2019-2020学年辽宁省六校协作体高二上学期开学考试英语试题 解析版

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2019-2020学年辽宁省六校协作体高二上学期开学考试英语试题 解析版

‎2019--2020学年度上学期省六校协作体高二期初考试 英语试题 本试卷分四部分,卷面分数120分。考试用时100分钟。‎ 第一部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A I waited in line for hours in Central Park for tickets to Shakespeare, so I could share my experience with you. I hope my experience will be helpful to you!‎ ‎1. Plan for the weather.‎ You’ll be sitting outside for several hours waiting for tickets. If it’s going to be a sunny day, bring sun cream and water. If you think it might rain, bring your umbrella or raincoat. If the day promises to be unseasonably cool, you’ll be happy you’ve brought a sweater or jacket along.‎ ‎2. Keep yourself entertained.‎ Bring an iPad, a good book, some magazines or even some work along with you to pass the time. You’ll be in line for about 3-4 hours, and you’ll be glad to have a crossword puzzle or other games to kill the time once the people-watching starts to get boring.‎ ‎3. Know the basics.‎ Free tickets are being given out for the same day’s performance and they are not changeable. That means if it rains, you’re out of luck. That also means that you have to wait for tickets in the morning and attend the evening’s performance the same night (Doors open around 8 p.m. for the 8:30 p.m. show.).‎ ‎4. Feeling fortunate? Enter the online ticket lottery(抽签获票).‎ If you don’t want to spend several hours waiting in line for tickets, you can try your luck on the Internet. Once you set up your account, you can enter the online ticket lottery between midnight and noon. You’ll get an email message around noon if you’ve gotten tickets, and you can pick up your tickets at the Delacorte Theater ‎ between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm.‎ ‎1. Why is a crossword puzzle suggested by the author?‎ A. To cool you down on a sunny day.‎ B. To give you something to read.‎ C. To entertain you while you are waiting.‎ D. To make iPad games amusing .‎ ‎2. Which of the following is NOT allowed?‎ A. Being seated for the evening show at 8:20 p.m.‎ B. Changing your free tickets for another day.‎ C. Getting free tickets in the rain.‎ D. Trying your luck to get free tickets on the Internet.‎ ‎3. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?‎ A. To give us some tips on buying online tickets.‎ B. To make sure you are entertained while you are in line.‎ C. To call on us to read more books about Shakespeare.‎ D. To give practical advice about getting tickets.‎ ‎【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了作者在中央公园抢“莎士比亚”表演票的经验,包括1. 根据天气来计划,如果是晴天的话就要带防晒霜和水,下雨的话就要带上雨衣或雨伞;2. 让自己开心,在排队3-4个小时的时间内可以带一些娱乐产品,如iPad、书、杂志等,让自己不会无聊;3. 了解一些基本知识,免费票在表演当天发放且不可更改,如果不走运的话,就要白天排队拿票,晚上去看表演。4. 感觉幸运的话,就可以线上抽签得票。如果不想排队等那么久的话就可以在网上抽签来得票。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 细节理解题。文章第二点Keep yourself entertained提到,“You’ll be in line for about 3-4 hours, and you’ll be glad to have a crossword puzzle or other games to kill the time…”,因为排队要等3-4个小时,所以带着填字游戏来打发时间,让自己不无聊会是一件非常开心的事。因此,带着填字游戏是为了在等待的时间让自己开心。故选C。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 细节理解题。文章第三点提到“Free tickets are being given out for the same day’s performance and they are not changeable.”,当日免费票是不能够退改的,因此不能把票改到别的日期。故选B。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 推理判断题。文章第一段提到“I waited in line for hours in Central Park for tickets to Shakespeare, so I could share my experience with you. I hope my experience will be helpful to you!”作者分享了排队抢票时的经验,并且希望这些经验对读者有帮助。A选项只提到网上买票的经验,并不全面。B选项只提到在排队时的娱乐活动,也不全面。C选项提到让读者看更多关于莎士比亚的书,与文章大意不符,需排除。D选项提到关于拿票的实用性意见,与文章开头含义相符。故选D。‎ B Seal Island is a 200-meter long island off the coast of South Africa, which is surrounded by 55 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit waters and covered with over 60,000 seals and some birds. This island has been home to many birds and seals. You may think this island is a paradise. In fact, the island is not famous for the seals or birds. However, the real stars are the great white sharks that leap out of the water to catch the seals they are hunting.