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‎2017-2018学年天津市第一中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 ‎ 本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用时 90 分钟。第 I 卷 1 至 4 页,第 II 卷 1 至 1 页。考生务必将答案涂写规定的位置上,答在 试卷上的无效。 祝各位考生考试顺利! ‎ 第一卷 ‎ I. 听力 (10%) 第一节 (共 5 小题) ‎ 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ‎ ‎1. What are they talking about? ‎ A. A dictionary. B. A bookshop. C. A movie. ‎ ‎2. When will the meeting begin? ‎ A. 9:00. B. 10:00. C. 12:00. ‎ ‎3. How much is the woman going to pay for the hat? ‎ A. $80. B. $72. C. $88. ‎ ‎4. What do you think the man has bought? ‎ A. A bowl of ice cream. B. A nice dress. C. Some strawberries. ‎ ‎5. What can we learn about the woman in the conversation? ‎ A. She is a good friend of Mary’s. ‎ B. She never uses make-up herself. ‎ C. She was unhappy to hear the man’s comment. ‎ 第二节 (共 15 小题) ‎ 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 ‎ 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 ‎ ‎6. Where is the conversation most probably taking place? ‎ A. At home. B. On a bus. ‎ ‎7. Why do the two speakers want to buy a car? ‎ A. They want to save money. ‎ B. The woman’s office is too far from her home. C. The man lives too far away from his office. ‎ 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 ‎ ‎8. How does Bob feel about his interview? ‎ C. In the bank. ‎ A. Worried. B. Confident. ‎ C. Uncertain.‎ ‎9. What makes him think he has a very good chance? ‎ A. He did better than the others in the interview. ‎ B. He was the only one with related experience. C. The director seemed to like him. ‎ 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 ‎ ‎10. Who are the speakers? ‎ A. Office workers. B. College students. ‎ ‎11. What can we learn about the woman’s grandpa? ‎ C. Senior students. ‎ A. He serves in the army. B. He runs a small farm. ‎ C. He works on a farm. ‎ ‎12. Why does the woman often go to the country? ‎ A. She enjoys the beautiful scenery in the country. ‎ B. She has to help her grandpa with his farm work. C. She wants to stay with her grandpa. ‎ 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 ‎ ‎13. What are the man and his friend doing in the street? ‎ A. They are looking for a park. ‎ B. They are looking for a bank. ‎ C. They are looking for a river. ‎ ‎14. What’s the problem with the leaflet? ‎ A. It gives the wrong information. ‎ B. The details it gives are not clear. ‎ C. There’s no information about the concert in it. ‎ ‎15. How could you describe the man and his friends? ‎ A. Natives. B. Sports fans. C. Tourists. ‎ ‎16. Where will the man and his friends probably end up going? ‎ A. The park downtown. B. Lakeshore Park. C. Back to the hotel. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 ‎ ‎17. What is the speaker talking about? ‎ A. How to become a good writer. ‎ B. How to write a diary. ‎ C. How to organize a story. ‎ ‎18. How can writing a diary be helpful to people? ‎ A. It can distract people from their daily worries. ‎ B. It can leave space for people to think. ‎ C. It can improve people’s writing ability. ‎ ‎19. Where does the speaker like to write her journal? ‎ A. In a blog. B. On computer. C. In a notebook.‎ ‎20. What form does the speaker suggest using? ‎ A. In any form you like. B. In a letter form. C. In the first person. ‎ II. 单项选择 (20%) ‎ ‎21. –Do you like ______ ties, sir? ‎ ‎–I like neither of them. Please show me ______ third one. ‎ A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the D. /; a ‎ ‎22. –______! We are coming late. ‎ ‎–But I can’t find my ticket. ‎ A. Get a move on B. Take your time ‎ C. Help yourself D. Go straight ahead ‎ ‎23. The magazine is ______reading, so he advised me ______ it. ‎ A. well worth; to buy B. very worth; buyingC. worthy; buying D. worthy; to buy ‎ ‎24. The dying man sounded out of breath, ______ he had been running a long way. ‎ A. like B. as though C. as D. even if ‎ ‎25. ______ the two designs, and you will find what problem there is with yours. ‎ A. Comparing B. Compared C. To compare D. Compare ‎ ‎26. New Zealand ______ a north island and a south island, both of which are surrounded by sea. ‎ A. consists of B. is consisted of C. consisting of D. consisted of 27. He had just sent an email to his pal on the Internet ______ the system broke down. ‎ A. while B. when C. after D. since ‎ ‎28. