2019-2020学年新教材高中英语Unit4 Stage and

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语Unit4 Stage and

‎ Unit 4 Stage and screen 电影是一门视觉和听觉的现代艺术,也是一门可以容纳戏剧、摄影、绘画、音乐、舞蹈、文字、雕塑、建筑等多种艺术的现代科技与艺术的综合体。而武侠电影就是这种文化的一种最好的体现。 ‎ History of Martial Arts Films The first martial arts film began in Hong Kong, China, in the early 1900s. During this time in China, western culture’s influence caused a decline(减少) in traditional values and practices. As a result, early martial arts films were artificial(虚假的) and held unreal elements(要素) describing sword sorcerers as characters used magical abilities such as flying through the air. However, they have changed greatly over the years, expressing a better quality of acting with the traditional martial arts, and the addition of sound.‎ Wong Feihung Films Known as a legendary folk hero, Wong Feihung died in 1924. However, this famous martial artist lives on long after his death through films. About 62 films of Wong Feihung were produced from 1949 to 1959. These films preserved(保留) the real Chinese martial arts forms. Wong Feihung films used real weapons and proper martial arts forms.‎ Wuxia Films Wuxia films were the next popular style martial arts films from the 1960 to 1980. These types of martial arts were often set in ancient China that held a lot of violent swordplay. The heroes were the underdogs,fighting for the lower class. They set out to fight the wrongs that were done by the oppressors.‎ Kung Fu Films When people mention kung fu films, most naturally think of actor Bruce Lee, and rightly so. In the 1970s, these films brought out a more credible(可信的) form of martial arts. The films pushed the film industry toward unarmed battle rather than ‎ - 15 -‎ the swordplay in earlier martial arts films. With the success of the Bruce Lee films, Chinese martial arts films started on an international rise.‎ Current Films Martial arts films of today still use the real martial arts forms. However, a new theme has been added. With the introduction of Jackie Chan, comedy was added to these martial arts films in the late 1970s.Jackie Chan movies were deeply rooted in the style of classic kung fu. However, he also added a comedy element that has transformed the type into several mainstream movie hits(很受欢迎的人或事物).‎ Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas 重点单词 阅读词汇 ‎(在不认识的单词前划√)‎ ‎□opera n. □version n. □string n. □female adj. □universe n. □clap v. □edge n.‎ 写作词汇 ‎1.aspect n. 方面 ‎2.technique n. 技巧,手法 ‎3.incredible adj. 难以置信的 ‎4.poetry n. 诗;诗歌 拓展词汇 ‎5.movement n.运动,动作→move v.移动 ‎6.transform v.使改观,使变形,使转化→transformation n.变化,改观,转变 ‎7.energetic adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的→energy n.精力;能源 ‎8.emotion n.强烈的情感→emotional adj.感情的;情感的 ‎9.anger n.愤怒,怒火→angry adj.生气的 ‎10.combine v.(使)结合,(使)组合→combination n.组合;结合 - 15 -‎ 重点短语 ‎            ‎ ‎             ‎ ‎1.date__back__to     追溯到 ‎2.start__with 以……开始 ‎3.get__across 解释清楚,传达 ‎4.transform...into... 把……转变成……‎ ‎5.on__the__edge__of__one’s__seat 极为激动 ‎6.tick__all__the__right__boxes 事情发展如人所愿,一切顺利 重点句型 ‎1.until引导时间状语从句:Having seen quite a few productions of Hamlet and read the play many times, I was full of confidence—until__the__Peking__Opera__came__to__town(直到看到京剧)!‎ ‎2.形式主语:Does this mean it’s__easier__than__a__Shakespeare__play__to__understand(比莎士比亚的戏剧更容易理解)?‎ ‎3.so...that...如此……以至于……: The voices themselves sounded really unique—some of the female voices were so__high__that(如此高以至于) I was sure they could break glass!‎ Read the text and fill in the blanks.‎ Two clubs of the text The order of 1.________: before the performance→during the performance→after the performance Changes of feelings: 2.