‎ You may think that there is no way for a 15-foot long, 3000-pound shark to hurl its body out of the water and catch a seal in midair. Actually, these sharks are called “Air Jaws”.‎ Over the years, the seals have gotten smarter. Now, they go out in groups of seven and eight to feed. They swim down on the sea floor, which gives them extra cover. When they have to swim near the surface of water, they swim in a zigzag pattern(Z字形). But with all these tricks, they can still be cleverly beaten by the sharks. Usually, the sharks will take one seal away from its group and force it to swim on the surface, where it is easy to hunt. Sometimes, the seal is fortunate and gets away, but most of them die in the process of trying to survive.‎ Every year, tourists go to see these amazing animals leap out of the water, sometimes flinging their whole bodies into the air when they want to catch the seals.‎ ‎ This is the reason why this island attracts thousands of tourists from around the world every year.‎ ‎4. Which of the following statements is true?‎ A. Seal Island is covered with only 6000 seals.‎ B. Great white sharks always catch seals under the water.‎ C. The way the great white sharks hunt makes Seal Island famous.‎ D. Seal Island is a 200-meter-long island in North Africa.‎ ‎5. Why do the seals swim in a zigzag pattern?‎ A. To prove they are smart.‎ B. To play in groups.‎ C. To search for food.‎ D. To avoid the white sharks.‎ ‎6. According to Paragraph 3, we can know_______.‎ A. the seals have learned how to escape.‎ B. the seals usually swim near the water surface.‎ C. the sharks are often successful in hunting the seals.‎ D. the sharks are less intelligent than the seals.‎ ‎【答案】4. C 5. D 6. C ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章描述了南非的海豹岛上大白鲨捕食海豹的情况,并解释了为什么这个岛每年都吸引大批游客的原因。在岛上,大白鲨会从水中跃起,在半空中捕捉一头海豹。海豹通常会以群体的形式外出,并以Z字形潜游在海底,大白鲨则会将某一头海豹驱离出群体进行捕杀。每一年许多游客到岛上观光旅游就是为了看水生动物从水中跃起,幸运的话还能看到捕食的场景。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 细节理解题。文中第一段第一句提到“… covered with over 60,000 seals and some birds.”整个岛上有6万多头海豹而不是A选项中的6千头,故A项错误。第一段最后一句提到“However, the real stars are the great white sharks that leap out of the water to catch the seals they are hunting.”大白鲨会从水里跃起到半空中对海豹进行捕食,而不是B项提到的大白鲨在海底捕食,故B项错误。文中第一句提到“Seal Island is a 200-meter ‎ long island off the coast of South Africa” 海豹岛是南非海岸外的一个200米长的岛屿,而不是在南非海岸上,故D项错误。文中最后两句提到“In fact, the island is not famous for the seals or birds. However, the real stars are the great white sharks…”海岛上真正有名的并不是海豹或者是鸟,而是在半空中捕食的大白鲨。C项正确。故选C。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 推理判断题。文章一二段提到,海豹会被大白鲨捕食,第三段提到海豹在多年来的发展中是如何避免被捕杀的。“They swim down on the sea floor, which gives them extra cover.”当海豹在海底潜游时,深海给了它们额外的保护。不得不在海面上游时,则会采用Z字形来抵御大白鲨的攻击。故选D。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段第四句及最后一句可知“But with all these tricks, they can still be cleverly beaten by the sharks.”虽然海豹有抵御大白鲨的办法,但还是很难逃脱大白鲨的捕杀。故A项错误。第二句提到“They swim down on the sea floor, which gives them extra cover.”海豹在海底潜游,因为深海会给海豹额外的保护,在不得已的时候海豹才会游到海面上。故B项错误。第四句提到“But with all these tricks, they can still be cleverly beaten by the sharks.”,虽然海豹会玩一些小把戏,但任然会被鲨鱼巧妙地击败,句中cleverly说明了大白鲨的智力还是很高的。故D项错误。第四及第五句提到“But with all these tricks, they can still be cleverly beaten by the sharks. Usually, the sharks will take one seal away from its group and force it to swim on the surface, where it is easy to hunt.”虽然海豹会玩一些小把戏,但大白鲨还是能够捕捉到海豹,而且大白鲨还会把一头海豹赶上海面,这样捕食起来就会更容易了,C项正确,故选C。‎ C Nao, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team. When Nao is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he’s happy, he raises his arms for a hug. Nothing is out of the ordinary, except that Nao is a robot.