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we ______ during the day. ‎ A. may be doing B. could have done ‎ C. must have done D. might have done ‎ ‎29. –Who is the girl standing over there? ‎ ‎–Well, if you ______ know, her name is Mabel. ‎ A. may B. can C. must ‎ ‎30. I hate ______ when people talk with their mouths full. ‎ D. shall ‎ A. it B. that C. these ‎ D. them ‎ ‎31. –He looks so ______ and the kids are really scared. ‎ ‎–He often uses that ______ look to frighten them. ‎ A. frightened; frightened B. frightened; frightening ‎ C. frightening; frightened D. frightening; frightening ‎ ‎32. –Do you think the movie is wonderful? ‎ ‎–Yes. It’s quite ______. ‎ A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything ‎33. The way he did it was different ______ we were used to. ‎ A. in which B. in what C. from what D. from which ‎ ‎34. –We didn’t see Smith attending the lecture. ‎ ‎–No one ______ him about ______ a lecture today. ‎ A. told; there to be B. had told; there to be C. told; there was D. had told; there being ‎ ‎35. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson ______ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired. ‎ A. took up B. took over C. carried out D. made up ‎ ‎36. The British use prepositions ______ Americans sometimes omit them. ‎ A. when B. which C. that D. where ‎ ‎37. A heavy snow fell on the first day of this year;you'll imagine what difficulty we had ______ home in the snow. ‎ A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking ‎ ‎38. The girl ______ in bed ______ to us that she had ______ the book on the bookshelf. ‎ A. lay; lied; lay B. lying; lay; laid C. lying; lied; laid D. lied; lied; laid 39. Hearing the steps of their teacher on the floor, the students pretended ______ something attentively. ‎ A. having read B. reading C. to reading D. to be reading ‎ ‎40. He tried many times to cross the border to a neighboring country without a permit, _______ each time. ‎ A. being caught B. only to be caught C. only to catch D. only catching ‎ III. 完形填空 (20%) ‎ Did you feel like the negative remark was more influential than the compliments that you received earlier? If the answer to the question is “Yes”, then you are not ___41___. There are many people feeling like this, but you all need to learn how to ___42___ negative remarks. ‎ When negative remarks come about, you remind yourself that it is ___43___ someone’s opinion and everyone is entitled (使享有权利) to express their opinions. They have the ___44___ to say anything they want to say. Meantime, you choose to do whatever you think is correct and ___45___ the negative ones. When I was a kid, ‎ I heard a saying --- “A barking dog won’t stop a moving carriage.” That is to say if a carriage is moving and a dog is ___46___ it while barking, the ‎ carriage won’t ___47___ because of that dog’s barking. ‎ One morning, as I was ___48___ to work from the nearest train station, a drunken man approached me. ___49___, he grasped my left arm and said, “Hey, man. Your clothes are so ugly.” Then he ___50___ my arm, and walked off. A few people on the street stopped, ___51___ at me, and were most likely expecting a reaction from me. I replied ___52___ “Good morning to you, sir”, and ___53___. The people watching this ___54___ started laughing. I just walked away without paying any attention to them. About an hour later, a ___55___ and I went back on that street to buy some fruits. Guess what? We saw the police speaking to that man, and he was in handcuffs (手铐). I told my workmate what had happened to me ___56___. ‎ In an article in Psychology Today, Dr Raj Raghunathan says, “The ___57___ between ordinary people and extraordinary (非凡的) people is simple. ‎ Extraordinary people choose to