John take part in the track team? ______ ‎ A. He had no tennis coach to train him. B. He had been an excellent runner. C. He was encouraged by his teacher. D. He liked running more than tennis.‎ 2. What's the writer's purpose of writing this passage? ______ ‎ A. To show the importance of encouragement. B. To build a close teacher-student relationship. C. To introduce a new way of sports training. D. To explain the value of sports and games.‎ 3. Who is the passage mainly written for? ______ ‎ A. Players. B. Teachers. C. Parents. D. Students.‎ C Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some degree our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no amount of education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of person's intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways. ‎ It is easy to show that intelligence is to some degree something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be intelligent. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from population, it is likely that their degree of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we take two identical twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth. Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have similar degree of intelligence.‎ 1. The writer is in favor of the view that man's intelligence is given to him ______ .‎ A. at birth B. through education C. both at birth and through education D. through environment of one's family 2. If a child is born with high intelligence, he can ______ .‎ A. surely become a genius B. still become a genius if he isn't given good education C. reach his intelligence limits through his own efforts D. probably reach his intelligence limits in rich and varied surroundings 3. The example of the twins going to a university and to a factory separately shows ______ .‎ A. the importance of their intelligence B. the role of environment on intelligence C. the importance of their positions D. the part that birth plays 4. The best title of the passage can be ______ .‎ A. On Intelligence B. On Genius C. Dependence on Environment D. Effect of Education on Intelligence D The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people all around the world. The celebration usually lasts for 15 days. There is a lot to do. ‎ On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. Their favourite dish on this day is dumplings. ‎ Days before the Spring Festival, families will clean their homes. People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck. It makes the house ready for good luck. ‎ The colour red is everywhere during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy colour and will bring them a bright future. People wear red, too. They decorate their homes with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of "hong bao". It is a red paper bag with money in it. Usually, older people give younger ones hong bao. They think it brings good luck. ‎ The Spring Festival is the time to make everybody happy. So don't say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people.For instance, you'd better not say any bad words like "death". Don't break anything. People think that it means your luck is running out. ‎ Also, don't borrow or lend money on these days. If you have borrowed money, return it before the Spring Festival.‎ 1. What do most people do on the eve of the Spring Festival?‎ A. Family members gather for a big meal. B. Friends eat dumplings together. C. They borrow money from friends. D. They give each other hong bao.‎ 2. Why do people clean their houses days before the Spring Festival?‎ A. Because they enjoy being clean. B. Because it is believed that cleaning will sweep away bad luck. C. Because they think it will bring happiness to others. D. Because it is thought that cleaning brings in money.‎ 3. Which of the following things is not supposed to happen during the Spring Festival?