____________→curious→3.____________→impressed 答案:1.time 2.confident 3.surprised Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.‎ ‎1.Why did the author go to see The Revenge of Prince Zidan?‎ A.To confirm that Peking Opera is easier to understand.‎ B.To make sure it has a long history.‎ C.To enjoy the Peking Opera version of Hamlet.‎ - 15 -‎ D.To find out the differences between Hamlet and its Peking Opera version.‎ ‎2.What began to change the author’s view on Peking Opera?‎ A.The main characters.‎ B.The exaggerated movements.‎ C.Jinghu.‎ D.The stage.‎ ‎3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?‎ A.The characters were performers as well as athletes.‎ B.Prince Hamlet did a backflip before.‎ C.The author didn’t like the play.‎ D.The Revenge of Prince Zidan is a success.‎ ‎4.What does “I was on the edge of my seat” mean in Paragraph 5?‎ A.He wanted to leave.‎ B.He loved the performance.‎ C.He was sick of the performance.‎ D.He felt uncomfortable.‎ 答案:1-4.ACDB ‎ start with(=begin with)  以……开始 ‎(教材P38)Starting with an orchestra playing traditional Chinese instruments, the opera brought a completely new sound to my Western ears.‎ 从管弦乐队演奏中国传统乐器开始,京剧给我这对西方耳朵带来了一种全新的声音。‎ ‎(1)begin/start...with    以……开始 end (up) with 以……结束 ‎(2)to begin with=to start with 首先(常作插入语)‎ ‎①A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.‎ ‎[谚语]千里之行,始于足下。‎ ‎②The teacher began the lesson with an English song today.‎ 今天老师以一首英文歌曲开始了课程。‎ ‎[巧学活用]——完成句子 我们不可能去,首先是路太远,其次我们也负担不起。‎ We can’t possibly go. To__begin/start__with,__it’s too far and secondly we - 15 -‎ ‎ can’t afford it either.‎ 常见的插入语:‎ to tell the truth        老实说 to conclude 总之 to be honest 老实说 to make matters worse 更糟的是 ‎ get across  解释清楚,传达 ‎(教材P38)The performers of course sang in Chinese, but the music, exaggerated movements and mime helped get the meanings across to the audience.‎ 表演者当然用中文演唱,但音乐、夸张的动作和手势有助于让观众理解其中的意思。‎ get through         做完;通过;接通(电话)‎ get over 克服 get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真(做)某事 get along/on with 相处;进展 ‎①What is the message that you are trying to get across?‎ 你想要传达什么消息?‎ ‎②I’ve been trying to phone Charles all evening,but there must be something wrong with his phone. I can’t seem to get through.‎ 整个晚上我都一直在努力给查尔斯打电话,但他的电话肯定是出故障了。我似乎无法接通。‎ ‎③Don’t just sit there! Get down to discussing(discuss) that question!‎ 别干坐着了!开始讨论那个问题吧!‎ ‎[巧学活用]——用get的相关短语填空 ‎(1)Take it easy. You’ll soon get__over your carelessness.‎ ‎(2)I’ve been trying to ring you up all day but I couldn’t get__through.‎ ‎(3)He isn’t good at talking but he gets__on/along__well__with other people.‎ ‎ transform  vt. 使改观,使变形,使转化 ‎(教材P39)Using such techniques, the opera had transformed a small stage into the whole universe.‎ 运用这些技巧,京剧把一个小舞台变成了整个宇宙。‎ ‎(1)transform A into B     把A转换成B transform from...into... 从……转变成……‎ ‎(2)transformation n. 改变,变革 - 15 -‎ ‎①I went on alternative break trips and had my life totally transformed by that experience.‎ 我参加了非传统的假期旅行,它完全改变了我的生活。‎ ‎②Water can transform a desert into a garden.‎ 水能使沙漠变为花园。‎ ‎[巧学活用]——单句语法填空 ‎(1)A sitting room can be__transformed(transform) into a guest bedroom simply by adding a sofa bed.‎ ‎(2)In the last five years, he’s gone through a personal transformation(transform).‎ ‎(3)If you fail to keep the balance, then it would transform into__another problem.‎ ‎ combine  v.(使)结合,(使)组合 ‎(教材P39)So, if you want to see a show that combines music, singing, drama, poetry and costume design with explosive effect, The Revenge of Prince Zidan ticks all the right boxes!‎ 所以,如果你想看一个集音乐、歌唱、戏剧、诗歌和服装设计于一体的具有爆炸性效果的节目,那么京剧《王子复仇记》就恰到好处了!‎ ‎(1)combine with     与……结合 combine...with... 