‎ ‎“We’re modeling the first years of life,” says Lola Canamero, a computer scientist at the University of Hertforshire. “The feelings are shown through physical gestures and body movements rather than facial or verbal(言语的) expressions.”‎ In the future, says the scientist, robots are likely to act as companions, provide ‎ support for old people, and help people shop online. In such uses, the display of feeling will be important in making the interactions(交往) more natural and comfortable.‎ Nao has been programmed to copy the emotional skills of a one-year-old child. It can memorize faces, and knows the basic rules of good and bad. Based on these it can decide how to react to what is going on. The actions going with each feeling are pre-programmed, but Nao decides for itself when to display them.‎ Nao is also programmed to have different personalities. A more independent robot is less likely to call for help when exploring a room, while a more fearful robot will show distress if it finds something in the room that may be harmful.‎ Canamero’s team will take its emotional programming forward into medical applications. Part of the project will look at ways to use robots in hospitals to support the roles of doctors, nurses and parents. Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less anxious. “We want to explore different roles—the robots will help the children to understand their treatment and explain what they have to do. We want to help the children to control their anxiety.” she says.‎ ‎7. According to the text Nao_______.‎ A. displays different feelings in different situations B. is able to imitate adult emotional displays C. can remember people’s feelings D. learns emotions from facial expressions ‎8. What can we learn from the text?‎ A. Scientists worked on facial and spoken expressions to create Nao’s emotions.‎ B. The time when Nao displays feelings has been pre-programmed.‎ C. Emotional programming is used in medicine production.‎ D. Robots with emotional skills can help children feel more comfortable.‎ ‎9. What does the underlined word “distress” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?‎ A. Courage. B. Anxiety.‎ C. Anger. D. Satisfaction.‎ ‎10. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. The relationship between humans and robots.‎ B. The roles that robots play in different fields.‎ C. The first robot able to show feelings.‎ D. The long history of robots.‎ ‎【答案】7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了一个欧洲研究团队发明了一个能够通过姿势表达情感的机器人Nao,让机器人能更舒服更自然的交往,表达感情是非常重要的。Nao拥有一岁小孩表达情感的能力,同时Nao也被设置了不同的特性,一个更独立的机器人能够更好的完成各种任务。最后,Canamero的团队希望能将这种情感程序运用在医学APP上,能够帮助小孩在看医生时,缓解他们的焦虑。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 细节理解题。文中第一段第二句提到“When Nao is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he’s happy, he raises his arms for a hug.”当Nao生气时,他会低下头,当他开心时,他会伸出手要求抱抱,说明Nao能在不同的情况下表达不同的情绪。故选A。‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ 细节理解题。文中第一句提到“Nao, the first robot able to show feelings”Nao是第一个能表达情感的机器人。同时,第二段最后一句“The feelings are shown through physical gestures and body movements rather than facial or verbal(言语的) expressions.”科学家认为情感是通过姿势和手势表达的而不是语言或面部表情,说明Nao是没有语言功能的,故A项错误。第四段最后一句提到“The actions going with each feeling are pre-programmed, but Nao decides for itself when to display them.”Nao的每种情感对应的动作是预先编程好的,但什么时候显示是Nao自己决定的,而不是显示的时间也是预先编程好的,故B项错误。第六段第一句提到“Canamero’s team will take its emotional programming forward into medical applications.” Canamero的团队将要在医学APP上运用情感程序,will take是一般将来时,表示将要发生还未发生的事情,故C项错误。第六段第三句提到“Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less ‎ anxious.”如果小孩有一个小小的、可爱的又能够理解他们情感状态的机器人陪着的话,他们可能就不会那么焦虑了,D项与文章意思符合,故选D。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。A. Courage勇气,B. Anxiety焦虑;担心,C. Anger生气,D. Satisfaction满意。文中第五段提到一个独立的机器人在搜索一个空间时很少寻求帮助,是独立完成任务的。句中while“然而”是一个转折连词,连接两个句意相反的句子,由此可以判断,一个胆怯的机器人在处理一个空间内的有害东西时可能会不知所措。故选B。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据文章内容,仅在最后一段提到了机器人将会被运用在医学APP上来缓解小孩焦虑的情况,A项不全面,故A项错误。