‎ A. Returning money before the Spring Festival. B. Saying words that have to do with death. C. Wearing red clothes. D. Decorating houses with red paper.‎ 二、 阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共50.0分)‎ ‎    Before there was the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death, and everything else in between.‎ ‎      (16)   We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time.‎ ‎    "I adore dancing," says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance studio in Iowa. "I can't imagine doing anything else with my life." Bridges runs dance classes for all ages. "Teaching dancing is ‎ wonderful.    (17)   It's great to watch them. For many of them, it's a way of meeting people and having a social life."‎ ‎      (18)   "I can tell you about one young couple," says Bridges."They're learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.   (19)  "‎ So, do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer, healthier? Andrea Hillier says, "Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better.   (20)   I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me I'm alive."‎ ‎ A.So why do we dance?‎ B.Dance in the US is everywhere.‎ C.If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.‎ D.My older students say it makes them feel young.‎ E.I keep practicing even when I'm extremely tired.‎ F.Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.‎ G.They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.‎ 三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)‎ ‎    Thirty years ago, when I was a young man in New York City, I had no Christmas spirit.     I wasn't a bad person. I didn't   (21)   Christmas. But I was like many people: too   (22)   to really celebrate it. I wanted so badly to be a Broadway   (23)   that I didn't have time for anything else. And then I was chosen for a part-one of the greatest parts in the history of Christmas: Ebenezer Scrooge. And it was in a big, wonderful   (24)   called the Radio City Christmas Spectacular.     I also had to play in one scene   (25)   Santa Claus — the possible worst part, I thought, because Santa was so good, so boring. But that was OK.     However, nobody   (26)   about my Scrooge. Don't get me wrong. Critics loved the show, and the audience cheered, but   (27)   ever wanted to come backstage to meet Ebenezer Scrooge. No, they   (28)   to talk to Santa Claus. They loved him.     I'm not just talking about children. Parents would be   (29)   when they saw me in my costume. ‎ Strangers would smile. One time, a news reporter   (30)   in tears when I walked into the studio. "I can't   (31)   I'm talking to Santa Claus," she said.     Scrooge was written out of the Christmas Spectacular after only four years,   (32)   I've been Santa Claus for almost 30 years and more than 4,000   (33)  , and spending that much time as someone   (34)   you. As I was taking off my beard one night, I said to my stage manager, "I   (35)   I could wear this Santa suit all the time. If I did, I could   (36)   be angry or mean."     It was only a passing thought, but it has   (37)   with me ever since. Santa Claus is the   (38)   part of me. He's not just the role I play; he's my role model.     Thirty years ago, I wanted so badly to be   (39)  . I wanted to be Scrooge because Scrooge was interesting. Ebenezer Scrooge, I thought, would make me a   (40)   actor. Instead, Santa Claus made me a better man.‎ 21. A. like B. expect C. hate D. celebrate 22. A. lazy B. busy C. free D. excited 23. A. model B. actor C. director D. manager 24. A. cinema B. show C. scene D. concert 25. A. for B. like C. with D. as 26. A. cared B. worried C. knew D. talked 27. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 28. A. wanted B. refused C. pretended D. happened 29. A. scared B. annoyed C. impressed D. embarrassed 30. A. put down B. took down C. broke down D. wrote down 31. A. prove B. believe C. explain D. admit 32. A. but B. since C. as D. before 33. A. speeches B. reviews C. matches D. performances 34. A. bothers B. confuses C. changes D. upsets 35. A. agree B. wish C. feel D. realize 36. A. just B. still C. never D. even 37. A. fixed B. linked C. combined D. stuck 38. A. best B. worst C. first D. last 39. A. peaceful B. helpful C. successful D. cheerful 21. A. happier B. richer C. busier D. better 四、语法填空(本大题共10小题,共15.0分)‎ After Midnight it began pouring down. Suddenly, by the light of the lightning, we saw 41.____________ steamboat in the middle of the river, and we were sailing straight towards it. Jim and I boarded that sinking ship, 42____________(think) that we might find something useful on the boat. To our astonishment, we saw a light and some people in the cabin. Jim was too 43.____________(fright) to go on but I felt curious, wondering 44.___________ was happening. So I put my head round the door and then I found two men. One was short, with a beard; the 45._______________ was tall and had something in his hand 46.____________ looked like a gun. They were going to kill a man lying on the floor, 47._____________(tie) up with a rope. I had to find a way to save him. I found Jim and told him what I 48.___________(hear). At the news, Jim looked terrified, but I persuaded him to help me take their boat away. As we paddled it away, we heard the two men 49.______________(shout). By then we were a safe 50.____________(distant)away.‎ 五、短文改错(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)‎ As we all know, Mark Twain leads an adventurous life. He left school early. As a adolescent, he was determined to make his fortune, so he set off New Orleans. However, he reached New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find there were no boats for South America, which he could get rich quick. Forcing to change his plans, he worked for several year as a pilot on a steamboat. Later he became a journalist but began to write stories about life on the river. Twain’s vivid and often amused descriptions of life on the river became popular, made him one of America’s greatest writers.‎ 六、书面表达(本大题共25.0分)‎ 假如你是李华,端午节来临,你的笔友Peter发来电子邮件询问中国人过端午节的情况,请给他回一封电子邮件。词数100左右。‎ 提示词:阴历的 lunar calendar 庆祝 celebrate 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 粽子 rice dumpling 诗人 poet 活动 activity ‎ 意义 meaning 划龙舟 paddle a dragon boat ‎2018-2019学年度第二学期月考 答案和解析 ‎【答案】‎ ‎1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. F 20. E 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. D ‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎1~4. 39.D 细节理解题:从文章第一部分的句子:Besides serving food quickly,a young waiter who talks to them politely with a smile on his face will make the diners enjoy their time at the restaurant.可知作者认为服务员的工作是要让吃饭的人感到舒服,选D. 40.B 细节理解题:从文章第二部分的句子If one is fond of books,working in a library is another suitable choice:可知忙于论文的学生可能会选择在图书馆上班,选B. 41.B 写作意图题:从文章的内容和标题Part-time jobs for 15 and 16 years olds:可知作者写这篇文章是为了给年轻人一些怎么做兼职工作的建议,选B. 42.C 细节理解题:从文章第三部分的句子:A better Internet job for teens is to complete online surveys.These are quite simple surveys that usually ask one about his/her opinions and ideas.Many companies use these ideas to make products designed for teenagers.可知公司让年轻人做调查是他们需要给年轻人做产品的建议,选C. 这篇文章是为了给年轻人一些怎么做兼职工作的建议,包括服务员,图书馆的工作,和网络的工作.介绍了适合这些工作的人和如何做好这些工作. 做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.‎ ‎5~8. 1.D.细节理解题.由第一段"seemed to be interested in athletics,so I encouraged him to join our trackteam."可知,作者看到John 似乎对体育感兴趣,因此鼓励他加入田径队.说明作者对John的运动方面的兴趣给予更多的关注.故选D. 2.C.细节理解题.由第一段最后一句"He accepted the offer,and began to work hard at every practice."可知,John接受了他的老师的鼓励而参加了田径队.故选C. 3.A.意图判断题.由倒数第一段最后一句"I've found that a simple"I trust that you can do it!"can go a long way!"可知,鼓励是非常重要的.故选A. 4.B.推理判断题.由倒数第一段"I told it to a friend and she suggested I write it down to share somewhere with more teachers."可知,这篇文章主要写给老师的.故选B. 文章主要讲了作者鼓励他的学生约翰加入田径队,一个月后作者发现约翰在网球比赛中得了第一.作者本认为约翰更应该去网球队,而作者对约翰的鼓励使得他坚持在田径队努力训练. 本文是一篇人生感悟类阅读,题目涉及多道主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测 ‎9~12. 1.C.