把……与……结合起来 ‎(2)combination n. 结合;联合;化合(物)‎ in combination with 与……结合 ‎①You should try to combine exercise with a balanced diet.‎ 你应该尽力将锻炼和平衡的饮食相结合。‎ ‎②We consider it necessary to combine theory with practice.‎ 我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。‎ ‎[巧学活用]——单句语法填空 ‎(1)—In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.‎ ‎—I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two combined(combine).‎ ‎(2)When shown in combination(combine) with black, orange often symbolizes(象征) the career.‎ until引导时间状语从句 ‎(教材P38)Having seen quite a few productions of Hamlet and read the play many times, I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to town!‎ - 15 -‎ 看了不少《哈姆雷特》的作品,读了很多遍《哈姆雷特》,直到看到京剧,我才没了自信。‎ 本句为复合句,“Having seen quite a few productions of Hamlet and read the play many times”为现在分词短语在句中作原因状语。until在句中引导时间状语从句。until可用作介词或连词,意为“到……时候为止,到……时候才”。‎ ‎(1)until引导时间状语从句时,主句的谓语动词是延续性动词,表示“直到……为止”;‎ ‎(2)not...until...引导时间状语从句时,若主句的谓语动词是终止性动词,表示“直到……才……”;若主句的谓语动词是延续性动词,意为“不到……就……”。‎ ‎①He waited until his mother came back.‎ 他一直等到他妈妈回来。‎ ‎②I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework.‎ 直到做完作业我才上床睡觉。‎ ‎[巧学活用]——完成句子 ‎(1)交通法要到年底才生效。‎ The traffic laws don’t come to effect until__the__end__of__the__year.‎ ‎(2)一直朝着这个方向走就会看见指示牌了。‎ Continue in this direction until__you__see__a__sign.‎ 品句填词 ‎1.It is incredible(难以置信的) that he is always full of energy.‎ ‎2.The artistic movement(运动) called the Renaissance began in Florence.‎ ‎3.Climate and weather affect every aspect(方面) of our lives.‎ ‎4.Male animals are often larger than the females(雌性).‎ ‎5.Yi Jianlian is a great player, with brilliant technique(技巧).‎ ‎6.We are determined to carry on a hard struggle to transform(改观) the mountain area in five years.‎ ‎7.Basing an important decision more on emotion(情感) than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.‎ ‎8.His anger(愤怒) would burst out when things didn’t go as he’d expected.‎ ‎9.Poets use many different forms of poetry(诗歌) to express themselves.‎ ‎10.As the president ended his speech,we clapped(鼓掌)politely.‎ 完成句子 ‎1.直到老师进来学生们才停止谈话。‎ - 15 -‎ The students didn’t__stop__talking__until the teacher came in.‎ ‎2.尽管失败了很多次,他没有丧失信心。‎ Having__failed__many__times,__he didn’t lose heart.‎ ‎3.你认为与别人相处对他来说困难吗?‎ Do you think it__is__difficult__for__him__to__get__along__with others?(it作形式主语)‎ ‎4.这种新疗法可单独使用,也可以和传统疗法结合使用。‎ The new treatment can be used either alone or in__combination__with the traditional ones.‎ ‎5.这两个国家之间的关系可追溯到几百年前。‎ The relationship between the two countries can date__back__to hundreds of years ago.‎ 课文语法填空 I thought I knew a lot about Hamlet. And it was changed 1.until the Peking Opera came to town. 2.Starting(start) with an orchestra playing traditional Chinese instruments, I thought 3.what I heard was a violin, but later I learnt that it was an instrument 4.called(call) jinghu. Then I saw the main 5.characters(character) come on stage. The costumes and masks were 6.amazing(amaze). The music, exaggerated movements and mime helped get the meanings across to 7.the audience. Using such techniques, the opera 8.had__transformed(transform) a small stage into the whole universe. The performance was so 9.wonderful(wonder) that everyone clapped their hands. So if you want to see a show with 10.explosive(explode)effect, The Revenge of Prince Zidan ticks all the right boxes!‎ 单句语法填空 ‎1.Though Jack is similar to his elder brother in appearance, I am not familiar with him.‎ ‎2.The old temple dating(date) from the 18th century attracted tourists at home and abroad.‎ ‎3.It is impossible to__finish(finish) the job in such a short time.