高考英语必修1:Earthquakes学案 (2)

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高考英语必修1:Earthquakes学案 (2)

高一英语人教课标必修1Uint4学案 预习学案1‎ Read the reading passage and answer the following questions.‎ 1. What helped Daisy go to see some endangered wildlife ? B A. A big bird B. A flying carpet C. An endangered animal D. An old man ‎2. Why were a lot of antelopes being killed ? C A. Because the wool beneath their stomachs was too thick B. Because people didn’t like the wool beneath their stomachs C. Because people wanted the wool beneath their stomachs D. Because they were suffering from a serious illness ‎3. How many places did the carpet take Daisy to besides her home? C A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ‎4. Where did Daisy find an elephant ? B A. In Tibet B. In Zimbabwe ‎ C. In a forest D. In her hometown ‎5. How did Daisy like the experience ? A A. Great B. Tiring ‎ C. Disappointing D. Meaningless 预习学案2:‎ Find out the sentences from the passage and translate them into Chinese.‎ 1. Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.‎ 戴茜一直以来都渴望帮助那些濒临灭绝的野生动物.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 2. In relief Daisy burst into laughter.戴茜感到如释重负,突然笑了起来.‎ 3. ‎“I’m protecting myself from mosquitoes,” it replied.‎ 它回答说: “我这样做可以防止蚊虫叮咬.‎ 4. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.‎ 它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬.‎ 5. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together. 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的.‎ 预习学案3:‎ Translate the words and phrases.‎ 1. 保护…..不受….(危害) protect…….from…..‎ 1. 释重负;松了口气 in relief 2. 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来 burst into laughter 3. 灭亡;逐渐消失 die out 4. 在危险中;垂危 in danger 5. 和平地;和睦地;安详地 in peace ‎ 6. 注意 pay attention to ‎ 7. 对…..有害 do harm to 9.追赶 run after ‎10.精心挑选;认出来;辨别出 pick out ‎ ‎11.与……相关;与…..有联系 be related to ‎12.形成;产生 come into being 13.在那时 at that time ‎14.不但…..而且….. not only ...... but also ‎ ‎15.在如此段的时间内 in such a short time ‎ ‎16.根据…..所说 according to ‎ 预习学案4:‎ Translate the sentences.‎ ‎1.戴茜如释重负,突然笑了起来. In relief Daisy burst into laughter.‎ ‎2.我们曾是濒危的物种. We used to be an endangered species.‎ ‎3.它们为什么处于灭绝的危险中呢? Why are they in danger of disappearing ?‎ ‎4.为了我们肚子下面的毛我们正被杀死. We’re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.‎ ‎5.农民毫不留情地捕杀我们. Farmers hunted us without mercy.‎ 预习学案5‎ 重点语法: 现在进行时的被动语态 Ⅰ.含义: 表示 “某人或某事正在被…..”,强调主语是动作的承受者,即主谓之间是被动关系.‎ Ⅱ.构成: am/is/are + being done eg. My bike is being repaired now. 我的自行车正在被修理.‎ Ⅲ.注意事项:‎ 1. 不可漏掉being, 如果漏掉,则成为一般现在时的被动语态或系表结构.‎ 试比较: 1). Look! The children are being looked after by the teacher.‎ 看!孩子们正被老师照看着.(正在进行的情况)‎ ‎2). The children are looked after by the teacher.孩子们被老师照看.(通常情况)‎ ‎2.可与部分情态动词连用,表示对正在发生的事情的推测.‎ He must be being scolded by his father.他一定正在被他的父亲斥责.‎ ‎3.某些表示 “状态,心理活动,存在”等的动词,如have, want, need, love,一般不用现在进行时的被动语态,而常用一般现在时的被动语态.‎ eg. Mr Li, you are wanted on the phone.李先生,有你的电话.‎ ‎4.“be +under +抽象n.”可表示现在进行时的被动意义.‎ The problem is under discussion at the meeting.= The problem is being discussed at the meeting.‎ 活学活用:‎ 1. ‎------Has Tom moved into his new flat?