细节理解题;由第一段中"To some extent,person's intelligence is fixed at birth,whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment.(在一定程度上,一个人的智力在出生时已经确定,但是能否达到最高值取决于环境)"推断作者认为一个人的智力是先天和后天教育共同的结果,故选C. 2.D.推断题;由第一段中"To some extent,person's intelligence is fixed at birth,whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment.(在一定程度上,一个人的智力在出生时已经确定,但是能否达到最高值取决于环境)"推断,即使天生智力不高,但是后天环境优越能使他达到自己智力的极限,故选D. 3.B.细节理解题;由第三段中"We should soon find differences in intelligence developing(我们很快就会发现智力发展上的差别)"判断这个例子是为了证明后天的教育或环境对智力的影响,故选B. 4.A.主旨大意题.文章第一段首先提出论点"在一定程度上,一个人的智力在出生时已经确定,但是能否达到最高值取决于环境",然后第二段和第三段分别从先天决定和环境影响两个方面进行分析;可见文章围绕"智力"分析,故选A ‎. 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了影响智力的两个因素,智力范围是天生的,和他是否达到这些限制将取决于他的环境. 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.‎ ‎13~15. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了传统节日“春节”的习俗。 【关键词】get together; have big meals; hong bao; good luck; bad words; running out 1. 根据第二段中句子“On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. ”可知,在春节前夕,家人们聚在一起吃大餐。故选A。 2. 根据第三段中句子“People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck. It makes the house ready for good luck. ”可知,人们打扫房间是为了驱赶坏运,迎接好运。故选B。 3. 根据第五段中句子“So donˈt say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people. For instance, youˈd better not say any bad words like "death".”可知,在春节的时候,不要说不好听的话或者做任何给其他人带来不高兴的事情。比如,最好不要说类似于“死”这样的字眼。故选B。‎ ‎16~20. 【文章大意】在有文字之前,有舞蹈的语言。本文举例讲述了舞蹈能带给人活力,欢乐。 【关键词】dance; spirits; smile... 1.根据后文We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays , office parties and just to fill the time.可知,这里是说在美国到处有人跳舞,从佛罗里达到阿拉斯加,从北到南,故选B。 2.根据后句it's great to watch them可知,此处是介绍了跳舞对他们的好处。D项也是跳舞的好处,故选D。  3.根据第四段后句,是通过举例介绍人们跳舞的原因,故选A。  4.根据前句They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.可知,通过跳舞他们的心情彻底改变,故选F。 5.根据文章前后句可知,此处人称为第一人称,所以E符合语境,作者结合自己的跳舞经历介绍了跳舞给自己带来的好处。故选E。‎ ‎21~40. 【文章大意】作者扮演圣诞老人30‎ 多年了,自己对于这个角色有了更深刻的理解,认为圣诞老人是自己的人生榜样,这个角色使自己成为一个更好的人。 【关键词】actor; Santa Claus; model… 1.根据前文 I wasn't a bad person可知作者自己并不讨厌圣诞节,故答案为C。 2.根据下文I didn't have time for anything else可知作者像许多人一样,太忙了以至于没有时间去庆祝圣诞节,故答案为B。 3.根据下文可知作者非常扮演了30年的圣诞老人,渴望能成为一名百老汇演员,故答案为B。 4.根据下文 Critics loved the show, and the audience cheered可知这是一次一场盛大而精彩的演出,故答案为B. 5.根据I also had to play in one scene    (5)    Santa Claus可知作者需要扮演圣诞老人,as意为"作为,充当",故答案为D。 6.根据下文No, they    (8)    to talk to Santa Claus. They loved him可知,大家都喜欢圣诞老人,但是没人关心在乎Scrooge,故答案为A。 7.根据前文nobody   (6)   about my Scrooge.可知没人想喜欢Scrooge,所以没人去见见Scrooge,故答案为C。 8.根据下文to talk to Santa Claus. They loved him可知他们想和圣诞老人交谈,他们喜欢圣诞老人,故答案为A。 9.根据下文when they saw me in my costume. Strangers would smile可知家长们见到作者扮演的圣诞老人会印象非常深刻的,会笑。故答案为C。 10.A.put down写下;B.took down取下,记录;C.broke down出故障,感情失控;D.wrote down写下;根据下文I can't    (11)   I'm talking to Santa Claus," she said可知一位记者因为激动情绪失控而流泪,故答案为C。 11.根据前文One time, a news reporter    (10)    in tears when I walked into the studio可知她难以相信自己是和圣诞老人在说话,故答案为B。 12.根据Scrooge was written out of the Christmas Spectacular after only four years,    (12)    I've been Santa Claus for almost 30years.可知前后为转折关系,此处应该使用表示转折的连词but,故答案为A。 13.根据前文I've been Santa Claus for almost 30 years and more than 4,000    (13)   可知作者表演圣诞老人30多年,进行了4000多次的演出,故答案为D。 14.根据下文Instead, Santa Claus made me a better man可知此处指的是圣诞老人这个角色一直在改变自己,故答案为C。 ‎ ‎15.根据下文I could wear this Santa suit all the time可知作者希望自己一直穿着圣诞老人的服装,故答案为B。 16.根据If I did, I could    (16)    be angry or mean根据常识可知,圣诞老人总是给人们带来欢乐。如果作者一直扮演圣诞老人,就一直不会生气或变得自私,故答案为C。 17.根据It was only a passing thought, but it has    (17)    with me ever since可知这只是一个过去的想法,但它从此一直困扰着作者,故答案为D。 18.根据下文He's not just the role I play; he's my role model可知圣诞老人不仅是自己扮演的角色,还是自己的榜样,是自己最好的一面,故答案为A。 19.A. peaceful和平的;B. helpful有帮助的;C. successful成功的;D. cheerful高兴的;根据下文I wanted to be Scrooge because Scrooge was interesting...would make me a   (20)   actor.可知作者一直渴望成功,故答案为C。 20.根据Ebenezer Scrooge, I thought, would make me a    (20)    actor. Instead, Santa Claus made me a better man可知作者认为Ebenezer Scrooge让自己成为更好的演员,而圣诞老人这个角色使自己成为一个更好的人,故答案为D。‎

