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2018 届二轮 语法复习 非谓语动词 第三课时 7.to do 重要句型检测 1. 这男孩太小参不了海军。 The boy is too young to join the navy. 2. 这厅大得足以容纳一千人。 The hall is big enough to hold 1,000 people. 3. 这个老人如此善良以至于帮了我一把。 The old man was so kind as to give us a hand. 4. 他们搬起石头结果却砸了自己的脚。 They lift a rock only to drop it on their own feet. 5. “I have something to ____, so I will go out. I wonder if you have something to _________ ( buy)”. 6. 对我来说,学好英语很容易。 It is easy for me to learn English well. 7. 你能帮我,你真好。 It’s nice of you to give me a hand/ do me a favour . 8. 我总是第一个到教室的学生。 I’m always the first student to arrive at/ come to the classroom. buy be bought 注意: 1 ) to live 2) be bought ; be typed 练习: ABCABB doing 的主要句型 1. It is no/ little good/ use doing 做什么是没好处 / 没用的 2. It is a waste of time doing sth 做什么是浪费时间的 3.It is no fun doing sth 做某事没有乐趣 4. There is no point in doing sth 做某事是没有意义的 1. 送他去医院是没用的。 It is no use sending him to the hospital. 2. 阅读而不理解是没好处的。 It is no good reading without understanding . 3. 和他说话是浪费时间的。 It is a waste of time talking to him. 4. 重复同一个单词是没乐趣的。 It’s no fun repeating the same word. 5. 和他争论是没有意义的。 There is no point in arguing with him. CBACB 8. 省略 1. Once printed , this book will be very popular. it is 2. If given another hour , I ‘ ll do the worker better. I am 3. While unfinished, it was ugly. it was 除了睡觉,我别无选择。 I have no choice but / except to sleep. I have nothing to do but/ except sleep. I can do nothing but / except sleep. 八.省略 AADCC CBC 9. 独立主格 独立主格结构 非谓语动词, 主语 + 谓语 名词 / 代词 + 动作的逻辑主语 天气允许的话,我们将去散步。 Weather permitting, we’ll go for a walk. 九 . 独立主格 DAAAB It being 8.B B D 10.with 复合结构 1.He is used to sleep with the windows open. 2. She left the room with all lights on. 3.He walked into the dark street with a stick in his hand. 4. With so much work to do , I have no time for holiday. 5. We found the house easily with the little boy leading the way. 6. With all the things she needed bought , she went home happily. 口诀助记: with 结构并不难, with 后面 宾语连 , 动宾关系用 过分, 主谓关系用 现分, 将来要把 不定 跟,还有三种 形副介 。 十. with 的复合结构 CADAD AAAA Task: change the following sentences into simple ones. Since I don’t know her address, I can’t get in touch with her. 2. We have come here in order that we can improve our English. 3. They came into the room and they were singing and dancing. 4. When she heard the news, she couldn’t help laughing. 5. After he closed the windows, he went home. 6. When we had finished the work, we went out to play. 7. After the signals were given, cars and buses began to move. 8. If the weather permits, we’ll go out on an outing. Not knowing her address, To improve our English, we have come here. They came into the room, singing and dancing. Hearing the news, she… … Having closed the windows, … … Having finished the work, we … … Signals given , … … Weather permitting , … … 9. Young as he is, he knows a lot. Being young, he knows a lot. 10.That Sam came to school late made his teacher quite angry. Sam’s coming to school late made his teacher quite angry 1-5 AADDC 6-10 DCCAC 11-13 ABB (1) In those days we were forced work twelve hours a day. (2) It’s very difficult for a foreigner learn Chinese. (3) It was silly of you believe what he said. (4) He was made wash the boss’s car once a day. (5) I’ll let you to know as soon as I hear from her. (6) I waved to her but failed attract her attention. (7) I have already seen the film twice. I don’t want see it any more. (8) What I want know is when all this happened. (9) It was clear that he wanted be alone. (10) Most children are interested in listen to stories. (11) Walk quickly is difficult for an old man.    ∧ to ∧ to ∧ to ∧ to ﹨ ∧ to ∧ to ∧ to ∧ to listening Walking (13) Be careful in cross the street. (14) The film is very interesting. It is worth see twice. (15) Find work is very difficult these days. (16) Most of us students enjoy ask questions in English. (17) Look, some of my classmates are practising speak English over there. (18) Teach a child to sing and dance is very interesting. (19) Learn to speak English is more difficult than to write it. (20) My friend Jim is very good at making things and repair things. (21) He decided to go to the south, find a good job and living there. (22) It was very kind of you to buy us so much fruit and seeing us at the station.   crossing seeing Finding asking speaking Teaching Learning repairing finding see 学案答案 2012 答案: 1-5 C B C A A 6-10 A D C A A 11-15 D D C A A 16-20 A C D A B 21-25 A C A D D 26-29 D B B B