‎ ‎------No, it ___________.B A. is painted B. is being painting C. will be painted D. is being painted ‎2.Her son must _____by the doctor now. I hope there is nothing serious. D A. be examine B. be examining C. examined D. be being examined ‎3.What should you do if you ______ by a dog? A A. are being bitten B. will be bitten C. bit D. will bite ‎4. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _____ each year. D A. is washing away B. is being washed away C. are washing away D. are being washed away ‎5. My bike is ______ now. C A. repairing B. repaired C. under repair D. being repairing ‎ ‎6. May I use your bike? Mine ________ near the school gate. C A. is repairing B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired ‎7. A new cinema _______ here. They hope to finish it next month. D A. will be built B. is built ‎ C. has been built D. is being built 汉译英:‎ ‎1.越来越多的树正被栽种.More and more trees are being planted now.‎ ‎2.一个新的公共汽车站正在建设中. A new bus station is being built/under construction.‎ ‎3.谁的房间正在被粉刷? Whose room is being painted?‎ Language Points:‎ ‎1.As a result these endangered animals may die out.‎ ‎1)As a result 结果,因此.(做状语)‎ e.g. He ate some bad fish. As a result , he fell ill .‎ c.f: as a result of 由于… 的原因 ‎ as a result of 后接名词/动名词/what引导的宾语从句 e.g. As a result of what he said ,mother got very angry. .‎ 句型转换 He fell from the horse . As a result , he was unable to go to work the next day.‎ ‎= He was unable to work the next day as the result of the fall from his horse .‎ The terrible accident ___ his carelessness A A resulted from B resulted in C as a result of D as a result ‎ result from:因… 而引起 result in : 导致(=lead to)‎ ‎2).die out : ‎ ‎①(动植物物种)灭绝 Elephants would die out soon if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wish.‎ ‎②(风俗,习惯等)逐渐消失,消灭 Many old customs are dying out. ‎ ‎(火)逐渐熄灭 The fire died out in the end. ‎ 拓展:‎ die away (声音,光线,风等)逐渐平息,渐弱 die down(火,兴奋程度)渐弱,渐熄;(=die away 光线,声音静下来)‎ die off (家族,种族等)相继死亡,(草木)相继枯死 die of 死于饥饿,寒冷,中毒,疾病,年老,忧伤,发愁,发热等(内因),属于正常死亡 die from 死于受伤,事故,粗心,饮酒等(外因),属于意外死亡 be dying for 渴望,极想 活学活用:‎ 1) Tom is dying for an expensive car.汤姆渴望一辆昂贵的小汽车。‎ 2) The little match girl died of cold and hunger.‎ 卖火柴的小女孩死于饥寒交迫。‎ ‎3).Her brother died from a traffic accident last week.‎ 上周她哥哥死于交通事故。‎ ‎4).After a while, the sound gradually died down/away.‎ 过了一会儿,声音逐渐地消失了。‎ With nothing left to burn, the fired died down finally.‎ 由于没有什么可燃烧的了,火最终熄灭了。‎ ‎2.One day she woke up and found a flying carpet by her bed.‎ wake up:醒来,叫醒,弄醒 1) She always wakes up at about five every morning.‎ 她总是大约每天早晨五点醒来。‎ 2) I’ll wake you up when it is time to leave.‎ 到走的时候我会叫醒你。‎ awake adj. 醒着的 eg. The little boy lay in bed, awake.‎ 小孩躺在床上醒着没睡。‎ ‎3.In relief Daisy burst into laughter.‎ ‎1)relief n.安慰,减轻,缓解 in relief 如释重负 In relief he lay down and fell asleep. ‎ 松了口气,他躺下,睡着了。‎ ‎2)burst into laughter= burst out laughing ‎4.Why are they in danger of disappearing?‎ in danger 处于危险之中 e.g. The patient is in danger.‎ be in danger of 有… 危险 be out of danger 脱离危险 endangered adj. 濒危的 dangerous 危险的 1) The old man is in danger.那个老年人生命垂危。‎ 2) That tiger is dangerous . Keep away from it.‎ 1) We are in danger of ______ by a stone. C A. hit B. hitting C. being hit D. hits ‎5. “I’m protecting myself from mosquitoes,” it replied.