‎ ‎4.The Olympic Games began with a parade of all the competing nations.‎ ‎5.I had thought of a good way to get my message across while using as few words as possible.‎ ‎6.We hope that water can transform every desert into a garden in the near future.‎ - 15 -‎ ‎7.She was so angry that she couldn’t speak a word when she saw her son’s result of the exam.‎ ‎8.Technological change is everywhere and affects many aspects(aspect) of daily life.‎ ‎9.Do you wake up every morning feeling energetic(energy) and ready to start a new day?‎ ‎10.It’s better to give expression to your anger(angry),rather than hiding it.‎ 完成句子 ‎1.由于不懂这里的语言,我发现与当地人交流很困难。‎ Not knowing__the__language here, I found it hard to communicate with local people.‎ ‎2.要找到这些节目的信息并不难。‎ It__is__not__difficult__to__find__out the information about the programs.‎ ‎3.《我和我的祖国》是一部非常好看的电影,我们想再看一遍。‎ My People and My Country is such__a__good__film__that/so__good__a__film__that we want to see it a second time.‎ ‎4.如果你用了过多的专门术语,你的论文就不会被人理解。‎ Your paper wouldn’t get__across if you used too many technical terms in it.‎ ‎5.他们家族的历史追溯到300年前。‎ The history of their family dates__from/back__to 300 years ago.‎ 阅读理解 A I like watching TV very much for I think it has many advantages.First of all, watching TV is a good rest.After a day of hard work, we need a good rest.Watching TV can make our mind and body not tired any more because of the pleasant music and TV plays.‎ Besides, watching TV is entertaining.There are many kinds of entertainment, such as sports activities, singing and dancing concerts, plays and films all over the world at every time.It’s not possible for us to go to every place to enjoy all the activities within a short time.We need at least over ten hours to fly from New York to Paris, a week by train from Beijing to Moscow and an hour to drive from Queens District to Manhattan District.But within just one second, TV can bring us from an NBA game in New York to a fashion show in Paris by changing the channels.‎ - 15 -‎ Most importantly, watching TV is educational.Our children can learn every kind of subjects through the educational programmes and the special reports on TV, and it’s easy for them to learn Chinese from a Chinese teacher in Beijing and to learn Russian lessons from a Russian teacher in Moscow.Even we can learn how to behave well from the TV plays.Besides, a teacher can teach millions of students without a huge classroom.‎ ‎【解题导语】 看电视有很多好处,是一种休息方式,也是一种娱乐方式,更重要的是人们能够从中学到知识。‎ ‎1.The best title for the text is ________.‎ A.TV Brings Good Rest B.The Advantages of Watching TV ‎ C.Today’s TV Programmes D.How to Use TV in Schools B 解析:标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了看电视的好处,所以选B项。‎ ‎2.In the second paragraph the writer wants to show ________.‎ A.TV brings different parts of world in front of us B.TV stations send programmes quickly C.how to go to different places and enjoy ourselves D.how long it will take a man to drive to different places A 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第三、四句可知,如果我们去世界各地的话需要很长时间。再根据此段最后一句可知如果我们看电视,只需一秒钟,电视就能把我们带到世界各地。所以A项正确。‎ ‎3.According to the writer what is the most important reason for watching TV?‎ A.We can learn something useful.‎ B.Watching TV is a good rest.‎ C.We can see whatever we like.‎ D.We can enjoy ourselves.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Most importantly, watching TV is educational.”可知A项正确。‎ ‎4.The writer writes the text to ________.‎ A.persuade us to buy a TV B.tell her ideas about TV ‎ C.introduce some TV programmes D.tell us how to learn from TV - 15 -‎ B 解析:写作意图题。本文主要介绍了看电视的好处,作者通过本文来表达自己对看电视的看法。