文章第二段提到了在未来机器人能从事的一些工作,B项较片面,故B项错误。文章中无明显的关于时间、时长方面的词汇,因此无法说明机器人的历史,故D项错误。文章第一段就提到了情感机器人Nao,且文章中的内容都是围绕情感机器人的特性,将来会运用到的场景展开的,C项正确。故选C。‎ ‎【点睛】概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。如该文第4小题,提问这篇文章主要讲了什么内容,因此对于文章的概括应完整而非片面。此时对文章中每段内容的大意进行一个总结性的概括即可。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How to Find Something You Like to Do Finding something you enjoy doing can improve the quality of your life and reduce your stress levels.___11___ It can also help you make friends or even provide a purpose in your life. Then how can you find something you like to do?‎ ‎___12___Some hobbies, such as albums and gardening, can take up a lot of time. Other hobbies, such as video games or reading, can be done at your own pace and do not require any extended time.‎ Research the hobby or activity you would like to get involved in. Find out how much time and money you will need to devote to starting and continuing the activity. For example, some sports—related interests might require special ‎ equipment.___13___Your local library or phone book should also have information on hobbies and activities in your area.‎ Talk with other people who are involved in some of the activities you are interested in.___14___ Ask if you could tag along(跟随) to a meeting or spend some time with this person while he is involved in his hobby to see if it is something you would enjoy.‎ ‎____15____Challenge yourself to try a new activity you are interested in for a week or so. Allow yourself to learn about the hobby and determine whether you will enjoy the activity or not.‎ A.Think about how a hobby benefits you.‎ B.A hobby can connect you with other people.‎ C.Take a chance on a hobby and see how it turns out.‎ D.Think about how much free time you can devote to a hobby.‎ E.You can find information about hobbies and interests on Find My Hobby’s website.‎ F.You can get first—hand knowledge by interviewing someone about a particular hobby.‎ G.It takes a long time and energy to decide whether a particular hobby is right for you.‎ ‎【答案】11. B 12. D ‎ ‎13. E 14. F ‎ ‎15. C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章提到如何找到喜欢做的事的方法。其中要求读者要根据自己的时间选择兴趣爱好;对自己的爱好进行调查;和那些与你有着相同兴趣的人聊天;尝试一个爱好并看看结果怎样。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 文中第一句提到“something you enjoy doing”意为你喜欢做的事,即爱好。第三句提到“…help you make friends…”拥有一个爱好还能帮助你交朋友,即与人交往。由此可知,兴趣爱好可以让你和其他人联系起来,故选B。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 根据第二段第二句“…take up a lot of time.”有些爱好,如集邮和园艺都需要花费很长的时间,但“…can be done at your own pace and do not require any extended time.”电子游戏、阅读等就可以按照自己的节奏完成,也不需要额外的时间。因此需选择一句跟时间有关的句子,且该空为该段第一句,应选择一句总起句,故选D。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 第三段提到要对你选择的爱好进行研究调查,包括需要的时间和金钱等。该段最后一句提到“…our local library or phone book should also have information…”读者也可以在图书馆等地找到相关的信息,also意为“也”,可前文中出现过的信息在后文中再次出现时使用,因此该空中可选择一句查询兴趣爱好的方式。故选E。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 文中第四段建议和那些与你有着相同兴趣爱好的人进行聊天交流,与别人交流得到的信息是最直观且及时的。与F选项中first—hand knowledge相符。且F项中提到的interview意为“采访、访问”,与该段第一句中的“Talk with other people”意思相近,故选F。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 文中第五段第二句提到“Challenge yourself to try a new activity you are interested in for a week or so.” 挑战自己,尝试一周左右一个你感兴趣的新活动。即对自己选择的爱好进行尝试,并查看尝试后的结果怎样。与C项相符,故选C。‎ ‎【点睛】根据上下文词汇、重复词汇来锁定线索是七选五的解题技巧之一。可关注空白前后的名词和动词,然后在选项中查找它们的近义词、反义词、同义词、同类词等。如第一空后make friends意为交往,由此判断该空前句子的主要内容应与交往有关。‎ 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Skydiving isn’t an activity for the faint of heart, but when you do it at 101 years old, you’re pretty much a superhuman. On May 13, Verdun Hayes became the ___16___person in the world to complete a 15,000-foot tandern jump (双人伞), ___17___ the Guinness World Records he once set up.