listen to their ___58___ and ignore other people’s negativity.” They see things differently. ___59___ you should learn how to deal with negative remarks and not let them ___60___ your emotions and thoughts. ‎ ‎41. A. confident B. alone ‎ C. calm ‎ D. correct ‎ ‎42. A. make B. avoid ‎ C. stop ‎ D. handle ‎ ‎43. A. always B. possibly ‎ C. usually ‎ D. only ‎ ‎44. A. right B. reason ‎ C. time ‎ D. ability ‎ ‎45. A. oppose B. notice ‎ C. ignore ‎ D. solve ‎ ‎46. A. walking around B. looking for ‎ C. running after ‎ D. passing by ‎ ‎47. A. stop B. close ‎ C. move ‎ D. follow ‎ ‎48. A. driving B. riding ‎ C. running ‎ D. walking ‎ ‎49. A. Unfortunately B. Disappointedly ‎ C. Suddenly ‎ D. Pleasantly ‎ ‎50. A. hurt from ‎ B. let go of ‎ C. caught ‎ D. broke away ‎ ‎51. A. looked ‎ B. shouted ‎ C. swore ‎ D. laughed ‎ ‎52. A. weakly ‎ B. slowly ‎ C. angrily ‎ D. politely ‎ ‎53. A. cried ‎ B. left ‎ C. smiled ‎ D. agreed ‎ ‎54. A. performance ‎ B. activity ‎ C. turn ‎ D. accident ‎ ‎55. A. friend ‎ B. colleague ‎ C. leader ‎ D. policeman ‎ ‎56. A. earlier ‎ B. expectedly ‎ C. again ‎ D. unwillingly ‎ ‎57. A. secret ‎ B. relationship ‎ C. difference ‎ D. similarity ‎ ‎58. A. advice ‎ B. experience ‎ C. heart ‎ D. positivity ‎ ‎59. A. And ‎ B. So ‎ C. When ‎ D. But ‎ ‎60. A. control ‎ IV. 阅读理解 (30%) ‎ B. show ‎ C. change ‎ A ‎ D. mix ‎ From visiting museums to watching Changing the Guard, there are some amazing experiences for you to get while in London. Here we pick some of the best free activities in London.‎ Changing the Guard ‎ For a display of British ceremony, watch Changing the Guard outside Buckingham Palace. This is where one member of Queen’s Guards exchanges duty with the old guard. Both guards are dressed in traditional red uniform and bearskin hats, and the handover is accompanied by a Guards band. Guard Mounting takes place at 11:30 am. It is held daily from May to July, and on alternate (间隔的) dates throughout the rest of the year. ‎ Sir John Soane’s Museum ‎ Sir John Soane was an architect. During his lifetime he collected some valuable antiquities from all four corners of the globe. They are now on display in Sir John Soane’s Museum which gives a real insight into the life of this outstanding Victorian gentleman. ‎ Geffrye Museum ‎ A very unique experience, the Geffrye Museum, located in 18 th century almshouses, gives a fascinating insight into the lives of the British middle classes from the 1600s to the present day. Explore a series of room sets, complete with furnishing and textiles (纺织品) from each period. ‎ Hogarth’s House ‎ Hogarth was very famous and criticized 18 th century society in his engravings ‎ ‎(雕刻), such as A Harlot’s Progress, A RAKE’S Progress and Marriage-a-la-Mode. As the name suggests, Hogarth’s House is where he lived before he died in 1764, and it’s here that you’ll find the largest collection of his paintings on public display. ‎ Bank of England Museum ‎ The splendid Bank of England Museum traces the history of the bank from its foundation by Royal Charter in 1694 to its role today as the country’s central bank. There are many items you have never expected to see. ‎ ‎61. What can we learn about the ceremony of Changing the Guard? ‎ A. Visitors need to pay when watching the ceremony. ‎ A. Visitors can listen to some music at the ceremony. ‎ B. The ceremony is held at 11:30 am every day throughout the year. ‎ C. Changing the Guard involves two groups of guards every time. ‎ ‎62. What can visitors learn about the British people at Geffrye Museum? ‎ A. The home life. B. The social life. C. The political life. D. The cultural life. ‎ ‎63. What can we learn from the text? ‎ A. Sir John Soane was a painter who lived in the Victorian era. B. Hogarth’s paintings were criticized by other painters of his time. ‎ C. The Bank of England Museum no longer functions as a bank now.