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‎2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题训练10篇之三 ‎【一】‎ An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea between France and England in the balloon in 1784. High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The hole became bigger and bigger. The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quick and the balloon was coming up. The two men threw all their equipment into the water to make the balloon light. It started to rise higher again. So it was still too close to the water. Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes to save themselves. The crowd waiting for to greet them in England was very surprised see this when the balloon landed in front of them.‎ 答案 ‎76.the→a 77. discover→discovered 78.keeps→keeping 79. quick改为quickly 80.up→down 81.light→lighter 82.So→But 83.his→their 84.去掉for 85.see前加to ‎【二】‎ We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B&B hotel ago. They did not want breakfast because that they were going out early in the morning. They came back lately and had some tea. I came in the living room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light. He was looking for a glass the cupboard. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. I just smiled to me and thought, “What can I do? We are guests after all.”‎ 答案 ‎76. have had  77. ago→before   78. 去掉that   79. lately→late  80. in改为into  81. but→and  ‎ ‎82. 在glass后加in  83. ideas→idea   84. me→myself  85. We→They ‎【三】‎ Dear Grandpa,‎ Thank you for your letter. My school is organizing a basketball team and there’s just a chance which I can join it. I'm little of course, but ‎ terribly quick and bravely. While the others are jumping about in the air, I can run under my legs and get the ball. It will be lots of fun for practicing out in the playground in the afternoon with the tree around us all red and yellow and everybody laughing and shout. These are the happier girls I've ever seen and I' m the happiest in all! I meant to write long letter and tell you all the things I' m doing at school, but the bell was ringing, so I just have to stop here.‎ ‎ Love, Judy 答案 ‎76. which -- that   77. bravely -- brave   78. my -- their   79. 去掉for 80. tree -- trees  81. shout 改为shouting      82. happier -- happiest  83. in – of 84. write ∧ long -- write (a) long      85. was -- is ‎【四】‎ Dear Alice,‎ ‎ I have just got some good mews to tell to you. I win a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing that he suggested I go to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying there for half a month, ‎ visiting place of interest or practicing my English as well. We’ve been writing to each for nearly a year now. I have often dreamed of talk face to face with you. I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that time. Perhaps we could go out do some sightseeing together. ‎ Best, Lily 答案 ‎76.去第二个to 77win→won 78.pleasing→pleased/happy 79.staying→stay 80.place→places 81.or→and 82.each后加other 83.talk→talking 84.at→on 85. out后加 to ‎【五】‎ If I have the honor to be chose to work for the 29th Olympic Games, I will at first improve my English so that I can talk easily about foreign visitors. Second, I will learn more about history of the Olympics as good as the 2008 Olympic Games. Third, since I was familiar with Beijing, I can help visitors find their ways in the city. Finally, I should be able to tell visitors about our history and culture or show them their great achievements. In short, I will do my best to help making the Games a ‎ success. ‎ 答案 ‎76.chose→chosen 77.去掉at 78.about→with/to 79.about后加the 80.good→well 81.was→am 82.ways→way 83. or show改为and show 84.their→our 85.making→make ‎【六】‎ Hi Susan,‎ I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to return to your bike on time yesterday. I mean to give it back to you before four in the afternoon, and I was hold up on my way back. Just before I turned corner of Park Street, I happened to see an accident. The little girl was hurt and her mother needed help. So I helped them going to the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and a half hour and made sure that the girl was all right. When I got back, it were already 6 pm. I hope you understand.‎ Thank you!‎ Li Ling 答案 ‎76. 去掉第二个to; 77. mean改为meant; 78. and改为but; 79. hold改为held; 80. turned the corner; 81.The改为A;82. going改为go; 83. here改为there; 84. hour改为hours; 85.were改为was ‎【七】‎ It was a chance of a lifetime to win the first prize on the Story Writing Show. All I had to do was to write a story or present it. My teachers have been telling me how great my writing was.  So if they had said was true, I would have a chance of winning the prize. What were better, I had useful help. There was Uncle Chen, gentleman living near my house, who was a very much famous writer. He agreed to reading my story and give me some advices on how to write like a real writer. ‎ 答案 ‎ 76.去掉第二个a     77. on改为in 78. or改为and    79. have改为had  80. they前加what   81. were为was  82. Uncle后加a    83.去掉much 84. reading为read  85. advices为advice ‎【八】‎ Christie was one of my best friend at high school. At that time, we often spend time together. Thank to her help, I made great progress in my study. Last year, she decided to study to abroad. In other words, we would be separated long time. Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him. She said it was the best gift she has ever had. From then on, we’ve kept touch with each other through e-mails. I look forward to see her again in the near future.‎ 答案 ‎76.friend→friends 77.spend→spent 78.Thank→Thanks 79. to abroad改为abroad 80. a long 81.去掉off 82.him→her 83.has→had 84. kept in touch 85. see→seeing ‎【九】‎ One of my unforgettable memory of my school in Xinjiang is that of lunches we brought from our homes. I hold my lunch-box in my hand when I was going to school. The smell from it was very good. Since the lunch bell finally rang, my friends and me met under a tall tree and had ‎ our lunches. My best friend Aigulie was used to share her Nang with me. Nang is a specially kind of cake in Xinjiang. I like them very much. Now Aigulie and I study at different colleges or we can only see each other during the summer vacation. I think over her a lot and I miss the food and the good time we had together.‎ 答案 ‎76.把memory改为memories。77.在lunches前面加the。78.把hold改为held。79. 把Since改为When/After。80.me改为I 81. 把was去掉。82. 把specially改为special。83. 把them改为it。84. 把or改为and。85. 把over改为of。‎ ‎【十】‎ Dear George,‎ It's been a week after we left your family and we are now back home. Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us for the wonderful meals. After we said goodbye to you, we went to Washington D.C. ,that we stayed for three days. My brother was so much fond of the museums there that he begged my parents to staying another couple of day. However, my father had to return to work on Monday so we fly back last Saturday afternoon. It was really a nice ‎ experience. If you'd like to make trip to our city some day, I will be better than happy to be your guide. ‎ Yours, Mike 答案 ‎76. after---since 77.them---us 78. for---with 79. That改为Where 80.去掉 much ‎ ‎81.staying---stay 82.day---days 83.fly---flew 84.trip 前 a 85.better---more