‎ Verdun Hayes wasn’t ___18___. He finished the jump with eight family members ‎ and two close ___19___ at Dunkeswell Airport in England. As they___20___to make the jump, the entire family looked nervous, but___21___as well. Hayes’ grandson–in–law Ian Honnor, the organizer of the family’s jump, told TODAY, “He was probably the calmest one on the ___22___. He had no fear and just loved it. He just wanted everyone to___23___it and be healthy.” Honnor, who helped ___24___the outing, said this wasn’t Hayes’ first jump! “When he was more than ninety years old, his family kept telling him he wasn’t ___25___ to do the jump. However, he didn’t give up his ___26___. At the age of 100, he ___27___realized his ambition and became the first man of such an advanced age to ___28___a tandem skydive.”‎ This time he decided to shoot for the world record. “Because it’s such a big___29___, it was decided that as many people in the family as we could possibly get were going to go___30___him,” Honnor said. “He had four generations(世代) of his family in the ___31___at the same time—they ranged from age 16 to 101.” The family held a big party to ___32___his achievement.‎ Hayes even had some___33___for those people hoping to ___34___the same thing at his age. “Just keep your mind___35___occupied by positive thought and keep your body as fit as you possibly can,” said Hayes. “Those are the two great things.”‎ ‎16. A. happiest B. bravest C. oldest D. riskiest ‎17. A. equaling B. creating C. pursuing D. breaking ‎18. A. alone B. tall C. unusual D. satisfied ‎19. A. brothers B. pilots C. Friends D. beggars ‎20. A. refused B. prepared C. claimed D. dared ‎21. A. puzzled B. relieved C. frightened D. excited ‎22. A. plane B. ground C. mountain D. tower ‎23. A. share B. enjoy C. mind D. forget ‎24. A. discuss B. mention C. cancel D. plan ‎25. A. reminded B. required C. allowed D. taught ‎26. A. dream B. career C. freedom D. fantasy ‎27. A. luckily B. finally C. fairly D.‎ ‎ perfectly ‎28. A. bear B. attempt C. hold D. understand ‎29. A. party B. festival C. event D. duty ‎30. A. in defense of B. in fear of C. in place of D. in support of ‎31. A. air B. line C. way D. competition ‎32. A. ignore B. celebrate C. care D. report ‎33. A. information B. warning C. invention D. advice ‎34. A. observe B. improve C. achieve D. appreciate ‎35. A. fully B. partly C. nearly D. officially ‎【答案】16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A ‎【解析】‎ 分析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位101岁百岁老人Verdun Hayes完成了15000英尺的双人伞挑战,成为了世界上年纪最大的跳伞人员,他的家人和朋友鼓励他并和他一起完成了这个挑战,同时Verdun Hayes也鼓励到想在他这个年纪完成跳伞的人要保持积极的想法还要积极的锻炼身体。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 考查形容词辨析。句意:5月13日,Verdun Hayes成为世界上完成15000英尺双人伞最年长的人。A. happiest最幸福的,B. bravest最勇敢的,C. oldest最年长的,D. riskiest风险最大的。文章第一段第一句提到,当你在101岁时完成跳伞,你就是个超人。说明在101岁是一个非常年长的年纪,故选C。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:…打破了他曾经立下的吉尼斯世界纪录。A. equaling持平;相等,B.‎ ‎ creating创造,C. pursuing追求,D. breaking打破。该句提到“…the Guinness World Records he once set up.” Verdun Hayes在不到101岁时曾经设立过一个纪录,如今他以101岁的高龄进行跳伞,说明是打破了自己的纪录,故选D。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 考查形容词辨析。句意:Verdun Hayes并不孤单。A. alone孤独的;独自的,B. tall高的,C. unusual特别的,D. satisfied满意的。第二段第二句提到“He finished the jump with eight family members”他是和他的8名家庭成员等一起完成的跳伞,说明他并不是一个人完成的,故选A。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:他和他的8名家庭成员以及2名在英国邓克斯韦尔机场的好朋友一起完成了跳伞。A. brothers兄弟,B. pilots飞行员,C. Friends朋友,D. beggars乞丐。该句中提到8名家庭成员,A选项重复,故A项错误。Verdun Hayes和飞行员的关系不一定很亲密,故B项错误。Verdun Hayes也不可能和乞丐一起跳伞,故D项错误。close friends意为好友,故选C。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:当他们准备跳的时候,整个家族看上去都非常紧张…A. refused拒绝,B. prepared准备,C. claimed声称,D. dared冒险。在跳伞之前需要做准备,故选B。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查形容词辨析。句意:当他们准备跳的时候,整个家族看上去都非常紧张,但也非常兴奋。A. puzzled疑惑的,B. relieved如释重负的,C. frightened害怕的,D. excited兴奋的。but为转折连词,连接两个意义不同的句子或词,前文中提到Verdun Hayes和他的家族都很紧张,但跳伞还是一件非常刺激的事,因此也会让人感到兴奋。故选D。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:他可能是飞机上最平静的人了。A. plane飞机,B. ground地上,C. mountain山,D. tower塔。众所周知,跳伞是要从飞机上跳下来的,因此可以判断他们说话的时候是在飞机上,故选A。