‎ D. Sir John Soane’s Museum is a good place to see old and valuable objects. ‎ ‎64. What would be the best title for this text? ‎ A. Active Life in London B. Free London Attractions C. Famous Museums in London D. Enjoy Your Stay in London ‎ B For nine days in October, the New Mexico skies are painted as hundreds of balloons lift off from Albuquerque’s Balloon Fiesta Park. For ballooning fans worldwide, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a pilgrimage (朝圣之旅). There's something for everyone to enjoy --- special shapes filled with equal parts of hot air and wonder, and Balloon Glows that create a magical night landscape for spectators (观众) to wander. ‎ The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a world-famous attraction and destination for kids of all ages. For more than three decades, the first week in October brings the smell of roasting chilies (辣椒) and the beautiful, magical moving picture show of hot air balloons sailing silently through the fall air. ‎ Guests from all over the world come to Albuquerque to celebrate ballooning. ‎ Hundreds of balloons will be taking flight from the Balloon Fiesta Park this year. ‎ From its beginnings in 1972 with 13 balloons launching from a shopping mall parking lot, the Balloon Fiesta has grown to multiple events launching year-round at the custom designed, 365-acre Balloon Fiesta Park. With 700 balloons, it is the largest ballooning event on earth, the most photographed event on earth, and the ‎ largest international event held in the United States every year. ‎ Imagine 54 football fields, all put together. That’s the size of Balloon Fiesta Park’s 78-acre launch field! And at this Park’s “playing field”, there are no losing teams and no viewing stands. Guests walk the field and are part of the action. ‎ Hundreds of thousands of smiling, upturned faces, attracted by the beauty of hot air balloons filling the big blue New Mexico sky. What you can’t hear until you walk our field at nightfall is the thrilling roar (喧闹声) of hundreds of burners ‎ setting fire, turning the Park into a huge lighted Christmas tree of colorful balloons. What you can’t feel until you join us is the great joy everywhere around you. ‎ Balloon Fiesta Park is located north of Alameda Boulevard, one mile west of ‎ Interstate-25. ‎ ‎65. What can we learn about the Balloon Fiesta from the text? ‎ A. It has a history of 30 years. B. It is only held in the daytime. ‎ C. It exhibits pictures and photos. ‎ D. It is held at the beginning of October.‎ ‎66. Which of the following word best describes the scene in Paragraph 6? ‎ A. Inspiring. B. Peaceful. C. Exciting. D. Touching. ‎ ‎67. The text most probably comes from ______. ‎ A. a travel magazine B. a special report ‎ C. a personal diary D. a history textbook ‎ C ‎ Some people ran to the seaside and tried to escape in boats. There were huge waves, and many boats were overturned, but some families got away. Other people ran into the country, away from the mountain. In the end, most of the people escaped from Pompeii in time. But about 2,000 people didn’t get away. They died under the ashes. In fact, the city was covered with about 15-20 feet of ashes. When it rained later, the ashes became as hard as rock. ‎ Not far from Pompeii was another small city. The people who lived there could see the volcano, and they talked to the people who escaped. A boy named ‎ Pliny watched and listened to everything. When he grew up, he wrote about ‎ Pompeii, but his writings were lost. ‎ After many years, people built a new town over Pompeii. The old Roman city was forgotten. Then, in the 19 th century, people found some of Pliny’s writings. They read his story about Pompeii and wondered where it was. One day near Vesuvius, some workers were making a hole in the ground, and they found pieces of an old wall. A few years later, more walls and buildings were found. There was also a stone with the name of the city --- Pompeii. ‎ In 1860, the King of Italy told scientists to uncover Pompeii. They took away a lot of rock and dirt, and found the city just as it was before the volcano. In one café there was still money on a table. In a house, there were pots and pans in a fireplace and a bowl of eggs on