‎ protect …….from /against 保护…..不受….(危害)‎ e.g He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight ‎ 他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光 The house is small but it can protect you from/against the cold. ‎ keep sb from doing sth ‎ stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事 ‎ prevent sb from doing sth ‎ e.g. The school stopped the students from playing computer games 1. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.‎ 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的.‎ 1) pay attention to sth/doing ‎ Too much attention was paid to the details.‎ 太过于注重细节了.‎ That boy always pays no attention to everything the teachers says.‎ 那个男孩总是不注意老师所说的一切.‎ 2) appreciate vt.+‎ n./pron./v-ing.‎ I would appreciate it if……‎ 如果你把声音关小些,我将不胜感激. I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down.‎ I really appreciate ________ to relax with you on this nice island. B A. to have had time B. having time ‎ C. to have time D. to having time ‎ ‎7. be concerned about 担心.关心,挂念,‎ e.g. I am concerned about the English test .‎ ‎ They were all concerned about you .‎ ‎ Be concerned with =be about =be related to ‎ ‎8. get dressed 穿上衣服 ‎ get done的结构 表被动或状态 ‎ get hurt 受伤 get burnt 烧伤 ‎ get lost 迷失 get paid 被付工资 改错 They have got married for four years ‎ ‎ They have been married for four years get done强调动作,不能和表一段时间的状语连用 ‎ be done 表状态 ‎9. in +一段时间 ‎1与将来时连用,表“多久以后”‎ e.g. He will come back in two years.‎ ‎2 与各种时态连用,表 “在…之内”‎ e.g. He did a great of work in three hours.‎ ‎ after+ 一段时间与过去式连用 ‎ He came back after two years.‎ ‎---Sorry to have interrupted you ,please go on .‎ ‎---where was I?‎ ‎---You ___you didn’t like your father’s job.‎ A had said B said C were saying D had been saying ‎ ‎ ‎10. apply 请求,申请….. apply for ‎ Eg I want to apply for the job ‎ apply to do sth 申请做…..‎ ‎ apply to 适用于 The school rules apply to all of us 把….涂在…上 He apply the paint to the wall.‎ ‎11.‎ hunt :( vt.)‎ 1) He likes hunting very much. ( 打猎)‎ 2) We’ve been hunting for the lost boy all over. (搜索)‎ ‎ (n.) 1)It was an exciting hunt, but the fox escaped. ‎ ‎(打猎)‎ 3) He is on the hunt for a better job. ( 搜寻)‎ ‎12. reserve ‎ ‎ n : 1) nature reserve自然保护区 ‎ 2) we have large reserve of oil. 储备 ‎ Vt.‎: e.g. 1) You’d better reserve some money for future need . 保留 ‎ 3)I’d like to reserve a table for two. 预定 ‎13. ‎ in peace :平静的;安静的 at peace:休战,和睦相处 I live in peace in the country .‎ The two nations are now at peace.‎ Everyone wants to live in a world at peace ‎14.‎ affect v. ‎ The change in climate may affect your health.影响 She was affected by the movie. 打动,感动 effect n.‎ ‎ have an effect on 对...有影响 e.g. The film had a great effect on him. ‎ v. They effected their escaped in the middle of the night.‎ 基础练习 一. 翻译下面单词和短语 ‎1. 结果___________________ 2. 自豪_________________________‎ ‎3. 穿衣___________________ 4. 习惯于_______________________‎ ‎5. 关心___________________ 6. 尽管 ________________________‎ ‎7. 推迟___________________ 8. 申请_________________________‎ ‎9. 在开发中_______________ 10. 关注________________________‎ ‎11. 对…起作用_______ 12. 灭绝 _______________________‎ ‎13. 产生__________________ 14. 