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:他就是想要每个人都能享受跳伞并且健健康康的。A. share分享,B. enjoy享受,C. mind介意,D. forget忘记。该空前一句中提到“He had no fear and just loved ‎ it.”他没有觉的害怕反而很喜欢这种感觉。因此他也希望他身边的家人和朋友也能享受这个活动。故选B。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:帮助计划这次外出的Honnor说,这不是他第一次跳伞!A. discuss讨论,B. mention提及,C. cancel取消,D. plan计划。前文中提到“Ian Honnor, the organizer of the family’s jump,” 可知Honnor是跳伞活动的组织者,说明他计划了这个活动。故选D。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:当他在九十多岁的时候,他的家人一直都不准他去跳伞。A. reminded提醒,B. required请求,C. allowed同意,D. taught教育。该空后句提到“However, he didn’t give up his…”他并没有放弃,说明他的家人在最开始的时候是不允许他去跳伞的,故选C。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:然而,他并没有放弃自己的梦想。A. dream梦想,B. career事业,C. freedom自由,D. fantasy幻想。前文提到Verdun Hayes在九十多岁的时候就想去跳伞了,但家人不允许。However为转折连词,用于连接两种不同的情况。后一句提到在Verdun Hayes在100岁的时候还是完成了跳伞的挑战,说明他没有放弃自己的梦想。故选A。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查副词辨析。句意:在他100岁的时候,他最终实现了自己的雄心壮志,成为了第一个这么大年纪跳伞的人。A. luckily幸运地,B. finally最终,C. fairly公平地,D. perfectly完美地。前文提到Verdun Hayes在九十多岁的时候就想去跳伞了,但家人不允许。但他没有放弃,在100岁的高龄最终还是完成了自己的梦想。故选B。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:…成为了第一个这么大年纪尝试跳伞的人。A. bear承受,B. attempt尝试,C. hold举行,D. understand理解。前文提到Verdun Hayes终于实现了自己的梦想,完成了跳伞的挑战,故选B。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:因为这是一场大事。A. party派对,B. festival节日,C. event事件,D. duty职责。该段前一句提到“This time he decided to shoot for the world record”这一次他决定冲击世界纪录,能冲击世界纪录说明是一场大事,故选C。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查词组辨析。句意:因为这是一件大事,因此决定家族里尽可能多的人都去支持他。A. in defense of保卫,B. in fear of为…担心,C. in place of取代,D. in support of支持。文章第二段提到,Verdun Hayes和他的家人和朋友一起完成了这个挑战,说明他的家人都是支持他去跳伞的,故选D。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:他们家里四代人都在空中,年纪从16岁到101岁。A. air空中,B. line线路,C. way路,D. competition比赛。第三段提到因为Verdun Hayes要冲击世界纪录,他的家人都陪着他一起跳伞,可以判断他们是在空中,故选A。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:这家人举行了一个盛大的派对来庆祝他的成就。A. ignore忽视,B. celebrate庆祝,C. care关心,D. report报告。在他们完成了跳伞之后,举行了一个派对,派对是用于庆祝的活动,故选B。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 考查名词辨析。句意:对于那些在他这个年纪想要进行相同挑战的人还有一些建议。A. information信息,B. warning警告,C. invention发明,D. advice建议。最后一段提到两点,Hayes提到要保持乐观,还要尽可能的锻炼身体。可以看出这是两条对别人的建议,故选D。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 考查动词辨析。句意:对于那些在他这个年纪想要进行相同挑战的人还有一些建议。A. observe观察,B. improve提高,C. achieve完成,D. appreciate感激。achieve有通过努力完成某事之意,要在高龄时完成跳伞这一挑战是需要努力的。故选C。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 考查副词辨析。句意:要保持积极乐观的想法,同时还要尽可能的保持身体健康。A. fully全部地,B. partly部分地,C. nearly几乎,D. officially官方的。能在这个年龄完成跳伞是一件非常难得的事,不仅要保持身体上的健康,还要保持精神上的健康,让思想被积极的事情填满。故选A。‎ ‎【点睛】完形填空中可以根据生活常识进行解答。如第4题及第7题,第4题提到陪伴他跳伞的人,D项beggar意为乞丐,乞丐是没有经济能力进行跳伞的,故首先排除。第7题中选择一个地点,根据常识可知,跳伞是从飞机上跳下来的,因此需要在飞机上做好准备,故选A。‎ 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The Czech Republic really loves celebrations, ___36___(include) anniversaries, national holidays and many other festivals.‎ In the fall they hold their harvest festival in different regions. People basically celebrate the harvest, recognizing that they have enough food to survive through winter. It’s a tradition that dates back___37___ the time when people didn’t have enough food to eat, so many died from ____38____(hungry).‎ I felt very ___39___(luck) to go to a village, where a festival was being held. This village is known for its outdoor museum____40____shows the lives of people from the past and the jobs they did.‎ In the afternoon, there were not only performances of singing and dancing, ____41____also plenty of other activities to do. Bands started to play traditional Czech music on the stage. People in the garden____42____(drink) beer and enjoyed ___43___wonderful music that everyone there relaxed.‎ Through festivals Czech people remind____44____(they) of their history, and at the same time have ___45___good time together with their families and friends.