‎ B Goldfish have pretty boring lives, so maybe it’s a good thing that they can only concentrate for nine seconds!But according to a new research, humans are becoming like goldfish.Our attention span(时长) is getting shorter...and it’s all because of technology.‎ ‎“We move quickly from one site to another on the web,” says Doctor Ted Selker, a computer scientist from Massachusetts,“and we are losing the ability to concentrate.” With millions of websites to choose from, the attention span of the average Internet user is just seconds.There are other digital distractions(分心) too:email, instant messaging and quickie movies on websites.‎ Some people are worried about the effect on young people.“You need time to understand and think about what you read,”says Julia Wood, from London.“Young people search the net all the time and their brains become full of useless information but there is no time to make sense of it.I am trying to persuade my pupils to read more books, so that they concentrate on one subject for longer.”‎ Other teachers are trying more unusual methods to improve students’ concentration.Anne Savan, from Wales, was so worried about her students that she started playing Mozart during her science lessons.She says that it had an amazing effect,“The music made them calmer, and their concentration was much better.”‎ But not everyone believes that there is a problem.Ray Cole, an educational psychologist says,“On the web, young people learn to make quick decisions about what is and isn’t worth reading.They might look at five unhelpful websites very quickly, before stopping and reading a sixth useful website more carefully.In a world with so much information available, this is an important skill.”‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文。随着科技的发展,人们将大量时间花在浏览网站上,快速不断地浏览使人们的注意力时长越来越短;但是有人认为,浏览网站,可以提高年轻人的判断能力。‎ ‎5.Why does the writer mention “goldfish”?‎ A.To analyze data.‎ B.To introduce a topic.‎ C.To settle problems.‎ - 15 -‎ D.To suggest a way out.‎ B 解析:推理判断题。文章第一段第一句说金鱼只能集中九秒钟的注意力;结合第一段的第二句But according to a new research, humans are becoming like goldfish.可知,人们正变得像金鱼一样;接着文章提出中心论点:由于技术发展,我们的注意力时长变得越来越短。据此可以判断,作者用金鱼的例子是为了引出文章主题,故B项正确。‎ ‎6.What may cause a shorter attention span according to Dr.Ted Selker?‎ A.Skipping around the Internet.‎ B.Time to digest information.‎ C.Traditional methods of reading.‎ D.Making decisions.‎ A 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的We move quickly from one site to another on the web及and we are losing the ability to concentrate可知,Ted Selker认为,由于人们快速浏览网站,人们正在丧失集中注意力的能力,故A项正确。‎ ‎7.What will help students overcome a short attention span?‎ A.Receiving emails.‎ B.Texting messages.‎ C.Reading more books.‎ D.Watching quickie movies.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的最后一句I am trying to persuade my pupils to read more books, so that they concentrate on one subject for longer.可知,阅读更多的书将有助于学生克服注意力集中时间短的问题,故C项正确。‎ ‎8.What is Ray Cole’s attitude towards looking through websites quickly?‎ A.Cautious.         B.Unfavorable.‎ C.Skeptical. D.Supportive.‎ D 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的But not everyone believes that there is a problem.及On the web, young people learn to make quick decisions about what is and isn’t worth reading.可知,Ray Cole认为年轻人快速浏览网站可以提高快速判断的能力;据此可判断,Ray Cole对快速浏览网站持支持态度,故D项正确。‎ 完形填空 After moving into my mother’s home to look after her following an illness, I found myself thinking about my own __1__.It was clear that I __2__ to find something that would help me __3__the house more often.‎ I found my __4__ while standing in line at the store checkout one sunny spring day.Red words on the cover of a magazine caught my __5__,“Walk Off Weight!”