a table. The ash kept all these things the same for two hundred years. ‎ At first, the scientists wondered why they found few human bones. But then, they understood what had happened. The bodies and bones were gone, but in their place, there were holes in the rocks. ‎ Today, Pompeii is an open-air museum. People come from all over the world to see it. Scientists continue to study the Roman city. From it, they have learned a lot about the way people lived in those days. ‎ ‎68. After the volcano exploded most of the people who lived in Pompeii ______. ‎ A. died under the ashes B. built a new town ‎ C. stayed in the city D. left the city ‎ ‎69. What do we know about Pliny? ‎ A. He rediscovered Pompeii’s location.‎ B. He recorded something about Pompeii. ‎ C. He studied Pompeii’s history. ‎ D. He built a museum for Pompeii. ‎ ‎70. According to the text, people before the 19 th century ______. ‎ A. didn’t know where Pompeii was ‎ B. heard the stories of Pliny ‎ C. made up many stories about Pompeii ‎ D. didn’t find the location of the volcano ‎ ‎71. When scientists uncovered Pompeii, they found ______. ‎ A. some writings about the city B. a stone with the name of a boy ‎ C. everything in it unchanged D. lots of human bones ‎ D During the early years of American settlement, a new form of English was beginning to develop in the islands of the West Indies and the southern part of the mainland, spoken by the black population. The beginning of the seventeenth century saw the appearance of the slave trade. Ships from Europe travelled to the West African coast, where they exchanged cheap goods for black slaves. The slaves were shipped in terrible conditions to the Caribbean islands and the American coast, where they were in turn exchanged for such products as sugar and molasses (糖蜜). The ships then returned to England, completing an “Atlantic triangle” of journeys, and the process began again. Britain and the United States had outlawed the slave trade by 1865, but by that time, nearly 200 years of trading had taken place. By the middle of the nineteenth century, there were over four million black slaves in America. ‎ The policy of the slave-traders was to bring people of different language backgrounds together in the ships, to make it difficult for groups to plan rebellion ‎ ‎(造反). The result was the growth of several pidgin (混杂语言) forms of communication, and in particular a pidgin between the slaves and the sailors, many of whom spoke English. Once arriving in the Caribbean, this pidgin English continued to act as a major means of communication between the black population and the new landowners, and among the blacks themselves. Then, when children came to be born, the pidgin became their mother tongue, thus producing the first black Creole speech in the region. This Creole English rapidly came to be used throughout the cotton plantations (种植园), and in the coastal towns and islands. Similarly, creolized forms of French, Spanish and Portuguese appeared in and around the Caribbean. ‎ ‎72. The underlined word “outlawed” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by ______. ‎ A. conducted B. banned C. controlled D. damaged ‎73. It can be inferred that the slaves in the same ship ______. ‎ A. didn’t communicate with each other B. could understand several languages ‎ C. spoke different languages D. came from the same country ‎ ‎74. According to the text, Creole speech comes from ______. ‎ A. a European language and an American language ‎ B. English and African languages ‎ C. Spanish and English ‎ D. African languages ‎ ‎75. What is the text mainly about? ‎ A. Languages spoken in America. B. “Atlantic triangle” of journeys. C. The history of slave trade. D. The origin of black English. ‎ 第二卷 ‎ V. 阅读表达(10%) ‎ I’m a 34-year-old man, married, lived in a nice house, and have a successful career as an educational consultant. But my life was not always so great. I had a learning disability from an early age. I went to a special school where I got plenty of extra help. Still, I suffered the rest of my school days in public schools. ‎ My life improved remarkably when I discovered art. The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words. I went to a workshop and gradually got good at making things with clay(黏土). Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay. And my confidence came along. ‎ I got my next lesson from rock climbing. It was a fun thing but I was scared from the start. I soon noticed it wasn’t a talent thing; it was practice. So I did it more. After about five years of climbing, I found myself in Yosemite Valley on a big ‎ wall. I learned that if you fall in love with something and do it all the time, you will get better at it. ‎ Later I decided to apply my previous experience to learning how to read and write. Every day I practiced reading and writing, which I used to avoid as much as possible. After two hard years, I was literate. ‎ Having gone through the long process with art, rock climbing, and reading and writing, now I’ve got to a point in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown, hard, but interesting. ‎ 76. What made the author’s school days difficult? (No more than 5 words) ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 77. Why did art give the author confidence? (No more than 10 words) ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ 78. What lesson did the author learn from rock climbing? (No more than 15 words) ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 79. What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 4? (No more than 5 words) ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 80. How does the author’s story inspire you to overcome difficulties in life? Put it in your own words. (No more than 20 words) ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ VI. 单词拼写 (10%) ‎ 81. I would be very g____________ (感谢的,感激的) if you could send me more information about the posts available. ‎ 82. The good thing about children is that they a____________ (适应) very easily to new environments. ‎ 83. Mutual understanding is e____________ (必不可少的,绝对重要的) to friendship. ‎ 84. He was considered quite q____________ (合格的,称职的) for the job. ‎ 85. On January 3 the company will p____________ (提出) its plans to the bank. ‎ 86. It's amazing how closely Brian and Steve r____________ (与…相似) each other. ‎ 87. I'm d____________ (坚决的) to get this piece of work finished today. ‎ 88. Tolstoy's experiences of war had a p____________ (深刻的) effect on his work. 89. For more than a century communications across the Atlantic have developed s____________ (不断地、持续地). ‎ ‎90. Twain’s vivid and often amusing descriptions of life on the river quickly became popular, and e____________ (建立,确立) the reputation he still enjoys today as one of America’s greatest writers.‎ 参考答案 ‎ 听力: ‎ ‎1-5 ABBAC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 CCABC 16-20 BBBCA 单选: ‎ ‎21-25 BAABD 26-30 ABDCA 31-35 DBCDA 36-40 DDCDB 完形: ‎ ‎41-45 BDDAC 46-50 CADCB 51-55 ADBCB 56-60 ACDBA 阅读: ‎ ‎61-64 BADB 65-67 DCA 68-71 DBAC 72-75 BCBD 阅表: ‎ ‎76.(His) learning disability. ‎ Or: Having a learning disability. ‎ Or: That he was learning disabled. ‎ Or: He had a learning disability. ‎ ‎77.He could be smart and express himself with clay. ‎ Or: Art could help him express himself without words. ‎ Or: He could well express himself with clay/art. ‎ ‎78.If you enjoy something and keep doing it, you will get better at it. ‎ Or: The more you practice something, the better at it you will become. ‎ Or: Practice makes perfect. Or: Practice leads to success. ‎ ‎79.I could read and write. ‎ ‎80.We should not lose heart in face of difficulties. If we work hard, we will find a way out. ‎ Or: The author’s story tells me that I should be confident and practice hard to overcome difficulties in my life. ‎ Or:We should overcome our weakness and fears with courage and determination. ‎ 以上答案仅供参考 ‎ 单词拼写 ‎ ‎81. grateful ‎ ‎82. adapt ‎ ‎83. essential ‎ ‎84. qualified ‎ ‎85. present ‎ ‎86. resemble ‎ ‎87. determined ‎ ‎88. profound ‎ ‎89. steadily ‎ ‎90. established