‎ ‎【答案】36. including ‎ ‎37. to 38. hunger ‎ ‎39. lucky 40. which/that ‎ ‎41. but 42. drank ‎ ‎43. such 44. themselves ‎ ‎45. a ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了捷克共和国非常喜欢庆祝,纪念日、国家法定假日、一些其他的节日都会庆祝。秋天时,不同地区的人都庆祝丰收,表示有足够的食物过冬。作者有幸去到一个小村庄,村里的人都非常多的庆祝活动,研究捷克的传统音乐、喝啤酒等。通过节日捷克人不仅能忆起他们的历史,而且也是一个和家人朋友放松的时间。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 考查介词。句意:捷克共和国真的很喜欢庆祝,包括庆祝纪念日,国家法定假日还有其他一些节日。句中列举了几个庆祝的时间,including用在逗号或冒号后,表示包括之意,故填including。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 考查介词。句意:这是一个传统,可以追溯到人们食物不够吃的时候。date back to为固定搭配,意为追溯到。故填to。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:所以很多人都死于饥饿。die from是死于抽象或外在的因素,后接名词,因此用hungry的名词hunger。故填hunger。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 考查形容词。句意:我很幸运能去一个在举行庆祝典礼的村子。very为副词,后用形容词在句中作表语,luck的形容词是lucky,故填lucky。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 考查关系代词。句意:这个村子以户外博物馆著名,其展示了过去人们生活以及他们所作的工作。分析句子可知,此句为定语从句,该从句中缺少主语成分,其先行词为outdoor museum,因此需用指代物的关系代词,故填which/that。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查连词。句意:下午,不仅有唱歌跳舞的节目,还有很多其他可以做的活动。not only…but also意为“不仅…而且”,为固定搭配,故填but。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查动词时态。句意:人们在花园里喝啤酒,享受能让人放松的音乐。句中and连接两个时态或语态相同的动词。and后的动词enjoyed为一般过去时,因此drink也要使用一般过去时,故填drank。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查固定搭配。句意:人们在花园里喝啤酒,享受如此美妙的音乐以致于每个人都很放松。such… that意为“如此…以致于”,music为不可数名词,因此不需加冠词,故填such。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查代词。句意:通过节日,捷克人可以提醒他们自己勿忘历史。分析句子可知,主语和宾语一致,用反身代词在句中作宾语,含有“自己”的意思,故填themselves。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查固定搭配。句意:同时,也能和自己的家人和朋友玩的开心。have a good time意为玩的开心。故填a。‎ 第三部分:写作 (共两节, 满分40分)‎ 第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)‎ ‎46.假如你是李华,负责组织本周的英语沙龙(English Salon), 主题为“英美流行文化”( English and American Popular Cultures),为此想邀请外教Smith参加并希望他能做一个简短的讲座且和学生交流。现请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.时间和地点:‎ ‎2.讲座和交流;‎ ‎3.其他活动。‎ 注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】Dear Mr Smith,‎ I’m writing to invite you to participate in the English Salon.‎ The English Salon for this week, as scheduled, is to be held at 7:00 pm on Friday in the reading room and we do hope that you will be available and can give us a brief lecture related to the theme—“English and American Popular Cultures” and answer students’ questions about your lecture.‎ Following the lecture, we’ll put on some short English dramas we’ve prepared, which, I think, will definitely bring you much surprise and amusement.‎ We’ll greatly appreciate your participation. Looking forward to your reply.‎ Li Hua ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】本篇书面表达属于应用文写作中的邀请信。‎ 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封电子邮件;假设你是Li Hua,你是本周主题为“英美流行文化”英语沙龙的负责人,你要邀请Smith就英美文化做一个简单的讲座并和现场的学生进行沟通。文章可分为三部分:1)开篇讲述写作原因2)主要活动过程3)向对方表达期待。‎ 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:英语沙龙(English Salon),“英美流行文化”( English and American Popular Cultures),participate in(参与…),a brief lecture(简单的讲座),relate to(与…有关),appreciate(感激)等。‎ 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)连词成句,需注意这是一封电子邮件,讲述的是本周将要发生的事情,因此时态用一般讲来时即可。同时,这是一篇提纲式作文,一定要按照题目中出现的要点进行写作,切记不可遗漏要点。‎ 第4步:连句成文,可使用连词对文章进行润色,注意不要全用简单句,适当使用复合句,如we’ll put on some short English dramas we’ve prepared, which, I think, will definitely bring you…等,全篇书写要清晰、规范、不得有涂改、书写错误等。‎ 本文内容完整,语言规范,要点顺序正确,词数适当。时态、句型使用正确,是一篇比较规范的应试作文。‎ ‎【点睛】这是一篇比较规范的应用文写作。首先,文章结构规范。文章严格遵守电子邮件写作格式要求。开篇问候,正文讲述事情的要点,结尾表达作者的期待。其次,文章要点突出。在文章正文部分将提纲中的三个要点进行了主要阐述;1.时间和地点:2.讲座和交流;3.其他活动。由于“其他活动”没有给出具体的要求,因此除了“some short English dramas”之外,还可以有其他的活动,如English singing,English story telling等活动,需要学生自由发挥。最后,文章语法正确。根据文章要求该活动在“本周”进行,是一个即将发生的活动,因此全文应使用一般将来时,除此之外,文章中对一般将来时的表达形式多样,如is to be held用动词不定式表将来,we’ll put on,will+动词原形表将来等。文章还使用了较多高频词汇及词组,如participate in参与(可用take part in替换),as scheduled按照约定时间,available有空的,等。文章中还使用了强调句“we do hope that…”,强调句的使用可以表达作者较为强烈的愿望或恳求等。综上所述,这是一篇比较规范的应试作文。‎ 第二节 读后续写(满分25分)‎ ‎47.