保护…免受__________________‎ ‎15. 保护区________________ 16. 平静地 _____________________‎ ‎17. 强大的________________ 18. 容器________________________‎ 二. 用以上单词和短语填空 ‎1. The tour companies _____________ to be allowed to hunt for a fee, which made a lot of money for the farmers.‎ ‎2.The drug has an immediate _______________________ on the patient.‎ ‎3. People held completely different views, and___________________, the discussion came to nothing.‎ ‎4.They did not want to protect us ________________ tourists love to see us。‎ 5. He’s ___________________ his father being a famous scientist.‎ ‎6. National natural _______________________ should not be opened to tourists. Do you agree?‎ 7. Daisy hurried to _______________________ and put on her jeans and sweater.‎ 8. I believe that you ________________________________ animals and plants disappearing.‎ 三. 完成句子 ‎1. 尽管我有些观点跟他不同,我喜欢与他一起干活。‎ I enjoy working with him,__________________________________________.‎ ‎2. 你知道恐龙为什么在大约65万年前突然灭绝了?‎ Do you know ________________________________________about 65 million ‎ years ago?‎ 3. 你还知道那些其他濒临灭绝的物种吗?‎ What other ___________________________________________ do you know?‎ ‎4. 我们能做些什么来保护麋鹿,使他们不会再次消失?‎ What can we do __________________________________________________ disappearing again?‎ ‎5. 人们相信,总有一天会有足够多的动物再次在野外生活。‎ It __________________________ one day there will be enough animals living in the wild again.‎ ‎6. 从现在起,我将更加关注野生动植物的保护。‎ I will ______________________________ wildlife protection _______________.‎ ‎7. 我午饭更喜欢吃蛋糕,不喜欢吃面条。‎ I ____________________ some cakes for my lunch ______________________ noodles.‎ ‎8. 给熊猫造一个新家的项目正在开发中。‎ The project to make a new home for pandas _____________________________.‎ 四. 句子翻译 ‎1. 他出了一次车祸,结果只得在医院里躺了整整一个月。(as a result)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. 我们的毛皮用来制作像你穿的那种毛衣。(被动语态)‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. 她很快就适应了那里的天气。( get used to)‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. 我们的航班被推迟,这意味着我们要在机场等待4个小时。(delay)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5. 你认为中国的熊猫正处在危险中吗?(in danger)‎ 参考答案:‎ 一. 翻译下面单词和短语 ‎1. as a result 2. be proud of 3. get dressed 4. get used to 5. be concerned about ‎6. even though 7. delay 8. apply 9. under development 10. pay attention to ‎11. have effect on 12. dye out 13. come into being 14. protect from 15. protection zone 16. in peace 17. powerful 18. container 二. 用以上单词和短语填空 ‎1. applied 2. effect 3.as a result 4. even though 5. proud of 6. protection zones ‎7. get dressed 8. are concerned about 三. 完成句子 ‎1. even though I don’t agree with him on some points.‎ ‎2.why dinosaurs died out suddenly ‎3. endangered species ‎4. to protect the Milu Dear from ‎5. is hoped that ‎6. pay more attention to from now on.‎ ‎7. would prefer rather than ‎8. is under development.‎ 四. 句子翻译 1. He had a road accident. As a result, he had to stay in hospital for a whole month.‎ 2. Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours.‎ 3. He got used to the climate there very soon.‎ ‎4. Our flight was delayed, which meant we had to wait four hours at the airport.‎ ‎5. Do you think the pandas in China are in danger/are being endangered?‎