‎ - 15 -‎ After __6__the advantages of walking, I knew I had found the perfect __7__that would not only make me spend more time outdoors, but would also help me keep __8__.‎ I didn’t start walking four miles right away; I began __9__.After a few weeks, I __10__ from walking two miles every day to between four and six miles every day.My __11__ increased from about three miles per hour to over four.‎ It wasn’t long before I began to notice the many __12__in both my physical and emotional(情绪的) health.‎ I lost __13__.The extra(额外的) fat I’d been carrying around my stomach disappeared.My body was __14__and became more shapely.Even my back pain had __15__!‎ The advantages to my emotional health were also great.My spirits lifted with each passing day.I could hardly __16__ to get up each morning.With more selfconfidence, I also found myself to be more sociable and that I began to __17__meeting new people.‎ ‎__18__my mother became less of a tiring task.Feeling __19__, I was able to look after her with great enthusiasm(热情).I __20__her to try to become as healthy and happy as I felt.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在照顾生病的母亲时开始关注自己的健康。偶然了解到散步的好处后,作者开始坚持散步,不久就发现自己的身体和情绪方面有了很大的变化。‎ ‎1.A.dream         B.plan C.health D.work C 解析:由本句中的“look after her following an illness”以及下文的描述可知,“我”发现“我”开始关注自己的“健康(health)”。‎ ‎2.A.needed B.refused C.failed D.forgot A 解析:由上文中的“I found myself thinking about”以及下文中的“make me spend more time outdoors”可知,“我”“需要(needed)”找一些能激励“我”“走出(get out of)”房间的事情来做。‎ ‎3.A.live in B.move into C.get out of D.keep away from C ‎4.A.purpose B.answer C.job D.hobby B 解析:由上文中的“to find something...the house more often”以及下文中的“Walk Off Weight!”可知,“我”找到了“解决办法(answer)”。‎ - 15 -‎ ‎5.A.eye B.leg C.hand D.arm A 解析:由上文中的“standing in line at the store checkout one sunny spring day”以及本句中的“Walk Off Weight!”可知, 一本杂志封面上红色的字“吸引了我的注意(caught my eye)”。‎ ‎6.A.talking about B.reading about C.hearing about D.writing about B 解析:由第二段及下文的描述可知,“读了(reading about)”散步的种种好处后,“我”明白“我”找到了一项不仅能让自己多待在户外而且能帮助“我”保持“健康(fit)”的最佳“活动(activity)”。‎ ‎7.A.thought B.behavior C.advice D.activity D ‎8.A.fit B.safe C.quiet D.busy A ‎9.A.suddenly B.quickly C.slowly D.finally C 解析:由上文中的“I didn’t start walking four miles right away”可知,“我”开始得很“慢(slowly)”。几周后,“我”从每天步行两英里“增加(progressed)”到每天四到六英里。‎ ‎10.A.progressed B.left C.followed D.ended A ‎11.A.time B.speed C.age D.size B 解析:由本句中的“three miles per hour to over four”可知, 此处指的是“我”的步行“速度(speed)”。‎ ‎12.A.changes B.differences C.problems D.chances A 解析:由下文内容可知“我”开始注意到自己在身体和情绪方面的诸多“变化(changes)”。‎ ‎13.A.touch B.interest C.heart D.weight - 15 -‎ D 解析:由下文中的“The extra(额外的) fat I’d been carrying around my stomach disappeared.”可知,“我”的“体重(weight)”减轻了。‎ ‎14.A.held up B.brought up C.given up D.built up D 解析:结合语境可知,“我”开始散步后不久, 就发现自己的身体有了积极的变化。因此, 此处表示“我”的体质“增强了(built up)”, 背部疼痛也“消失了(gone)”。‎ ‎15.A.appeared B.gone C.returned D.increased B ‎16.A.stop B.manage C.wait D.promise C 解析:由上文中的“The advantages to...with each passing day.”可知,“我”每天早上“迫不及待(could hardly wait)”地起床。‎ ‎17.A.avoid B.enjoy C.regret D.remember B 解析:由“With more...be more sociable”可知,“我”开始“喜欢(enjoy)”结识新朋友。‎ ‎18.A.Waiting for B.Working for C.Searching for D.Caring for D 解析:由第一段中的“After moving into my mother’s home to look after her following an illness”以及最后一段中的“I was able to look after her with great enthusiasm(热情)”可知,“照顾(Caring for)”母亲不再是一件累人的工作。“我”感到“精力充沛(lively)”,因此能够以极大的热情照顾她。‎ ‎19.A.lonely B.proud C.lively D.worried C ‎20.A.encouraged B.forced C.required D.allowed A 解析:由第一段的描述可知,“我”的母亲生病了, 因此,“我”“鼓励(encouraged)”母亲努力变得像“我”一样健康快乐。‎ - 15 -‎ - 15 -‎