阅读下面文章,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事情节。‎ 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Three years ago, I was offered a better job and went to work in a new clinic, a small hospital in Victor Harbor, an hour away from my house. My first day there was rushed, driving to the clinic and getting used to the different rules there.‎ In my worry and anxiety, and feeling a little unfamiliar in the new environment, I removed my three rings according to the rules: my wedding ring, a ring that belonged to my mother and one that was a gift from my husband. I put them in a wrinkled tissue(褶皱的纸巾) and placed them beside my computer.‎ During midday break, I ate my lunch at my desk and when I was finished, I hurriedly cleared away the waste, together with the wrinkle tissue paper into the rubbish bin. I went about my duties and my day went on well. I met new patients and felt that I had done a good job.‎ Driving home at the end of the day, just moments before I reached my house, I noticed that I was missing my rings. I felt the heat in my body rise, my cheeks burning red. I went inside and tried to calm down. I spent an hour or so making telephone calls, trying to locate my rings. The first people I called were my manager and colleagues, and they gave me a few contact numbers for the cleaners. I got in touch with a lady who managed the cleaning services for the clinic, and she told me that the bins had already been emptied and gone to the rubbish station.‎ Heartbroken, I knew nothing could be done now. I had lost my wedding ring and one of my most important rings—my mother’s wedding ring. If I had not been so careless, all this would not have happened. With great sorrow and regret, I just sat there in my chair wondering what I should do.‎ Paragraph 1:‎ After two hours or so, I received a most amazing phone call. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Paragraph 2:‎ I decided to thank the wonderful person face to face. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】Paragraph 1:‎ After two hours or so, I received a most amazing phone call. The call was from another cleaner called Jerry, who was working in the rubbish station nearby. He told me that he accidentally found the three rings in the tissue when he was sorting the rubbish. So immediately, he called the lady managing the cleaning services for the clinic. The lady told him my story and gave him my telephone number. He rung me to relieve my anxiety.‎ Paragraph 2:‎ I decided to thank the wonderful person face to face. I ran to my car in a hurry and drove directly to the dustbin station near my clinic, where the cleaner Jerry was waiting for me. I expressed my greatest thanks to him for his kindness and I did want to give him some money as a gift for his behavior. However, he refused my reward, saying that it was his duty and responsibility to give back the loss to the owners. Deeply moved, I thanked him again. At last, I got my important rings back.‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇读后续写。文章讲述了作者换了新的工作环境,在工作时将自己非常重要的结婚戒指取下来包在纸巾里,但在吃饭后却不小心将包着戒指的纸巾扔掉了。事后作者想了许多方法要找回戒指。文章需要续写的是丢失戒指后发生的事情。‎ ‎【详解】文中划线单词中文意思:house房子,anxiety焦虑,rings戒指,gift礼物,tissue褶皱的纸巾,hurriedly匆匆忙忙地,missing丢失,cleaners清洁工,the rubbish station垃圾桶,important重要的。因全文是以一般过去时进行表述的,因此在续写的内容中也要使用一般过去时进行记叙文的续写。‎ ‎【点睛】记叙文的续写较为简单,即为文章安排一个合理的情节及结尾即可。题目中最后一句提到“With great sorrow and regret, I just sat there in my chair wondering what I should do.”说明作者当时的心情是非常难过的,因为作者下班后的时间都在找戒指,却没有结果。在续写第一段中提到“After two hours or so, I received a most amazing phone call.”amazing惊喜的;惊讶的,这个词就奠定了续写第一段的情感基础,应是对丢戒指这件事柳暗花明的转折,因此在第一段中可以对找戒指的过程进行描述。同时续写第二段提到“I decided to thank the wonderful person face to face.”作者决定去见见这个好人,说明作者的戒指找到了,第二段内容可以记叙一些作者是如何感谢那个人的。在第一段的续写中使用了cleaner清洁工,rubbish station垃圾桶这两个词,说明戒指是一名清洁工在垃圾桶中找到的,符合作者中午不小心把戒指扔到垃圾桶这一事实的逻辑。第二段中使用了gift礼物,important重要的,这个戒指对于作者而言非常重要,符合文章中提到的关于戒指的事。在清洁工捡到戒指后,作者提出要对清洁工送点礼物做出感谢,也十分符合事实逻辑。‎ ‎ ‎

